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Deployment blanket.

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Hey Gals, keep up the great work on these afghans, know that we appreciate the sacrifice you are making, too, having your partner away for such a long time.


Take care...

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I think this is a wonderful idea. Anyone who makes one without someone to give to could always donate one here...http://www.soldiersangels.org Great site. My brother in law deploys soon to Afghanistan for a year. I am gonna make him one.

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I think this is a wonderful idea. Anyone who makes one without someone to give to could always donate one here...http://www.soldiersangels.org Great site. My brother in law deploys soon to Afghanistan for a year. I am gonna make him one.


Thanks for the link!! I'll send it to my mom, she's forever sending care packages even when my husband isn't deployed.

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Pictures soon promise! Things got crazy. Have a slightly panicked wife on my hands lol. looks like her trooper is coming home early due to a spinal injury that he deployed on and she doesn't know what to do. So I reached out my hands to her. My honey signed his company up at soldiers angels. :) told me not to tell. They were pretty excited when they got their first boxes! Lol


Should be done with week 17 soon, :) I like it so far lol

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Alright ladies later tonight after I get these strips finished being attached, I'll be posting pictures. With the blanket I'll be posting the very expensive surprise and another random surprise with it! He also vocalized wanting to come home today on the phone. Said he's done and ready to be here, lol after four months of being gone I was floored, and explained we got a long way to go lol


Also I want to say sorry ladies for my random updates, once school started life got very busy. I should be back to a routine shortly :)

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alright ladies, here we go

Week 17, a mastermind of pink, green white blue, with the off color of grey

Week 18

A standard normal purple with a denim blue

Week 19, a beautiful Pink, and light blue.


Two pictures of the king of the house He loves this blanket, this is Bentley daddy's baby. He will always lay on it when I have it out




My Expensive present, from the bradford exchange, the Nightmare before Christmas charm bracelet, I cried when I opened it and saw it....


And A very cute Vermont Teddy bear, sent with one for my daughter as well, I knew about the one for my munchkin, but had no clue if he had gotten me one. As you can see it has my name "tattoo'ed" on his arm LOL he is very cute, and helps me sleep. the man thinks sometimes LOL



Starting week 20 tonight after the walking dead season 2.














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Well I was going to try this but instead I'm making a queen sized afghan all one piece. I'm hooked on my current color scheme, I may get to make two different ones by the time he gets home, we shall see.


I'll be posting pics in the a.m. when I have better light. Up to about 12000 stitches so far lol.

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Here we go. I'm doing a skein every 2 weeks of the variegated & the white is lasting a lot longer.


Pardon the black & white 'thing' at the top. I was aggravated at the yarn & was going to make it into a impromptu dog bed but before I could whip stitch it & stuff it my son claimed it as his blankie. Go figure :D


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Omg it's beautiful! I love it! Keep going I wanna see more!


Just take your time, remember thus is a hobby about relaxing!


Ohh he kidnapped it himself. Well that's okay at least it's getting used as something! The dogs might have liked their new bed, but a child loves a good blanket, so we gotta work it out somehow. Maybe a small stash buster for the puppies? :think


Keep up the good work! :hug

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  • 2 months later...

SOO SORRY ladies!!! I have been so busy its been scary since the holidays started, I have actually fallen behind, like so behind, I dont have thanksgiving week done, the good news, that the rush is over and I can finally get back to work!


MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS ladies, Im sorry for worrying you, Ill give a more indetail post of whats going on and what has kept me so long. Ill post pictures of what I do have stitched up by the end of the week!!



Thanks for you wonderful compliments and concern! BUT IM ALIVE, stressed, but ALIVE. Making it day by day!


See you guys soon! I PROMISE!!

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Okay! Week 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Im behind after this. by...quite a few weeks.



the story as to why I havent been posting is my Exhusband, and Daughter has moved in with me due to some....issues with his landlord not paying her bills. With the two extra people, the house and all its chores has pretty much doubled quickly and Im barely finding a moment to sit down and stitch a line. But, I have put my foot down, and made it clear from now on! as my Christmas wish, I will get at least an hour a night to stitch...so I should be back like normal. My darling man is doing great, got a me a BRAND new kindle fire for Christmas...I squealed with delight at the thought. And A nightmare before Christmas skin for it.



Once more, sorry for worrying ya'll Im okay! I SWEAR just been crazy busy keeping up with my 5 year old, and four dogs. plus my exhusband. And this deployment. Taking my AFTER christmas down time tonight to relax from all the work from the holidays. Meaning....Stitching! :hook


Okay colors are as follows,

A beautiful Plum and dark Demim blue.....

A lovely (my fave SO FAR!!) Pink to red to purple verigrated yarn. with white

the Next....Halloweenie!! orange and black! lol

Starting for Nov.

A super Sweet Mustard yellow (odd that its pretty) with a strange red orange...i found...I uploaded two so you guys can see....it

We have a super beautiful Sage, and Dark pink



They are all already attached to the blanket, Ill get full blanket shots of this.....Mammoth blanket.... which can probably cover 2 full king sized beds...LOL


Enjoy ladies!

Ive started Thanksgiving week, and plan to stitch my helpless little fingers to death to catch up! :crocheting








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Hi Lori,

Glad to know you are alive and well. What a mixed house-load you have! Must make for, um, interesting, days! I think you better take your blanket to the nearest laundry center to make sure you have not outgrown all possible washing machines.


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Wow, it's the size of two king size beds??!!?? You've been busy! I love the color combos, so bright and cheery!


Sounds like you'll be able to roll it out for the "Red Carpet" to welcome your sweetie home!


I hope he's returning home soon... before it no longer fits in your washing machine, but like babypoohsmom said above, you'd better check before it gets any bigger. I really struggle trying to jam our queen sized afghan in my washer, yikes!


Is he coming home soon? Seems like a lot of troops are returning in my area, hope your sweetheart is part of this group. My thoughts are with you, it's hard to have someone you care about so far away.

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  • 1 month later...

Eee, sorry I didnt get my emails saying ya'll responded...


After some hard thought, I figured I would break it up, I dunno how yet, but Im thinking, three months periods, or 12 strips per blanket, four sections for the four seasons. I dunno, Ill figure it out.


A lot of troops just came home for Iraq, they had to be home before christmas, Obama's gift to military families I figured. Sadly, he wont be home for his Leave (R&R) until april, so 2 months away, and then of course I have another, oh say, 3 months there after for him to actually be home. Just the way it works I guess. I miss him horribly....but we have plans for leave which will be nice. Almost caught up ladies, I think Ill have some pictures posted soon. Sorry for all the delays...like I said...very strange household now that i have my daughter and ex husband here. My Ex husband get's bored easy watching TV and me crocheting. He wants me to get out more, and well I fall behind get mad and scream and yell. Which is oddly nice in its own way. :D

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Lori, happy to hear from you! I'm sad tho, that you'll have to reduce the size after you put so much work into this, but kinda nice that you'll be able to spread some of this warmth around, making lots of snuggly blankets instead of just one. Choosing 'seasons' might be a nice way of combining both your work and your memories of this time... just a thought.


Pats on the back for having your ex under the same roof... I continued to work alongside of mine for a while because of a family business... yeesh!


Nice to hear your sweetheart will be home in just a few months, I know it probably seems like forever. Take care.

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Hi Ladies!


I haven't been participating in the CAL, but I wanted to share a picture of what is known affectionately in our house as the "Afghanistan Afghan" :blush


I made it a few years ago & sent it to my husband who was working Kabul, Afghanistan. I used leftover yarn from an afghan I had made for myself, hoping that he'd feel a little closer to me. I'm happy to report that both he "and" the afghan made it home safely! :manyheart



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Holly, that is beautiful, I love your color combinations, something I'm so afraid to try. Yours is gorgeous!


I want to thank you gals for your 'service' too, It's not easy having your loved ones so far away from home. Nice that you are using crochet to help pass the time while they are gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello My lovely ladies!!


Sorry for my lack of replies, but I have been working steadily on things. The good news is, I am on Christmas week. (I know Im behind still but getting better!!) I have Jan, and Feb yarn all bundled and set up ready to go in their pretty sets. The amazing part, I took a break from it. I think I was starting to loose hope with how large it was getting (I could barely move it, the weight alone was murder) so.... with the help of the exhusband, who said a break was a good idea, I got busy working on something else. I made Heart Pillows for my neighbor's daughter, my daughter, my ex husband, and one for me. The break gave me time to think. In the process of thinking, I AM READY TO get to work again.


Change one.

I have broken the blanket down. Yes....:Cries: My monster of a blanket is now....two blankets. I have one more row of the pretty thanksgiving yarn. once I figure out why they arent balancing, Ill show you the smaller pictures. My Idea was...lets break them down into three month sections, or...twelve week breaks...but that really isnt working...dont ask me why. but they arent coming out very even. I have thanksgiving week, but I need to put the last week of nov. on it...which puts it at thirteen. Its okay Ill figure it out.



Now that Im inspired to get back to work, Ill be back here, posting and getting back into the game of doing this. I was just running out of steam. I guess we all have that happen. you get so tired of them being gone....and being reminded that they are gone.



Hollyz That blanket....is beautiful! I wish I could do ripple work, I never get it to actually ripple....Drives me insane. Im trying to think of an idea for all the scrap yarn this sucker is making. Any suggestions ladies?


Matten thank you, You should try doing some amazing color combos, just grab two that look good, and stitch, after you do that, you'll go insane with wanting to play more.


Sunflower, you better keep your eyes peeled.....because here shortly, I got strips for ya'll to see!!




Thanks for staying with me during my lapse all of you...thank you. If nobody was following this, and wanting to see more, I probably would have stopped by now.




Ill post pictures probably here in a little bit. :D

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Here we go... Im first going to show you guys the broken down monster.

Right now there are three parts. one that is 12 strips, another that is 9. the nine ones ends in Halloween. Then November starts on the third blankets.... SO here you guys go on that.






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