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A Cute Little Sweater for My Cute Little Dog- ADDED NEW PIC


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thanks for all the compliments guys.. i know he is a cutie but sorry he is priceless to me!


actually after a day of wearing it .. he seems a little annoyed that SP wanted to take it off him to walk him this morning...


i guess the next one will have to have a slit for the harness ring to go thru so he can wear his sweater over his harness

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Oh, he is so cute. I have a little girl Boston that looks just like him. She almost runs our house. I love the sweater. I want to make some for my girl. Good pictures.

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Another addition to the wardrobe..this time i made the neck a litle longer and folded it over .. and I left an opening for the ring of his harness so he can wear the harness under the sweater so it doesnt interfere with his profile and all the ladies can fawn over his sweater..


i used blue acrylic chenille .. and some red fun fur for accent !




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He looks so sweet, and he'll learn mommy knows best when it's cold outside. I'm trying to make a sweater for a friends Boston, but without him here to try it on I'm going by measurements. What pattern did you use?


Kathy in NC

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:)h He is ADORABLE!!! :)h


I just want to kiss his cute little face! (the dog.. not your hunny... although he appears to be quite handsome!)

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I Love those sweaters. :)h Glad Brutus has gotten used to them.


Now I just need a dog to make one for... Anybody have an adult Papillon they want me to take off their hands? :danc



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