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Bedspread Bonanza


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hello out there gang -

Sorry I've been absent most of the day. Cam's mom needed a few hours away, so I kept him today for her so she could get a little time to herself. I remember those days when your kids are small and sick and you have no backup help . You sometimes need a few hours to yourself just to gather your thoughts .

Anyhow, he is doing much better today. We played matchbox cars most of the day . Those are his newest favorite -- he changes from time to time . Anyhow, with him here I didn't take time to get on here .


My BS is coming along nicely . I'm trying to get the first "pattern " of it made before the first photo. I now have all the colors used once, but need a few more rows to complete the first pattern . I should be able to post a photo by tomorrow sometime -- tomorrow everyone is back to regular life and I should have plenty of hours to work on it .


It sounds like you all are doing well --keep up the good work, and heaven forbid, don't go in the thread with the new CAL unless you want tortured mercilessly. My gosh, that afghan is an absolute dream, isn't it ?


Athba- I am getting a charge out of your comments regarding the ripple afghan. Let me get this straight- you planned on making a DIFFERENT afghan for your FIANCE, but he chose a ripple instead. You have already started it, but now you find it will not be big enough to cover him ? Is that what you mean ?

There is a HUGE one online that starts with a chain of 300-something and takes 80 oz of yarn ( I think)

THAT sucker would cover my CAR . Why don't you make it ?

You could give it to him for your 5th wedding anniversary . :D

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hi julie i miss

ow 300chains i know it but no way i`ll be exosted

and let me tell you the trueth i dont have that much of yarn hehehe

what you understood was right but when i showed him the 2 pictures of the ripple afghan and the other one (without knowing the real purpose) he said that the ripples make it nicer and more luxury :\ <<< men what can you say

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The Herb Garden afghan Athba was considering is in the Leisure Arts book Quick and Cozy Afghans, pages 10-11. It is a mile-a-minute and requires only three colors: green, dark green and beige (or colors of your choice, of course). :hook

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Athba - that is gorgeous! I love the colors.:applause

Julie - Glad to hear from you and find out that Cam is doing better. I was getting kind of worried for you and yours when we didn't hear from you.:rose

I am down to the last row on the green & purple 'ghan. I've been watching movies and crocheting most of the day. My last lazy day before getting back into the regular routine. John has a whole bunch of cleaning, sorting and straightening projects lined up for me to do while he is at work, so crochet time will be kind of limited for a while.:knit

New Year's resolutions: 1) lose another 30 - 40 pounds. (Picture me skinny) 2) start a regular exercise program so that I'm doing something at least 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. 3) get back on the restrictive low fat, low carbohydrate, low protein, low salt diet. :thumbdown (Goes along with #1 & #2)

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Hi Linda

Thank you for the kind words and thoughts. Yes, Cam is feeling better today.


I wish you success with your new year's resolution . You can do it --- :yes


I am getting excited to see this huge afghan you are almost done with. It sounds like a WHOPPER ! How long did you say you have been working on it ?

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Julie~I'm so glad to hear Cam is a bit better today. :cheer You are an awesome Grandma & we need more of you in this world. :manyheart

I can't wait to see what you have been up to. :think You having me thinking & that is not good, I might blow a fuse. :eek:lol I can't wait until tomorrow when things return to normal & my sanity will restore. :yes Isn't that new CAL a killer? I so want to join but I can't order things online so i'll have to look around or maybe see if my Mom has it. Hmmm.........:think Well, it's been hectic here today but I did manage to get a little crocheting in. I've finished & joined my 3rd motif. I have one more whopper motif before being able to get the whole feel with the filler motif. I can't wait. :yay



Athba~Your square is pretty. Great job! :cheer:clap


Well, nighty-night. I'm off for the night, i'll talk to you all tomorrow. :D

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'Night, everyone,

An early night for me tonight...we cleaned the house today, putting away the Christmas decorations while we were at it, and I began "de-cluttering". :clap

Thank goodness my hubby isn't a pack rat like me! I shudder to think what our home would look like by now if he was (we've lived here for over 30 years). My goal - among many for 2007 - is to go through my home very methodically and pretend we're moving to a much smaller place:eek ...there are so many things/clothes that I haven't used for years and it's time to donate them to someone who can use them - or just throw stuff out!

It feels great and today was a wonderful day to begin.


AND, the Wheel Lattice pattern is terrific. The computer picture of the design didn't do it justice.:c9

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Judianne, good for you!!!! I was just thinking about how bad our house would be if hubby was as bad a pack rat as me today too. :eek I'm doing the same thing with our house pretending we're moving and cleaning out as much as I can while changing furniture around and painting a few rooms, so it will take awhile but am soooo tired of my clutter:D

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Glad to hear Cam is doing better. Believe me when I know what you mean by a parent needing a break from a sick child. My Hubby is from Greece, his family is there. I am from Texas, and My family is there. So we have only each other in the state we live in, except for two uncles on his side that are here. Not exactly someone you can leave a small child with. I got very ill when my son was 4 months old, and was rushed to the hospital. Our blind landlord, bless her heart, helped hubby ( who was totally clueless) take care of our son. After I was better, my husband brought George(son) to me and his diaper was on backwards. He said that the landlord had changed him. I just laughed, even blind that woman could change the child quicker and better than most sighted people I knew. I would have loved having someone to help with the kids back then, or just to give me a break.


Athba~ 336 chain is a big afghan so you think you are going to make it.

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So Judi and Heather, time to call Fly Lady. she saved my sanity too.


I am now firmly committed to my Square Elegance with the additions that I have been planning to put in gussets and maybe a filigree border. My "knitting friend" downstairs has now been prepared for me to spend the rest of this year making this Bedspread.


Well, it has begun officially... the new year and this bedspread CAL.

May God bless us everyone.

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Good-night everyone. The green and purple afghan is finished. At last!!!!!:clap

Sounds like getting rid of clutter is the name of the game for a lot of us in 2007. John & Kim & I are in the same boat with the same plan. Glad the sick ones are starting to mend.

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Tabby thank you so much


Tracy there is no way i`ll reach 300 stiches and make more!!! noooo



linda i can`t wait to see the pictures




you can do the ripple afghan



and here some help in your trip




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Tracey, I'm married to a Greek, too! American-born, though, he's still "Greek" - and I KNOW you know what I mean if that diaper story is anything to go by!:eek

I'm also thinking it's your hubby who first wanted to explore AC?:lol

My guy has finally become more domesticated over our 39 years of marriage;) and I wouldn't trade him in for anything or anyone:D . His Mom loves me, too:)


Happy hooking...

...I can't wait to get my hook out and go back to my beautiful BS pattern!


Darski, I think you posted that lightweight square? I'm printing out that one too - it's so pretty!:c9

Have a great day, everyone!

...and I think I'll go back to getting mail from FlyLady for more encouragement to keep my New Year's resolution...

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