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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hello everyone!

Wow- lots to catch up on! Seems like everyone has been busy!


Linda- I love your preemie ghans! Beautiful- and the colors- well, perfect for spring!


Mary- Oh, how exciting- a new grandchild by this time next week!! :c9


Julie- Wow - I give your daughter and SIL lots of credit- I've been tempted to move out of the area- maybe NC where it is warmer, but know that I would miss my DD's so I've been a Jersey girl all my life!!!


My youngest DD and SIL live about 3 miles away which is great!. She is the only one of my DD's that is married and according to my other 2 DD's, she is the one that they assigned the job of getting married and giving me grandchildren! :lol My middle DD was living in Philadelphia for a couple of years, but has moved back to NJ to pursue her master's degree in Art Education. She lives about 40 min away. My oldest DD moved to Boston 5 1/2 years ago- she loves it up there (and I must admit so do I). I take long weekends to go visit her- I'm thinking of taking a trip up there again the beginning of May.


Cheeria- you can come clean out my house- seeing as the spring cleaning bug has struck you! I'm so tired when I get home from work so cleaning is left to the weekends. And this weekend I have to work, so who knows when it will get done.


I was one of a group of employees selected to work on the project of converting our computer system from one system to another. They picked someone from each of the different departments in the company to be on the team that would work on this conversion. We have lots of testing to do for our respective departments workflows to make sure that everything works smoothly. Every weekend at the end of the month we have to work the weekend to get ready for the next group of clients that we are converting over to the new system- lots of testing has to get done over the weekend before we "go live" on Monday. So every month I have a 12 day week!


Diane- Wow- your trip to Hobby Lobby sounds like it was a success with all the :yarn you bought! I have been wanting to try HL for a while now. We don't have any here in NJ- but they did open one in Easton PA which is about an hour trip from me. I am hoping to make a trip one of these Saturdays soon- although the next few are going to be busy between working this weekend, Easter next weekend and the following weekend DH and I are going to the NJ Devils Hockey game (which was a Christmas present from DD and SIL)


Judy- How is your hand? Hope it is ok and here's a :hug cause you have been going through a rough patch lately-glad to see you have still been :crocheting-- your work is beautiful!


Tab- Good luck with your schooling- that sounds perfect- doing it online so you can work around the kids schedule. I returned to school to get my Bachelors' degree and was so happy when I finished- graduated from Rutgers in Oct 2008! What a feeling of accomplishment it will be when you finish!!! And the medical coding/billing field is great to be in. I'm a nurse who now works for an insurance company.


Hi to everyone else- eventually I'll get to know (and remember) everyone's name. I'm going to work on the attic24 jar jacket tonight- if I finish it, I'll post a pick for Photo Friday!


Have a good night everyone!

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Julie- I like the way the castle ghan looks (even on the bedspread) And WTG on getting more of the sampler squares done.


Judy- I couldn't even imagine the tediousness of taking off a border- Good luck with it!!


Can someone tell me how you can quote more than one person in a reply?


night all! If I don't get off this computer, I'll get no :crocheting done!

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Hey Joanne --

So how far a trip is it from NJ to Boston ? I am LOUSY at geography . It's kinda hard when the family all moves away -- we used to have everyone up a lot for cookouts and things, but now it's pretty much just us most of the time ....unless Cam comes up .

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Julie- It takes me about 4 1/2 hours to get from my house to DD's (with one stop along the way- for a cup of coffee and to use the facilities:lol)


I usually leave on a Friday morning around 11 and arrive up in Boston around 3:30- I then go to an independent bookstore and wait for DD to get out of work. I usually head home Monday morning after dropping DD off at the "T" (Boston's subway system). So my trips up involve taking 2 days off of work, but it gives us the whole weekend to hang out which is nice!


Ok, really, I need to get off the computer so I can make that jar jacket!!!:)

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Jules - your stuff is coming out great!!!:cheer


Joanne, except for a small, tender bruise and the pretty khaki color on the top of my hand, it's good.


I had to search for a pic of the baby ghan I made for our neighbor and finally found it here on the CAL - I forgot to post it on my blog after I finished it in Feb:blush


No more hook time for me tonight - tired.


'nite - for real, this time:hug

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Judy- I couldn't even imagine the tediousness of taking off a border- Good luck with it!!


Can someone tell me how you can quote more than one person in a reply?


night all! If I don't get off this computer, I'll get no :crocheting done!

It'll be painstaking, that's for sure...but I won't be able to live with it unless I do it that way.


And the multiple quotes. Thebox with the quote signs underneath the message....just click, it changes color...do as many as you want, then post in the reply box. I then delete what I want from the posts and reply after each one.

Clear as mud, I'm sure.

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Well, I've pretty much finished my tote! :clap

I do still plan to line it, but haven't found a fabric yet that jumped out at me :(

I'm very proud since this is the first thing I made that's not FLAT :eek

However, I do wish I did it in a solid color becuase I think the pattern of the stitch would be more visible.




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I know it's not Friday yet, but I just got the pictures taken of the preemie afghans I made for the March Charity CAL and they turned out really well. Can you tell I'm more than ready for spring to be here?


They are just beautiful!



NEWS! Speaking of babies...DD had her weekly appointment today and the Dr. wants to see her Tuesday to schedule induction. :D Everything is just fine, but she doesn't want DD to carry him too much longer and feels she is a prime candidate for induction. So, we may be grandparents by this time next week. :c9


Oooh, a new baby!!! Hope all goes well for your DD and the new baby.:manyheart

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Julie, nice work.


Marisa, I like your tote, but you are right, I can't really see the stitch design very well. Still the color combination looks really good.


Joanne, I'm a nurse too, but I work in critical care, and have for many years.


I have to work tomorrow, so I won't be back to visit until tomorrow evening. I don't have any pictures to share either, not much accomplished this week.


I haven't really had a day at home this week, Today I went out for an early lunch and shopping with a friend. I didn't buy much, some gardening gloves and a necklace from the "Women at Risk" store. We also went out for dinner.


Good night everyone.

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Thanks Cindy ~~

See you whenever you get the chance to jump back in .



Marisa- I like your bag-- it' s really nice and looks real thick and sturdy. You could use it for a yarn tote --it'd be a good size for that .


What's next on your list ?

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Yipee I just got finish reading most of today's posts. Wow there were a lot of them :lol:lol Now I can post. First I want to admit I have no pictures at all for this Friday, sorry I'm tearing apart my home doing spring cleaning. I will be getting back into my crocheting tomorrow. :hook


Linda - I must say I love your colorful baby afghans.


Diane - Glad you enjoyed your yarn buying venture at Hobby Lobby. I always heard so much about the softness of "I love This Yarn," It is on my to do list to order myself some on line for we don't have a Hobby Lobby.


Julie - I am so glad you are having a wonderful visit with your daughter. I know it is very hard living far from our children and not being able to see them when we want to. I love your castle, it really look like a real castle. Very nice work. :manyheart


Tab- I use to work in the medical field and I love it. There's always a job in the health field and I love helping people. I wish you the best in your studies.


Mary - A grandbaby Yipeeee. I'm also expecting a new grandbaby in June I can't wait to see him, hold him and hug him. I love babies.


Marisa - Nice tote, I love the colors.


Judy - decluttering do start with one drawer, but I wanted it over with, I think I bruised my arm today for I over did it. Now all I have to do is go through the kitchen cabinets and all the junk and clutter in my home will be gone only to come back again. :lol:lol:lol


Well I guess I'm getting the hang of being in a large group I had to write everything down on paper while I went through the posts. It was fun. Have a great night everyone. :hug

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Just a note to those of you who may have photos to post tomorrow . I know we already got to see lots of pretty ones already, but if you havent yet posted photos and have something new for this week, tomorrow's the big day !


Here's what I have as of now -- not a lot done, but I did ok, considering we have company !

First is the next 63's --- 4 more joined together ,so 18 total done now .


Second is the castle -- sorry, our bedspread certainly doesn't make a good background. Will need to use something better next week .

Oh, Julie, I love how the castle is turning out. Great job! The squares are nice, too.


Well, I've pretty much finished my tote! :clap

I do still plan to line it, but haven't found a fabric yet that jumped out at me :(

I'm very proud since this is the first thing I made that's not FLAT :eek

However, I do wish I did it in a solid color becuase I think the pattern of the stitch would be more visible.

Very nice, Marisa!


A 12 day stretch, JoAnne. Ouch! I've been there and done that, but it's no fun.

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Marissa- that tote is really nice- I like the color!


Cindy- Critical care- wow- my youngest DD is also a nurse- she worked in the ER for 3 years and in November she was offered an internship at her hospital in the OR. She really loves the OR, but sometimes misses the ER. I sometimes miss bedside nursing, but my back appreciates my desk job! Sounds like you had a nice day today!


Linda- I agree, 12 day workweeks are not fun. We may be able to work one day a week from home starting next week- that will make the workweek more bearable- especially the 12 day ones!! We'll find out tomorrow.


I finished my jar jacket from attic24 and I'll be making more of these. This jar was too tall for my hooks so I put in some silk flowers I had and will bring it to work to perk up my desk. Posting the pic now and then heading to bed. 5:23 AM comes quicker than I'd like (and yes, to whoever it was that asked me, 5:23 is the time I get up every day- LOL)


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Good morning everyone -

Well, I am excited that our merging of groups went so well ! We now have one big busy group instead of some little quieter groups . This is nice too, since you can all make new friends from other places. That part is always fun too !


Cheeria- you are doing just fine learning how to post in a really busy group. I used to do the same thing, take notes while reading to know who to post what to . I still need to do that at times if there are tons of posts to answer. I can only remember a few at a time .


Linda- thank you for the compliments -- I am working on more saltines today so I can have more to show by next week .


Joanne - I really like your little cupholder- sorry I didnt remember the name of it . It will look really cute on your desk with the flowers .



So,today is Photo Day if anyone else has any photos to share. We sure have gotten to see lots of pretty things in the past few days . You guys sure have the talent !


I should have some extra time this afternoon to spend on crochet or in here -- our girl is going to lunch then possibly shopping with our X-DIL ,so they'll have a fun girl's day out .

Sam took today and Monday off work ,so he'll be around too .


We're having a couple extra people in tomorrow night for pizza and cake -- kinda like a late mini-birthday party for Sam. I bought him a big pointy party hat to wear, but I'll have to see THAT to believe it . He's not much of a one for cutting up and looking odd . Me , I wouldnt mind in the least,but he's pretty straight-laced . :lol


Anyhow, we have the BAD 4-Letter Word out in our yard this morning . Yep : SNOW


Our girl was so excited to see it, she hasnt seen snow in 3 years . I'd like to go out in the yard with a hair dryer and melt it out of our yard now that she got to see it . Maybe Sam will do that for me .


You all have a great day and I'll check in later on -- :)

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I finished my jar jacket from attic24 and I'll be making more of these. This jar was too tall for my hooks so I put in some silk flowers I had and will bring it to work to perk up my desk. Posting the pic now and then heading to bed. 5:23 AM comes quicker than I'd like (and yes, to whoever it was that asked me, 5:23 is the time I get up every day- LOL)

I love that!! Very cheerful for work:yes

I used to be up at that hour...Sparkie, on his own, now, is a typical male: will sleep as long as you let him:D

Well, I've pretty much finished my tote! :clap

I do still plan to line it, but haven't found a fabric yet that jumped out at me :(

I'm very proud since this is the first thing I made that's not FLAT :eek

However, I do wish I did it in a solid color becuase I think the pattern of the stitch would be more visible.

That's great!!:cheer

And I've done that...made something where the solid would have shown up the pattern much better.

The squares I'm making to add to my blanket are interesting because I like to use variegated with the simple sc stiches to see how the color pattern evolves.

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Jules, we have rain today...supposed to get really cold tonight, but we're close to the water, so will likely still have rain, if anything. I think.



Cindy, I hope work went well (by the time you read this tonight or tomorrow)


Have a good day everyone.

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) DH was up at 5 because of an early appointment in Dallas, so Zoe, Gracie and I have been up since 5, too. :lol


Thank you for sharing in my excitement about the grandbaby. DD and her DH can't wait til Tuesday to see what the Dr. says and then we'll all know the little guy's birthday!


Hi Judy ~ So sorry about frogging the border, but I know you'll be happy with the final outcome. :yes


Julie ~ Your squares are so pretty! I really like the border color - is it Honeydew? :think And the Castle ghan is looking great! :cheer


Joanne ~ Love the jar jacket.:crocheting The colors are fun and those could be used for so many things! Thanks for sharing a picture. :)


Marpan ~ Your tote is wonderful! :clap


Cheeria ~ Yay for a June grandbaby. :c9 And I make notes about posts, too. :lol

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Good morning ladies (are we all ladies?, I don't want to leave anyone out ;) )


It's a dreary day here today and may get snow as well, while yesterday it was mid 60's. No wonder everyone's getting sick :(


Keep yourselves warm!!!

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:sun........... Good Morning all...................

popping in real quick to say HI :hi

I'm off to treat myself to a manicure this morning then I need to get groceries to make 2 huge pans of Lasagna for a dinner our Traveling Baseball team is hosting before this years Sr. High Musical tomorrow night.

Then to the hardware store to see if I can find the items I need to make a tool.... so that I can show & share my project with you all that I said I was making! :hook

Oh man... dont let me forget to get the ingredients for brownies and cookies... I have to make those too for the dinner..... :whew


you kids have a great day and I'll be back this afternoon to share pics for today!








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