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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Hi ladies! I couldn't sleep, so where do I turn to? The ville of course! :lol I did start that baby blanket yesterday, but I also picked out the yarn for SBT #2! :hook I had it in hand with the pattern ready to start, but my eyes were so tired at that point that I figured it was safer to wait until I got some sleep. I'll start on it today. It's going to be rhss light raspberry and pink camo.


I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol

Love them all!

finished my first one started this morning and :eek after actually reading the pattern I finished around 2 still deciding if I want to line it. and the colors are vannas dark plum and then a variegated purple that I think is sensations


Here's my SBT #6 that I finished the other night. I'm working on #7 in Cotton Ease and cotton!


Still looking forward to starting one of these soon, once i'm done working the excessive OT at least (12+ hrs a day). Hopefully have next weekend off (I requested it at the beginning of the month).


Everyones totes look GREAT!

:hugHope you get the time off!

@ sue ...did i mention that DH DID ask how is sue anyway? when he found my stash...its kinda cool he has finally learned your name....you used to be "that turtle lady"


well my day was shot all to heck! hubby went back to work today and worked a 1/2 hour and they sent him home! i was still semi asleep and heard my BIL talking to somebody...thne i heard what i thought was hubby but thought how in heck hes supposed to be at work!!! so later in the morning i woke up to the tune of hubby standing over me saying well they sent me home! (insert angry tone here) i though oh **** he got fired! but then he explained to me that the plant DID send him honme and he had already been back to the dr to get a restriction slip and back to the plant to turn it in (covering their own rear ends)

so i was gonna crochet today but ended up grounding a cat! hayley got IN my zebra bag after i specifically told her yesterday not to! funny thing is shes the same color of the bag (black & white)

im still winding the yarn i got for my next four totes. and i discovered i ordered two wrong shades but not to worry theyll be put to good use!

sorry ladies for all my long ramblings lately but you all are like sisters to me and as stressed as i am lately i need sisters to lean on :hug

We're here for you, lean away! :hug

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Good morning! And I just have to say TGIF!!! It's been a long week and even though we are supposed to have a not so great weather weekend- it's still days off from work so I'll take it!!


Ducky- No problems about the ramblings- we're all here for each other! Hope you get some hooky time in today!


Ann- The colors of your next SBT sound wonderful! Good for you working on your baby blanket. That's on my list of things to work on this weekend (after I finish SBT#7 of course). I really do need to finish the baby RR that is languishing in my Crochetville Tote!


There are two girls at work who are pregnant, who I want to make baby blankets for- so I'm going to have to resist the pull of the SBT's and start working on them too! Ah, so many crochet projects.....so little time!!!


Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

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Good morning! And I just have to say TGIF!!! It's been a long week and even though we are supposed to have a not so great weather weekend- it's still days off from work so I'll take it!!


Ducky- No problems about the ramblings- we're all here for each other! Hope you get some hooky time in today!


Ann- The colors of your next SBT sound wonderful! Good for you working on your baby blanket. That's on my list of things to work on this weekend (after I finish SBT#7 of course). I really do need to finish the baby RR that is languishing in my Crochetville Tote!


There are two girls at work who are pregnant, who I want to make baby blankets for- so I'm going to have to resist the pull of the SBT's and start working on them too! Ah, so many crochet projects.....so little time!!!


Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

I'm right there with you about the baby blankets. I have one to make for a baby that is already here and another for a baby due in 2 weeks. But do I start one of those last night? Nope - had to start another SBT:yes

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I'm right there with you about the baby blankets. I have one to make for a baby that is already here and another for a baby due in 2 weeks. But do I start one of those last night? Nope - had to start another SBT:yes

:lol That's what keeps happening to me..... I know I have all these baby blankets to make, but I just love making the SBT's too much----:hook

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Good morning ladies and TGIF :yay


I'll pick out some yarn from my stash for my next SBT this weekend :yes






Wait til you see the next one..neutral it is NOT :lol


:think uh...no :no I'm working on the baby blanket..yeah that's right... :lol




Sounds like a challenge to me....:cheer:cheer:lol:lol:lol:yay:hook




Still looking forward to starting one of these soon, once i'm done working the excessive OT at least (12+ hrs a day). Hopefully have next weekend off (I requested it at the beginning of the month).


Everyones totes look GREAT!


:hug Enjoy your weekend off and you'll find this SBT quite calming :yes


Came home from Zumba tonight and started SBT #4. Super fast and super easy!!


Sounds like a fun evening to me :yes


@ sue ...did i mention that DH DID ask how is sue anyway? when he found my stash...its kinda cool he has finally learned your name....you used to be "that turtle lady"


well my day was shot all to heck! hubby went back to work today and worked a 1/2 hour and they sent him home! i was still semi asleep and heard my BIL talking to somebody...thne i heard what i thought was hubby but thought how in heck hes supposed to be at work!!! so later in the morning i woke up to the tune of hubby standing over me saying well they sent me home! (insert angry tone here) i though oh **** he got fired! but then he explained to me that the plant DID send him honme and he had already been back to the dr to get a restriction slip and back to the plant to turn it in (covering their own rear ends)

so i was gonna crochet today but ended up grounding a cat! hayley got IN my zebra bag after i specifically told her yesterday not to! funny thing is shes the same color of the bag (black & white)

im still winding the yarn i got for my next four totes. and i discovered i ordered two wrong shades but not to worry theyll be put to good use!

sorry ladies for all my long ramblings lately but you all are like sisters to me and as stressed as i am lately i need sisters to lean on :hug


They are all about covering their butts!!!! I have a patient that's been working since being involved in an accident and about 2-3 months later sent her home telling her she needed a note to come back :eek Weird, but I'm assuming something happened in the meantime with someone else :think Oh well, can't blame them for covering themselves, but probably would benefit to be done in a timely manner.


Good morning! And I just have to say TGIF!!! It's been a long week and even though we are supposed to have a not so great weather weekend- it's still days off from work so I'll take it!!


Ducky- No problems about the ramblings- we're all here for each other! Hope you get some hooky time in today!


Ann- The colors of your next SBT sound wonderful! Good for you working on your baby blanket. That's on my list of things to work on this weekend (after I finish SBT#7 of course). I really do need to finish the baby RR that is languishing in my Crochetville Tote!


There are two girls at work who are pregnant, who I want to make baby blankets for- so I'm going to have to resist the pull of the SBT's and start working on them too! Ah, so many crochet projects.....so little time!!!


Have a wonderful Friday everyone!


I'm with you. Gorgeous during the week and storms on the weekend :eek What choice do we have but to accept it :lol

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I believe you are hooked to (and remember- it's all Sue's fault:lol) They are all beautiful!!!


It may be my fault, but you all love it! :)


Here's my SBT #6 that I finished the other night. I'm working on #7 in Cotton Ease and cotton!


Love it! :)


Still looking forward to starting one of these soon, once i'm done working the excessive OT at least (12+ hrs a day). Hopefully have next weekend off (I requested it at the beginning of the month).


Everyones totes look GREAT!


I hope you get a break soon! :hug


@ sue ...did i mention that DH DID ask how is sue anyway? when he found my stash...its kinda cool he has finally learned your name....you used to be "that turtle lady"


well my day was shot all to heck! hubby went back to work today and worked a 1/2 hour and they sent him home! i was still semi asleep and heard my BIL talking to somebody...thne i heard what i thought was hubby but thought how in heck hes supposed to be at work!!! so later in the morning i woke up to the tune of hubby standing over me saying well they sent me home! (insert angry tone here) i though oh **** he got fired! but then he explained to me that the plant DID send him honme and he had already been back to the dr to get a restriction slip and back to the plant to turn it in (covering their own rear ends)

so i was gonna crochet today but ended up grounding a cat! hayley got IN my zebra bag after i specifically told her yesterday not to! funny thing is shes the same color of the bag (black & white)

im still winding the yarn i got for my next four totes. and i discovered i ordered two wrong shades but not to worry theyll be put to good use!

sorry ladies for all my long ramblings lately but you all are like sisters to me and as stressed as i am lately i need sisters to lean on :hug


Aww! IDK if its a good thing that dh knows my name! :lol


Ramble away. We're here for you! :hug


Hi ladies! I couldn't sleep, so where do I turn to? The ville of course! :lol I did start that baby blanket yesterday, but I also picked out the yarn for SBT #2! :hook I had it in hand with the pattern ready to start, but my eyes were so tired at that point that I figured it was safer to wait until I got some sleep. I'll start on it today. It's going to be rhss light raspberry and pink camo.


Don't crochet sleepy! :)



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Good morning ladies! I finished the HOT HOT HOT pink SBT last nite with the ribbon yarn. It is well....pink! I like it! I'll take a pic and post on the weekend......have to wait till my eyes calm down after looking at it!


Later gals! I'll check in from work this morning to see how everyone is!



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goodmornong ladies! oh Lord i never thought id ever hear myself say that this early in the mornings......but alas i am up and gonna go crochet ill be back later to check on you all and make sure youre all behaving

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:lol That's what keeps happening to me..... I know I have all these baby blankets to make, but I just love making the SBT's too much----:hook

Did I mention that there is a bolero that needs to be sewn together? I only started it a year ago. :eek

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goodmornong ladies! oh Lord i never thought id ever hear myself say that this early in the mornings......but alas i am up and gonna go crochet ill be back later to check on you all and make sure youre all behaving


Behave? :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol



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Ann- The colors of your next SBT sound wonderful! Good for you working on your baby blanket. That's on my list of things to work on this weekend (after I finish SBT#7 of course). I really do need to finish the baby RR that is languishing in my Crochetville Tote!


There are two girls at work who are pregnant, who I want to make baby blankets for- so I'm going to have to resist the pull of the SBT's and start working on them too! Ah, so many crochet projects.....so little time!!!


Have a wonderful Friday everyone!

My plan is that I have to do 6 rows on my baby ghan, then I can work on the SBT! :hook I'll go back and forth that way. Hopefully it will work! :lol

Good morning ladies! I finished the HOT HOT HOT pink SBT last nite with the ribbon yarn. It is well....pink! I like it! I'll take a pic and post on the weekend......have to wait till my eyes calm down after looking at it!


Later gals! I'll check in from work this morning to see how everyone is!



Looking forward to the pic! :cheer

goodmornong ladies! oh Lord i never thought id ever hear myself say that this early in the mornings......but alas i am up and gonna go crochet ill be back later to check on you all and make sure youre all behaving

Behave! :eek

Did I mention that there is a bolero that needs to be sewn together? I only started it a year ago. :eek

There's plenty of time! :lol

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Came home from Zumba tonight and started SBT #4. Super fast and super easy!!


Hi there!! I see that you are into Zumba also. Isn't it fun!! We have two instructors. The one instructor Laura, she has put some of her dance routines on you tube, so one day I was been nosy. I was checking out one of the dances, when I see this person with a aqua t-shirt, I looked and it was ME!! And of course it had to be a new dance routine, so I looked like a complete "dumbo"!! :lol :lol :lol But I enjoy it!! I too came home yesterday evening and started working on my 14th SBT(they are sooooo addicting).....it's black and gray. I had to stop working on it last night, my eyes and black yarn do not get along!!

Dh gave me this beautiful camera for Christmas....and I just haven't taken the time to read the instructions as to how to download pic's from camera to 'puter(actually I have read the directions, but haven't taken the time to do it):lol :lol!! I know there's probably nothing to it, but..........that's me!!

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Hi there!! I see that you are into Zumba also. Isn't it fun!! We have two instructors. The one instructor Laura, she has put some of her dance routines on you tube, so one day I was been nosy. I was checking out one of the dances, when I see this person with a aqua t-shirt, I looked and it was ME!! And of course it had to be a new dance routine, so I looked like a complete "dumbo"!! :lol :lol :lol But I enjoy it!! I too came home yesterday evening and started working on my 14th SBT(they are sooooo addicting).....it's black and gray. I had to stop working on it last night, my eyes and black yarn do not get along!!

Dh gave me this beautiful camera for Christmas....and I just haven't taken the time to read the instructions as to how to download pic's from camera to 'puter(actually I have read the directions, but haven't taken the time to do it):lol :lol!! I know there's probably nothing to it, but..........that's me!!


:rofl Dumbo is a good way to put how one feels and looks with a new routine. But you are right, it is so much fun!!

My eyes and black don't get along either. I avoid black as much as I can - except when my youngest son asked me to make him a black and red flannelghan. Unfortunately, now my oldest son wants a yellow and black flannelghan.

good luck with the camera. It really isn't that difficult if it is like mine. Plug the cord into the camera at one end, the puter at the other and voila - it's magically all on the puter.

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Hello my fellow tote addicts!


I'm posting three pix: the first one is another Southwest Tote (see my previous show and tells) but with purple for a coworker. Once done, I of course had to make a small tote to match for her 4 year old DD! Needless to say, both loved them!


Then the next two are the pictures of the hot pink SBT using the ribbon yarn as promised. Took more of a barrel shape with the ribbon yarn, and I included a closeup so you can see the ribbon yarn in there.


And good thing I took the pictures this morning! I decided to take it to work to show it off to my coworkers and promptly ended up giving it to a teacher friend at work for her 12 year old daughter! Yup, just handed it over and said I hope she loves it!


What is the word written on my forehead? I can't see it, can you tell me what it says?


Hope you enjoy looking at the pix!!






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Wow Ohhhhh Wow is all i can say to you about them totes they look awesome and that hot pink ribbon yarn one is just to die for..


Its Lovely and no there is nothing written on your forhead ..


You have a kind heart and you are a loving givng person and that is what makes you special ...

So what is writtten on your forehead as far as I'm concern :::


Special Lady...







Hello my fellow tote addicts!


I'm posting three pix: the first one is another Southwest Tote (see my previous show and tells) but with purple for a coworker. Once done, I of course had to make a small tote to match for her 4 year old DD! Needless to say, both loved them!


Then the next two are the pictures of the hot pink SBT using the ribbon yarn as promised. Took more of a barrel shape with the ribbon yarn, and I included a closeup so you can see the ribbon yarn in there.


And good thing I took the pictures this morning! I decided to take it to work to show it off to my coworkers and promptly ended up giving it to a teacher friend at work for her 12 year old daughter! Yup, just handed it over and said I hope she loves it!


What is the word written on my forehead? I can't see it, can you tell me what it says?


Hope you enjoy looking at the pix!!



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Wow Ohhhhh Wow is all i can say to you about them totes they look awesome and that hot pink ribbon yarn one is just to die for..


Its Lovely and no there is nothing written on your forhead ..


You have a kind heart and you are a loving givng person and that is what makes you special ...

So what is writtten on your forehead as far as I'm concern :::


Special Lady...




I agree with everything stated above. Beautiful totes and Special Lady. Yup, definately agree :yes

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Wow Ohhhhh Wow is all i can say to you about them totes they look awesome and that hot pink ribbon yarn one is just to die for..


Its Lovely and no there is nothing written on your forhead ..


You have a kind heart and you are a loving givng person and that is what makes you special ...

So what is writtten on your forehead as far as I'm concern :::


Special Lady...





Ahhhh shucks, so sweet of you to say! Thanks hon!


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I agree with everything stated above. Beautiful totes and Special Lady. Yup, definately agree :yes


Ah thanks! You guys make my heart swell!!!


I can't help myself! I make something and if someone loves it, I either give it to them, or let them give me just the money for the yarn in it.


Stay tuned, I'll be doing another giveaway VERY soon!


I love totes!


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Hi there!! I see that you are into Zumba also. Isn't it fun!! We have two instructors. The one instructor Laura, she has put some of her dance routines on you tube, so one day I was been nosy. I was checking out one of the dances, when I see this person with a aqua t-shirt, I looked and it was ME!! And of course it had to be a new dance routine, so I looked like a complete "dumbo"!! :lol :lol :lol But I enjoy it!! I too came home yesterday evening and started working on my 14th SBT(they are sooooo addicting).....it's black and gray. I had to stop working on it last night, my eyes and black yarn do not get along!!

Dh gave me this beautiful camera for Christmas....and I just haven't taken the time to read the instructions as to how to download pic's from camera to 'puter(actually I have read the directions, but haven't taken the time to do it):lol :lol!! I know there's probably nothing to it, but..........that's me!!


14!?!?!?! We need pics. Go figure out that camera! :lol


Hello my fellow tote addicts!


I'm posting three pix: the first one is another Southwest Tote (see my previous show and tells) but with purple for a coworker. Once done, I of course had to make a small tote to match for her 4 year old DD! Needless to say, both loved them!


Then the next two are the pictures of the hot pink SBT using the ribbon yarn as promised. Took more of a barrel shape with the ribbon yarn, and I included a closeup so you can see the ribbon yarn in there.


And good thing I took the pictures this morning! I decided to take it to work to show it off to my coworkers and promptly ended up giving it to a teacher friend at work for her 12 year old daughter! Yup, just handed it over and said I hope she loves it!


What is the word written on my forehead? I can't see it, can you tell me what it says?


Hope you enjoy looking at the pix!!




Lovely totes!! :) As for your forehead...its says Mama. :)



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Ah thanks! You guys make my heart swell!!!


I can't help myself! I make something and if someone loves it, I either give it to them, or let them give me just the money for the yarn in it.


Stay tuned, I'll be doing another giveaway VERY soon!


I love totes!


Well in that case...I LOVE those purses that you sew!!! :lol As your daughter knows...I have a "thing" for bags!

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14!?!?!?! We need pics. Go figure out that camera! :lol




Lovely totes!! :) As for your forehead...its says Mama. :)




Ah then that is okay! I like being your 'mama'!


Well in that case...I LOVE those purses that you sew!!! :lol As your daughter knows...I have a "thing" for bags!


LOL I think a LOT of us do! Hmmmmmm wonder when I'll post the giveaway.......


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I agree with everything stated above. Beautiful totes and Special Lady. Yup, definately agree :yes

I couldn't agree more!!! And I just LOVE that HOT PINK!!!! (and PURPLE one too) :manyheart

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Hello my fellow tote addicts!


I'm posting three pix: the first one is another Southwest Tote (see my previous show and tells) but with purple for a coworker. Once done, I of course had to make a small tote to match for her 4 year old DD! Needless to say, both loved them!


Then the next two are the pictures of the hot pink SBT using the ribbon yarn as promised. Took more of a barrel shape with the ribbon yarn, and I included a closeup so you can see the ribbon yarn in there.


And good thing I took the pictures this morning! I decided to take it to work to show it off to my coworkers and promptly ended up giving it to a teacher friend at work for her 12 year old daughter! Yup, just handed it over and said I hope she loves it!


What is the word written on my forehead? I can't see it, can you tell me what it says?


Hope you enjoy looking at the pix!!



Is there a pattern for the SouthWest tote :-) Is it done in sc's ?

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Is there a pattern for the SouthWest tote :-) Is it done in sc's ?


Hi! If you go to the show and tell under my posted southwest tote, I tell the name of the booklet the pattern is in.


I love it!


Yes all sc!



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