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2012 Wip-Busters


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Shopping for something that isn't yarn??? :think Does that really happen???


Not much, but I was helping get school supplies, because my cousins mom was trying to fix their dryer. I did look at yarn in passing at Wal-Mart though. Aren't y'all proud of me. Didn't buy any yarn. :yay:yay:yay for me

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Not much, but I was helping get school supplies, because my cousins mom was trying to fix their dryer. I did look at yarn in passing at Wal-Mart though. Aren't y'all proud of me. Didn't buy any yarn. :yay:yay:yay for me

I am very proud of you.

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I just finished my first week of the Stashbuster CAL (no points! woo!), and saw this one in somebody's signature. I'd like to jump on this one, too! I also have quite a list of things... some of which I can't find right now... to the point I just got another set of #8 needles I know I already have because I can't FIND those needles cause they're in a bag with a project somewhere. :blush


Between knit, crochet, cross-stitch and sewing projects I have a lot running at once. It is time to clear out the queue! For once in my life maybe!! :P

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Not much, but I was helping get school supplies, because my cousins mom was trying to fix their dryer. I did look at yarn in passing at Wal-Mart though. Aren't y'all proud of me. Didn't buy any yarn. :yay:yay:yay for me

Very very proud of you! I went to the grand opening of the new Michaels in my town, and didn't bring home any new yarn. Of course, a dear friend just gave me a huge trash bag full, and my cabinets are packed with my old stash, but let's celebrate the small victories!


I just finished my first week of the Stashbuster CAL (no points! woo!), and saw this one in somebody's signature. I'd like to jump on this one, too! I also have quite a list of things... some of which I can't find right now... to the point I just got another set of #8 needles I know I already have because I can't FIND those needles cause they're in a bag with a project somewhere. :blush


Between knit, crochet, cross-stitch and sewing projects I have a lot running at once. It is time to clear out the queue! For once in my life maybe!! :P

Welcome!!! I'm glad you've found us. I hope we help. i don't think there's a cure for start-itis, which I have severely, but I hope you find a support group helps you control it. Tell us when you work on an old project or finish one, and we will cheer you on! (Oh, we really like pictures!)

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Because you asked....it is a corner to corner/diagonal afghan.Size P hook.Nature Spun 100% wool, 3-ply. I have 7, 7 oz. balls. I have finished 2 balls and I am working on number 3. The color is wine. I really like this wool. It is super soft and working quite well. i mean it is easy to work with.

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I use 3 balls then use one ball and increase on one side and decreased on the other. then used the lst 3 ball to decrease. I finished it and still have yarn left over. I am making a hat. I don't really like the hat and have redone it a couple of times.

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I think it's time for me to update: I started a finished a cat mat, just a circle with some 100% wool yarn I had that I wanted to felt. I started an octagonal afghan. I started a pair of slippers that resemble the old Converse high top sneakers. Any body here old enough to remember those?

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Good Afternoon!

I am fixing to have all of WIPS because I am making everyone a little something for Christmas! I am currently trying to work on 2 different projects for myself! :crocheting I am starting a Round Snuggle for the 3rd time because I want to try to make where I don't have to constantly be starting in one spot & then fasten off & start in another. I am also making myself a Wrap to use in Church & also when I am subbing for school district as well. Also, when these are done I HAVE to get started on Christmas gifts of no one will get the items that I want to make for them. I also going to make myself a pair of gloves & an slouchy bean to use for myself as well.

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Hey, whaddya mean "old enough to remember" Converse?? They're still popular! :D :D (Though I *have* heard purists argue that it's "not the same" anymore now that Converse is owned by whatever shoe mega-brand they're owned by now... :ohdear)


Crochetlady, what is a slouchy bean? That is an intriguing sounding noun.


I haven't finished any yarn projects this week, though I have finished three (will be four tonight!) pentagons for my African flower soccer ball a la crochetbug, and I've made slow but steady project on my knit entrelac scarf - gets easier with every tier!


I DID make a felt gingerbread man for my little boy to play with, and cut felt for two chocolate chip cookies I plan to sew together tonight. I've been planning felt food for a while, and just HAD to work on it last night when he said "cookie!" and pretended to pull the cookies out of the picture in the book we were reading and eat them. And told me to have a cookie too. :manyheart

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Hey, whaddya mean "old enough to remember" Converse?? They're still popular! :D :D (Though I *have* heard purists argue that it's "not the same" anymore now that Converse is owned by whatever shoe mega-brand they're owned by now... :ohdear)


Crochetlady, what is a slouchy bean? That is an intriguing sounding noun.


I haven't finished any yarn projects this week, though I have finished three (will be four tonight!) pentagons for my African flower soccer ball a la crochetbug, and I've made slow but steady project on my knit entrelac scarf - gets easier with every tier!


I DID make a felt gingerbread man for my little boy to play with, and cut felt for two chocolate chip cookies I plan to sew together tonight. I've been planning felt food for a while, and just HAD to work on it last night when he said "cookie!" and pretended to pull the cookies out of the picture in the book we were reading and eat them. And told me to have a cookie too. :manyheart


A slouchy beanie is a hat but it has alot of stack in the back to hold your hair. I have never had nor wore one so I am hoping that I look really good in it! :hook

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Good Afternoon!

I am fixing to have all of WIPS because I am making everyone a little something for Christmas! I am currently trying to work on 2 different projects for myself! :crocheting I am starting a Round Snuggle for the 3rd time because I want to try to make where I don't have to constantly be starting in one spot & then fasten off & start in another. I am also making myself a Wrap to use in Church & also when I am subbing for school district as well. Also, when these are done I HAVE to get started on Christmas gifts of no one will get the items that I want to make for them. I also going to make myself a pair of gloves & an slouchy bean to use for myself as well.

Wow! I'm tired reading your to-do list! It sounds like you have a lot of fun projects going on. Good luck knocking them out! Keep us posted on your progress so we can :cheer you on!


Hey, whaddya mean "old enough to remember" Converse?? They're still popular! :D :D (Though I *have* heard purists argue that it's "not the same" anymore now that Converse is owned by whatever shoe mega-brand they're owned by now... :ohdear)


Crochetlady, what is a slouchy bean? That is an intriguing sounding noun.


I haven't finished any yarn projects this week, though I have finished three (will be four tonight!) pentagons for my African flower soccer ball a la crochetbug, and I've made slow but steady project on my knit entrelac scarf - gets easier with every tier!


I DID make a felt gingerbread man for my little boy to play with, and cut felt for two chocolate chip cookies I plan to sew together tonight. I've been planning felt food for a while, and just HAD to work on it last night when he said "cookie!" and pretended to pull the cookies out of the picture in the book we were reading and eat them. And told me to have a cookie too. :manyheart

You boy sounds so adorable! How old is he? I think the felt cookies are such a good idea. Good job finishing the pentagons and working on the knitting.


I started another project. My 19 year old son pretended to be really upset that I promised to make a hat for him, but made the slippers first. It's 100 degrees here. I don't understand why he would want a hat right now, but I never claimed to understand teenagers. So I started the hat. It's a complicated pattern, but it will be awesome if I can get it done right.

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Wow! I'm tired reading your to-do list! It sounds like you have a lot of fun projects going on. Good luck knocking them out! Keep us posted on your progress so we can :cheer you on!


You boy sounds so adorable! How old is he? I think the felt cookies are such a good idea. Good job finishing the pentagons and working on the knitting.


I started another project. My 19 year old son pretended to be really upset that I promised to make a hat for him, but made the slippers first. It's 100 degrees here. I don't understand why he would want a hat right now, but I never claimed to understand teenagers. So I started the hat. It's a complicated pattern, but it will be awesome if I can get it done right.


Maybe by the time you get the pattern mastered, it'll be cold enough to wear it? :D The the existance of the slippers really should have been awesome enough to cancel out the lack of his hat, but as you said, teenagers... I think they sign a pact against admitting things are that awesome. Because those slippers are the best - your own pattern?


Our little guy is just 21 months old right now. He is soooo much fun! He loves getting into everything he can and sometimes he drives us nuts with it, but you can practically see the wheels turning in his head as he figures things out and so it's hard to stay mad at him when he's just exploring. :) I was very excited the first day he really started playing pretend with his stuffed animals - he was putting his blankies over them and telling me "Buddy notch. Diddy notch. Doddy, notch!" (Bunny nap, kitty nap, doggy, nap!)


I've always loved play food myself, so I'm tickled to have someone who will really enjoy playing with it to make it for! I've got both felt and crochet pattern ideas scribbled down all over the place! :D Oh - and when I gave him the chocolate chip cookie last night? He actually tried to take a bite out of it. I sort of forgot that toddlers will do that. Hope it holds up ok... :blush

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Thanks, VikingRunner. The pattern is not my own, but I altered it from a baby booty to a woman's size 10 for a friend of mine. The hat I'm making for my son is coming along. There is sewing involved, though. I despise sewing with every fiber of my being.


Your son is at a very cute age. I love your description of how he plays! :manyheart

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Can I join in this late in the day? I have a bunch of starts on lapghans I began while I was experimenting with patterns for the Olympics challenge. They are barely started, but I like them, so I want to complete them. There is one that was almost finished that I had to drop at that time. There are also a few that aren't technically WIPs, since they aren't started, but they have been in mind for a long time, I have the yarn, and a designated purpose for them. I would also like to include those to clear both the baskets and the "gotta do this" compartment in my brain, and use that designated yarn before I pull it and use in something else.


So all told, that would 12 (8 actual WIPS and 4 too long on the drawing board] with the goal to clear all those out by the end of the year.


For scoring - from reading the starting post it seems to be pretty flexible. I would like to count 3 points for each lapghan. Since they are 48" (more or less) 1 point for the first 24", 1 point for the rest, and 1 point for weaving in all the tails, a dreary job in my books.


So. Can I come out and play with you?

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Can I join in this late in the day? I have a bunch of starts on lapghans I began while I was experimenting with patterns for the Olympics challenge. They are barely started, but I like them, so I want to complete them. There is one that was almost finished that I had to drop at that time. There are also a few that aren't technically WIPs, since they aren't started, but they have been in mind for a long time, I have the yarn, and a designated purpose for them. I would also like to include those to clear both the baskets and the "gotta do this" compartment in my brain, and use that designated yarn before I pull it and use in something else.


So all told, that would 12 (8 actual WIPS and 4 too long on the drawing board] with the goal to clear all those out by the end of the year.


For scoring - from reading the starting post it seems to be pretty flexible. I would like to count 3 points for each lapghan. Since they are 48" (more or less) 1 point for the first 24", 1 point for the rest, and 1 point for weaving in all the tails, a dreary job in my books.


So. Can I come out and play with you?

Sounds like a great point system! Come on in and play!

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I need the incentive. I like the things I have started, well, except for a couple, but they're with yarn I want to use up. But I'm getting a lot of new yarn with a Joann's sale and the HL clearance, and, of course, I'd much rather play with something new than something old. But the old needs to move out first. I have two or three other WIPS, but they were just started and I'm going to abandon and frog them.


I just remembered another 2 WIPs, so it's 14 I want to finish by the end of the year. It sounds like a lot, but if I just churned out four lapghans in 16 days for the Olympics, surely I can do that by December 31st!

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I have so much yarn with so many ideas for uses... I don't think I'm ever going to get it all done. Seems that something pops up that becomes a "must do this now" type project, I never get around to my WIM's.


I finised the shark hat for my son. After all the measuring, and adjusting hook sizes to get it to fit his big head, I'm really disappointed, because it doesn't fit well at all. He has to stretch it so much... Any way, here's a pic.


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AAAAAAHAHAHAHA! :rofl Ok, now I COMPLETELY understand why he wanted it so bad!! That hat is teh roxxors! :2rock Look at it! EVERYBODY LOOK AT THIS HAT!!


ddc, for me this thread has been great for motivation. Of course, in the week since I joined I worked on two projects that were new the week before, instead of any of the backlog... :blush But I'm in the zone on the new ones, and I'll be at good stopping points soon, whereupon I will pick up one of the three with deadlines. (Cross stitch for early November, quilt for Christmas, and crochet baby blanket for January.)



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Beth, way cool shark hat. I am glad I could see it in person.


I think I need to have a journal. I have 4 WIPs on my list but I can only think of 3 of them. I don't remember the 4 I finished. Hmm. I have been working on the wedding sampler. I know of the shell cross stitch and the basket weave afghan.

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Beth, way cool shark hat. I am glad I could see it in person.


I think I need to have a journal. I have 4 WIPs on my list but I can only think of 3 of them. I don't remember the 4 I finished. Hmm. I have been working on the wedding sampler. I know of the shell cross stitch and the basket weave afghan.


That scarf you knitted?

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