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This is one of the things I love about C'ville - I am not the best crocheter in the world but I am able to make some things and donate them. It gives me such a great feeling of accomplishment. Thank you Ro for coordinating such a great project :cheer:hug

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Hi ladies! I was surprised to get a note in my inbox from Rebecca at the Children's Center this morning. The boxes aren't there yet but I wanted to share her note with you all:



Thank you so much. I can't wait to see them all. I know that the children will love them. Please feel free to share us with any of your friends who would like to become friends of these precious children. It has been wonderful people like you that have given them such comfort in this chaos. Thanks again,





I'd like to amend that to "wonderful people like YOU all!" Thank you again ladies. Time to go work on daily school lessons with my daughter but I'll keep you updated soon as I hear anything more!





p.s. You're all too kind with your praise. You did the hardest part, putting all those love into the blankets. Putting them in some boxes and sending them out is just a privilege, and a joy! I'm humbled every time I'm involved with a project like this at the generosity and the time each person puts into it :) Amazing.

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Thank you ladies for the update! I got a box from Virtuous Stitches yesterday (didn't get to open it yet, been busy but will open it SOON and photograph!


I really appreciate you all letting me know that they're on the way cause I'm keeping a tally of blankets/pledged and received and you're making it much easier on me. Thanks again!!! Y'all rock!



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Must... wash... blankets... today... ARGH!


Hehe I don't have a problem washing mine is boxing things up I hate it :think & then our Post Office is too small for our town & the crowds :eek A new 1 is opening at the end of the month :clap What excuse will I use then :lol

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I live close to the main post office for Rochester, and they have the automated postage machines... *bliss* :c9


Though I will need to find a box they all fit in... hmmmm...

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My Lovie went in the mail yesterday. I sent it priority mail. I didn't realize that I have never mailed a package, what a ditz, I hope that is the right way and that it gets to you in time.

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Ro, I just finished mine today (still have to wash), and then I noticed post #18 where you were asking for the larger size :eek I had already started working on it before I learned about this thread, so I hope it's okay that it's the smaller size...

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sakurasaku, the smaller blanket is fine...please don't worry! We're grateful for your hard work, I'm sure the blankie will be gorgeous :manyheart Thank you!!!


Sue, I sent you a PM! If you didn't ship yet, please let me know!


Ladies, I got this in my email today. I hope I don't get in trouble for posting it because Rebecca is asking for everybody to pray for them. I am not personally a very religious person (though I was growing up) but her letter is so heartfelt and really, it's meant for all of you, that I hope the mods won't be upset for me posting it in it's entirety.


Here is what she wrote:




I got the boxes today. These blankets are just beautiful! I can't wait to let the children choose one special lovie for their very own. It is very hot now, and these will be just perfect for naptime. Enough to love but they allow the children to stay cooler.


Ro, I know just from the care and concern you have shown us that you are a dear sister in the family of God. I would appreciate you and all your wonderful friends doing us a HUGE favor. Hurricane season starts June 1st. 90% of our residents still have not rebuilt or recovered from Hurricane Katrina. Almost everyone is openly or privately terrified, including myself. Please pray with us , it is God's will that hurricane season will pass without causing additional devastation here or anywhere. We would not wish this heartache on anyone. The children are going to have a difficult time with any hurricane activity this year. A thunderstorm sends them reeling now. .... thunderstorms upset us grown ups too:)


We thank you so much for all you do to advocate for our children and the tender loving care with which you do it.


Best Regards,




I hope that you all can feel, as I felt when I read it, the extremely important work that you have all done by participating in this project. Imagine a child who is terrified of the sound of rain clinging to the lovie that you made so carefully and with such love...and feeling a little safer because of it. I get teary thinking of it. You all are extraordinary, in a time when so many have forgotten the Gulf and the residents there most of whom still have no running water or toilets even...you all reached out and gave of your time and your hearts...and I am so humbled to be a little part of the big thing you've done.


I am truly honored to know each of you. Thank you again. I will keep you posted on the rest of the blankies getting shipped out!!!!


My daughter is a little overwhelmed, with Tae Kwon Do testing, a big math review she just finished, guitar lessons, being at her dads extra for the holiday, she is afraid she can't finish her blankie. She asked me to help, and I told her that even if we finish it together, I am very proud of her work and her care for the kids there. The other night when we had storms here, she was talking about how scary it must've been for them. When she reads Rebecca's letter, she's going to be very effected by it.


Off to crochet...washing and packing my own lovies up! Might not be online too much the rest of the weekend we're celebrating our anniversary (which is Tuesday) seven years and I love my sweetie!


hugs to you all and thanks again! Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!!!


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These children will be in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for them to have to go through hurricane season again so soon (it seems.)

I sent my lovie last Thursday, Priority Mail. It should have arrived either today, or Tuesday!

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Wonderful!!! Thank you so much Sue for everything!


I picked up boxes and boxes of blankies at the PO today!!! Just got done taking pics and putting them on the website. www.onesmallthing.org/pclovies.html and I will post shipping info soon! Only waiting on about three or four more to arrive and then we're finished! So exciting, I know that these blankets and especially the love that went into them will really impact these kids and their families in a wonderful way.


You all ROCK!!!



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Ladies!!!! You won't believe it, I got the most beautiful picture from Rebecca in my inbox this morning, giving out the first batch of YOUR blankets!!!! If you ever doubt for a moment why you go to the trouble of making, washing, packing, shipping, giving for these drives...I promise you, I PROMISE you that if you look at this picture you will not wonder again.


I'm going to do my very best to get the last big box out tonight or tomorrow (will send the few remaining blankies as they come in) so that the other kids can have their lovies too. Rebecca has been alerted to all the boxes she should be expecting.


Look at the picture page, and then at the bottom you'll see their adorable faces...(she gave me permission to post the picture on the site and share it with you all).


Edited because I forgot to post what Rebecca wrote about giving them out:


The lovies are so-o-o-o precious. It was hard to decide who to let choose first. So we played a game and practiced our numbers at the same time. Each of the children drew a number from a sand bucket, then I put in matching numbers and drew them out one at a time, allowing the children to name the number and then find the person with that number. Then they went to the big box to choose a blanket. Everyone was very pleased with their choice. I am attaching a picture of some of the children from the preschool class. You may post the picture on your site and share it with all the wonderful friends who so lovingly shared themselves with our children.


again, thank you.


Best Regards,




I'm just...bawling like a baby LOL. My little girl is overjoyed too that you all helped make her dream come true.


My own lovies are going into the wash right now and will go out with the big box...you all are so amazing.

Thank you again, a million times over.

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Soooooooooo cute!!!!!!


Man I am glad you didn't have to "double ship" my box... LOL! $17 later... and that was Parcel Post. Zoinks! All for a good cause! :D


The box I found was a little bigger than I needed for just the blankets, so hmm... what to do... PUT MORE STUFF IN IT! :lol I picked up some crayons (5 boxes of 64), some stickers (five books, some with 800+ stickers in them), some paintbrushes, some party streamers so they can decorate their space and spiff it up, and two silly games -- Wooly Willy and Hair-Do Harriet. :D


I work at a craft store, so why wouldn't I send craft supplies along, right?! :D (thank you Kids' Camp Dollar Deals + employee discount! WOO!)

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I am so touched by the pictures of these beautiful children with their lovies. My heavens, it makes me want to make a zillion more....just to see the smile on each precious child's face! God love 'em! :hug Ro, I think that this picture that you posted, is going to be etched in my mind and in my heart forever! What can I say (tears streaming down my face).

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Love, love LOVE the picture! The children are beautiful, and so are the blankets! Thank you so much for posting it. I have tears in my eyes, too... I am really very touched by your love and dedication, and also by everyone's caring response. This has been an incredible experience. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take part in it.


I hope mine makes it there soon. It didn't go out till Tuesday (5/30), but it should be coming to your PO Box shortly...I have the tracking number if necessary.

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