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Twinkie Chan's Creations! Yummy

Karen C.

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A few of us here have already made their own versions of Twinkies scarves, but I have to say hers is still the best that I have seen...fresh and original! Only we aspire to even have a smidgen of her cretivity :lol

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Actually, she is not planning on publishing a book. Her commissioned work keeps her busy and she says that it's better for her to have it like that in the long run.


Well darn. Maybe one day she will pass along her old patterns in a book, at least. :P


The cat reminds me of the fox that's in Crochet! mag (forgot which month's,will have to check when I get home)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey what would you guys think about starting a Twinkie-chan CAL? We obviously don't want to rip her off, but what if we all made our own food related scarves? Or mittens, hats, etc. I've been having the urge to dig through my stash and find "food-y" yarns. :)

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