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200 Crochet Blocks Crochet Along


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That makes me crazy. I went to AC Moore the other day to get some baby yarn and they were out of the green I needed. Aargh! They had this ice mint color that was not what I wanted. Ended up buying some RH baby yarn with a very similar green. Hope it works!


I hope you can find what you need at HL.

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Twinnish, I hope your green works. We do not have an AC Moore here.


So, what yarn did everyone use to make their afghans? I really do not care for the feel of Red Heart Supersaver. Just looking into other options besides, Simply Soft. :)

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Hello everybody! It´s nice to have movement in our CAL again! :manyheart

Today we woke up in Buenos Aires with minus 0º Celsius!!!! BRRRR!!!! Very cold!

I already have 15 blocks for my second afghan! Can´t wait to show you a pic of them! :hook

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Applie, I used cheapo Red Heart because it's for my youngest. I need to be able to wash it. It softens up if you wash it with fabric softener. Now if I could just ignore the he11ishly hot heat and finish the last square and join them suckers. Let's not talk about the unwoven ends...


The baby yarn is for a baby non-200 blocks blanket, btw....


Vik! I can't believe it gets that cold in Buenos Aires!!! Do you get snow there??? Actually, I could stand to jump into a bunch of snow right now. I'll need it more later in the week when the heat index gets up to 110! Yikes!! Vik, do you have an extra room?

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Hi Michelle/Applie :) My squares are made using whatever yarn I've been able to find cheaply in my (small) LYS and beg from my mother's stash; mostly assorted brands of acrylic DK - nothing special.

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Hi Claire, we had a hail storm and the balls were so big as golf balls, lots of cars damaged here in Buenos Aires... Snow in the South of the Country. The way in the Cordillera de los Andes -between Argentina and Chile- had to be closed because of the snow. Trucks and cars are queueing in the cold... BRRRR!!!!!

PS: 17 blocks!

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:eek Wow, Vik. Stay safe. It is hard to believe there is weather like that elsewhere, when we are hitting the 100's. :lol


I stopped by Wal-Mart and bought four skiens of Simply Soft. One dark red, dark blue, dark green and a taupe color. I really don't know what that color is. :lol I am going to try some squares and see how it goes. I am thinking this may be too dark. I have a long 5 hour trip this weekend, and I need project to do while in the car. So, I had better get my ducks in a row soon.


So far I have picked out squares #16, 54, 125, 35, 8, and 14. I don't know if I will use them or not. It was so hard just picking out the ones I like the most. :P

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We had a quick but heavy storm go through this morning, jacking up the humidity. Now the heat is starting to crank up out there. Ugh!


We had slight flooding here on a couple of occasions last week. Not fun :no


I can't believe the extreme weather we're all having this year, whichever corner of the world we are from ...

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I hope you're finding some relief from the heat, Rose. I distinctly remember being overwhelmed by the heat when preggers. I went through summer with three pregnancies: two 2nd trimesters and one 1st trimester and they all were miserable. Fortunately, I was working full time in an air conditioned place, but as soon as I was out of there, UGH!

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I hope you're finding some relief from the heat, Rose. I distinctly remember being overwhelmed by the heat when preggers. I went through summer with three pregnancies: two 2nd trimesters and one 1st trimester and they all were miserable. Fortunately, I was working full time in an air conditioned place, but as soon as I was out of there, UGH!


My third trimester has coincided with June, July and August :D and last month was apparently one of the hottest Julys on record here. Now we're into August, suddenly it's rainy, chilly and windy again - classic English weather! The view through my window is a bit miserable and grey, but it's nice not to feel hot all the time. Much more comfortable conditions to crochet in! :)

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I'm glad to hear that for your sake, rose. It's so hot here in New England that I am soaked in sweat, just from going out to water my tomato plants. The heat is supposed to break today, so that should add some meteorological excitement to my day! They're predicting thunderstorms with 60 to 80 mph winds. 75mph winds are considered hurricane strength! Eep!

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Yikes, Claire - I hope everything in your town is bolted down!!


Someone on another community suggested that instead of a lapghan, I could make a bag using my crochet blocks. I've got 9 of them made so far, and the idea of not having to make too many more (maybe another 3) before I can turn them into something is very tempting! I will have to look for some crochet bag patterns, as I've no idea how to go about doing it by sewing the squares together ... other than just crocheting a simple bag and attaching them to the front. :think

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Hi everybody! :manyheart The cold weather here in Argentina helps me crocheting more blocks! :hook I already have 23 from the 42 I need! I wish I could send you some cold from here, you are melting there my friends... :hug

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Rose, a bag is a great idea! And far less joining needed!


Around74, it's never too late to join the CAL! Welcome!


Vik, I sure am melting. Today the heat is supposed to break, but no sign of it yet. Ugh!!!

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Hello! I´ll be spending the weekend in the country with my friends. Of course... :hook I´m packing my crochet things to get some more blocks done!

Have a nice weekend! :manyheart

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Okay, don't laugh, but it was 100 yesterday, and I distinctly said it's not too bad. What is wrong with me! :lol


Overall, our summer just hasn't been as horrendous as it could be. Sure, it's hot, but it's always hot in the summer in Austin. But it hasn't hit 100 that much. Back in 2000 (the summer from hell), we had over 60 consecutive days of 100+ with not a drop of rain. Now that was a bad summer! All summers pale in comparison.


Okay, that wasn't really about crochet, but I did work on a doily last night...

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60 days of consecutive 100+ heat? Holy Stuff on Toast! I would go straight out of my mind. I was pretty much useless by day 3 of the heat wave. Yesterday, when we finally had cool weather, I ran around this place like a nut picking up because it had just been too, too hot to move. I don't have AC and spent a lot of time out at the town pool with my two youngest kids.


Now this will tell you how hot I was: I actually went out in public in a bathing suit and got in the pool (it's a wading pool) with the kids. And I wasn't the only adult doing it!!!!

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Hi girls! I tell you that I already have 35 blocks (cold weather in the country helped!) and now I´m thinking that if there´s enough yarn I probably crochet 49 blocks instead of the 42 original idea... but I´m not sure yet.

Photobucket is giving me some problems, so I´ve just posted in my blog the wallpaper from the bedroom and the nine color yarns I am using, at least you can see that...




Happy crocheting! :hook

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