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Mile-A-Minute CAL


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I've got 3 strips done and bordered, now i just need to sew them togeather to see how many more strips i need to do, might do that tomorrow:hook



AJ - I just looked at your blog, all your baby afghans are BEAUTIFUL:manyheart

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I have finished two strips and they are crocheted together as you go which saves me from sewing them. The braided MAM shown looks like it is crochet together in a similar way. By the way the one in the upper corner caught my interest. Next project maybe?!

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Okay, I stayed up way too late last night watching LOTR and finishing the first strip of my MAM 'ghan. I've posted pictures here. The colors are deep violet and off white not the funky colors you see in the picture. I made this 'ghan for my dd a few years ago. It was the first thing I ever crocheted. The first strip I crocheted took me three days to finish. This one took me three and a half hours! :lol

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AJ -

Hurry and work out the kinks !!! :lol That is lovely !!! I want one -- here I go again, guys . Up to my EYEBALLS in CAL's and I want to do another one . GEEZ LOUISE . I'm like an alcoholic. Somebody stop me .



Veronica- it sounds like you're picking up speed, if you can make the strips so much faster now ! Good job !:hook

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Just wanted to post my progress so far :D


I've completed one strip and am going to take a break for a day or so on it before I dive into the next one. I'm designing this myself and have had a bit of trouble getting the edging the way I wanted it. All is good now and written down. :D:hook




Here's the entry on my blog for the full story: MAM blog


Oops, forgot to include what colors and yarn type. Colors (as you can see) are purple and white in Bernat Softee Baby.




edited to include details of yarn


Wow, AJ... that is so pretty! I've never seen a MAM worked that way. Stunning!


Edit to add... Jeezo , AJ... Do you sleep? I just saw the FO at your blog. Wow. It's gorgeous. You are an afghan machine! Great stuff you make. Your blog is really nice!

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Two strips done and 8 more to go! The colors remind me of Thanksgiving. I decided to weave the ends in and sew them together as I go because experience tells me that if I do not then the blanket either will never be put together or all the ends will be hanging out. This is a fun project, thanks Barb for putting this together.:hook


Nice going, Amanda. I love those colors!

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JulieKay -- Thank you! I'm working on it and will definitely get the pattern posted as soon as I can! :D


Qmare -- Thank you! lol, yup, insomnia is great for crochet projects! ;)

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Well, guys, this CAL has converted me to a HUGE MAM fan! ;)


So I decided to start another one today! As you can see from my siggy, I've got 3 strips done and joined.


This one is another of my own design, but I'm sure it's been done before in one way or another. Basically it's a granny MAM.


Here's a pic:



And CLICK HERE for the entry on my blog about it.


These CALs are addicting!!!

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LOL what have I done to you statrting this CAL AJ??? LOL your a MAM-aholic!!!



I love that second one your starting, i really like how they are turning out with baby yarn, i'm going to do my next one in baby yarn now after seeing yours:c9

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Mia- love the colors -- the pink is beautiful !


And Amanda - what type yarn did you use to get the variegated one ? I don't remember ever seeing that anywhere before . It is pretty ! It's make a lovely Fall bedspread!


Holey Moley AJ- You are a CROCHET MACHINE !!!! You can really crank them out , can't you ? Another pretty one -- you know we'll be bugging you for this design too, don't you ?

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I finished the third strip and have started the fourth. I don't have a camera yet so can't send picture. I hope to get a "cheap" one at the end of the week.

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I finished my first strip too! I decide to do a baby ghan using red heart babysoft yarn in a blue/green/white varigated , blue solid and green solid. I pick a pattern that I Just love.... I need to figure out how to post pic on here!

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I wonder if I did this right???? Please check it out and let me know if it works....K??? :manyheart This pattern didn't have a name.... just a number... so I decided to call it "crazy daisy, baby!".

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I wonder if I did this right???? Please check it out and let me know if it works....K??? :manyheart This pattern didn't have a name.... just a number... so I decided to call it "crazy daisy, baby!".


It works, and I love the name! :) The design and colors you chose are really pretty. It's going to be a lovely 'ghan when you are done. :hook


Tami~ Welcome to the group!

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Hey thanks guys! I was my first attempt at adding a picture! I am so glad that it worked! I dropped my old digital camera and broke the battery cover door... it still works but it was only a matter of time. So I brought it to best buy to see if they could repair it.... $200.00 to repair!:2eek wow! So I was forsed to buy a new one! I am having lots of fun with it and yes it does take wonderful pictures!


_Denice - I am using "soft baby" by red heart in "laddie print(the varigated) and "sky blue" and "lime". It is the first time I am using this yarn and I really like it! It seems to work up nice!

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