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Can I run something by y'all? I need feedback.

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Okay, here's the thing:


I wanted to make a lapghan for my daughter, to use in her wheelchair. I know I've talked about her before, but let me explain again, for anybody who missed it before and to refresh memories.


Syrina is going to be 12 on Thursday. She's autistic and epileptic. In some ways she's like a 3 month old baby. She has almost no "normal" communication skills - the only word she says is "mom." (She's figured out her "own" way of communicating with us, though - mostly through body language.) She can't feed herself, can't use the bathroom, can't wash herself - like I said, in some ways she's very much still a baby. She CAN walk, but she gets tired VERY easily and then will refuse to move. So I was able to procure a wheelchair for her through the NHS (National Health Service). It's made a HUGE difference! We can finally bring Syrina with us places. Like today - she wasn't feeling well yesterday (had a seizure at school, didn't want to eat, did nothing but slept) and was up all night, so I kept her off school today. BUT... it was ALSO Hubby's first day at training college, so I couldn't very well leave her home on her own. So I had to take her with me to get her sisters to school, but it wasn't such a big deal with the wheelchair. (As a matter of fact, her sisters wanted her to come INSIDE the school so that they could show her off!!:lol )


The problem is her legs. The wind here can be downright vicious at times in the winter (funnily enough, the wind doesn't blow hardly at all in the summer). This is why I wanted to make her a lapghan - but I was also going to attach ties to it so that I can tie it around the back of the wheelchair, to keep it from falling off.


I was thinking that for the winter, maybe I should use 2 strands of yarn (maybe in contrasting colors?) and a larger hook, to make it thick and warm and (hopefully) block out the wind. Then I could always make a thinner, lighter one for the spring.


What do YOU think? Am I on the right track? Or have I completely lost my mind?:think


All comments/suggestions/ideas are welcome!:hook

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Two strands of yarn is a great idea. I would use a wool type or worst weight yarn. Plus it will be so warm! I am thinking if this would be just for the front of her legs. If not maybe you an do a front part and two side parts so that they are connected to each side (Like a t )and then when you placed the lapghan on her legs. Take the sides and wrap them behind her. Perhaps to might want to put a button or two on one side so you could fasten when you bring the sides to the back. that away you cover the front and the back.

That would be a great thing to do. I hope you understood what I said. That I explained that good.


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I think you have a great idea and she should love it!!!


I think that ties are a great idea because you don't want it falling off or getting trapped in the wheels, but you want to place them so that she can still move a bit and arrange the blanket - don't want her to feel tied in.


If you have very cold winters, 2 strands and a large hook will be nice can warm and help trap the air so that it's not toooo heavy.


And make sure it's washable.


I think Syrina will enjoy it and I'm glad you got the chair and can get around with her more easily.


Do something with cheerful colors that she'll enjoy. :)

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Hmm, instead of ties, why not try one of those "foot pocket" afghan patterns, and just make the pocket a little bigger?


I'd worry about ties getting tangled in things, or her legs.


Or maybe do a pocket on that ties together behind her legs, so it's easier for you to cover her up?


As for blocking the wind, definitely use a pattern without too many holes, but it should have some, b/c acrylic yarn can get sweaty without some breathing holes.


Perhaps a nice ripple pattern, two strands held together?

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I was going to suggest the foot pocket afghan as well. Not that I've made them - but I would think it would work for someone in a wheel chair.

I would work a solid pattern as well - nothing with holes. Does she have a favorite cartoon or animal. She might enjoy that on the afghan.

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Two strands of yarn is a great idea. I would use a wool type or worst weight yarn. Plus it will be so warm! I am thinking if this would be just for the front of her legs. If not maybe you an do a front part and two side parts so that they are connected to each side (Like a t )and then when you placed the lapghan on her legs. Take the sides and wrap them behind her. Perhaps to might want to put a button or two on one side so you could fasten when you bring the sides to the back. that away you cover the front and the back.

That would be a great thing to do. I hope you understood what I said. That I explained that good.


Yup, I understood that perfectly. I hadn't thought of doing anything like that... I shall keep it in mind!:hook

I think you have a great idea and she should love it!!!


I think that ties are a great idea because you don't want it falling off or getting trapped in the wheels, but you want to place them so that she can still move a bit and arrange the blanket - don't want her to feel tied in.


If you have very cold winters, 2 strands and a large hook will be nice can warm and help trap the air so that it's not toooo heavy.


And make sure it's washable.


I think Syrina will enjoy it and I'm glad you got the chair and can get around with her more easily.


Do something with cheerful colors that she'll enjoy. :)

That's the thing with Syrina... she absolutely LOVES anything that's knitted and/or crocheted. She keeps her baby sister's baby blanket (that Mom made:hook ) on HER bed, because she loves it so much. She'll just plop herself down on her bed, pull it into her lap, and stare at it for what seems like HOURS!:lol And she does like contrasting colors and patterns. She won't let me wash and dry (I have to dry clothes on radiators in the winter) a certain pair of pajama pants she has... because they're her favorite. Every time I try to dry them, she pulls them off the radiator and walks off with them!:lol They're light pink with black polka-dots. Big difference in the contrast, and that's why she likes them so much.

I think it's a great idea :) If the crochet alone isn't enough to block the wind.. and should be, but if it's not why not line it with some fleece for those really cold days?

I would... but I have absolutely NO freaking idea where to GET it out here. We don't have places like Joann's or Wal-Mart, where you can just go in and pick what you want. *sigh*

Hmm, instead of ties, why not try one of those "foot pocket" afghan patterns, and just make the pocket a little bigger?


I'd worry about ties getting tangled in things, or her legs.


Or maybe do a pocket on that ties together behind her legs, so it's easier for you to cover her up?


As for blocking the wind, definitely use a pattern without too many holes, but it should have some, b/c acrylic yarn can get sweaty without some breathing holes.


Perhaps a nice ripple pattern, two strands held together?

Actually, I was contemplating a ripple pattern! As for the foot pocket thing... that would be difficult. As I said, she's almost 12, and she's getting BIG (and she's always been very strong). Getting her into the wheelchair alone is a workout (she loves it once she's in it, but GETTING her in it isn't the easiest thing in the world). Trying to put her legs into something like that... I just don't know if I COULD. The way I was thinking of making it, the ties wouldn't get tangled in anything - it would tie around her waist, around the back of the wheelchair (and I'd make certain they weren't long enough to get tangled in the wheels - her wheelchair has very small wheels, so that her hands [should they hang down] don't get caught in the spokes). She's already buckled in the wheelchair (basically a seat belt to keep her from trying to get up while it's moving), so it wouldn't be a problem getting it on her.



I'm thinking maybe a light pink/purple ripple with 2 strands (very girly!), and attaching the ties (or maybe straps?) to the 2 top corners of the lapghan.



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I was going to suggest the foot pocket afghan as well. Not that I've made them - but I would think it would work for someone in a wheel chair.

I would work a solid pattern as well - nothing with holes. Does she have a favorite cartoon or animal. She might enjoy that on the afghan.

Favorite cartoon or animal?..... not so much. She doesn't really pay much attention to the TV, and when she DOES, she just watches what everybody else watches. There are times when I'll put kids shows on for her when she's the only kid home, but I have no way of knowing if she's got a favorite or not.


But as I said in my post above, she does like contrasting colors and patterns... so if I pick one light color and one dark/bright color, she'll love it. Even something as simple as black and white will catch her fancy.:D

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Annie's has a new booklet just for wheelchairs. It includes matching bags, too. Even if you don't want to buy it, look at the "More Photos" to see all the designs and get some ideas.




If you are okay with shoping online, Hancock Fabrics sells their fabric online. You could get either fleece or flannel.




Sign up to their subscription and you get online savings now and then.





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I think a contrasting 'ghan with 2 strands would be great. My thought is instead of ties, how about velcro tabs that could velcro around the back suport uprights (if her chair is designed that way). It would be very secure and nothing to get caught. I have a poncho and a wrap that I've done for myself with only one strand (and 'closed' stitch patterns) and while indoors they are warm and cozy,the wind does go right through them (although, this is usually the case as I'm changing planes...) I think two strands in a 'closed' pattern would make it a lot more wind proof. Even if it doesn't keep her a whole lot warmer, she'll love it and it might make getting her into the chair easier, since that's where it'll be.... unless it's tough because she just becomes 'dead weight' and doesn't help you help her in.

I wish you much luck and many happy stitches.

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.... unless it's tough because she just becomes 'dead weight' and doesn't help you help her in.

THAT is exactly the problem! That and the fact that she gets confused as to what I'm trying to do with her. Once I get her butt on the seat she's fine - the lightbulb "clicks."

Annie's has a new booklet just for wheelchairs. It includes matching bags, too.

Unfortunately Annie's doesn't do international shipping.:( :( But I DID like some of the ones they showed on the pics - I might have to steal one or two of those ideas for her "springtime" lapghan.:hook

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Have you ever thought about crocheting a pair of leg warmers? Make them large enough so they can slip over her jeans or pants, and in contrasting colors that she likes? That way if a blanket slips off or gets blown, she'll still have something warm on.



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I made Amber a large poncho when she broke her arm and her coats didn't fit. I used 2 strands of homespun and an N hook and she was snuggled in and warm at the bus-stop in 20* weather.


I was going to suggest velcro instead of ties but someone beat me to it :)


i don't know if you would want to do this much work but have you considered doing a really LONG narrow blanket that she can sit on and bring the bottom of it up over her legs? That'd probably be too much work but it would keep her warm on both sides.


Good luck and I'm really glad to hear how much the wheelchair is helping out.

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Does your daughter like different textures? If so, try putting some popcorn stitches or fun fur where she puts her hands. I think the ties are an excellent idea, my son loses his lapghan when I'm pushing him around at his long term rehab facility. (he's 22 and had a TBI last year). The colors sound very nice and should get her attention.


As for getting her in and out of the wheelchair, do you have a lift? If not you should apply for one before your back goes.



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Something like this afghan that Darski posted a link to is beautiful and looks verrrry snuggly. I've also heard that using simply soft with two strands held together is warm and "squishy.":lol I think the pink and purple will be great! Simply soft has great brites, watermelon and grape would look wonderful together! If you can't get it in the UK, let me know and I'd be happy to get it for you and ship it on over!:yes Good luck, you've got a great idea with the straps. Be sure to keep us posted and let us know how it works out.:hug

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I take care of a quadreplegic, and he has a motorized wheelchair. I made him one with chenille thick and quick and used a knitting board. Its pretty warm. If she squirms alot you might want to add a strap to go around her legs too. So the blanket stays in place. There was an elderly lady in a nursing home I took care of. Her daughter made her one with material to go completely over the foot pedals like a pocket and tied at the waist. Mainly because her Mom's feet kept falling off the pedals and this kept them up.

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Could I add my 2 cents? :) Everyones ideas are very good and I like all of it. Someone said to make a very long rectangle to wrap from back to front to cover her legs on both sides. I was thinking you could do two peices. One peice you could make with ties to tie to the top part of the seat and tie the bottom to the foot rest. That will cover the back of her legs. Then make the top part to cover her lap with ties at the top and bottom too. That way she'll be covered but not feel wrapped up with room to move around. And easy to take off when you need to. And maybe you could make a small pillow with the colors she'll like and with textures she can feel to hold while she's in the chair. You could also use it when she's sleepy for her head or neck. You have alot of ideas. :) Let us know what you decide to do. If my mom has to have a wheelchair one day (she's 85 but still walking) I hope I remember everyones advice here.:)

Pat Ada

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Nucki - I'm doing some 'ghans for the kids of friends that are, as they say, "multiply disabled". Anyway, what kind of chair does your sweetie pie use, if you don't mind my asking? I'm always on the lookout for honest reviews of chairs. Most of my friends from my one online group - their kids use a wheelchair at least part of the time. Plain dumb luck my kiddo doesn't. Anyway...


I know what you mean about her getting to big to get her feeties into the foot pocket. I like the idea of sort of doing the inside out pocket with "flaps" on the side that will wrap around her legs.


I know that the one time I had to use a wheelchair (badly, badly broken leg as a child), getting the blanket tucked up under my buns was the only way to keep it from falling off.


But I had an old-fashioned type of chair with big wheels.


Oh, and I'm making the 'ghans for my friend's kiddos with bright contrasting colors. Are you able to get Caron Simply soft brites there? If not, let me know, and we'll figure out how to get you some. These are the most awesome colors and are soooo soft and easy to crochet, too.

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  • 4 years later...

I saw one wheelchair lapghan that had a strip with several snaps to attach to the wheelchair. I thought that was a really good design. I can't seem to find the pattern now. But if I find it, I will come back to post here. Actually you could just add it on to any lapghan pattern -- there are several ripple lapghan patterns online. Just add a short strip that can wrap around the metal tubing of the wheel chair arm or handles and add your snaps. A tight ripple or basketweave will provide a LOT of warmth and block the wind. I used just a regular WW yarn to make a basketweave afghan for my son who does a lot of hunting. He said it keeps him very toasty up in his deer stand.

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