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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Oh. I got some lovely squares in the mail yesterday....



Thank you Grannie Annie. I love them. my Hubby was very impressed with the 12 in square. 

Those are soooo pretty.

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Ohhhhhhh such pretty eye candy, ann does do lovey work!!!!!!

Oh. I got some lovely squares in the mail yesterday....



Thank you Grannie Annie. I love them. my Hubby was very impressed with the 12 in square. 


it's the s with the line through it, strike through I think it is called, hope you got it fixed..Oh, just read you did, lol good!!

those are some awesome squares



why I'm I'm getting a line through I dunno,both computer people are gone,sigh

Hi there busy bee, you sure are a gitting things done!!


Good morning everyone.

Just finished cooking breakfast and doing the dishes. Whew I'm tired ! LOL



thanks,with this new computer it must be super sensitive

it must have gotten bumped and I didn't even realize it,and I have very little computer knowledge



Hello people -- I'm really eager to get started on a new project, but gotta finish the current one. I'm doing that 63-square afghan. I figure I might get done this year. Hard to tell. I have my husband in the hospital -- got 3 stents today to go with the one he got in September. We believe it's a matter of DNA. And our business. At least he's getting some R&R.  I'm interested in doing some squares -- pineknott, any color or pattern?

Hi nana, would you like me to add your name to our member list, and become a part of our thread, please pm me YOUR preferences, (size, colors, etc, of squares ) and a current address, and I will get you on the list. If you prefer only to send, Ill add you as well, there are several of us that have completed our projects, and just send instead of receiving as well, so you are in good company if that is your choice.  thanks for the interest, and hope to hear from you soon......

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Good morning back at cha Owlvamp! Wow you are up early girl!


Tired this morning........my brain wouldn't turn off. I showed Kiddles' test scores to our director and reading and math are so low she is very concerned (she is in 3rd grade). Bottom line, I'm sending a letter to the spec ed director of the district and asking for the re-eval now, not in the spring so we can get her interventions now......I am a Mama Bear and will do anything to help my baby! Grrrrrr


Then this afternoon I visit another coop to see how they do their student files, forms, etc so I can finally learn the right way to do it! The guy I worked with did nothing up and up so I'm excited to see how to do it correctly!


Other than being tired......it's a great day!


Have a good one all!


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Hello people -- I'm really eager to get started on a new project, but gotta finish the current one. I'm doing that 63-square afghan. I figure I might get done this year. Hard to tell. I have my husband in the hospital -- got 3 stents today to go with the one he got in September. We believe it's a matter of DNA. And our business. At least he's getting some R&R.  I'm interested in doing some squares -- pineknott, any color or pattern?

Hello and thank you for thinking of me,any pattern is fine,any color but orange

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Yes up early couldn't sleep. I'm usually a night owl but now fall asleep around midnight but stay a sleep for an hour or so and back up. Tell you the truth I'm a slap wore out. Exhausted isn't the word for it anymore.


I'm crocheting wash clothes at the moment in between making scrubby's. Oh what fun it is. Then need to finish up a baby blanket......

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Got a big package in the mail from Pineknott. Thankyou so much. I just love how the colors compliment one another. the blue with the varigated brown is my daughters favorite




And of course the lovely card she got me. I am making it my Avatar


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wow,you got them ahead of what they said

good, my sense of color blending worked.I have the darnest time telling some blue/green colors or light brown/mauve shades apart

I'll think its one color and rene' or mil will say ummmm no ,its this color,and I'm like Drat,reach in for another color,its a comedy of errors sometimes.

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Good morning back at cha Owlvamp! Wow you are up early girl!


Tired this morning........my brain wouldn't turn off. I showed Kiddles' test scores to our director and reading and math are so low she is very concerned (she is in 3rd grade). Bottom line, I'm sending a letter to the spec ed director of the district and asking for the re-eval now, not in the spring so we can get her interventions now......I am a Mama Bear and will do anything to help my baby! Grrrrrr


Then this afternoon I visit another coop to see how they do their student files, forms, etc so I can finally learn the right way to do it! The guy I worked with did nothing up and up so I'm excited to see how to do it correctly!


Other than being tired......it's a great day!


Have a good one all!


You have to go to the district level to request a re-eval? Here the parents and/or teacher can request a re-eval at any time at the school level.


Got a big package in the mail from Pineknott. Thankyou so much. I just love how the colors compliment one another. the blue with the varigated brown is my daughters favorite




And of course the lovely card she got me. I am making it my Avatar


Those are very pretty squares and card. I mailed mine today, they should be there on Monday.


Not too much going on around here. I'm starting to feel better but not what I would call good and I'm really tired. I plan to spend my evening relaxing and crocheting.

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Hi everyone! Haven't been here in quite a while, but would love to start making squares again. I don't need any more but still want to participate.

Katy, pm'ed you.

I sent you a return pm, sooooooo tag,you're it!!


Everyone else, hows it going?? Fall is in the air, mornings quite chilly, afternoons just right, an then prevnings and evenings it cools off again, soooooooo. I don't mind, I like fall.....


gotta try to get to a laundra mat this coming weekend, have a big pillow quilted bed comforter, that won't fit in my washer, and or dryer, but I know they have great big washers there, so will try to do that, and get that on for fall and winter.


I don't really have much to report, I guess, kinda quiet here, which is always good I guess. lol Im not the drama sort of person, I mean i have it sometimes, but don't cause or enjoy it, lol  


Been busy, doing little things that no one on earth will ever know, see, or notice, but i do, so, lol Other than that, enjoying the fall afternoons outside, or on the deck, or going on errands and so forth....Talk to you maybe a bit later, gotta run, dryer just buzzed !

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and Baseballmom18 is a member of our little group, for now, just would like to send, so if you get a pm from her, please furnish her your info, puffy's on the way!!!!!! thanks Baseballmom18 for joining up, and hope your stay is pleasant and satisfying, if ever your needs change, and you want to collect squares, just let me know!!!!!!!!

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Happy Friday! :yay  :cheer  :clap   :elle   :hyper  :bounce  :jumpyay  (Can ya tell I'm ready for the weekend?)


Hope the work day goes quickly for all. I need to  :sew  :sew  :sew this weekend, being sick really slowed me down and the angel wings are needed for rehearsal next Saturday.


Have a great day everyone.

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Good mornining everyone. Been up for hours but need to charge my computer and did a few things.


Going to get the boys today. I'm excited and they don't know. so they will be surprised to me. I get so much crap from her when I call for them. But she knows I'm not going away and will keep asking for them. Anthony the oldest isn't doing well in school. Won't do his homework, won't give notes to his mom, gets in trouble now. He never gets in trouble. Took a boys jacket wouldn't give it back. I don't know what's going on with him. I say he is lashing out and can't stand being at his mothers he is doing all this. The boy friend does nothing but hollers at him and now threatens they are sending him to a trouble school or military school. The boyfriend also say if she doesn't stop sticking up for him he will end up in prison. They don't try to find the root of the problem and they crap on all the time. They never praise him for nothing. It's always how bad he is. I'm going to try to talk to him this weekend.

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