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Bedspread Bonanza


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Oh dear! Were we ALL on other projects? :eek I'll try to post a picture of SOMETHING in here later, just so you have something of mine to look at. I've been working on my quiltghan all week, too. I thought I was going to work half the week on it and half the week on my BS, but it didn't work out that way.:no

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:blush no new pictures of my bedspread either. Boy did I peter out fast :D Been busy with work and then got bitten by the felting bug and am working on a bag for myself. I should be able to finish said bag this weekend and will jump back on the bedspread-bandwagon! :) There still might be a chance to get some done on it tonight....



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Not much to look at except a bunch of squares spread out on the "dog" quilt - and I need to work on the other colors in my stash, too, so I'll have a pattern of sorts to work with...but here they are



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Thanks, y'all...they do seem to be working...they're all earth tones (which is usually where I always end up when coosing yarn). Maybe a pattern will come to me...

I was wondering if the black is too much...:think ? Maybe it "anchors" it? I haven't made any more in black yet...in case I change my mind about it. BTW, my furniture is dark wood...as is the panelling behind the bed which serves as a headboard.

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i promised to post a picture but sorry for being late i had some work to do

here is my snow flakes i`ll end the 8th and join them then i`ll sleep :)


i cant wait to finish it :clap its gonna be fantastic to take a nap while covering under it :c9

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I like your snowflakes, Athba. Very pretty.:yay:cheer:yay

I promised to post something, so here are pictures of the two beaded centerpieces that I've done. They are the same pattern, but one is a solid color and the turquoise is varigated. You can't see the pattern in the third picture very well, but you can see where all the beads are. The pattern is one of my grandmother's and is almost as old as I am. Uh, Oh. :rofl Enjoy.



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Thanks Tracey! I never get tired of working those squares.


And I am so attached to that pattern, Wendy, that I'm making my friend's lapghan using the same square! I really love the lacy look...


Linda T....wonderful work! I haven't made a doily in...like forever...and they never came out even close to being as good as yours!


Athba...gorgeous work! I love the red centers...


Are we having fun here or what?!:ghug

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Hi Ladies


Well i think i finely got settled enough to sit down and dig out all my crochet stuff...got my chair in place and my computer where its spose to be beside my chair and my hooks shinned...now maybe i can get busy joining some of those squares i made while my DH was driving and i was sitting there poping them out :P

I did really good on the trip...wasn't as bad as i thought it would be and as long as i was crocheting it kept my mind off the road.



Youre centerpieces are lovely...i really love the colored one.



Love the colors you are using for you're snowflakes...keep at it.



Love you're colors to..i love earth tones.



Great to see you stop in...miss you :hug


Next Friday i will have photos to put up :cheer


Missed you ladies and its great to be settled again :ghug

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Thanks, Shaylen...and welcome back! Sit in your comfy chair and put up your feet...wow...you've been busy! So many squares to join - but the amount of progress you'll be able to see once they're together is going to make you feel terrific:cheer

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Morning everyone. I've got the weekend off, so I'm going to relax, watch movies, crochet, join squares, etc. I got all the cleaning and straightening done earlier in the week so I don't have a great deal on my to do list other than a couple loads of laundry. Wow!:lol

Shaylen - It's great to have you back. We've missed you. It's wonderful that you're all set up to crochet in your new home. Congratulations! I'm very glad the trip went so well for you.:manyheart

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Sorry gals didn't get a picture taken yesterday. Just wasn't my week with all this cold weather, but I did get 4 more squares finished. Will post next week.


Seems like all of us are getting along well with our spreads.

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Hi Everyone

I just found the Bedspread Bonanza, Is it too late to join???:think

and another question, I would love to do the Rose Bower, or the Floral Overlay Bedspread, are they really hard:think

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