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yarn organization

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Hi ~ I have probably 50+skeins of yarn (I have so many because I get bored with one color & need to change. I pick up skeins on sale.) They're stored in newspaper plastic bags, then in big bags. Rummaging for a color is frustrating & long. How do you store your skeins?


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I use plastic totes and some clear bags too. The clear totes are nicer.

I should mention that my yarn stash has multiplied too!!! I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing???

Mayby thats why my hubby wants me to use up my stash before buying more.

LOL Lol lol......:)

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I have a crochet business; so I have lots, lots of yarn. I put yarn by weight, in clear 15 gallon totes and label the tote. when I go into my craft closet, finding yarn is never a problem and keeping organized is really easy. When a client picks out the item they want; its easy for them to pick out their color when I pull out the weight yarns.Hope this helps you get organized.:D

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I use clear storage bags that have zippers on them I bought a case of them on Ebay and find that I can see what I have and use them when working on a project. The bags are big enough to hold a finished full size afghan which I do too.

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Plastic totes are the best for me. If it's longer term storage I make sure the lid is on tightly with duct tape and any little holes in the handle are covered over, because we have a terrible mouse problem around here.


I 'had' a list of what was in each one, but as I've been using almost only stash yarn this past year, I really need to reorganize all I have. I had enough to open my own yarn shop, but slowly am working it down.

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In addition to totes and plastic drawers, I bought 2 sweater hangers for the yarn I wanted to have quick access to all the time. They just attach with velcro at the top.


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Since I have about 2,000 skeins of yarn (they multiply when I am not looking, LOL), I keep them in plastic storage containers, some are clear, some aren't. I do label by color, eg, reds, blues, greens, variegated, etc. And no, I do not own a store or have a crochet business. Projects that I am working on go into tote bags that I have so I can carry them around if needed.


LI Roe

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I use plastic totes and some clear bags too. The clear totes are nicer.


Me, too. Unfortunately, I also have some loose skeins in my cabinets when I get lazy and don't put them in the totes. One thing I really love is the heavy zippered bags that comforters and sometimes sheets are sold in. (We had to completely redo our house last year, so I ended up with a lot of those.)

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I too use the plastic bins, but when I was buying them, the store didn't have any clear ones. No problem---I just put labels on the ends and on top of the lids. I don't bother sorting by colors, I just do it by fiber, weight and brand name.

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I like the sweater bag & stackable totes ideas. Thanks! They'd be good at keeping out cat hair & dust...... Easier to find a color - my yarn is arranged by color for the season or holiday ideas.

I'll see what KMart has.

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Since I have about 2,000 skeins of yarn (they multiply when I am not looking, LOL), I keep them in plastic storage containers, some are clear, some aren't. I do label by color, eg, reds, blues, greens, variegated, etc. And no, I do not own a store or have a crochet business. Projects that I am working on go into tote bags that I have so I can carry them around if needed.


LI Roe


YOU are my hero!!!!:dreaming

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I have storage shelves and totes. I also have to agree that the clear totes are the easiest being able to see what is in them. Mine are not real well organized, but somewhat. All the wool type yarn is pretty much in their own totes, caron pounders take up a couple of totes :lol. I have some bigger solid totes that I keep most of those in that don't fit on the storage shelves.

There is an upstairs area and apartment in my rabbit barn that I try and keep most of it in. But there are these totes that seem to come into my house and make a mess. I wish they wouldn't do that :rolleyes It's time again to destash my house of yarn tote boxes :rofl

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I used to have mine stored in stackable shoe holders...you know the ones that have the little cubbie holes for your shoes and you can fit like 24 pairs in it? I did like 3 stacked on top of each other. I could fit 3 to 4 skeins of yarn in each one and would organize by color or yarn brand.

Well after doing this for awhile I found that some of the yarn was getting dusty so I decided to go with the clear storage bins too. I have them stacked 4 high and 2 stacks of them. Truthfully I could use at LEAST one more stack of 4 if not more! The only problem that I encounter is that I usually need yarn that is in the very bottom one! Never fails!!!

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I like the sweater bag idea, but wouldn't be able to store it by my chair, then I'd HAVE TO GET UP to change a color :o oh no!!! So I went with large totes, 3 stacked with skeins crammed in, stored next to me. Works much better than the large bags. Amazing how well they do multiply.....

Thanks for your help!

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:lol :lol :lol What does organization mean?!!!


I finally did it, even though it took months this past year ~ but most is in 50 something clear bins, sorted by yarn weight and by colors. Cotton is totally separate and is additionally sorted by dye lots into quart, gallon and 2 gallon zip bags, then put in the bins, and is all stacked in a closet to keep the sun off it.


Certain yarns are sorted by themselves when I have limited amounts, so all my Vanna colors are in one bin together, my few Pounds of Love are in one bin together, etc. It works for me.


All the chenille, suede, plush, Jiffy, baby, sport, and ribbon yarns are separate. Regular worsted weight takes up most of the bins.


I have to admit ~ it is a lot nicer to look at and to "shop" in my stash.

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I have some yarns that I've had for years, and way back when I was first coming back to crochet during high school, I just balled them up and tossed them wherever. I actually just got to use one of those skeins, so I'm ridiculously happy because I don't even think they make that yarn anymore, so now I don't have to worry about using it for a larger project, you know?


Anyway, I have most of it stored in a hope chest in the corner of our bedroom, and the rest in a suitcase beneath the bed. I also have some that are stored in plastic bags around the room because I bought them recently or because they accompany WIPs.


I don't get as much time to yarn shop, and financially speaking, we're not secure enough for me to just go splurge on yarn, although I wish we were. Hopefully soon we will be. Usually I can get a few skeins every month or so if I want to, but I'm trying to keep my stash limited because right now we only have our one bedroom at Geoff's mother's house.

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