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My babysitter...

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Up until a few months ago, the only people who would watch my girls were their grandmothers...but we're more than 2 hours away from all our family now, and we really needed a night out, and we'd gotten pretty chummy with one of our neighbors who had offered to sit for us if we wanted out for a while...so we asked her to hang with the girls while we escaped...it went wonderfully and she's now done this for us a few times and I've always insisted on paying her $20 when she stays with them...I figure 2 kids for 2 hours, that breaks down to $5 per kid per hour and I know she's not working right now due to medical reasons...and she always says it's too much....well, last night I asked her to sit for us tonight and she said yes and since she knew DH and I are going to AC Moore she said 'Instead of paying me, could you pick me up a few skeins of this yarn??' and gave me the label off the yarn she's working with!! LOL!!! I get to pay my sitter in yarn!!! I love it!!! Has anyone else managed to work out a barter system like this???:D



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I have a barter system worked out with my 17 year old daughter. I buy her yarn, and she sleeps all day, complains about her sisters and makes dirty dishes for me!

It's a great system:clap ! It's really working well for HER! But, I can't resist feeding her yarn addiction!



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I think it is a great barter system. She got what she wanted without going to the store and you got to go out on the town with DH. How great is that?


My closest was hemming 6 pairs of pants for my neighbor's kid and in return I got my bathroom sink fixed. I thought it was great at the time.


A babysitter who crochets. How great is that? And it probably keeps her hands busy after she gets the kids to bed, so your refrigerator won't be raided. :)


You are very lucky.



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I have a barter system worked out in my house with the children 16yr old boy 11 year old girl and 9 yr old boy they do all the chores, dishes, trash, scoop kitty litter, take out dog clean the house some cooking and I do their laundry all so I can crochet all I want. Works out well for me I have not touched a dish, or vaccummed a rug or washed a floor in three years.



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I was wondering if you could negotiate a deal like that with my kids?!

I have 3 teenage daughters, they get up for school (2 of them) or work (oldest), come home to eat and nap, go to work, come home and sleep somemore!!!

I did manage to get them to do their own laundry a few years ago. Someone was complaining that she didn't have any clean jeans (of course they were laying all over her floor, along with everything else she owns), and I got tired of listening to 3 able bodied young adults whining, so we had a class in Laundry 101. Now, they all do their own laundry (including hubby), so if you are out of clean jeans, complain to yourself!:devil

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My sons G/F works at starbucks and I have been crocheting all of them black skull caps and in return I get free coffee and tea even the new employees get in on it they love then and all i use for it is some peaches and cream cotton yarn $2.00 for yarn verses about $10.00 for the pound of coffee. I think I am getting to good deal and my favorite coffee too.

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I Have A Room That Is Just Yarn, Stackable Drawers, Large Tubs, Plus What I Have In My Closet, And In The Bedrrom And Under The Bed. I Finally Put My Own Foot Down And Said No More, Til I Use At Least 1/2 Of It. As Slow As I Crochet That Will Take Me 5 Years!!!

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Well, actually, last night I offered her if she needed some yarn and wants to raid my stash, she can...I know there's stuff in there I'll probably never use (though I will be starting with the stashbusting CAL tomorrow) and I know she's in a tight position with funds for crafting...plus she's a really nice gal only a few years younger than me and I'm trying to convince her she can come over and hang out with me & the munchkin during the day instead of staying by herself and climbing the walls...especially considering we've got two doors between us (for our upstairs neighbors) LOL!! But, I haven't told her where the stash is hidden, so I know any stash raiding will happen when I'm home LOL!!!


She only asked for 3 skeins, but if the yarn would total less than $15 I think I'll pick her up an extra one or two, just cause I usually give her $20 for sitting for us...and I know this yarn is being made into a baby blanket for a friend's second baby who is due to be external within the next couple of weeks....



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That is a GREAT deal!


You're lucky... the only "babysitter" WE have is my SIL... who doesn't crochet and TOTALLY doesn't understand my obsession with yarn and all things fiber related. Instead, SHE brings ME stuff! :lol


I think it's totally cool that you not only have a neighbor that's willing to babysit, but that she'll do it for YARN! (And the fact that she understands this sickness we call crochet can help too!) :hook

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Just got home..I got some really nice, soft yummy yarn!! I just can't wait to start working with it!!!!:c9 Gonna have some really good dreams tonight of what to make with all this great yarn!!! And, yes, my sitter was thrilled with the yarn we brought home from her and even asked what else I got...she might come over on Monday just to hang so I can show her everything (it's getting a little late and she has to study more tonight for an exam)...so far she says she only knows how to do granny squares, but I think if she does come to hang out I might be able to show her more stuff....she did say that she was going to take me up on the offer of her coming to hang during the day, so that's just a total bonus!! I'm off to add this yarn to my stash...and tomorrow I officially start with the stashbusting CAL, so I (probably) won't be buying any more for a bit...but I've already got projects in mind for most of what I bought tonight...just one yarn (5 skeins) that I have to think about yet....YIPPEEE!!!:yay



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man i work as a nanny/babysitter and i totally wouldnt mind being paid partially in yarn. of course this is my job so not all of it could be yarn as i need things like food and a roof over my head. i unfortunately dont work for anyone who knits/crochets/understands

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I Have A Room That Is Just Yarn, Stackable Drawers, Large Tubs, Plus What I Have In My Closet, And In The Bedrrom And Under The Bed. I Finally Put My Own Foot Down And Said No More, Til I Use At Least 1/2 Of It. As Slow As I Crochet That Will Take Me 5 Years!!!

If you haven't already, join the Stashbusting CAL.

Ellie 13

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Wow, that's awesome!


I know when I was a kid, my babysitter would help herself to a "tip" from my mom's jewlery drawer...which is why I only had a sitter for 4 times as a kid. Here's a hint: if you steal someone's earrings while babysitting,don't wear them to their house the next time you babysit for them.


I guess my sitter could have used yarn to keep her sticky fingers busy!

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My sons G/F works at starbucks and I have been crocheting all of them black skull caps and in return I get free coffee and tea even the new employees get in on it they love then and all i use for it is some peaches and cream cotton yarn $2.00 for yarn verses about $10.00 for the pound of coffee. I think I am getting to good deal and my favorite coffee too.



now THAT is my kinda deal. hhmmm......i think im going to start hanging out at Starbucks and see what worker wants to be friends with me:devil .

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