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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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gifted 2 skeins and 2 partials this week already. +6 so far. Hopefully I'll actually CROCHET some this week and get some points that are PRODUCTIVE! LOL!!

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Well, I took care of a ball of yarn tonight. So, that's +1 for me. It's been slow going because I had to take out the project a few times because I didn't like the way it was turning out.

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Okay. Now THIS is the way to stashbust. I gave TONS of yarn away today. 5 small boxes full to a crocheting friend and a bag or "junk" yarn to someone on freecycle. That gives me a total of...are you ready????..... plus 227 for the day!!! Yay!! :clap:cheer:yay:clap I have two more small totes of yarn to get rid of and then my stash will be a manageable enough size that I can buy the yarn I need to knit the coat I want in time for winter. I am giving myself a week to get this done. Off to update my siggy now.

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I bought 14 skeins today... I couldn't help it! Joanns had homespun baby on clearance for 50 cents a skein! Lion suede was only 97 cents! Whats a girl to do???

So that's -28... I had 6 so my total as of right now is -22... Thats sooo in the wrong direction!! LOL!!

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So my order from Caron finally came today, 3-7 days my butt! More like 3 weeks :think

Anyway, I unloaded them, counted 'em, oohed & aahed them :lol

There are a total of 145 skeins. I would've liked a larger assortment of colors, but beggars can't be choosers huh? I also counted the box of thread I finally got the other day, 21 full spools & 62 partials. Some of this will need to find a new home though, it's too small for me! And I also bought a 2lb cone of green thread that came yesterday. Whew... now where to stash?? Nowhere, it all sits in boxes in the dining room right now.

A total of -396 points for this week! :blush

I DID take pix too, but the puter & cam aren't getting along right now, keeps givin' me a USB error.... so whenever it lets me pull the pix, I can share them.


How's everyone else doing?? :devil

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I took 8 skeins of yarn down to the shop today. My poor stash is now almost gone... except for small bits that will get put into a stash ripple as soon as I have time.

+16 so far for the week.


Nght, I think we can say with almost certainty that you have the shoot the moon this week!

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I think this is the week for all of the busters to get out there and help the economy :yes great job ladies and gentlemen (and to those to enable us :devil )

I too was able to purchase some yarn at HL (only place I could find the periwinkle and soft gray needed for the Hooking for a cure squares)

Okay and then I just had to get some "I Love this yarn" so I am at -8 so far this week

Hoping to bust through some skeins through the rest of this week!

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I haven't been playing for a couple weeks.....lazy, I guess :blush. But, my parents came to visit yesterday and my mom brought a huge box of yarn she found at a flea market....it has 22 skeins in it...some of them may be used, but I'm still going to count them as full. Also, a friend from work went to an auction this past weekend and they had bags of yarn up for bid, she said she thought of me and went ahead and got them knowing that I would buy them off her!! 6 bags, she said they have about 6-7 skeins in each one!!! I don't have them yet, so I'm not counting them yet. So I'm -44 for the week so far. I will try to be better about remembering to post :blush.

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I busted 2 balls Sunday and Monday so +2 I'm close to finisihing off a skein and going to send out more in my swap this week. So if I can keep out of the stores I'll have a good week.

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...must ...be... strong... I am putting YARN into a YARD SALE... I absolutely can't look back into that box... +19 ...After the yard sale what ever is left is going to purple heart... I seriously have too much crap (yarn not included as crap...lol) I may add more before the week is out... I think I'm serious about this decluttering thing...

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I mailed off 7 skeins to my swap partner but found 4 skeins for .80 on clearance at wal-mart and just couldn't leave them there :) so a total of +6. I'm hoping to finish off another ball yet today.

Off to change my siggy

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I used up a skein and 2 balls (+4) so far this week. I'm almost done making my 9 X 7's for the afghan, 10 1/2 more to go. I may have to get more yarn to put it all together. I' try and post again before Sat.

Ellie 13

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Made squares yesterday and busted two skeins (+4) while doing it

.....I feel like Dori in Finding Nemo :goldfish:mdust :goldfish :mdustjust keep swimming, swimming, swimming


Changing my siggy to -4

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we sure have been a busy group this week with the yarn buying! i am waiting on a box from herschnerrs.....i think it will have 6 more in it.......not counting until i get it!


but i did use a skein for a bag i am working on, it is the one that was free from annie's attic earlier this week.....it seems to be going pretty fast...then i get to felt it. never did that before!

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I've used a full *thing* of thread plus a wee bit of another +2 on making a doily... rather lovely too if I do say so myself! :lol

I'd really like to show it off, but the cam & puter are still feuding... this can't be good! :(

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I just gifted a skein of yarn........so +2 for me....wont make much difference!


we are at work and i am teachine 2 co workers how to crochet...it is a challenge and is making me think about the things i just do.....

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Busted through 3 skeins last night (got to love the 3.5 skeins) :devil

So I have redeeming the negatives from my purchases this week and right now at a +2 for the week ........ DH is working very late today so I bet I bust through more!!! :yay

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