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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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might put off going out to the grocery too, till tomorrow am, maybe it will be managable, hate lines, and waiting!


some gal on tv, is making kethcup, my oh my, all the ingredients she is putting in there,does store bought ketchup have all that stuff in it, I will have to look.


I am waiting on butter to get soft, I decided to make my favorites, butterballs today, lol Got fresh powdered sugar yesterday, and got butter, so got everything i think i need... vanilla, check, putting in crushed walnuts this time, I usually use pecans, but love walnuts in them too, and I have thosem, sooo...lol flour, powdered sugar, and the butter, I think that is how i do them, will look up mom's recipie before i start to make sure.


You know, one time, I bought a cook book from amazon or ebay, it was exactly like the one from 1947, that had been given my mom, and then now handed down to me, but hated to use it, as it was well worn, soooooooo true story coming up....... :book


so to avoid messing up hers more, I found one on ebay i think, paid a bit more than I wanted to for it, but well worth it, was in great shape, binding good,same copyright date, and edition, soooo got it.


Finally it came in the mail, it was everything I hoped it would be, some pencil marks yes,  but i knew about those from the description, least this one, I can actually USE!! I was thrilled, I happen to be rifling through, and all the recipies I have used over the years from mom's were there, no damage to any pages, or anything, flipped to the back, where there is blank sheets for your favorite recipies, and low and behold, could have blown me away!! The very first entry, in an otherwise unorganized  and non alpahbetical listing, someone wrote,

Butterball cookies, page 815  so good!


I couldn't believe it! Twas shockingly delightful to discover, that someone else besides me, loved that recipie, and I ended up with the book it was noted in!!!!!!! needless to say, i refer to that book, everytime I need a recipie for something, be it cakes, or cookies, or soups and gravys!!!!! It's my go to book!! I think it is Woman's Home Companion, circa 1945 or 47, can't remember which, but how bout that huh, lucky me!! I was so glad, I won the bid, even though is was more than I wanted to spend, something told me, "BId, you want this book!!" and finally, i got it, and I cherrish it, the one my mom gave me, is encased in zip lock now, and is more of an heirloom piecek for show only! how cool huh!


the next year, after finding out of my great find, my sister wanted me to get one for her on ebay, can you believe, I found one for her too, but low and behold, no notation of butterballs in that one, One miracle per sisters, Iguess, and I got it!


all this happened, right around this time of year too, so it turned out to be the best Christmas Present I gave to myself, and I think my mom, had a say it in too, believe it or not!!!! Thanks mom!  My Chrismas Miracle, do you all have any neat Christmas stories to share??? :ty 

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I almost feel the same way about my Betty Crocker cookbook that was given to me as a wedding gift,I used it often over the years.

had to retire it though,well after 43 yrs,the pages were so stained,and the spine was limp.at one of the church sales,there was an almost new one for $1.00,what a great find.the old one,Rene' kept,she remembered that was the bread recipe we used when she was 4,and made our own bread in Sicily.

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Owlvamp  I hope u get to feeling better.


We took 11 kids shopping today from the Karing for Kids fundraiser we have been doing. we were able to spend 150 on each kid. after the 10% discount walmart gave us it left us 70 to buy christmas dinner for one of the families that we know can use it.

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Owlvamp  I hope u get to feeling better.


We took 11 kids shopping today from the Karing for Kids fundraiser we have been doing. we were able to spend 150 on each kid. after the 10% discount walmart gave us it left us 70 to buy christmas dinner for one of the families that we know can use it.

That's wonderful Kristy

about two wks ago here,they had shop with a cop,they showed a news clip and you couldn't tell which was having more fun the kids or policemen & women

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I recieved a wonderful package today from acreativemrs. Thank you so much for the sugar n yarn, super free candy, christmas stickers, the owl pattern ( just lovely), and a hook bag to hold my hooks. Just love it. Don't forget my postcard with Mickey on it. Thank you! Thank you! I will try to get pictures and post. Thanks again.

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owlvamp  sorry you are sick, hope you feel better soon


I spent the day at my sister's.  We worked on wrapping presents and cutting up veggies for Christmas day.  7 afghans are ready for nieces and nephews.  I hope my aunt is happy with the way I put them together and assigning them homes (she passed away a couple of years ago and made many of the squares)


I think I have 4 Betty Crocker Cookbooks.  I bought a hard back copy many years ago and have used it a lot.  Then my friend/neighbor gave me her copy which is much older.  About 5 years ago I got a newer copy.  I like to look at them and see how things have changed over the years.  The newest one tells you how to fix tofu.  I also have their cookie book.  My other aunt had a copy and she knew I really liked it.  She found me a copy at a flea market.  


We did make a mall run today for a couple of things  at Kohl's and Hallmark.  It wasn't near as crazy out as I expected.  We were in and out pretty quick. 

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I have double ear infection, throat on fire and he said i had upper respiratory infection. They said it's hitting down here real hard and the flu. I am taking my meds and hope to feel better soon.

I came home from the doctors and went straight to bed. Unfornately I am one of those that just don't require a lot of sleep no matter what Time I go to bed.


I hope you feel better soon!  :hug  Ear infections are miserable!! 


Owlvamp  I hope u get to feeling better.


We took 11 kids shopping today from the Karing for Kids fundraiser we have been doing. we were able to spend 150 on each kid. after the 10% discount walmart gave us it left us 70 to buy christmas dinner for one of the families that we know can use it.


Oh that's just wonderful!! That's an amazing thing to do and being able to provide dinner is even better! 


That's wonderful Kristy

about two wks ago here,they had shop with a cop,they showed a news clip and you couldn't tell which was having more fun the kids or policemen & women


I saw that on our local news too. What a great thing for them to do! 


I just finished Peanut's Santa outfit this evening! Here it is, posted in Show and Tell. No Peanut in the Santa outfit yet, but we're finally going Monday to have his pictures taken with Santa. I'm hoping he won't freak out. The pictures are great when we do, but I hate to see him cry and calming him down is a nightmare! Lol 


I wound up at Walmart today after all to pick up pictures for my grandmother's Christmas present. I usually order from Walgreens but I wanted to matte finish and Walgreens has to send those by mail and they wouldn't get here until 2 days after Christmas. Good thing I ordered when I did too! I got to Walmart this afternoon and their printer had broken! And up until this morning they were the only Walmart in the area with a working printer! Whew! 


We got home and I got all the presents wrapped except for my grandmother's and I'll do that in just a few. I was a horrible person and wrapped my sister's in duct tape!  :rofl I couldn't help myself. I had candycane duct tape left over from mailing packages and it was just calling out to me to use it for nefarious purposes! I promised my dad that I'd have DH film her trying to open it so I can send it to him.  :D My grandmother will be here so she won't be able to cuss me too bad for it! Lol! And grandmother said no presents this year, so I'm wrapping it in brown paper bag, tying it with yarn and writing "NOT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT" across it.  :)


Only 2 more motifs to do on my friend's scarf and then a sc border around it so it really will get done tonight and then I'll probably start making the pins I'm giving to Sister and Grandmother in addition to their Christmas presents. I found little wood cutouts in the shape of awareness ribbons so I'm painting them white and gluing little pearls all over them since that's the lung cancer color and they'll be in memory of my mom. I hope they turn out as well as they look in my head. I should at least get them painted white tonight. It's still early! 

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I almost feel the same way about my Betty Crocker cookbook that was given to me as a wedding gift,I used it often over the years.

had to retire it though,well after 43 yrs,the pages were so stained,and the spine was limp.at one of the church sales,there was an almost new one for $1.00,what a great find.the old one,Rene' kept,she remembered that was the bread recipe we used when she was 4,and made our own bread in Sicily.


That was a good find linda, glad you are still using the recipies out of it, I notice too, so many things have changed since then.. that is a sweet memory, making bread at four, wow....and in Italy, no less, you must be very well traveled from the service...

Owlvamp  I hope u get to feeling better.


We took 11 kids shopping today from the Karing for Kids fundraiser we have been doing. we were able to spend 150 on each kid. after the 10% discount walmart gave us it left us 70 to buy christmas dinner for one of the families that we know can use it.

Aw, that is so nice, the true spirit of Christmas.


owlvamp  sorry you are sick, hope you feel better soon


I spent the day at my sister's.  We worked on wrapping presents and cutting up veggies for Christmas day.  7 afghans are ready for nieces and nephews.  I hope my aunt is happy with the way I put them together and assigning them homes (she passed away a couple of years ago and made many of the squares)


I think I have 4 Betty Crocker Cookbooks.  I bought a hard back copy many years ago and have used it a lot.  Then my friend/neighbor gave me her copy which is much older.  About 5 years ago I got a newer copy.  I like to look at them and see how things have changed over the years.  The newest one tells you how to fix tofu.  I also have their cookie book.  My other aunt had a copy and she knew I really liked it.  She found me a copy at a flea market.  


We did make a mall run today for a couple of things  at Kohl's and Hallmark.  It wasn't near as crazy out as I expected.  We were in and out pretty quick. 

I have lots of cook books I have collected, or inherited, or been given, or bought, but that one, that was always my go to cook book! I need to go through all those one day, they take up a whole two sided two shelved cupboard storing them, and I seldom look at any one of them, but mom's......guess it's time to maybe pass them on?? I don't iknow If I can part with some of them though, lol we'll see, that will be a decision, and a job, if so decided for after Christmas!



I have a pm off to viking, we have not heard from her in a long time, and her secret santa and I, both are getting a bit worried......


so if you are lurking dear girl please check in with us soon,thanks.


oh the butterball cookies  are delish, NOW it can be Christmas!! lol


The recipe made a couple dozen, I suppose they won't last long, lol but what the hec, huh,.


ok,over and out for the night, probably, talk to y ou all tomorrow sometime....Oh, today was th DEADLINE to mail, the 20th, that is what we said right, so hope you ALL got your puffy's OUT, lol    

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Good Morning

laundry awaits me,light ironing cause Bill's off from school till the 4th or 5th of Jan.

hope everyone is enjoying their secret santa goodies they received,my CD player fits so nicely in the apron that Kristy sent

so I can roam the house catching up on the latest installment of Nora Roberts trilogy in the Garden series,want it finished by the 31st

so I can list as part of my library 52 book/CD challenge,I made it to goal,all the rest was just extra reading goodness

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good morning all. Ive been sick since Wednesday, and out of work since Thursday. I went to Urgent Care Thursdat morning, and they are treating me for Influenza A, Ive  not been running a fever or anything, but i feel like heck. 


Grannyannie, prayers for your granddaughter.


:hug for everyone

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Hello everyone.


I hope everyone who is sick is feeling better.


I went to church this morning and stopped at the grocery store. I'm enjoying a sandwich now and then maybe some crocheting.


Have a great day everyone.

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heard from ms viking, she got her package, and will be opening it soon, and posting too I hope!!

Poor lacey, me oh my girl, so sick, hurry up and recover, so you can enjoy Christmas!


Hi ya Carol, havne't gone out yet, maybe won't,, maybe tomorrow, lol not out of anything major, yet......


all else, hope you are having a great day as well, it's overcast here, again.....sigh,,,,,, I always feel so much better if I can get a bit of sun every day, lol, come on sun, stand up for yourself,you gonna let those whispy overcast clouds get the best of y a!! here we thought you were sooooooo influential and such a big shot, a-scared of all those billowy clouds, tsk tsk tsk!!!!!

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I finally got to open my package!! I know y'all said we could open them as they came in, but I really did just feel too guilty opening it when mine wasn't ready, I'm sorry. :( I did get mine out yesterday but I missed the post office, which I wish I hadn't bc I had to use UPS and we've been having so much trouble with them at work so I know the PO would have been faster. And I forgot to put in the Christmas card I had since I rushed packing so much. Rrrrgh!


But, good things now! I can't guess my secret santa, but thank you so much! We had a wonderful time opening all the packages and seeing everything inside. And it was so sweet of you to think of the little guy - he loved his presents! He opened the caterpillar and said "Mom, wook! It's a toy for you!" and I said "Actually, I think that's a toy for you," and he was so excited. "He wants to be my toy!" And then the glee when he discovered that the caterpillar has a mouth, oh my!


And we just sat down to read the joke book, which was also a hit (even though he didn't actually get a lot of the jokes, shh! :lol) Here is how a knock-knock joke goes when you're a little Viking:

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"


"Banana who?"



Repeat, replacing "banana" with other nouns as desired. :D


In the picture, the white stick is a little set of pocket snips that are the perfect size to fit in my crochet toolkit. I didn't have a cutter that could live there before, so this is perfect! It was a lovely gift and very much worth the wait - for me at least. Sorry again, it just felt so wrong to open my box and enjoy it when mine to go out wasn't ready! But now it was ok, and we loved it, and thank you very much, Secret Santa!!


Oh, picture reminded me - the penguin ornament absolutely *had* to go on the tree right away! Right next to his friend penguin. It does look adorable!




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Good Morning

laundry awaits me,light ironing cause Bill's off from school till the 4th or 5th of Jan.

hope everyone is enjoying their secret santa goodies they received,my CD player fits so nicely in the apron that Kristy sent

so I can roam the house catching up on the latest installment of Nora Roberts trilogy in the Garden series,want it finished by the 31st

so I can list as part of my library 52 book/CD challenge,I made it to goal,all the rest was just extra reading goodness


I really want to do the 52 book challenge next year! I probably won't hit 52 but it would be nice to keep track anyway. I want to do the stashbusting challenge too! It encourages progress on my scrap granny. I did it when I first started that ghan, probably in 2008 or something, and I made a ton of squares! 


good morning all. Ive been sick since Wednesday, and out of work since Thursday. I went to Urgent Care Thursdat morning, and they are treating me for Influenza A, Ive  not been running a fever or anything, but i feel like heck. 


Grannyannie, prayers for your granddaughter.


:hug for everyone


Feel better soon, Lacey!  :hug


4 more days to Christmas!!!


Eek!!  :eek  I don't feel as panicked as I did a few days ago, but still... eek! So much to do and so little time! Tomorrow I'm going to see Santa at the mall with Sister and Peanut and do our food shopping for Christmas dinner (on the 26th, thank goodness!!) and then Tuesday will be especially busy... we've got lunch in my mother in law and her husband, I need to deliver the scarf to my friend and then Sister is coming here to help me clean up and get a couple things done for the family dinner on Friday. I can always finish up last minute prep on Thursday because DH and I don't have anything else planned besides opening our own presents and I'm making cupcakes and chocolate mousse tarts since DH doesn't like pumpkin anything. 


I'm going to start working on some chemo hats tonight, a couple for a lady I know and a couple to donate. The selection where my mom had her radiation and chemo treatments was always so itchy that I feel bad for the patients. No hair and the disease is bad enough, they at least deserve a soft hat!  :yes


I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for their week!  :ghug

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yes,I must admit,I had great fun in Michael's playing with that catapillar before purchasing,it just looked like such a fun wiggly toy that the little guy would enjoy,and so glad you liked the snips,also got a pair for myself.

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hello all, I think all the santa puffy's have been mailed, I think everything is up to par, and running normally, least I haven't heard anything bad yet, lol so hopefully, the final puffy's will be delivered soon, huh!!


Looks like everyone got something really nice in their packages, Im pleased too, I didn't play but got a couple of puffies too,  lol, didn't expect that at all!! we will wait till after Christmas, and then I will post the birthday girls for January, lol there are two at this time, so might post Feb as well, as some like to work ahead!! Looking forward to that, and another new year coming soon, to chase out all the bad that may have happened in this year, but it had it's good side too, Im sure for most of us. The fact that we are still here, still hookin'  is one good thing, lol



Again, everyone so far, did an amazing job of the secret santa puffy, gosh, what wonderful bundles of goodness!! Love it!

looking forward to spending another year with you all, and getting to know you all even better!!


Rainig here today, supposed to all day, drat, and I do have to go out today, bummer, but, suffice to say I prefer the sun, but this too, shall pass!! Just happy it is not snow, or ice coming down, not cold enough to turn it into that thank goodness!! Delivering my brunch gifts later today, as I haven't passed them out yet, due to the brunch being called, but most of them live in the area, and the two that don't anymore, I will get to them after Christmas, unless they stop in here.


:hbulb That's about it, have a good one all, Santa is watching, so be good for goodness sake!!!!!!! :wreath

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katy, its raining here too, we are so thankful it is not snow and or ice.


Last night we drove through Christmas in the Park to look at the light display.   We got there 30 min before they opened and there was already a long line of cars but that was nothing compared to the line when we left.  We usually go much earlier in the season.


 I think we are  basically ready for Christmas.  Just have a few things left to wrap but they won't be hard.  For home we have a set of those pretty boxes------hubby doesn't like to wrap so he puts mine in a box and puts a ribbon around it.  Now I can use the ones he did not use.   


:mail   Lacey thank you for the nice card.  

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Owlvamp, I hope the new medicine helps.


I am very tired but had such a wonderful day with everyone here frosting cookies. I did most of the baking before they got here. I asked my youngest daughter to pick up pizza and bread sticks on her way here so we could eat lunch before the little ones were tempted to eat cookies and frosting. I'm sure the 4 little ones were all asleep before they reached home. I made sugar cookies, sandies and lemon pecan dainties today. Tomorrow I think I will do the peanut butter cookies and pumpkin bread and on Wednesday I will do chocolate chip cookies and a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake. But this evening I am going to sit and crochet. Have a great evening.

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Such pretty santa packages showing up.


I got mine today. My Secret Santa was Sopo.   :)


 Oh my Gosh where to begin. 


How about with Pictures.


post-66545-0-98828900-1419295275_thumb.jpg    I recieved a lovely Dragon egg filled with sweet treats. a crochet hook and 2 grippers note pads and an ink pen, 2 spools of very pretty ribbon, A purple caron yarn.   And my favorite thing in the package......   This gorgeous stuffed dragon. Not only is it a purple dragon but she is Pierced Not only pierced but her piercings are stitch markers.  



My 19 year old wants me to make his girlfriend a dragon like that lol. 


Sopo thank you. I feel so very spoiled.

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