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2012 Stashbusting CAL


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Hey, HL has their ILTY for $3.66 instead of $3.99. Stock up time!




:eek:eek:eek:eek:eekJUST what I needed to know... :yay


:rofl One would think so, but it's not that bad. The majority of it is confined to a big closet under the stairs. Granted, I have more on one of those 6ft plastic Plano shelving units and in some totes on top of my desk/bookcase in my room. And, as I type this, I'm looking at 30-35 skeins that have mysteriously managed to migrate into the livingroom... :lol I try to keep my yarn contained to my room and closet, but it doesn't always happen. If I lived by myself, I'm sure it would be everywhere. :devil

I don't live by myself and mine is STILL everywhere. Mine has the place where it supposed to be, mostly in tubs in the barn on multiple shelf units :lol but there are those bags on the living room floor and I clean them up and they:think..they..you know, they just :eek:eek:eek:eek APPEAR!???? :D

I'm trying super mega hard to not buy unnecessary yarn... but I'm finding it even hard to actually define "unnecessary yarn" - I am not sure such a thing exists!


I don't think that has a definition... at least I don't believe in it :rofl

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:whewPam/PBLKNP has gotten her yarn for the Bernat CAL. All 13 skeins of it. :jumpyay:woo:jumpyay She beat me by one skein. :nahnah My yarn came from Joann.com came yesterday. All 12 skeins of it. Also I completed a beanie cap yesterday and used up a ball of yarn. So that is a +1 and add that to my -24 (for the new yarn), my total this week so far is -23.


My yarn has a habit of being stored in several rooms when it should be stored in only one. Today while my hubby is out doing our grocery shopping I plan on putting all of the little bags of yarn that are stored around my rocking chair (which is in our living/dining room) in a couple larger garbage (kitchen can size) bags. They may stay by the rocker instead of going to our hobby room or our bedroom. If they do stay at least it will be one or two bags and not several like it is now.

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I started on the second star shell blanket and got quite a bit done yesterday on it! But no scoring yarn use yet even though I also made a preemie coverlet. Darn pounders seem to go FOREVER! :lol Hopefully I'll use up enough of the 3 skeins on the star shell today to make balls! :yarn:yarn:yarn


Here's the preemie coverlet. It's 13" x 13" (made for 1-3 lb preemies to use in their little "nest") and it's pastel green (couldn't get a good pic that showed the color well).


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I'm working on the heirloom stitches afghan. Anyone else that has ever made this afghan will uncerstand that until uou get the pattern down it will be frogged numerous times! So i am almost done with the first skein. Last night i took an allergy pill wibth decongestant. I hadnt taken it in cquit awhile...forgot something. It is defintely non-drowsy...made 2 hats between 1and 3 am!! Still only used up a ball. HL today so that +1won't stand for lng!

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I started on the second star shell blanket and got quite a bit done yesterday on it! But no scoring yarn use yet even though I also made a preemie coverlet. Darn pounders seem to go FOREVER! :lol Hopefully I'll use up enough of the 3 skeins on the star shell today to make balls! :yarn:yarn:yarn


Here's the preemie coverlet. It's 13" x 13" (made for 1-3 lb preemies to use in their little "nest") and it's pastel green (couldn't get a good pic that showed the color well).


Very cute! What kind of yarn do you use for the preemie coverlets? I've been wanting to make some and was unsure, worsted seems like it would be too heavy and possibly scratchy to their delicate skin... :hug

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Very cute! What kind of yarn do you use for the preemie coverlets? I've been wanting to make some and was unsure, worsted seems like it would be too heavy and possibly scratchy to their delicate skin... :hug


I used a LB pounder. It's actually pretty lightweight and I plan to wash it a few times before I send it off to get it as soft as possible. :) I usually use ILTY for preemie stuff because it is really soft to start with and only gets softer as it's washed. The pattern I used called for sport weight, but I used worsted and it's not heavy or thick at all. I used this pattern: http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/bev-preemie-cover.html and used an H hook instead of the J hook the yarn called for or the F hook the pattern called for.

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I used a LB pounder. It's actually pretty lightweight and I plan to wash it a few times before I send it off to get it as soft as possible. :) I usually use ILTY for preemie stuff because it is really soft to start with and only gets softer as it's washed. The pattern I used called for sport weight, but I used worsted and it's not heavy or thick at all. I used this pattern: http://www.bevscountrycottage.com/bev-preemie-cover.html and used an H hook instead of the J hook the yarn called for or the F hook the pattern called for.


Thanks for the info! I've marked the site, hopefully soon I will take the time to sit and whip one of these up! :)

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Finished my latest pattern and used 4 skeins of Sugar n' Cream!!






Nicely done with the stash-busting!! Beautiful tote, too!! :cheer

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Yup..Hobby Lobby today. Wasn't as bad as it could have been. I was going to buy the rest of the yarn I needed for the Heirloom Stitch afghan..but matching the dye lot wasn't going to happen. So now I have 7 skeins of yarn I didn't need, but bought a new afghan book and there are a few in there that I can use the yarn for instead. Of course I bought yarn..sheesh... :rofl


ILTY was on sale, but I showed great restraint. I only bought 11 skeins. So with my +1 I am at -21 for the week.


Time to make some hats out of balls, or work on that scrap ghan

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Finished my latest pattern and used 4 skeins of Sugar n' Cream!!





another one tote that is perfectly done!! Great job Sue:cheer


Ordered 14 skeins yesterday from my favorite online yarn store. See, I was asked to make a specific afghan for my friend's daughter's wedding gift and the same afghan for my friend's son. I made one about 4 years ago for my friend's husband as he was going thru his last few months of pancreatic cancer. Now, when the kids come over to her house, she says they fight over who gets to use that afghan. She wants both kids to have one of their own for their homes since it means so much to them.

I've procrasted too long. The wedding is this weekend. Luckily it is a quick pattern. thanks for "listening". I'll go back to my little mouse hole :mouse and be quiet until I post my scores.

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So far, I haven't bought any yarn this week, but I have used up 3 partial skeins while doing test patterns for Myblueangels. I had lots of fun testing her patterns, as usual. I love her getting to test her patterns. So, my score for the week, so far is +3.

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another one tote that is perfectly done!! Great job Sue:cheer


Ordered 14 skeins yesterday from my favorite online yarn store. See, I was asked to make a specific afghan for my friend's daughter's wedding gift and the same afghan for my friend's son. I made one about 4 years ago for my friend's husband as he was going thru his last few months of pancreatic cancer. Now, when the kids come over to her house, she says they fight over who gets to use that afghan. She wants both kids to have one of their own for their homes since it means so much to them.

I've procrasted too long. The wedding is this weekend. Luckily it is a quick pattern. thanks for "listening". I'll go back to my little mouse hole :mouse and be quiet until I post my scores.



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I finished a panel (my second) on an afghan I'm making this morning! :yay That was 4 skeins and I rolled the remainder down into a ball... so I'm +7 so far!! :D

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Working on another beanie cap but don't think I will enough yarn to count. May have to go throw stash and find balls I can use up by this weekend. Need to get that negative score to a plus score and soon. The sooner the better.

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