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Ever think you're addicted to crocheting?

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I recently made a crack to my stepmother (who also crochets) that I was a happy hooker, and my father just about flipped. Being a lawyer, you can bet that crochet was NOT what he was thinking of!!:hook

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Ready bags! So that's what they are called!


I've been getting chenille on the big commercial cones from ebay, and the WIP cones live next to my chair. Well, I've been getting cracks from a friend of ours about my 'textile factory'- hmmph. So I made up a few balls for one project and put it in a basket. It'll stay there until it outgrows the basket, then I'll just have to come up with a new project, right? Meanwhile, the Lace & Bobbles is just too big, so the cones for that are lurking under my desk in a huge basket. I'm thinking I'm going to have to find something done in strips for my ready bag soon, since this ripple is growing fast, and I burned out on squares.


Oh rats, more yarn!

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I wouldn't say I'm addicted... More that I love the feel of yarn, any yarn. ...And I like to collect crochet hooks (currently I'm saving up to buy some bamboo ones :clap ). ...And the idea of curling up on the couch with football on and the yarn flowing around my hook is my idea of total relaxation. ...And I get irritable at myself when I crochet too long so my wrist hurts, but then while I'm in progress I keep telling myself, another few stitches won't hurt, it'll be all good. :lol


But addicted? Nah, not me. :blush

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Of course I have a bag. I crochet mainly at work, so every day I schlep a medium size tote with yarns, hook case, sissors, chibi needle, another project in case I get bored, patterns, extra yarn and patterns for coworkers, oh and my diabetic supplies (unless I forget them). Then, depending on what I'm working on, there might be another bag with more yarn and parts of projects. I once told my daughter to go sit in the car, I'd take her to the ER as soon as I got my project bag!


as to the addiction of it, check out my blog. The name comes from a coworkers description of yarn.

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I have ready bags too! I thought I was the only one. Most of mine are grocery bags except the few I have that I take places with me. My family has become very used to me crocheting in the car. There have been a few times my DH has tried to sneak my crochet bag into the trunk, but we don't even get out of the drive before I know it's missing! About once a year I will decide it's time to get organized and of course the first thing I organize is my yarn. What treasures I find of UFO's and WIPs....it's almost like Chirstmas! LOL and then of course I have to show everyone in the house what I found and then vow to finish it...sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, but it is always fun to find these things! So I guess I too, am addicted and loving it!



Yep! and ready bags :rose are sooo convient they are ready to go ~~~~ :tup

I love E-bay


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Of course I have a bag. I crochet mainly at work, so every day I schlep a medium size tote with yarns, hook case, sissors, chibi needle, another project in case I get bored, patterns, extra yarn and patterns for coworkers, oh and my diabetic supplies (unless I forget them). Then, depending on what I'm working on, there might be another bag with more yarn and parts of projects. I once told my daughter to go sit in the car, I'd take her to the ER as soon as I got my project bag!


as to the addiction of it, check out my blog. The name comes from a coworkers description of yarn.


O.k... I gotta know....... how in the world are you able to get away with crocheting at work? :think

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Oh, it's ENCOURAGED. I work in a catalog call center, between calls the 14 of us in one room used to talk and occasionally, well tempers flared. The majority of us learned to crochet from a coworker and now there is just an occasional question about a stitch or discussion of a project. We have busy hands, quite mouths, and a happier boss. It's easier than knitting because you don't have to worry about dropped stitches when the phone rings. And, no sharp pointy objects if someone annoys you.


PS That was a non urgent er visit, no blood or broken bones, just dehydration/stomach pains again.

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Ever think you're addicted to crocheting? Sometimes I think I am. I sometimes can't stop crocheting amigurumi. I even stay up late at night because of this. Ever happen to you?


Hello,my name is Michelle and I am a Crochet Addict:lol

Oh yes, I can honestly say that I am so addicted to any and all yarns...I cant look at them without touching them, wanting them and buying at least some for myself. Even if I know that I have a gazillion other projects started at the time...it doesnt matter and really, I dont care....I will buy some yarn:D

I really think that the reason that I have so many projects started and not finished is because not only do I have good intentions of making them all, but I want to make so many of the patterns that I see.

I have ratonalized it as not being my fault really....its the yarn companies & stores, the pattern designers and anyone else who is constantly showing me all those beautiful things I can make...they really know that I will buy the stuff and want to make it all:lol there just isnt enough time and enough of me to do it all!

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Hopelessly addicted.....gave up cigarettes so I could spend more time crocheting.... hahahahahahaaha Sometimes I find myself staying up late at night trying to get to the next color or the next row of stitches....or stopping one project and trying out something new....



I love to crochet!!!!!

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I know I am definately addicted. I sit in church thinking of my next project. I have to buy every cute pattern book I see. I can't wait to see the Sunday paper to see what JoAnns, Hobby Lobby and Michael's have on Sale in yarn. And I have about 200 hooks, in many different containers, waiting to be used.

My stash is so large it is taking over my son's room, as well as the living room.


But I don't need any help. Just time off of life so I can crochet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Yup I am. I cant hardly go to sleep if I am almost done with something I am makeing. I will have to stay up till it is done. If not I wont rest at all. And I cant pass a yarn or craft store with out looking.... It is hard not to buy every crochet book I can get my hands on.:hook

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I have had this addiction for 14 years now!:hook What is the worst part of it?.... not having any scrap yarn to play with ! I am outta yarn and can't crochet right now and am feeling light headed and sweaty palms from withdrawls....LOL! Someone share their yarn PLZ?!!! LOL:sweat:rain:blush

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Oh yes! :hook

My husband says he could never imagine a little crochet hook could be such a powerful ' ENEMY:devil ' and womaniser!!! Says he cant take the competition anymore...lol! :lol

I even dream of crochet...now is that addiction or is it obsession :think ?????


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My addiction is complete. I, too, get agitated if I don't have anything on me. I crochet on my lunch at work, after work (once dinner is ready), after dinner, in the car (long trips and short). I've even been known to take it to my folks place when we're visiting for dinner. But I justify my addiction because I give so much (nearly ALL) of what I make as gifts or to charity. I've made myself a capelet and a hat, mitten and scarf set (designed them myself), but everything else has been given away or is waiting for the next charity auction, etc.

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and I even DREAM about the creation of beautiful pieces that come off my hook and the softness of the yarn slipping thru my fingers while I create those pieces


I am addicted...but I don't dream about it. I do like to do it to pass the time.

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