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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi Gram

It sounds to me like a quilt ! I always forget to look at the Annies pattern unless someone mentions it, so I probably didnt see it, but it sounds very pretty and definitely like a quilt pattern . Do you have any photos to show your progress on it yet ?

I know we'd all like to see it when you get a chance . Or you could wait til Friday. That's our official photo day, but you can post one any old time you like . :)

We're glad to have you join us ! :yes

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Heck no Julie, I changed the colors from raspberry flowers to blue flowers cause it is for my mom, and I have the 40 lt blue squares done, and 33 of the aran ones (need 162) so I haven't even really made a good dent yet. I need to figure out the 2 color squares and the v squares so I can assenble some of the flowers, at least that way I would have something to show besides zip lock baggies of squares. :D maybe I will work on that tonight.

Pretty please ?

Sign up--- sign up ---


( I'm trying to hypnotize you ) :tired


Leave the other 2 sit awhile -- if you haven't even started them yet. You can go back to them later. This one is NEW --- FRESH -- EXCITING .


Which pattern do you like best ?


( Reeling in the hook ) :lol



Hi Gram

It sounds to me like a quilt ! I always forget to look at the Annies pattern unless someone mentions it, so I probably didnt see it, but it sounds very pretty and definitely like a quilt pattern . Do you have any photos to show your progress on it yet ?

I know we'd all like to see it when you get a chance . Or you could wait til Friday. That's our official photo day, but you can post one any old time you like . :)

We're glad to have you join us ! :yes

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Here is a late Friday photo of my friends quilt ghan in progress. As you can see I didn't get it done by her b-day. But, I will have it done by the end of this week. I have 8 1/2 rows eft to go. I have 1 1/2 rows of squares done but not sewn on yet so I actually have a bit more done then the pic. shows.








Tabby, what a special ghan for your friend! It's beautiful. :manyheart

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Believe me, I know the feeling, having piles of squares but none put together to show yet. I think we've all been there at some point.


Maybe you can give a shout out here if you are stuck on something -- one of the other ladies may have been or is making the same thing you are and they could lend a hand. I don't have the pattern, so probably won't be of much help .

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Thanks everybody I'm so relieved it's done. I started now on my calliope squares. I also want to maybe do a sampler quilt lapghan for my Mom for a late mother's day present hahaha.

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:eek:thair:bang:yell ran out with just one dc to go on the last square. :sigh Oh well I'll just have to cheat and use a black that won't match since it's just one stitch.



Frog back and crochet a little tighter to get that stitch.

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I also found that pattern beautiful Gram. I saved it just incase I wanted to try it later on. The V squares is what discouraged me a bit but maybe someday. Good Luck on yours & if you need help just holler and maybe I can decipher some of it. If I can't i'm sure one of these ladies could. Good Luck! :cheer


Julie~Here is a pic. of the ghan incase you're curious on what it looks like. http://s8.photobucket.com/albums/a8/queenpsycho26/?action=view&current=20060412_01.jpg

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wow, everyones afghans are gorgeous! i wish i had the patience to put all those pieces together. i actually started one...but 50 tiny squares in and i give up. i know i will not complete it....i am in awe of you all.


btw- does anyone need white squares done in caron pounder for a casablanca afghan? if so pm me.



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Tabby - Wow, the picture look so beautiful! I wish I could do this quilt instead of the scarf as a mother's day gift.


Someone said it's annie's attic pattern and it's not available now ?

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No problemo Julie. ;) You won't see one from me for awhile, i'm seeing squares in my sleep. I may try the one from todays Annies Attic, it's beautiful and all in one piece. :lol Have you come up with any new ideas?? Maybe a new CAL?? Not dropping the Happy House CAL but just creating a resting point for in between?? Maybe, huh, huh?? :devil

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Tabby - Wow, the picture look so beautiful! I wish I could do this quilt instead of the scarf as a mother's day gift.


Someone said it's annie's attic pattern and it's not available now ?

It's only available TODAY!

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Ah I see, someone PM me and send me the free pattern. I really appreciate the wonderful gesture! Thank you to the person, you know who you are. :hug Unfortunately, I have no time to do the whole quilt afghan for this year's mother's day holiday. However, I am up for the challenge to do V stitch or 2 color squares. I can do a square each (three squares - solid, 2 colors, and V stitch) and provide my help if necessary. The edging seems easy enough to do.

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Hi Diane

I changed my avatar -- I wasn't real wild about it and it did look a little scarey, so maybe the new one will be a little more likeable ,


Tab- I'll think on it a little, but need to get a handle on some of these loose ends laying around here first .


Don't these CAL's spoil you ? Then you don't WANT to work on something alone because it's no fun .

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