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Fendi Knockoff Bag CAL--CLOSED--Please no requests for pattern

Mom w/a Motif

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Thanks for the encouragement!


Mary Ann - Keep going...you will be surprised at how full the ruffle gets the you get farther long...I had the same thoughts when I first started the ruffle, but my turned out very "ruffle-y"!




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Whew, I wish I had one of those crank knitting knobbies!! Making one as long as I want is gonna take forever!!




Hee hee- That is why it is called 'I-cord'; the 'I' stands for 'idiot', because of what you are reduced to after knitting a few yard of it. (I read about it in one of my books.) I do have one of those little tubular knitting jobbies, and it seems like it takes just as long...



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I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!:cheer:clap:yay I want to do this bag. I haven't received the pattern yet but I'm getting ready. (I also have to wait for my hand to heal before I crochet again but.....) I went to my local Michael's today loooking for a mag. and to get some Fimo, and what did I find?!:eek Yarn on MAJOR sale. I got two skeins of Moda Dea Sassy Stripes @ $1.50 each but that's not the best news! I've decided to do my Fendi in Lion Suede--I got 3 skeins @ $2.50 each!!!!:cheer So my bag will only cost $7.50! I LOVE A DEAL!!!!!!!:yay:hook

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The way I am going to do my lining is to turn my bag wrong side out and cut a piece of fabric the same dimensions as the bag (plus 1/2" on the sides for seams and plus 1" on the top to turn under), sew the sides together, check the fit by placing the lining in the bag, wrong sides together, press the seams and press the top down 1" or to fit, then hand stitch the lining to the bag around the top. I am also going to put a couple of patch pockets in mine (cut a piece of fabric the size you want your pocket, plus 1/2", press the edges toward the back side and sew it to the lining) with velcro closures. Hope that makes sense!!



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CID__Picture032.jpgHere is a pic of my Fendi knock-off bag :) I used green and purple Bernat Baby Coordinates.


OMG, that is sooooo cute, I love the colors you used...great job:cheer I bet the Bernat yarn makes it sooo soft as well.

I am still working on the ruffle of mine(done in LB Suede) I had to take a break from it as my hand was starting to hurt quite a bit.

I am curious as to what you used for your strap??? It looks like you crocheted your strap...if not, can you please tell me what you used as it looks so smashing:yay

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Hi Kim...I think I will try the coordinates for my next one...I want to make one for my daughter and her favorite color is pink so the coordinates would be great.

I think also that I am going to try to crochet my strap just like you did...I love the way it matches the purse so perfectly.

Thanks for the heads up on the strap:)

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Here's mine. Again with these I didn't take the pictures & wasn't there to "primp" the purse after it got smooshed in the bag, so I have to explain that it's not lopsided. It really is shaped how it's supposed to be:blush. At the bottom where it looks like someone did a really bad job sewing the sides to the bottom and it made the stitches pull weird, well I can't blame that on the camera. That was all me:lol. But this one was supposed to be the prototype so I'll forgive myself for that stupid error.




I started it with a really bright pink Wool Ease, and it was turning out great. I ran out of yarn and of course couldn't find that color anywhere, so this one is done in RHSS. The purl body was done with 2 strands & an L hook. The ruffle is one strand & G hook where I did 9sc up, 9 sc down & slst in same st at base, ch 2 & 7sc up, 7sc down & slst in ch2, 7 sc up, then 7sc down plus 2sc in ch 2 and slst in next st on base. The best I can give you right now for the purl stitch is this:


To do the purl, you'll have to know how to do the afghan stitch because it's almost the same, with a few little twists.


1. Chain as many as you want

2. Pick up a loop in each stitch, except go from the back of the chain to the front instead of through the front like you'd normally do with the afghan stitch.

3. Work off stitches as for normal afghan stitch.

4. Hold yarn in front of work and under hook. Insert hook through open space between loops. Put back loop on hook and bring to front of work. Yo & pull through. Repeat to end, working last stitch in same way.

5. Work off stitches as for normal afghan stitch.


Here's a close-up of a purl swatch, and here again I have to explain that the stitches are in even rows, but I think the photographer was holding it instead of laying it flat. Oh well, it will give you an idea anyway:



All pics are clickable:)

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I still haven't received my pattern and it's been a couple of weeks. Does anyone know if she's not sending them out anymore?


I requested it a couple of wks ago too, & emailed her this morning to ask if she is still sending them out. I'll post if I get a reply but I think maybe she got so many requests that she gave up sending them.


I wish I had thought to ask if it is ok to distribute the pattern. Since she is offering it free. She might appreciate a helping hand so she doesn't have to keep sending it by email.

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Wow..this is just too exciting..been sitting reading and enjoying all the pics and notes on this bag..it's a must have. Now...would someone be so kind as to send me the pattern pleaseeeeeeeee? I want to make one,just as soon as I finish my sil's bra purse.



so much!

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Here's mine. Again with these I didn't take the pictures & wasn't there to "primp" the purse after it got smooshed in the bag, so I have to explain that it's not lopsided. It really is shaped how it's supposed to be:blush. At the bottom where it looks like someone did a really bad job sewing the sides to the bottom and it made the stitches pull weird, well I can't blame that on the camera. That was all me:lol. But this one was supposed to be the prototype so I'll forgive myself for that stupid error.




I started it with a really bright pink Wool Ease, and it was turning out great. I ran out of yarn and of course couldn't find that color anywhere, so this one is done in RHSS. The purl body was done with 2 strands & an L hook. The ruffle is one strand & G hook where I did 9sc up, 9 sc down & slst in same st at base, ch 2 & 7sc up, 7sc down & slst in ch2, 7 sc up, then 7sc down plus 2sc in ch 2 and slst in next st on base. The best I can give you right now for the purl stitch is this:


To do the purl, you'll have to know how to do the afghan stitch because it's almost the same, with a few little twists.


1. Chain as many as you want

2. Pick up a loop in each stitch, except go from the back of the chain to the front instead of through the front like you'd normally do with the afghan stitch.

3. Work off stitches as for normal afghan stitch.

4. Hold yarn in front of work and under hook. Insert hook through open space between loops. Put back loop on hook and bring to front of work. Yo & pull through. Repeat to end, working last stitch in same way.

5. Work off stitches as for normal afghan stitch.


Here's a close-up of a purl swatch, and here again I have to explain that the stitches are in even rows, but I think the photographer was holding it instead of laying it flat. Oh well, it will give you an idea anyway:



All pics are clickable:)



Well duh!!!!:oopsIt never occurred to me to use Tunisian stitches! Now I'll definitely have to do another. You are so clever!!!:nworthy And your bag is fabulous!!!!! Most excellent job!

What type of strap are you planning?

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Your purse turned out great ChromeKitty!! I do like that color (mine is the same) :) I've used 2 skeins of Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride bulky on the body of mine already and I'll need probably another half for the ruffle, I can't decide if I should use the bulky or worsted weight. I knitted mine and your afghan stitch looks identical to my garter stitch!! I'll post when I'm complete.

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Donnalynn - I made mine from SS, double strand for the bag and single strand for the ruffle...I used 2 full 7 oz skeins and part of a 3-oz skein, so I would estimate about 16 oz... I did the bow part with I-cord, and that took quite a bit, so if you are going to use a chain, it might take a little less...Hope that helps!



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Donnalynn - I made mine from SS, double strand for the bag and single strand for the ruffle...I used 2 full 7 oz skeins and part of a 3-oz skein, so I would estimate about 16 oz... I did the bow part with I-cord, and that took quite a bit, so if you are going to use a chain, it might take a little less...Hope that helps!




Thanks so much! I appreciate it!!! :hook

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Nice job on your Fendi bags, everyone. I like the two tone colors, Kim. And I like your bright pink, too, Chrome Kitty. I haven't been around for a while, I've been sick as a dog lately. Just thought I'd pop in and see how everyone was doing and it looks like you're all great. :manyheart



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This auction post some great views of the bag. Thought it might be interesting to those of you altering the pattern.



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