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crochet tote addicts CAL


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I hope its not to late to join in this CAL for the totes? I just purchased this tote pattern last night and can't wait to try one. Have to pick my colors. Everyone that has been posted is just beautiful. I can see where this could become addicting. lol

Yes, gas in my part of Jersey is $3.82 a gallon, but we have to have it so nothing we can do. Have to be able to get to the craft stores. lol


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I hope its not to late to join in this CAL for the totes? I just purchased this tote pattern last night and can't wait to try one. Have to pick my colors. Everyone that has been posted is just beautiful. I can see where this could become addicting. lol

Yes, gas in my part of Jersey is $3.82 a gallon, but we have to have it so nothing we can do. Have to be able to get to the craft stores. lol



You said it sister, gotta get to my Joanns, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, anywhere that has yarn!!!


Welcome to our crazy group! Post a pic when you can....and once you make one, you won't be able to stop. Anyone remember the old Lays potato chip commercials?



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I have to say, being the Felting Queen, that Patons wool felts the best of any I've used truly!


Hope your day goes fast hon!!



That's what I used on your tote, except for the 3rd color and loved it. :) Day went pretty quick. Need to shower and get the turtle funk off me. :lol


Finally here is my stashbuster tote. The yarn is Vanna's in Beige and an "I love this Yarn" variegated in high meadow ombre. Both were leftover from the Bernat mystery afghan. Mine is a couple of rows short because I ran out of the variegated.


I love the natural colors!!!!


I hope its not to late to join in this CAL for the totes? I just purchased this tote pattern last night and can't wait to try one. Have to pick my colors. Everyone that has been posted is just beautiful. I can see where this could become addicting. lol

Yes, gas in my part of Jersey is $3.82 a gallon, but we have to have it so nothing we can do. Have to be able to get to the craft stores. lol



Never too late! It doesn't have to be the stash buster pattern, any tote will do! And thanks for your purchase! :)



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Thanks for the welcome. I will try and go through my stash tonight and see what I come up with. I have lots of totes to go through so the colors will be endless. I am not complaning at all. You are very welcome Sue, glad to buy a great pattern. I will keep you posted on how my Stash Buster tote is coming along. Yes, I do remember that potato chip commerical.


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I hope its not to late to join in this CAL for the totes? I just purchased this tote pattern last night and can't wait to try one. Have to pick my colors. Everyone that has been posted is just beautiful. I can see where this could become addicting. lol

Yes, gas in my part of Jersey is $3.82 a gallon, but we have to have it so nothing we can do. Have to be able to get to the craft stores. lol


Welcome to this CAL, Joan! What part of Jersey are you in ? I'm in Central NJ- and today I paid 3.72/gallon!! A bargain !(sarcastic tone)


You will love this pattern- and yes, it is addicting!:hook

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Spent a good part of the day working outside- it was beautifully sunny 70ish degrees!! Got rid of all those pesky weeds, trimmed some bushes and put down mulch.


I can't believe how achy my body is so I treated myself to a pedicure and manicure. Oh, that massage chair was heaven!!!:manyheart


Tonight is Hook time!!!:crocheting

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Spent a good part of the day working outside- it was beautifully sunny 70ish degrees!! Got rid of all those pesky weeds, trimmed some bushes and put down mulch.


I can't believe how achy my body is so I treated myself to a pedicure and manicure. Oh, that massage chair was heaven!!!:manyheart


Tonight is Hook time!!!:crocheting


And you deserve it!! Enjoy! I can't wait till DD is in bed so I can finally crochet!


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This is just my #3 but I've been really busy in between with other projects. This is out of Sugar n Cream Psychedelic and Cotton Ease Violet. For some reason, it came out a touch smaller than the other cotton one. Maybe I crocheted tighter. Who knows. :think I gave this one to my mom today for Mother's Day. She actually helped me pick the yarn out yesterday, thinking I was getting it for someone else. <sneaky, sneaky :D >


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Welcome to this CAL, Joan! What part of Jersey are you in ? I'm in Central NJ- and today I paid 3.72/gallon!! A bargain !(sarcastic tone)


You will love this pattern- and yes, it is addicting!:hook


Our gas is about 3.93/gallon but can vary by .10 to .15/gallon depending on where you are. They just HAVE to charge more in the touristy areas. :angry


This is just my #3 but I've been really busy in between with other projects. This is out of Sugar n Cream Psychedelic and Cotton Ease Violet. For some reason, it came out a touch smaller than the other cotton one. Maybe I crocheted tighter. Who knows. :think I gave this one to my mom today for Mother's Day. She actually helped me pick the yarn out yesterday, thinking I was getting it for someone else. <sneaky, sneaky :D >


You are sneaky!! I love that color. I must get some of that yarn!! I'm so easliy distracted by bright colors. :lol



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This is just my #3 but I've been really busy in between with other projects. This is out of Sugar n Cream Psychedelic and Cotton Ease Violet. For some reason, it came out a touch smaller than the other cotton one. Maybe I crocheted tighter. Who knows. :think I gave this one to my mom today for Mother's Day. She actually helped me pick the yarn out yesterday, thinking I was getting it for someone else. <sneaky, sneaky :D >

Very nice. I like the way the yarn made diagonal stripes.

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I'm going to get to join this CAL! YAY! :clap:c9:c9:clap (many hugs to Turtlvr :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug)


Not sure when I'll be able to start the crocheting on my first tote, but I'm going to try to squeeze some time out tomorrow to dig through the stash to pick my colors. praying like he!! that none of the yarn was ruined when our sump pump died last week and flooded the basement. All the yarn was either inside a cabinet or hanging in a mesh pocketed over-the-door shoe holder so I'm praying it's all safe, but there was still a lot of excess moisture in the air.


on a good note with the basement though, the insurance company approved the adjuster's damage and repair list/estimate. They are even going beyond what we expected and fixing some other items that they have decided were water damaged/moisture damaged (the paneling the previous owners used to box in the heat ducts warped from the excess humidity). And almost completely redo'ing the basement bathroom because it suffered a lot of damage (floor, walls, vanity). New carpet on the finished side of basement. New dryer (the water shorted out the timer and heat element. Does not shut itself off anymore, which is a HUGE fire hazard). Wall and floor repair. etc.


Have 2 blankets to finish as well sometime along the way, but I'm thinking that the one will get a stashbusting tote along with it, with the blanket stuffed inside the tote. :) The other is for the donation pile.


I'm thinking the tote to go with the blanket will pick up on some of the same colors that are in the blanket (greens and pinks). A tote for me in purples or blues...or both! A tote for my best friend in browns/oranges.



Oh, and the "cheap" gas around here is $4.30 a gallon today. Been hovering around $4.17-4.35 a gallon. Cost $60 to fill up my Cruiser. UGH! :bang:rant



Oh again! Before I sign off and go collapse in bed, I just wanted to say, BEAUTIFUL TOTES EVERYONE! I've been drooling over all of them. I love the way the varigateds end up putting stripes on some.

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its been a long day. went grocery shopping hubbyu attempted to fix oue roof again brother in law got his "new to him" 05 boneevile car this am went shopping got taken out to eat for mothers day (after all i have furbabiy children)

was too wound up to sleep last night and when i FINALLY fell asleep this am my FIL DH & BIL came stoming through the house like a daggone herd of wild elephants!


so soon as i finish surfing the ville im off to crochet

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Oh, that manicure and pedicure sounds great. I went last week and enjoyed every minute of it. I am in Southern Jersey, Burlington County. The weather was great until early evening then we got a shower.


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evening all!

are we ready for good news?



i heard that my friend i had reqquested prayer for is on the road to recovery :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer


maybe just maybe i can sleep tonight without my cell phone glued to my face


Yay!! and PTL!


Here's #6






Don't you just love that bright yellow!? Turned out great in your tote!


I have to say, being the Felting Queen, that Patons wool felts the best of any I've used truly!


kuddles have you ever tried felting with any of the cascade wool yarn? I have a bit of it and have considered using it in a tote to felt


Finally here is my stashbuster tote. The yarn is Vanna's in Beige and an "I love this Yarn" variegated in high meadow ombre. Both were leftover from the Bernat mystery afghan. Mine is a couple of rows short because I ran out of the variegated.


But don't yah just love this pattern for that? a few rows short and it still looks great!!


Anyone remember the old Lays potato chip commercials?




now sing with me!! nobody can hook just one :lol



I have finished tote #15..but it needs to sent to someone here on the 'ville in a swap so no pictures yet!


Working on #16 for my grandson

:think I must be nuts :hook

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I just finished my 1st one lol made it for my oldest for her birthday. I want to line it but not sure how to go about it any suggestions would be helpful and appreciated every much. Now i am starting on my 2nd one LOL so yes very addictive!!! I will post a pic as soon as I can hopefully later today. Happy Mothers Day to one and all!!

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Welcome Shell! :hug


its been a long day. went grocery shopping hubbyu attempted to fix oue roof again brother in law got his "new to him" 05 boneevile car this am went shopping got taken out to eat for mothers day (after all i have furbabiy children)

was too wound up to sleep last night and when i FINALLY fell asleep this am my FIL DH & BIL came stoming through the house like a daggone herd of wild elephants!


so soon as i finish surfing the ville im off to crochet


I have furbaby, shellbaby and scalebaby kids! :lol


Don't you just love that bright yellow!? Turned out great in your tote!


I have finished tote #15..but it needs to sent to someone here on the 'ville in a swap so no pictures yet!


Working on #16 for my grandson

:think I must be nuts :hook


I love how the yellow is so bright and cheerful!


15??? You are nuts, but I wouldn't have you any other way! :hug


I just finished my 1st one lol made it for my oldest for her birthday. I want to line it but not sure how to go about it any suggestions would be helpful and appreciated every much. Now i am starting on my 2nd one LOL so yes very addictive!!! I will post a pic as soon as I can hopefully later today. Happy Mothers Day to one and all!!


Can't wait to see it!



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Here's #6






Beautiful :manyheart


Finally here is my stashbuster tote. The yarn is Vanna's in Beige and an "I love this Yarn" variegated in high meadow ombre. Both were leftover from the Bernat mystery afghan. Mine is a couple of rows short because I ran out of the variegated.


Gorgeous :manyheart


I hope its not to late to join in this CAL for the totes? I just purchased this tote pattern last night and can't wait to try one. Have to pick my colors. Everyone that has been posted is just beautiful. I can see where this could become addicting. lol

Yes, gas in my part of Jersey is $3.82 a gallon, but we have to have it so nothing we can do. Have to be able to get to the craft stores. lol





This is just my #3 but I've been really busy in between with other projects. This is out of Sugar n Cream Psychedelic and Cotton Ease Violet. For some reason, it came out a touch smaller than the other cotton one. Maybe I crocheted tighter. Who knows. :think I gave this one to my mom today for Mother's Day. She actually helped me pick the yarn out yesterday, thinking I was getting it for someone else. <sneaky, sneaky :D >


Awesome :manyheart


I'm going to get to join this CAL! YAY! :clap:c9:c9:clap (many hugs to Turtlvr :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug)


Not sure when I'll be able to start the crocheting on my first tote, but I'm going to try to squeeze some time out tomorrow to dig through the stash to pick my colors. praying like he!! that none of the yarn was ruined when our sump pump died last week and flooded the basement. All the yarn was either inside a cabinet or hanging in a mesh pocketed over-the-door shoe holder so I'm praying it's all safe, but there was still a lot of excess moisture in the air.


on a good note with the basement though, the insurance company approved the adjuster's damage and repair list/estimate. They are even going beyond what we expected and fixing some other items that they have decided were water damaged/moisture damaged (the paneling the previous owners used to box in the heat ducts warped from the excess humidity). And almost completely redo'ing the basement bathroom because it suffered a lot of damage (floor, walls, vanity). New carpet on the finished side of basement. New dryer (the water shorted out the timer and heat element. Does not shut itself off anymore, which is a HUGE fire hazard). Wall and floor repair. etc.


Have 2 blankets to finish as well sometime along the way, but I'm thinking that the one will get a stashbusting tote along with it, with the blanket stuffed inside the tote. :) The other is for the donation pile.


I'm thinking the tote to go with the blanket will pick up on some of the same colors that are in the blanket (greens and pinks). A tote for me in purples or blues...or both! A tote for my best friend in browns/oranges.



Oh, and the "cheap" gas around here is $4.30 a gallon today. Been hovering around $4.17-4.35 a gallon. Cost $60 to fill up my Cruiser. UGH! :bang:rant



Oh again! Before I sign off and go collapse in bed, I just wanted to say, BEAUTIFUL TOTES EVERYONE! I've been drooling over all of them. I love the way the varigateds end up putting stripes on some.






HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!! :flower


We had alot of fun on our wine tour yesterday and bought alot of wine :yes Stopped at cracker barrel on the way home and I sewed in both linings during the car ride. I gave the bags to my aunt and mom last night and they loved them :yes

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Stephanie- love your tote!


Shelly- Glad you are joining us- and can't wait to see your tote! Good news about the basement/insurance issue!


Mary- You amaze me---#15!!!!! I'm on #6!


Marisa- Sounds like a great day yesterday and what a great use of the car ride trip time -to finish sewing the linings of the totes! I sure hope I can figure out how to line them- and that DD remembers her sewing machine- we have a 50-50% chance on that one!


Happy Mother's Day one and all!

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♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ Happy Mother’s Day ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼

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