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Bedspread Bonanza


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Thank you Darski...love you to :hug i just hope this move will make me at least a little better then i am now because i use to be so active...i think when i went from 150 pounds down to 111 so fast it scared my DH...thats what started all the moving stuff...don't you worry thow...i will do this,if not for me then him...he is so great to me and has stuck by me thew so much.



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Shaylen - I understand how you feel. It's a terrible feeling. I used to live in Minnesota and I hated winters. I felt very depressed and it got worse the longer it went on. I moved to Georgia several years ago, and it is true that it is better in the south. The winters aren't so long and there is a lot more sun. It really does help a lot. Hang in there. You are in my prayers, too.:hug

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Julie, wow they really stocked up didnt they. Even if you didnt buy any yarn did you see anything that took your fancy. Love the poems by the way.


Shay, Im sorry your having to deal with this. Your so brave in making the move and I hope it works out for you.:hug

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I went to Walmart tonight & they're sold out of the bernat baby softee white so i'll have to wait to start back up on my bedspread until they get more in. :( But I did buy some yarn to start the Casablanca. :devil But now i'm not sure if I want to use those colors or a whole nother color scheme. :think Hmmmmmmm.........decisions, decisions. :eek



I hope you all have a good night. I'm off to bed. :yawn:night:sleep:tired:out

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Shay-I am so sorry that you are going through this. Winter has definitely been different for me too this year. I am used to Houston where I can wear flipflops year round and there is a lot more sunshine. I feel bad for my son because I can't let him outside as much because the weather has been so fickle. I hope the move does you some good. The south is definitely warmer and sunnier, but it is also usually more humid.

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Gosh Shay, sorry you are dealing with this...with the onslaught of the "change" in my life, I have become borderling "homeaphopic" - the only thing that keeps me going outside is the sunshine believe it or not. If it's miserable (like it was yesterday) I have horrible panic attacks about going to work.


I hope things get better for you!


Ok - on to the bedspread news ... I actually COMPLETED four squares on Wednesday night, but was not happy with my JOINING method! :lol


I PROMISE!!! I PROMISE!!! I will get thru this today after work and post pics, it will be LATE but it will be today for:



:cheer :cheer




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good afternoon

i`m working on the big granny

i`ll work hard to post a picture

have lots of work to do

i had good night sleeping well ate my lunch

and now i`ll go to crochet:)

happy crocheting


julie you are going to post something today ok!! go towork and don`t work for other thing

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Morning Ladys,

Sorry I was basically MIA yesterday. I really haven't been able to work on my BS this week, and I am going away this weekend again. Hopefully I will get some work done on Sunday ad I will try to post pictures on Monday. We finally got winter here in the northeast, and we woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground. Of course, there is ice under the snow so driving in to work was real fun.


Shay~ My Mom has had that for years. I realize that it is very difficult for you at this time. You will be in my prayers.

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Hmmmmm........well considering the store had none of the yarn left I don't think i'll have anything to post. :( Walmart........:angry :angry :angry I was looking forward to picking my BS back up too since my PS is coming to an end. Maybe next week.:D



Oh, Oh, Oh.......did I mention our Walmart here did have some of the Mainstays one pounders for $3 something. I didn't buy any but I will go back for some soon. :devil The color selection wasn't great. I think they had yellow, black, br. blue & some variegated in pink & one in greens. I did like those. :yes:) I just hope it doesn't sell out by time I get back there. :no:(


Off to get ready for pre-school. Talk to ya'll later. Have a good one. :manyheart

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Tab -

I went to a different walmart today and they had Mainstays in pounders ! I was so excited I could've cried . WOW- what a bargain. 16 oz for 3.97 , and they had pretty colors !

Loved the yellow-- no clue what I'd make with it, but when I whittle down the National Debt a little bit, I'd like to go back and get some of that yellow .

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Wendy, that bedspread is turning out gorgeous, and looks like your furbaby thinks so too.


Now ladies I need your opinion. Here is what I have done on the bedspread thus far, minus the ninth square. I even took pic of the side so you can see what I mean. I want to make it that it will go almost down to floor, this antique bed sets up high. Hubby seems to think just finish the squares to go over top like it is now, which will mean another 11 squares. Or I could do what he wants and do an open work going down to floor. What do you think?


click to enlarge both

th_DSCN1228.jpg th_DSCN1226.jpg

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Wendy~ Very beautiful, and I love your kitty. All those small squares ouch..


Wanda~ ohhh the popcorn is very beautiful too, I think that a lacey side to go to the floor would be great. It will add a different favor to the sides and have the main work on the top.

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Morning all. Oh, Wendy, pretty, pretty, pretty.:cheer Wanda, I really like what you've done so far. :cheer I'm with you. Going all the way to the floor would be absolutely fabulous. It would be a lot more work. Maybe DH is thinking of sparing you that much more work. I'll get my pics up in a while. I'm not really awake yet. Need a big mug of tea.

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LOL ... I just gotta say, homophobia is a 'fear' or dislike of gay people. LOL I think you guys are refering to agoraphobia ... something I've suffered from (literally) for years. I was fine after a few years of therapy, but I've been slinking back into it ever-so slowly more recently, definately a side effect of Seasonal Affective Disorder.


I'm not going to post a pic of my Prairie Star today ... after I posted last weeks photo I managed to work on only a couple more diamonds so there's really not much of a change. (I did manage to get a few more rows done on my Trish doily, and I started a small purse for some unknown reason.)


Can't wait to see the photos start pouring in! Terrific work on all the ones posted already!



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Wendy, your Casablanca and your cat are looking good. it is nice to see a different colour as I found it hard to imagine it taht way. Looks good so far.


Wanda Kay, i would go with a different fall for the sides too. Just a fall of shells ending in pineapples or something would be very nice and really showcase the squares. it is looking very good. i love it so far.

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This is BAD - to be in such a slump . I think it is lack of something NEW -- our Walmart is pathetic at this point as far as yarn selection goes .

What kind of project can you get excited about when you have the following color choices :

3 skeins of that hideous light yellow that looks like they dropped a vat of gag-green in with it . The color is not YELLOW-- not that really pretty light yellow, this color that makes you think of stomach flu .

1 skein baby pink

2 skeins black

1 skein lime green




I actually hauled the head honcho of Walmart back there today to make him PLEASE order more yarn .



Now, how would YOU answer this one ?





Our Walmart in Gastonia is like that right now. Hardly any colors to be excited about. But allas I can't buy any yarn right now anyhow. We have some bills to get caught up on first. (Those always get in the way)

As for the slump....... I am sorry you are having such a hard time nailing the perfect project. I do hope the perfect one pops out at you soon. Maybe you could design something yourself??? Do you want floral? Plain?

Hmmm, I need tocontinue on reading. I am way behind atm.

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