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Christmas Gifts 2006- Along


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I actually finished a few this weekend. Christmas Gifts Wearables - link to the pics. A scarf, slippers and hand warmers. I have another scarf started.


My quilt afghan will probably wait and then I'll decide what to do with it. It's a looong process and I haven't had time to work on it and I'l half way through. Unless I work on it the 3 days I'm off from work... but that's for cleaning and finishing up. So that will wait.


Some people won't get crocheted gifts... I thought maybe throwing in a snowflake or something, but we'll see how my time goes.


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okay! I;ve nearly done all mine I think!!


I've made a 8 Paw Print coaster set for my folks with a a matching container I designed to hold them in. I've made a Dress Corner Bookmark for my sister. I've made my very first afghan for my Nan and Pop here. I also have to make a Shroom for Ryan. I may make more but I'll see how I go. These are the most important ones done now.:yay

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I only have a button to sew on a "tiny tote" and the seams on a pillow then I'm done! Whew it was a struggle and I really thought I'd be an 11th hour crocheter...I must be faster then I thought...


...so... I am using the time to bake the cookies from Foodnetwork's 12 days of cookies and send out a few RAOK's...

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I finished My Aunts Blanket! I'm done with Christmas gifts other than my daughters Carebear, and possibly some Knitted Dishclothes! 4htjel0.jpg

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Those are great! I especially love minewifeof4boys potholders. Where did you get the patterns? I'm taking over my first house this weekend and am looking for some nice potholders to make and I really love these. Please can I know where the patterns are from?


I love everything else too!:cheer:clap:eek:yay

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Hi all!

I got 2 more stockings done (20 this year). I took some to a local thrift store, they think they might might sell a few, I'll get them back if not.

A friend at work wants an angel, I'm looking for a pattern. Can anyone help? Thanks. Ellie 13

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I finished something! I keep jumping from project to project never seeming to finish anything. I still have so much to do on Christmas presents. I finally stuck to one long enough to finish it. A frog! It's for my grandson. You can view it on my bloq:



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I finished a hat for my graddaughter. I decided on one that's like a jockey's cap. I found it in the book "crochet Hip Hats" that I got at Wal-Mart. This book has a lot of cute hats in it. I'm finishing up on her purse, too. Do you block purses? I have a goose bib that just needs a button put on it, a doll that needs two rows crocheted then sewn onto the body and her face embroidered on and a monkey that needs arms finished and attached and ears put on his head. I've got a lot almost done!


How are the rest of you doing? It looks liike I will get it all done in time. Yay!

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Oh what a cute frog, I'm sure he'll love it!:woo:2frog

I finished something! I keep jumping from project to project never seeming to finish anything. I still have so much to do on Christmas presents. I finally stuck to one long enough to finish it. A frog! It's for my grandson. You can view it on my bloq:



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alright, so i've been lazy about updating the progres of my gf's afghan in my sig. but that doesn't matter anymore, cause its DONE!!!

i just have to add this ribbon


around the outside (the edging looks like it was made to have ribbon put in it.)

i promise i'll have a real nice picture of the completed project, and i'll put it here (and in my blog of course)


Happy Holidays!

Crafty Boy

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Everything looks so great! And crafty boy i cant wait to see your finished product!!!


I have so HUGE news. I finally finished Danielles Blanket!!! The one that was supposed to be a wedding gift 3 years ago!!! She and my parents in law came yesterday to exchange gifts, so I can safely post the copleted pics here!!


Also, finally are some pics of the houses I paint, they were better hidden in the basement than i realized.


Here is the trim,not so much trim as just top and bottom row pattern, the body was only 2 colors:



Whole blanket: Its longer than Alex is tall....and hes close to if not 6 ft










Barn detail:



All 3 i kept in 2005: (one for each of my kids)



The 2006 houses are not done yet, they are getting painted this week and then I'll have pics of those up. I did 3 other houses last year, but didnt take pics before i gave them to my 2 nieces and my nephew... oh well, lol.


Have to finish up a few things this week for peeps i'm seeing on the big day, so will have more pics later.


Im so excited danielles blanket is done, and that she liked it! :cheer

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Beautiful! She'll love it.

I got all my Christmas stuff done. I mailed the bowling set out last week, filled the purses with "girlie stuff" (I'll give them out on Christmas), I made an angel design out of a bell pattern (added head, arms, wings and halo), it's really cute. I made 24 stockings. I sold some, gifted some, gave some to a local thrift store to sell (haven't heard back yet). I have 5 left. I took potato fudge to work, they ate it all (I got 1 piece)! I'm making some for tomorrrow.

Merry Christmas! Ellie 13

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