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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Mary, I don't plan on making a saltine anything...but I'm not going to say I never will. I'm using RHSS in aran for my 63 squares afghan...and I've been working on it for over a year. As soon as I get a lot of squares made, I put a project away....I'll do anything to avoid sewing stuff together. However, I have 14 squares sewn together, and another strip of 7 squares ready to attach.

Aran sounds perfect for your afghan! I have way too many WIPs. :yes

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I'm from the 63 sampler group, and confused. :think


Most important thing right now is to thank Judy for the photo of your mixed squares blanket. Yes ! That's pretty much the idea. :)


I'm still not sure how I'm going to do this, but have gotten closer. I made a sorta blocking board today and am experimenting.



Remember the new book, 63 club people ? I started with a three color pattern and realized that it seemed like way to much work for a 7 1/2 inch square. Thus the longer, 2 sq. length you see in a couple of these. Doing it half the height gives a shape I can fit in. So far I rather like it. In this picture I just randomly grabbed whatever was on top of the piles and have pinned them to see what's what.


Next I think I should probably see if I can come up with a good small square , one that would take 4 to equal 1 sampler square. That would give more freedom in design, but since they are not really necessary... I'm still not sure if that would look right.


This is going to be really good, or really bad. :lol But nothing is set in stone yet, so only time will tell what I end up actually stitching together.

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Pam, it looks like you are putting a lot of work into that afghan. I don;t seem to ahve that much imagination. I think it will look really great when finished.


Mary, I am overwhelmed with WIPs at the moment too. I really want to start something new, but I know I need to resist. Its not just crochet either, there are several cross stitch projects, two quilts, some knitting, some good old fashioned embroidered pillowcases and some sewing projects.

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Welcome to the group, Pam and Cindy. :welcome Hi, there, Tabby. :hi It's nice see you back in here again. Pam, your sampler looks wonderful to me. Cindy, good for you to be putting them together as you go. That really helps me a lot.


Rosie's daughter and grandkids made it in safe and sound this afternoon.

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Hey Everyone!!!


I'm joining from the "Paper or Plastic" thread. I am working close to finishing a tote bag and have a small lap blanket in the works as well. I've attempted a sock pattern recently, but was unsuccessful but will attempt again after my tote is complete.


Glad to join you all :D

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Hi Happy House!

I'm coming over from Julie's Paper or Plastic CAL- I finished my project- the tote from attic24 blog, nicknamed the Lucy tote!


It will be fun to meet some new friends and keep in touch with those I've met on the Paper/Plastic CAL


Judy- I am so sorry about Susie- Hugs coming your way!!! I hope that you at least got to enjoy your son's birthday lunch! How's Sparkie coping?


Julie- Hope you are enjoying your company this week- and I think your idea to merge all your CAL's will make it easier for you and more fun for everyone- Hey- we get to make new friends- lots of new faces here for me!


I had seen the Jackson ghan (from your Pirate CAL) and actually started a few of those squares..and then I started making just plain granny squares for another ghan- have about 30 done- I have a few flannelghan's to make . I'm with Gardner- I won't be doing saltines- I'm not even sure I'm going to like putting 8" squares together:lol.


Glad to be joining the :) house!

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Hi, Marpan, Imanurse, & Babypoosmom! :hi Welcome to the Happy House CAL! :welcome


A saltine is a two round granny square. Originally we were making quiltghans out of saltines and some of us still are. They are either solid or bi-color saltines in assorted colors which when put together form a picture or pattern similar to those found on quilts. I think I'm the only one crazy enough to use four-color saltines on a regular basis in a quiltghan. The Happy Yellow House link in the first post will show you lots of the neat patterns that we have used/made. Some of us have gone on to create our own patterns, too. We chat about anything and everything in here and show off pictures of everything we make. We're glad to have you join us. I look forward to getting to know all of you better in the days and weeks to come. :hug


I just finished my 5th preemie afghan for the March Charity CAL and will now go back to my thread piece, my flannelghan wedding gift, mom's BD quilt (which is planned, but not started) and my dragon quiltghan. :hook Nothing like having lots of project going at once. :lol :lol :lol

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I hope you are all doing fine and dandy this morning --- I'd like to thank everyone who transferred over here from the other groups. This will be good in 2 ways --

1- I'll have all my groups people in one spot, so it'll be much easier to just jump in here to check in ,rather than having to jump from place to place .


2- It'll make this group a little bigger and bring some new people in . I'm sure it'll work just fine. Everyone in here pretty much works on whatever they want to, so we can all work on our own projects ,and still share with the others about what you are doing .


If the others from the old groups join up in here, then you'll still have the same people working with you that you had in your original group .


Everyone here is very nice and helpful, so if you get stuck with anything, just ask, I'm sure someone will jump in to help .


Pam- that's a cool idea you have for your afghan ! It's gonna make an interesting look -- kinda like a quilt-type afghan. It looks cute !


I managed to get 2 more squares done on my 63 .


We spent lots of time yesterday just yakking and catching up with our girl.


Will have a few hours today to get things caught up on -she is going for lunch with friends she hasnt seen in a long time ,so she will have a fun day .


Hope you all like the new place-- I think it'll all come together just fine . Everyone in here is working on their own items, but they just come in and talk about progress on them ,still have photo fridays ,etc,so nothing different here ,other than a new place to check in .


Thanks again everyone, for your understanding . :manyheart


Just post away -- this can be a chatty group,and really good friends ,so make yourself at home .... they will be glad to have you here .:)


Will check in later tonite when I get another chance .

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Morning, everyone.


Julie, glad you are having such a good visit with your girl. And since I had joined several of your CALs, (not to mention several others besides), moving here to the "Happy House" is a good thing!


I have the day off and will have to entertain myself with laundry and such. I have a meeting at work this afternoon.


I haven't been doing much on my crochet projects lately. I am working on a knit square and a knit scarf. I really want to start a new project and I'm trying not to do that until I have finished at least two of my many WIPS. I don't even know what I want to start, I just want to get out new yarn and do something different.

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Morning Cindy

Our girl is still asleep, I think the time difference has caught up with her ,and she rarely gets to sleep in at home, so I'll just be quiet and let her sleep this morning .


I understand what you mean about wanting to start something new, with new yarn . I get like that too, start thinking about the next 5 things I wanna do when I have so many sitting here that I already started .


I'm glad you have the day off ,so you can relax and enjoy some time to do whatever you want .


I'm with you on the knitting ,too . I REALLY need to get back to mine. It has been greatly neglected lately . I really want to get the 63 wrapped up so I can concentrate on other things .


Have a good day today -- will check in as able .

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Morning, everyone.


I haven't been doing much on my crochet projects lately. I am working on a knit square and a knit scarf. I really want to start a new project and I'm trying not to do that until I have finished at least two of my many WIPS. I don't even know what I want to start, I just want to get out new yarn and do something different.

Boy can I relate to that. I, too, have way too many WIPs, but new yarn and new project are always out there tempting me. At the moment I have several deadlines on projects so they will have to take priority. At least for now. Namely a wedding flannelghan due by the 17th of April (earlier if you include mailing time) and a Mother's day/Birthday quilt for my mom due by May 20th at the latest. It's planned, the material is bought, but that's it. No cutting or sewing even started. Color me a bit stressed. :eek


Good morning, everyone. It's sunshiny and warm today. Finally! Now if it will just stay this way. I have a feeling that when it finally stays warm all the pollens are going to hit at once and spring hayfever will by a doozy this year. :sneeze:lol :lol :lol:sneeze


Off to get my hook in gear. Talk more later. :hook

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Okay, here is the Tree of Life ghan...ta da:










The last pic is of a shawl I started on Monday and finished last night. Love how it turned out...made with Homespun.


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Judy...I'm so sorry...hugs to you and i hope you are feeling better....how is your hand?


Pam....that's going to be stunning,love the way you are doing it.


Julie....glad you are having a great visit with your DD.


Dusti....your DDs are lovely...how old are they?


Hi Tabby....great to see you over here again.


Tammy...how far do you have to drive to take your kids to games?You wear we out just reading your posts.


Mary....Hows DD doing,baby close yet?


Nicole...How is your Mom doing?


LeAnna....that turned out stunning...i need to get back to mine but the color i used bugs me :(


Welcome to all the new ladies :welcome


I got my new Filet going and have 4 rows done,im doing it in a pretty copper color....my Grandbabies are spending the week with me so i will try to pop in but i may be slow(nothing new there) The weather is great today(70) so im going to try to spend some time outside with them.

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LeAnna, those are wonderful! Great job! :yay:clap:yay


Judy...I'm so sorry...hugs to you and i hope you are feeling better....how is your hand?


Pam....that's going to be stunning,love the way you are doing it.


Julie....glad you are having a great visit with your DD.


Dusti....your DDs are lovely...how old are they?


Hi Tabby....great to see you over here again.


Tammy...how far do you have to drive to take your kids to games?You wear we out just reading your posts.


Mary....Hows DD doing,baby close yet?


Nicole...How is your Mom doing?


LeAnna....that turned out stunning...i need to get back to mine but the color i used bugs me :(


Welcome to all the new ladies :welcome


I got my new Filet going and have 4 rows done,im doing it in a pretty copper color....my Grandbabies are spending the week with me so i will try to pop in but i may be slow(nothing new there) The weather is great today(70) so im going to try to spend some time outside with them.


LeAnna, that is a gorgeous afghan. Nice shawl too.


Thanks everyone. I did the edging different from what the pattern called for. I got inspired by my willow tree outside and made what I'm calling willow leaves fringe and only on the two ends. Also because I absolutely did not like the border and edging reserve crochet stitch pattern used in the pattern, I just did a sc, trbc repeat in place of the reserve sc and I really like how it turned out.


Glad you all like.


The shawl started out being a simple shawl pattern from a prayer shawl book, but it was just too simple, so I did kind of a cross stitch pattern every 4 rows and then at one point, just to break things up I kind of warped the cross stitch with kind of a cross/weave thing...kind of a "in 3rd st treble crochet, then to a back treble crochet in 1st st skipped, then skip next st, the first treble made (in 3rd st) and in next st, treble crochet, THEN (and this is the tricky part) go behind the previous treble, do a treble in the 2nd st skipped at the beginning and then crochet a treble in front of the very first treble made (makes kind of a cross/weave kinda thing...)


Anyway, I thought I was being clever...I want to do something with normal yarn with that little stitch pattern and see how it looks...

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