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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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Oh my that is amazing. The colours look fantastic and your choice of blocks has turned out so well. I agree with the joining! Thats why I would never embark on any thing with piddly motifs!


Pat your self on the back Vik! Your mum will treasure this for ever. :manyheart


Hi Claire, Sue, Cupcake, Justine, and everybody in the CAL!


I FINISHED IT!!!!!!!!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer


Pictures here:





:sleep My God, I need a nap now!

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Weave while you go, ladies....weave while you go. It's a lot easier on your sanity in the long run......


Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out....




Logically, I know this, and have woven in some ends as I go. But, alas, not all. Not by a long shot!

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I think I am mad. I have started another one of these. this time in black and white as that is the only colour my 14yo would have. He is going through an EMO stage. :D

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Oh Cupcake you are crochet genious!!! Yes, I remember reading in your blog about the black and white thing! (you crocheted a b&w tea cozy for her!)

Thanks Claire! You know, we from the South Hemisphere have winter now... I guess this is the reason we are crocheting some more. You are having such a hot Summer!

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Thanks Claire! You know, we from the South Hemisphere have winter now... I guess this is the reason we are crocheting some more. You are having such a hot Summer!


OMG, that is the truth! Honestly, we're used to these types of summers here in Texas, but it's still blazing out. And no rain in sight. I tend to do little crocheting in the summer, but since I've recently started working with thread, at least I can do that. Plus the smaller projects appeal to the ADHD part of me. :lol

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I tell you that this year our winter is really weird: I mean, not a cold winter at all. Temperatures go from 13º C to 20º C, we even had 24º C last week! plus 99 % HUMIDITY! :( We had just one week with rain and cold. Hey, I want some more cold to use the knitted and crocheted things! :)

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Following Cupcake´s steps... I´m starting the second square afghan!!! :cheer


Looking at Jan Eaton´s book, I´m trying this time the patterns with pompons... They are really easy to do! :manyheart

I promise pictures the next time! :yay

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We had 37ºC in my part of the UK last week - a new record. We're nowhere near equipped to deal with heat like that. As I'm eight months' pregnant, I'm having to take daily refuge in a well-known coffee shop that sells frappuccino iced citrus drinks and is the only place I know locally that has air con!


Vik - I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with for your next afghan. :)


I've made 7 blocks so far ... slow progress, but I'm working on other stuff too (honest!) I finally got round to making the "Tricolour Square", which I'd been eyeing for ages, only it didn't turn out quite large enough, so I added a border in a fourth colour, which sort of negates the whole "tricolour" element! See if you can spot it :lol



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Hi rose-anglaise! I´m looking at your picture! Your blocks look so pretty! Love them all! :)

I can imagine with such a heat you don´t want to crochet an afghan!

I hope the temperatures come down today!


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Rose Anglais, you keep yourself cool! 37! That's pretty toasty! That's Texas toasty! (And we're well equipped with AC!) Thank goodness for the local coffee shop! :lol


BTW, your squares are gorgeous. I love the colors.

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Hi rose_anglaise

I just looked at your squares, they are all so pretty:c9


The heat is starting to come down, a little at a time, this morning, it's nice, so I think there's hope, especially when we are crocheting..... Ofcourse, we all know that the weather will cool down enough to need the afghans!!! :hook

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These afghans are so pretty. I have the book from the library and would like to make one of the afghans. I am having trouble..,

1. Deciding on how many different squares to use. How many different ones is a good amount for a throw on the sofa?

2. Color...I have some colors in mind, but I don't know how to put them together.

3. What type of yarn to use. I noticed that several of you have used Simply Soft. Does that hold up well?


My last problem will be how to arrange the squares. I am so, not creative in this area. I can copy very well, though. :lol


So, even thought this CAL is over (I think :think ), I am ready to make one. :)

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This CAL may be gasping a little, but it's not over!!! I still need to make one more square (can you believe it?) and then join them! I'm such a procrastinator! Having been away on vacation for a week and it also being hotter than he!! hasn't helped a bit!


Welcome to the CAL, Appliejuice! It's hard to pick colors and squares; it's like being a kid in a candy store! Just pick out a bunch you like and then experiment. I've got quite a few squares that didn't make the grade because the colors aren't quite right. Take a look at the pictures in the book and at the gorgeous examples that have been posted in this thread and elsewhere on Crochetville. We'll help you along! You can help me perform some CPR on this CAL!


Vik -- Good for you for wanting to make another one. I will probably make one for my youngest daughter when I'm done with this one. Have you decided on a color scheme yet?


Renee -- nice to see you here!


Rose -- I remember very well being preggo in the summer. Three of my four pregnancies went through summer at one end or the other! Your body turns into an oven, baking that little bun!


Cupcake -- how's that rug for your son coming along?

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I'd be interested in joining this CAL. Here's my thing, I have LOTS of single skeins of yarn, I would love to do one of each block but how big of a blanket would that be? and each square would be in different colors, would that be totally awful?


I'll have to think on this a bit before joining, if the CAL is still going?

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I am going to Michael's today to pick up some Simply Soft yarn to experiment with. I'll work up a few squares and post pics when I am done. :) Thanks for the welcome Twinnish. I don't know when I actually get started on this, but I want it done before winter sets it for the two days in January. :lol


Colors I am thinking about: dark red, dark green, dark navy, off white, gold, and some kind of red that goes with the dark one. Who knows what I will come up with. :D

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Applie, Ooo, I'm liking the sound of that color scheme! With the weather going crazy the way it is, who knows, you could be getting three cold days this winter!


Breger3, don't hesitate, just throw yourself into it. Often an afghan made of motifs with a zillion different colors looks really nice. Don't be afraid! A 200 Block afghan would be REALLY big. But you may decide after 50 or 60 squares that you've had enough and by then you'll have a good sized 'ghan.


I'll still be around as long as this CAL has a breath of life to it! And a few others are doing yet another afghan!


Come on! You know you want to!

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Breger3, don't hesitate, just throw yourself into it. Often an afghan made of motifs with a zillion different colors looks really nice. Don't be afraid! A 200 Block afghan would be REALLY big. But you may decide after 50 or 60 squares that you've had enough and by then you'll have a good sized 'ghan.


I'll still be around as long as this CAL has a breath of life to it! And a few others are doing yet another afghan!


Come on! You know you want to!


Ok, I'm IN! :cheer Here goes nothing, lets see how many blankets I can make...lol

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Applie, Ooo, I'm liking the sound of that color scheme! With the weather going crazy the way it is, who knows, you could be getting three cold days this winter!
:sigh Michael's didn't have one color I wanted.


I'll have to go to the local yarn store and see what they have there. Maybe something in a nice soft wool. That will cost me a fortune though. :( Hobby Lobby might have something, I'll check there first.

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