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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good Morning Everyone!


Once again, I had quite a bit to catch up on. Today is my late day for work so I'm in from 11-7, then straight to the 76ers game even though they are totally horrible this season :( The season is coming to a close and I'll keep my fingers crossed for something to happen for next season.


So Joanne, unfortunately I won't be able to catch the game tonight, but will keep up on my phone with it. And don't worry, we'll win again! ;)


Judy - Nice pics of you and your guys. I was amused you said your son looks like a chiropractor because I am a chiro and I would agree with you :)


Tabitha - Your son will be fine, this is much harder for you than him. Just remember.......no news is good news, because they will get a hold of you if there is a problem. So let yourself relax and enjoy the peace and quite for a couple days ;)


Southern Peach - Congrats on your bi-colored squares :cheer:clap:yay:cheer:clap:yay


Sheila - The necklace and bracelet are great!!! He did a wonderful job.....so talented :yes


Linda - Congrats on all your progress with your curtains! :cheer:yay I'm sure your patience will continue to hold our for you to finish up with that mesh fabric :D


Have a great day everyone, and I may not be back until tomorrow.

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Thanks for the vote of encouragement! I showed my friends at work and they LOVE it! it's really unique and now i cant wait to finish this afghan! I only got 20 more cream squares to make then I got to do my bi colored squares! I am hoping to have my very first quilt ghan finished by friday! I am soooo loving this!! And then I am going to start my second one. My boss wants me to make her grand baby a quilt ghan too :)

How exciting! Good for you. :clap :clap

Good Morning, everyone. :)


The painters finished about 6 yesterday and I was going to work in my neglected yard today. With 40 mph winds and high humidity, I think I'll run errands instead. :) DD and I are texting, so I won't wake them up if I call...hopefully I can run by and help her with chores and of course hold Luke, too. ;)


I made and joined more Ducky squares yesterday evening. I'm thinking about putting a fish or two on the towel. :think

Putting fish on the towel sounds really cute!


I went to put up the rods in the office so I could hang the first mesh curtain and the first one was too short. The windows on the sides are wider than the windows on the end. RATS! :( I'm going to need two of the longer rods. Oh, well, the short rods will be fine in the end windows. I just haven't put up the hangers for those rods. And the ones that I put up for the too short rod are the same as for the long rods so I don't have to move those. Yeah! :D Putting in all those screws makes my shoulder, wrists, and hands hurt. (What else is new?) I just have to keep plugging away on them.

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Morning All.


Mary~Howdy. School is good, I just started 2 new classes yesterday. :cheer


Marisa~I know he'll be okay. I would enjoy the quiet except I still have 3 boys home and they are my loud ones, the one gone is the quiet one.


Julie~Enjoy that nice sunshine. It is rainy here, UGHH!!



They finally took away the van, so we are officially carless. The upside is that we had it for 3 years and only paid $1,000 for it and the insurance company is giving us $50 more than what we paid for it. :yay So, between that and some of my school loan coming in May we will be able to get a reliable car. :yes

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Marisa, that's funny you're a chiro, too. It seems that 99% of all of you are into fitness...as is DS...so there does seem to bea certain "look". You're also quite young-looking insofar as people in the medical profession go.

Where did you train? Philip went to Palmer in San Jose CA. He got excellent training there, IMO.


CU gals later - going to sit at the patio table and attach some Jackson squares with Sparkie sitting by my side.:c9

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Good morning everyone...


I just have to do the smocking on the front piece and then sew all the pieces together and the baby sweater smock top is all done.


I hope you all had a great Easter. I had a nice one, only would have been made better if Hub-E was with me, but I fly out to Virginia to snag him home in two weeks!


As soon as I have the sweater done, I'll take pics and post...

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They finally took away the van, so we are officially carless. The upside is that we had it for 3 years and only paid $1,000 for it and the insurance company is giving us $50 more than what we paid for it. :yay So, between that and some of my school loan coming in May we will be able to get a reliable car. :yes

Hey, that sounds like a winner, Judy. Good for you.

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Hello everyone. Home from another day at work. I have tomorrow off.


I've sewn a few of my friendship squares together. I tried laying them all out first, but there is such variety in the squares that I am just going to sew them together randomly. I will just try to match sizes in the strips. As you know, 8 inch squares sometimes come out at 7 1/2 inches and can also turn out 8 1/2 inches.

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Hi Ladies. :)


Tabby, great news about the van situation! I'm glad it turned out okay. :yes


LeAnna ~ Only two more weeks! :clap Is your DH retiring now? I know you must be so excited. :)


Linda ~ My shoulders hurt from just reading your posts. :lol Hanging things over my head has always been hard...I quit wallpapering after we bought this house. ;)


Cindy ~ Good luck with all that joining...we know how you love that part. :D Looking forward to pictures!


Hi Marisa, Judy and Sheila, too. :manyheart


I spent most of the day at DD's. She's still not supposed to lift, vacuum, etc. so I was able to do some cleaning and still had time to hold the baby. :c9 He's a week old today!

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Hi Ladies. :)


Tabby, great news about the van situation! I'm glad it turned out okay. :yes


LeAnna ~ Only two more weeks! :clap Is your DH retiring now? I know you must be so excited. :)


Linda ~ My shoulders hurt from just reading your posts. :lol Hanging things over my head has always been hard...I quit wallpapering after we bought this house. ;)


Cindy ~ Good luck with all that joining...we know how you love that part. :D Looking forward to pictures!


Hi Marisa, Judy and Sheila, too. :manyheart


I spent most of the day at DD's. She's still not supposed to lift, vacuum, etc. so I was able to do some cleaning and still had time to hold the baby. :c9 He's a week old today!



Hub-E is retired from the Army and after he gets back here he will probably try to get another job...but we'll see...


I have finished the smock top sweater and will post pics shortly...have to upload/download from the camera...

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Hello everyone!

Another beautiful warm day here in NJ! Although when i was driving to work this AM, it rained- but it didn't last and the sun came out!


Good news about the car Tabitha!


SouthernPeach- you are really making good progress on your quiltghan!:clap


I started a large granny last night while watching DWTS. I just wanted something to work on that didn't require starting and stopping-:lol So now I've got three WIPS in progress. My granny square afghan in purple and green, the quiltghan and now this large granny- I'm doing it in RHSS Windsor Blue, Buff and Bay Print (has the blue buff and some green in it)


Julie- The person I want off of DWTS is.....................Kate. She has no talent. Buzz doesn't really either, but I give him so much credit for doing this at 80 years old! So I'd like to see him stay a little longer. Who do you want off?


Marissa- have fun at the 76'ers game! And I am hoping that my team wins the baseball game tonight- not yours;)


Cindy- Enjoy your day off tomorrow! And have fun with the joining! Not one of my fav things either. Can't wait to see pics of the friendship ghan when you have it done!


Linda- Good luck with the curtain rods. I can't do over head movements for long either!


Mary- Glad you got to spend some time with Luke-:c9 Happy 1 wk Birthday to him!


Judy- What a beautiful day to sit outside on the patio with :hook and :yarn!


Sheila- Hope you had a good day!


Marisa- How are you holding up with your boy gone? I'm sure he's having lots of fun!


Nicole- Hope you had a nice vacation- and I see from reading these posts that you are a hockey fan. Me too- NJ Devils!


DH and i are going to a Devils game on Saturday night- a Christmas gift from DD and SIL! Can't wait- We are going to go in the afternoon and have an early dinner at one of the Portugese restaurants!


To everyone- hope you have a great night! I'd better go figure out dinner- I have 2 shows to watch tonight- DWTS and of course, the Yankee/Red Sox game!

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Here you go...I tried to get good pictures...I sewed little purple roses in the tucks of the smocking and the buttons are silver stars...plus my label...hope you like.

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Hello everyone. Home from another day at work. I have tomorrow off.


I've sewn a few of my friendship squares together. I tried laying them all out first, but there is such variety in the squares that I am just going to sew them together randomly. I will just try to match sizes in the strips. As you know, 8 inch squares sometimes come out at 7 1/2 inches and can also turn out 8 1/2 inches.

Sometimes that's a good idea....random... I bordered all of mine so they're pretty much the same size. I'm waiting on one more square....has been made, just not mailed...before Istart joining them. Mine has so many colors in it I think I may just reach in the bag and pick a square without looking:lol


Enjoy your day off tomorrow:hug


Hi Marisa, Judy and Sheila, too. :manyheart


I spent most of the day at DD's. She's still not supposed to lift, vacuum, etc. so I was able to do some cleaning and still had time to hold the baby. :c9 He's a week old today!

Hi, Mary! I somehow KNEW you'd find some time to hold your grandson:c9 One week already!:eek It's already going too fast:lol





Here you go...I tried to get good pictures...I sewed little purple roses in the tucks of the smocking and the buttons are silver stars...plus my label...hope you like.

That's outstanding!!! :clap You have so much talent...and patience:hook

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Time to watch my Yankees...and yes, Joanne...:hook and :yarn went together perfectly with today's weather as we sat on the patio.


CU all in the morning:hug:manyheart

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Sometimes that's a good idea....random... I bordered all of mine so they're pretty much the same size. I'm waiting on one more square....has been made, just not mailed...before Istart joining them. Mine has so many colors in it I think I may just reach in the bag and pick a square without looking:lol


Enjoy your day off tomorrow:hug



Hi, Mary! I somehow KNEW you'd find some time to hold your grandson:c9 One week already!:eek It's already going too fast:lol


That's outstanding!!! :clap You have so much talent...and patience:hook


Thanks Judy...I'm so glad you like it.

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So I wound up undoing 4 of the squares and I have to remake the ones that I undid because the stitching was so tight I had to cut the string in order to get it to get loose of the quiltghan... I am done working on it for tonight, but I should be done making it by friday I hope, if not then by next week for sure!

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Evening everyone, couldn't post earlier I had my grandbaby so we went out to the bookstore. What a beautiful day it was today. I can't believe how warm it has been.


LeAnna, there is no other words that I can find to say except beautiful, really beautiful.


I haven't started another square out of the 63 book and I don't know if I feel like crocheting squares this week. I will probably spend time crocheting my half granny squares and working on my knitted blanket. I wish I had decided to crochet my new grandbaby blanket instead of knitting it for knitting take longer. I have a shawl in the works that just have a few more rows to go but I don't feel like working on that either. Lately I have been thinking what small crochet project that I can work on in the warm months ahead?????? :think I haven't came up with an answer yet.

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