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Feeling Overwhelmed AGAIN...

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I've been back from my stateside trip over a week and a half, Thanksgiving's done, and the holidays are gearing up and I haven't picked up a crochet hook for 2 weeks...I want to, but honestly barely have the energy to make dinner...and of course, I'm jet lagged (it takes me a while to get over jet lag when I go from the states back to Germany...) and of course, the more I stress about all of the this, the worse it gets...


I know through experience that this too shall pass and I'll get most of what I want to get done, well done...but I'm overwhelmed, impatient, frustrated, tired, and fearful that I'll never crochet (or sew, or clean house, or whatever) again...


I hate this...


Believe me when I say that I am taking care of myself...I'm trying to cut myself some slack...meanwhile, I want to pull the covers over my head and not emerge until the first sign of spring...but then I'll hate myself, because I'll miss Christmas...I know I'm not being rational right now...


I can't dive under the covers indefinately...Serenghetti and DH won't have it...


So, really, I'm just whining and venting a smidge and could use a cup of hugs or too if you can spare it...thanks...

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I hear you loud and clear - my home is a wreck as I have brought out most of the xmas decorations and mind you I have decided to downsize my decorating. You can't move around here and I also have lots of packages that have been delivered.


Somehow, we always get thru it so just take a deep breath, have a glass (or two) of wine and take one day at a time :hug :hug :hug

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Thanks Janet...I haven't pulled all the decoration boxes down from the attic (not gonna start decorating for a couple of weeks yet...) but you know, a glass of eggnog and the Nutcracker in the dvd player might help my mood...yeah, all we can do is take it a day at a time...take care yourself and hugs to you...

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Cut yourself lots of slack! Maybe a quick crochet fix would perk you up. Any projects that are fast and easy that you've put off? Do one now for that sense of satisfaction.

I always get a little freaked out when I'm between projects. I never know what to start next! While I'm working on something, projects parade through my mind all the time. I wanna do this, and I wanna do that, but when the times comes, I freeze up! Just pick up something you've been putting off and start. One stitch at a time.

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How is that, does that help???


I know exactly how you feel. Been there done that. Give yourself permission to feel this way for a little while longer ok? This too shall pass.

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Hang in there! One stitch, one dinner, one vacumed floor at a time. Don't worry about getting it all done- focus on getting done the one thing you can work on at the moment.


Oh, and keep plenty of eggnog on hand. The fun's just getting started :)

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Thank you so much Phoenix, Knickknack (yes, the hugs help) and knit1crochet1...


it all helps...and you are all so right...

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and here i have been off loading on you.. you should have said something! So, to repeat back to you "Everything will be alright..."


I am here for you as you are for me. Lets be miserable together for a day or two then kick one another butts into gear hehe BTW Jessi toldme today she wants a PINK BUTTERFLY for xmas.. you think she means like the one I crocheted?? lol

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And here I was thinking how neat it was for us to have you back - (which it is but...) that was so selfish of me. You take as long as you need to feel as good as you are going to. major :hug s and just be for a couple of days.

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awwww i know just how ya feel sweetie. one thing i can tell ya though, you missed all the nasty weather. we had a bit of everything hon and i bet your not sorry you missed all this crud, i heard vashon island got dumped on, so anyways i am sorry your down, i hear ya got so much to do and have 0 energy, ah well am off to get my rear back in gear hon. take care and one day at a time, lots of eggnog, lots and lots of it:manyheart :manyheart

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:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

LOADS of hugs, and take care of YOU, the rest will wait, trust me, the dishes will still be there in the morning, the dust bunnies will still be our friends, and if your able, take a LONG hot bath. Feel better soon!!

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Ok everyone .. Eurolyons needs a huge group hug :ghug I hope this helps. I know what its like to feel like you are :help I'm a single mom of three lil ones ... so if you need to vent .. PM me ... lets rant together.:D:hug :hug :hug :hug

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I agree with what's already been said, take what time you need to feel better and the other stuff can wait, well Serenghetti may not want to wait for her food but everything else sure can! :)


Sending lots and lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug your way.


Hope you are feel better real soon.

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Don't worry, the hook will wait patiently until you decide to pick it up again. You have the double whammy of post-trip let down (aka back to reality) and the gloomy short days, with jet lag on top!


What you need is some kitty therapy. One of those natural daylight lamps might help, too!


Also: :hug


Repeat as needed!

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Hey Shell and Darski...


Actually, I am really happy to hear that you're glad I'm back Darski...not selfish at all...thank you...and Shell, honey...you reached out and I was happy to be there for you...


Now, after I got off the computer in the wee small hours of the morning (I haven't been getting to be before 4:00 a.m.) it was officially the first day of Advent...sooooo...I wrote a little note for the hubby and left him a teeny little giftie, and made banana bread for him in the morning for his morning pick me up and a loaf to take to work with him for his co workers and then made up my list for today, and made out 21 Christmas cards all while listening to the Nutcracker (haven't listened to the Nutcracker in it's entirety in YEARS and didn't realise how much I missed it...) and then I got to bed at 4:30, where upon my hubby was just getting up (over here we hardly sleep together more than a few hours as it is, in the states, it's different, our body clocks are more in synce) He loved the Advent surprise and I slept a solid 7 hours...


This is my Suzy Squirrel Day (housecleaning) and my morning routine is about done, then I'll do the Suzy Squirrel list and THEN I'll finish up phase one of the Christmas cards (don't ask...I committed myself to something that I didn't think would add 1/3 more cards to my already sizable Christmas card list) and THEN I'll pick up a crochet hook...maybe...or I might dive back into the Chronicles of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (the book.) We'll see...


There really is no big rush to anything...but you know how it is, we are our own worst enemy...


I'll give you updates as my day goes along...


But thank you all so much for being here for me, it truly means alot...and it really, really helped a great deal...


Oh and the banana bread was descended upon in a feeding frenzy by hubby's coworkers and there is "...not even a crumb big enough for a mouse..." That made me happy too...

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Oh my GOODNESS...I missed this whole 2nd page! I'm gonna cry 'cause of all the love...




Anna, man, that's not a cup of hugs, that's a whole bowl full...thank you so much...


Victoria Rose, I did have a glass of eggnog while I was making the banana bread last night...non leaded, but it really did help with my mood...seemed to energize me a bit...


Vicki, you know we were on the island when the first storms hit (the night the Seahawks played the Raiders in Seattle and the floods hit) but last week our neighbor contacted us and said one of our trees uprooted and almost hit our house (thank the Lord that didn't happen...*whew*) Weather's been decent, but cold over here though...still...join me for a glass of eggnog? Thinking of you while drinking mine next time...


JoAnn, about to go take a bath...I love my baths...Serenghetti is a kick in the pants about baths...she does the bathtub balancing beam act...although the other day, she was meatloafed behind me on my tub pillow...funny cat...She wrote up a recap of me being gone and coming home from my trip over at Cat Talk...Stormy's read it...


Lisa, Darski and Vicki...thanks again *sniff, I'm so not worthy* for the hugs...they really do help...


Stormy...Serenghetti won't wait for much regardless...she wanted to play this morning...so we had a wild game of "make the bed" and "attack of the Muppet." Wore her out...which a good thing...thanks...


Twinnish, that's my kitty therapy right there...thanks...


Okay, did I miss anyone? I don't think so...


If any of you ever feel down or overwhelmed, pm me, give me a shout out, and I'll be there for you! Thanks again...

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Glad to hear you got some of that sane feeling back and took a bit of You Time for yourself.


I know whenever I have a monsterous list of things to do in a day, I schedule little Crochet Breaks after each task gets finished. Kind of like a coffee break but I end up forgetting about the coffee I have beside me. Getting a row or a round done in between tasks is enough to help keep my spirits up (especially if it's a project I'm in love with).


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Thanks Auntie K....yep, usually I do little crochet breaks too...


Update: So 1/2 Suzy Squirrel's done...all of morning routine done, listening to the Nutcracker again...played with 'Ghetti...took that bath...got my clothes ready for tomorrow night...we're going to the company Christmas party...things are better...

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Hey KnicKnac...I'm starting to hit the wall a little...but I'll probably be up until 4:00 a.m. again, so there's still time to get more things done...I'm taking breaks though...

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