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Getting Bored with Project(s)

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I've currently got at least 5 projects going (a snood, a scarf for DH, and 3 afghans). Well, I don't want to work on any of them. I've become involved in a project to crochet scarfs for the needy and that's all I want to do. Has anyone else ever just not wanted to work on a WIP? What to you do? I know the scarf project is really the only important one, but I'd like to finish the others. Do you think this will pass? Should I just go with it? Thanks for any suggestions! Be well all!

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It has happened a few times to me. I just finished a throw for my sis this morning that I had put down over a month ago. Last night I had the urge to get it done and worked furiously on it. I think it will pass. Focus on what you want to do. If it becomes work you won't want to do it anyway. HTH

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Happens alot...

I have a shawl 3/4 finished that has been sitting in the basket for all summer. Got involved with baby clothes, then doll clothes and now hats for my winter charities.

It will get done but only when I am in a shawl mood...:lol.

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Yup, happens all the time. I have lots of WIPs. They get done in their own time, but they *do* get done eventually. If you have a supportive group around you for the cold-weather scarves, I can understand why those will seem more important right now. So work on them without guilt and with happiness! :)


If you feel conflicted about the scarves vs. afghans--for example, if you've promised someone an afghan--maybe you can arrange to have one or two yarn-working friends (knit/crochet) come to your home once a week or every two weeks. Those evenings/afternoons/whatever will be dedicated to the afghans. You'll have a supportive environment for that work as well.


Sometimes I just don't get to my service work, but I know that I'll at least have 3 hours once a month set aside for it (monthly meeting, 3rd Sunday, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.). And sometimes I don't get to my own work, but I know that I'll at least have 1.5 hours once a month set aside for it (monthly meeting, 1st Monday, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.). Any other time is negotiable: riding in car when DH is driving, riding on BART to and from San Francisco, and so forth.



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yup. especially on a loong project. Sometimes I'll "Take a break" doing a quick-to-finish project that is a WIM anyway, or read a good book for a night or two...then I can come back to the big WIP. About the only time I can't do that, is if a project has a deadline--like a gift. :U

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I am so happy I'm not the only one...LOL.


Usually it happens when I'm working on afghan or something large.


I do get very frustrated because I live in a very small town with no craft/yarn stores except Walmart. Walmart has a very little choice in yarns here. Right now I have a plastic bin with a little of this and a little of that. Brought the bin in the livingroom last week to see what I could do with so little......half skeins, a little here etc.


Hubby saw this big bin --has no idea that ALOT is--- alot of not enough......LOL

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Thank you everyone. You all gave me hope and great advise! I guess as I think of it I've never just not finished any project. Luckily nothing I'm working on I a gift or a project I'm doing for anyone (other than the scarfs). Thank again everyone! I'm happily crocheting my scarfs for now. When the muse hits for something else, I'll go for that.

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This is a common delimna (sp?). I have 2 afghans waiting to be finished. I usually keep several projects going at the same time. I especially like to have one small one (such as potholders) packed and ready to go when I run errands with my hubby. If my memory is correct these are the projects I have going right now - 2 afghans, chemo caps, squares for afghans for veterans, potholders, dishcloths, and currently am working on hat (completed) and scarf for a little girl for Christmas. I also want to make a hat and scarf for her father for Christmas. The fellow is a good friend of my great nephew and is doing something really nice right now for my great nephew and his family. It is easy to get bored with one project and want to start another one. Especially if one project is a large and time consuming one such as an afghan. Welcome to the boat.

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This happens to me...only ALL THE TIME! I also tend to go thru spurts - like crocheting all the time, then baking, then sewing...back to crocheting. :lol At least we are creative rather than vicious in our cycles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I often have more than on wip but it goes according to the the group I

am working with at the time. Right now project linus has a call out for

afghans for the cancer wards at children's hospital. They try to have a personal gift a small afghan for each child admitted. It gives them something warm and soft to cuddle during treatments. We have a goal set we hope to reach by November.

I think its personally more interesting to change off small and large

projects for myself.

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I can't offer help, only empathy. I'm finding myself in the same position. I spend more time reading about crochet than I do actually crocheting lately! I want to get out of the slump and I think I will make a couple of baby afghans so I can actually produce something. But I would love to finish all of the 1/2 done projects too.


Thanks for bringing up the subject -- maybe we will both get some inspiration from the others here.

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I have been cross-stitching and quilting more than anything lately. I have an afghan I haven't touched in about a year (over half finished) and a fairly simple scarf that could be done in an hour or two if I would just do it.

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Like Kel, I switch around from one skill to another. Right now I've slowed down on the crocheting and have moved on to sewing some new curtains. The repetitive motion of crocheting has a tendency to make my hands and wrists tired and achy. Sewing is a bit easier on the old joints.

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