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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Well Good Morning ALl!!!



What a lovely little bit of chatting I had to read.... I heard from our new queenie, and even though she is working today, and won't read the announcement till later, Im wondering if I should wait till later to announce her....?????? HUmmm, Ill think about it for a few minutes........WEll I thought about it, and I figured I probably should wait. Then again,  I would probably have a mutiny on my hands here if I do.........SO, the coin is flipping now, heads yes, tails no.......


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Coin flip said YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok ok, without further ado, I hereby pass this crown that I have worn with pride and joy for the last month, to our new Queen here on Yarn Hill.... I hope she enjoys it as much as all of us previous queens have, and that  she is rained on with her preferences of squares this month!! Ok, here it comes!!!




OUr new QUeen :queen of Yarn Hill for July,  is SMITH!!!! Congratulations Susan, and enjoy your reign as it passes much too soon, if you ask me, lol............................


Susan's preferences are 12 inch ww. any color!!!!!!! She made it easy on us all!!!!!! COngratz again Susan, and we will wait for your acceptance speech, when you get off work!!!! ha ha, (can't slide out of it, gotta make it or its not official, he he he( With great pleasure, let us all hail our new Queen!!!!!!!!!!!   :nworthy     :queen

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Woo Hoo Susan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for being 'easy' (hee hee) and having no choice of colors, any and all welcome! I may already have some in my stash to send you! But of course you will get some new!


Katie or Suan, IM me the address so I can get started packing, adding to it as the month wears on! You just never know what goodie might be added!!!!


Congrats again oh Great New Queen Square!!



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Thank you all so much for your prayers, happy thoughts, and encouraging words.  I'm feeling better today even though I am missing my husband and two of my kids.  For three more weeks we will be separated by about 750 miles.  That's got me a little bit down.  Then I had an ordeal with a church member yesterday that got me even more down - but today is a new day.


I'm going to see if getting some much needed housework and laundry done will help to motivate me to do some crocheting.  It always helps me to feel better if I feel like I've done something productive.  I hope everyone is having a great day!

Are you saying crocheting isnt productive?  Shhhh dont let my husband see this lol


oh my just read 19 firefighters died in a wild fire just 90 miles away from where smith lives in az.. Hope she and hers are safe and out of harms way........

Yes that is awful. Prayers going up that Susan is okay.....   Hey Susan was my free for all gal.

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It is a rainy nasty dark day today But i did get a bit of sunshine waited in my mail box today.


Thank you Katie. What a pleasant surprise

Very pretty squares.


Congratulations Susan on becoming our new queen.


I spent the morning cleaning house and then ran a few errands and now I have a little crochet time before I have to head out to church. I think I'll work on some squares for our July Queen.

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course you are welcome, I should have put an Orange Alert on that posting, lol I like orange, it has it's place you know, so warm and sort of a sun tanned yellow really, reminds me of sun and sand, and well, oranges! ,lol    I like subdued oranges for a sort of tonal balance in pieces, if you know what that means, and really glad you do too!!!!!!!!!

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ha i hear ya, that was totally a guess, but it worked well. I used  peach and orange once before, in a square, long ago, another swap site, and it was said it was the favorite of the ones they received for a ghan, soooooo it works.lol

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Thank you to the warm and wonderful June Queen to pass the crown onto me! I am so grateful to have such an honor bestowed upon me. I am so shocked and amazed that I was picked for this momentous distinction, my fingers couldn't keep up with my brain when I went to reply....I think there were at least 3 messages without any wording to them. LOL! 


As for the fire, you can see the smoke in the air and smell it when the wind hits just right. There are some shelters set up for large animals and humans about 60 miles away. We are safe, esp on this side of town. I just can't believe what had happened. Due to the heat the smaller planes are grounded, they are not allowed to fly if it's over 110, the larger planes now are enlisted but have to be grounded at 120. Not good with this heatwave we are having down here. Last I heard none of the fire has been contained. A monsoon storm started it on Friday and has been out of control since.  I know my brother use to fight forest fires in Idaho and some of the horror stories he had told about the quick change of conditions, heat, smoke. Nothing can prepare you for the real thing. 


I love seeing the bright fun squares! 

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What cha think of my festive crown? I thought sparklers were too dangers and might just singe my hair just a little. 


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Congratulations, smith!  I love your patriotic crown.  You should use the sparklers as your scepter ;)  May your reign be peaceful and fruitful.


How about a round of applause for our June Queen? :applause   Nee, how about a standing ovation?   :nworthy This group has become my favorite part of the 'ville.  It's because of the people in it and the gentle guidance from Katie.  I hope this group lasts for years and years and years :)


I hope everyone is nice and cool today.  L.A. is not as hot as it was during the weekend, but it is humid.  A trip to the movies is just the thing.  So I saw Monsters University on Saturday and White House Down yesterday.  Tomorrow is $5 Tuesday; so I'll go again.  I just haven't decided which movie to see.  Maybe World War Z? After Earth?  





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oh you are too kind!!! hey, how was WHite House Down, i want to see that too, waiting for it to get here by me,  lol I mean it's out, but the theaters it's in are a ways away, so will wait till it gets to one closer! Monster U, is such a cute show, lol I loved the first one!


I won't be able to get out anywhere tomorrow,as they are "sealing" our block, street repair, the note on the door said if you want out, do so by 8, and don't expect to get in till 5.....I don't know how they can do that, some people have to get out,you know,work,and other imp. stuff.sheesh.....And the phone was out for like 6 hours today, still regarding that century link deal, but at least I had more than a day warning on that one..!! Ive always said, Nebraska has two seasons, winter,and street maintenance, and it'strue!!!!!!! LOL

I have been hearing about your heat wave! Stay in when possible I guess, but now they are saying to conserve,, cause of the grid failure,,,,,,,,,,,what is happening! you know.....


Stay safe all out there, and thanks again for the standing ovation Maria, ha ha, and we have our new QUeenie to make squares for, lol! Hope to get mine at least done tomorrow, since I can't LEAVE THE HOUSE all day,lol

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oh you are too kind!!! hey, how was WHite House Down, i want to see that too, waiting for it to get here by me,  lol I mean it's out, but the theaters it's in are a ways away, so will wait till it gets to one closer! Monster U, is such a cute show, lol I loved the first one!


I won't be able to get out anywhere tomorrow,as they are "sealing" our block, street repair, the note on the door said if you want out, do so by 8, and don't expect to get in till 5.....I don't know how they can do that, some people have to get out,you know,work,and other imp. stuff.sheesh.....And the phone was out for like 6 hours today, still regarding that century link deal, but at least I had more than a day warning on that one..!! Ive always said, Nebraska has two seasons, winter,and street maintenance, and it'strue!!!!!!! LOL


I have been hearing about your heat wave! Stay in when possible I guess, but now they are saying to conserve,, cause of the grid failure,,,,,,,,,,,what is happening! you know.....


Stay safe all out there, and thanks again for the standing ovation Maria, ha ha, and we have our new QUeenie to make squares for, lol! Hope to get mine at least done tomorrow, since I can't LEAVE THE HOUSE all day,lol

I loved both!  I had seen a test screening of White House Down a couple of months ago.  I just couldn't say anything about it.  Now that it's out, I can say that I loved Channing Tatum and Jamie Foxx's "chemistry."  I saw Olympus Has Fallen, and it's also about the White House being taken over by terrorists, but White House Down is a funner movie, IMO.  I highly recommend it.  Some situations defy logic, but I don't think they ever claimed it would be a brainy kind of movie, lol.  


Hopefully the maintenance gets taken care of in one day.  How crazy that you're locked in all day.  Here we are cooling down little by little.  I told my niece visiting from Arizona that she should take a good look at the clouds passing us by because those are on their way to becoming monsoons at her home.  I hate the humidity the most.  I have left the house only for important errands.  Other than that, I'm keeping myself busy indoors.  You'll get to be productive tomorrow, lol.  I get to work in L.A.  I always mention the weather in L.A. because everyone knows where it is, but I'm actually about 25 minutes away, in Bellflower.  We'll see how traffic is tomorrow.  It's at least going to be somewhat cooler.


Good night, everyone, and good morning/day to our over-the-pond friends :)

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Congrats to our new reigning square! I pledge two squares.

I want to see world war z! I took the kids to see monsters university today and it was such a big hit!

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Well good morning chatty squares! Woot!


Susan, PLEASE stay safe! and I also love your new crown! My DD calls that 'bling'!


Katie, hope your day goes well and they are really done by 5!!


Today I am off with Kiddles and Lucky. Taking Kiddles to her 6 month dentist appt then back home to Lucky. We will take him to a local park and let him run a bit. Also got him a harness and am trying to 'teach' him to take a walk. He did great again last nite, no barking at bed time! He is one smart puppy! Now if the nipping could stop! One thing at a time.....


I also pledge two squares for the July Square.....and more if I can! Already got the address, thanks Katie, and am good to go!


Have a great day all!


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:D  You ladies are wonderful! It's been a hectic few days at work and I woke up with a big smile on my face because I have the honor of being July's Square Queen! Dh laughs at me, boys they just don't understand. 


I've got a busy one day off....shopping, bills, housework  :P  I don't think it counts as an actual day off though.


have fun at the movies!!


I hope they are done by 5pm, that sure puts a damper on the entire day! Luckily it's only one day...

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