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Bedspread Bonanza


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Judi, I'm so sorry to hear about your MILs passing. I'm sure it does FILs heart good to have a loving support system at this time.


Renee, I know how hard this must be for you right now. I lost both my parents within 3 weeks of each other 3 years ago. I wish you a safe trip and many warm memories collected.


C'mon girls think they could use a big ol' C'ville :ghug

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Morning Ladies :ccompute



My prayers are with you and your family...its a hard thing to go through..



I am so very sorry and i hope you make some great memories while there.



Thanks...i need them.



Its so hard knowing that i might not be here is she needs me..we are moving to southern NC...cant wait to get there.



Im not sure why but Grandbabies are so much more easy...its like i have endless forgive for them..i don't seem to get as agervated with them as i did my own kids and i don't mind doing the things they want...does that make since??Lets just say im at her beck and call...wrapped around that little finger and dont mind in the least :c9



I know what you mean about the tired thing...so hard to even get up in the morning...cant wait to see your PS...stared my last night and its neat seeing it come together.


Morning Tracey and Misa..


Well im off to pack some more then im going to spend the afternoon crocheting..


ETA...ITS SNOWING!!! :2snow:snow:wbrr

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Cara, you're right about the support system for my FIL...Greek tradition had us having a feast after the interment and he was sitting next to his adult grandchildren and basking in their attention, looking very relaxed. He and I have become extremely close, too, with nearly daily phone calls and my bi-weekly visits over the past 2 1/2 years...


[taking a deep breath]

Now my focus turns a little more toward my own life with DH...and after doing so much for Mom:rose ...more time for me...


Thank you, Shaylen...

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My heart and prayers go out to all of you that are dealing with hurt, loss or anxiety. It is my hope that this community can be here to hold hands and offer a tissue.


Be blessed all.

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Darski, this IS a wonderful group to belong to:hug ...women need other women in times of sadness. We understand each other:manyheart

...and I haven't done anything on my BS today. Still getting caught up on household things. Later today I'm looking forward to putting my feet up, crochet hook in hand:hook

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It's good to see you back. I have been thinking of you and your family as you deal with this. You sound very strong and to be handling it as well as can be expected . I'm glad we can be a little help to you. It's sometimes nice to come in here and sit a spell and "visit" .It keeps your mind off other things a little bit . ( or at least gives you a few minutes "away" .)


Rene- I'm glad you will get to go see your dad . Enjoy your time with him. Do you know how long you will get to stay ?




Linda - the baby powder story reminds me of Cam's dad when he was about 2 or 3 . He was being awful quiet one day and I went to check on him. He had one of the big bottles of baby powder and was SQUEEZING it . His little brother was in his crib, looking around like it was SNOWING in the house-- everything in the room was WHITE .


I guess those little ones and the funny things they do kinda balance out life a little for us. Sometimes life gets really hard to deal with and you have a hard time functioning, but those babies and small kids somehow keep you going . I have laughed more at Cam and the things he has said -- it is just such a joy to have them in your life . He can make me laugh, even when I am in a really down mood .


Tabby- get some rest, girlfriend . You sound worn out. :manyheart

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You're exactly right, Julie - coming here to visit during the past few days, just for a diversion, was really good for me. An escape from the pressure:yes

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Jewel, unfortunately, he's in Miami, and not in any shape to travel. Plus, he won't do it anyway. He's refusing all treatment (and truthfully, I can't say that I blame him on that count, since so often the treatments make you sicker than the disease). One of my sisters has been in Miami this week, and she's told me she sees him declining daily. I just bought a ticket to go to Miami on the 29th for a week.

I understand completely and I will be praying that everything will go smoothly and that he will be comfortable and at peace through this last part of his life. I will also be praying that you and your family will have peace through this trying time.


Judi, I will also be praying for you too. I remember putting my life on hold to help take care of my Dad and it feels strange actually putting yourself first again. Matter of fact I still feel strange putting myself first, but then now I have a DH and a DS.


Forines, I was doing great and I got sidetracked when I realized that I wanted to finish a couple of afghans before my Mom got here in March. That way she could bring them back with her. I just need to set aside different days of the week to work on different projects. The funny thing is that when I think I can work on them, my DH will be like, lets go do something or lets have friends over, so then it gets put on the back burner again.


I promise I will try to get pics up next Friday. I will not be a slacker this week. I will manage my time better. I will not be a slacker this week. I will manage my time better. I will not be a slacker this week. I will manage my time better. :hook Sorry I figured if I wrote it a couple of times I will actually stick to it.:lol

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It's okay Jewel. :hug We all get sidetracked on occasion. Like this afternoon. One of my friends came by for some help in making a crocheted hat. We found a pattern she liked. It's a stash buster granny hat. Then I coached her in how to read a pattern and how to do some stitches. (She is just relearning how to crochet.) By the time I got her going on her hat, typed up and printed the instructions, and got her on her way, I was hooked on the pattern myself. :eek Now I'm making a hat, too. It's not hard and won't take too long, but it wasn't on my list of things to do today, and certainly wasn't on my list of projects. Oh, well. :hook

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Don't worry, Jewel. You're not a slacker. We all have weeks where we get sidetracked and don't get as much accomplished. This week, maybe you'll have a little more time .

I aim to have a nice photo to put up on Friday too . I'm working hard and have set a goal for myself - I'll see if I can get that far, but if not, the photo will go up one way or the other .:)

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Hi Everyone,


Im going on my trip tomorrow morning to Melbourne which is about a 10 hour drive from Adelaide. Im going with my aunt to watch the Australian Open Tennis, mens semi final and womens grand final. I will be back on Sunday night.

Take Care everyone

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finally my present went to its owner :yay

i didn`t sleep for 2 days working on it :eek

it didnt reach the size i wanted but it was timed up and should be gone to my fiance

the afghan in the end was 46×34'' :c9

and he loved it :clap


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I just wanted everyone here to know that I am still here!!! Even though I


haven't been crocheting since my daughter blabbed (I love her so much)


to my doctor that "mommy still crochets":eek ! She meant well but boy


did I get a stern lecture about letting my bones heal properly because if I


don't, it will cause MAJOR difficulty in the bone reconstruction and I


probably won't be able to crochet EVER AGAIN!!! (his words).


Oh Pooh! I am depressed because I so want to crochet but I don't want


to ruin my use of my crocheting hand...



Woe is me...:(

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finally my present went to its owner :yay

i didn`t sleep for 2 days working on it :eek

it didnt reach the size i wanted but it was timed up and should be gone to my fiance

the afghan in the end was 46×34'' :c9

and he loved it :clap




You did a terrific job on the afghan.

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Morning Ladies!(Well it's morning here in Australia anyway lol) I would like to join this crochet along if I may. I know I have a few on the go at the moment and probably can't start till this weekend. But after looking at everyones bedspreads I have printed off a heap of patterns and have wanted to make a bedspread since the middle of last year. I have the choices narrowed down and since I have a few presents to finish this week I still have time to decide.

Choices are

Grandmothers flower garden

Spiral Medallion Bedspread (forgotton the name sorry but this descrbes it)

Popcorn Beadspread (the one Forines is doing) By the way Forines yours is just stunning.

Absolutely Gorgeous

Victorian Fans - These last two are from the Best Loved Afghans from Crochet with Heart book I won off Ebay.

Decisions! decisions! lol


Everyones work is just lovely so far and I can't wait to see more. Athba your finished quilt is just lovely. Off to do some more deciding.

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Great job, you did it in time ! Good for you . Let us know what you decide to work on next .


Mel- sorry your daughter snitched on you ~~ I hope you hurry up and heal then you will be able to get back in the groove here with us .


Pauline- Welcome, of course, you can join ! Let us know what pattern you decide on and colors .

We have Fridays labeled Photo Fridays ,where we all share the progress made that week, just so you know !

This is a real nice group of ladies here, so you should enjoy yourself ~ :)

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