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Our House Part Two


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Hello everyone. I just skimmed posts from the past two days, so forgive me if I missed something.


My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.


LeAnna, so sorry to hear about your bil. Sending prayers for you, Hub-E and the family.

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* :::::::: Good Morning :::::::::::




Poppin' in just to say :hi HEY!

Tomorrow is Patrick's birthday.......... :sigh... I cant believe he will be 15yrs old. My goodness!

We're taking him to Red Lobster for lunch today... then a movie. Tomorrow he will get his birthday gift of a Certificate to purchase a car in July. We want him to get his permit and practice first.. then we will take him car shopping. We're getting him a new iPod touch also. His was stollen this last wrestling season. Gotta love it! :angry

I just cant believe how fast they grow up.... and for him... really grow... he's 6'1" ... sheesh


Okay.. .I have some serious crocheting I need to get moving on.

you all have a GREAT day!:hug






:bday Patrick How awesome, a certificate for a car :yay Remember to tell him :bday tomorrow


Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.


I need to get ready for church, but I'm...well...not sure what I am...maybe a little in shock...


Hug those loved ones of yours that are close by...call those that aren't...


Oh LeAnna, I'm so sorry :hug :hug Still sending many prayers your way. If there's anything I can do, please just ask. How is dh's nephew doing?


Hello everyone. I just skimmed posts from the past two days, so forgive me if I missed something.


My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.


LeAnna, so sorry to hear about your bil. Sending prayers for you, Hub-E and the family.



You too Cindy, if there's anything I can do, just let me know. Sending many prayers out for your mom to make a good recovery from this. At least she still has the basics and hopefully with the therapy, she'll regain a good deal of function on that right side :xfin:hug :hug

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Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.


I need to get ready for church, but I'm...well...not sure what I am...maybe a little in shock...


Hug those loved ones of yours that are close by...call those that aren't...

Hugs and prayers for you and Hub-E, sweetie...but I'm thankful his suffering wasn't longer.:hug:manyheart:hug Now is the hard part, learning to go on without his presence....

Judy ~ Congratulations on finishing the scarf and can't wait to see the first shawl picture! Have fun at the nursery!

We got some odd s and ends of flowers....we just like touches of color, not going crazy.The garage sale was a success.:cheer We only had a few things left and donated them to our local animal rescue group for their rummage sale next week.

that's great!

My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.

It has to be so hard for you to see her like that....I'm also thankful for all the positives, and I'm sure she has a positive attitude, and will do her best to recover the abilities she can.:hug:manyheart



Joanne, I hope you had a nice day with DD around...and a Yankee win;)

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Thank you for the prayers and thoughts...I'm so grateful for this House...hugs to all of you.

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Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.


I need to get ready for church, but I'm...well...not sure what I am...maybe a little in shock...


Hug those loved ones of yours that are close by...call those that aren't...

LeAnna- So sorry to hear about your BIL- but like you said, it was good that he didn't suffer too long. :hug to you and to your Hub-E--it must be hard to be so far from each other at this difficult time. If there's anything you need---- and also prayers for your nephew!:hug



The garage sale was a success.:cheer We only had a few things left and donated them to our local animal rescue group for their rummage sale next week. It feels so good to have the attic cleaned out except for Holiday things and some of DD's childhood toys, etc. DD and Luke were here both days and he napped in his pack-n-play and entertained us at the sale. :lol Now I have to catch up on laundry, mail, etc. :yes

I'll bet your glad that is over!! And that's wonderful that you seem to have sold a lot of things! (more $ for yarn?:devil)It must have been nice to have Luke as your entertainment to help pass the time!!!


Hello everyone. I just skimmed posts from the past two days, so forgive me if I missed something.


My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.

I'm sure it is tough to see your Mom like this:hug But it does sound encouraging that at least she can speak, read and swallow- Continued prayers that she will continue to recover with therapy!!!

Joanne, I hope you had a nice day with DD around...and a Yankee win;)


Thanks, Judy- it was a nice day- DD got her work done and I watched the Yankees win while finishing up Stash Buster Tote #4~ She also brought her laundry which is almost done now. We just finished dinner and as soon as her 2nd load of laundry is done drying, she'll be heading home, and I think I should work a little on the RR! (although, I am SO tempted to start another tote!!!)


Here's a pic of my Stash Buster Tote #4- RR SS in Turqua and Peruvian Print




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Cindy - Thank you for letting us know about your mom. :hug As Judy said, there are lots of positive things and therapy can help so much. :hug


Joanne - Your Tote #4 is really pretty - Love the colors together.:hook


Judy - Yay for flowers! We've been in the 80's for days...severe storms came through this a.m. and now we're in the 40's. :eek It's not supposed to freeze, but the 60 mph winds are sure messing with my yard!


I have a big pot of veggie/beef soup on and we'll have that and cornbread tonight. DH is happy as long as there is cornbread. :lol

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Mary 1 - we've had pretty chilly nights, but no risk of frost where we live - that would only happen northwest of us, where the inland hilly/mountainous areas are.


Joanne, you're really on a roll! Nice job on the tote.:cheer:clap



'nite everyone:hug:manyheart

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Hi there house, I slept in to 11 this morning for I was extremely tired. I spent the last few days, cleaning out my closet and putting away the winter clothes to make place for my summer clothes and all the new goodies I brought on my shopping trip this saturday. It was a great meet-up and I was so happy to see my dear House family. I ran into Joanne again later in the day for I also took a trip to AC Moore to buy some yarn for that beautiful Stash Buster Tote. :hook

Today I didn't do any crocheting for I was still in the mist of spring cleaning. :think


Leanna - so sorry to hear about the passing of your brother-in-law, prayers and hugs to you and the family. :hug


Julie - hi there, so sorry to hear that you were sick :hug


Dusti - you do some beautiful crocheting love the baby items and the pretty green color.


Joanne - WOW you finish that tote fast, nice.


Well dinner is calling my name got to run now.


Hugs to everyone :hug

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LeAnna- So sorry to hear about your BIL- but like you said, it was good that he didn't suffer too long. :hug to you and to your Hub-E--it must be hard to be so far from each other at this difficult time. If there's anything you need---- and also prayers for your nephew!:hug


I'll bet your glad that is over!! And that's wonderful that you seem to have sold a lot of things! (more $ for yarn?:devil)It must have been nice to have Luke as your entertainment to help pass the time!!!



I'm sure it is tough to see your Mom like this:hug But it does sound encouraging that at least she can speak, read and swallow- Continued prayers that she will continue to recover with therapy!!!



Thanks, Judy- it was a nice day- DD got her work done and I watched the Yankees win while finishing up Stash Buster Tote #4~ She also brought her laundry which is almost done now. We just finished dinner and as soon as her 2nd load of laundry is done drying, she'll be heading home, and I think I should work a little on the RR! (although, I am SO tempted to start another tote!!!)


Here's a pic of my Stash Buster Tote #4- RR SS in Turqua and Peruvian Print




Beautiful Joanne, I love how the colors fell :manyheart


I also finished mine today..........


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It's beautiful Marisa!:manyheart Love the way the yarn striped!!! And the colors are great.


I really have to get to sleep- but after the news of the evening- alot of emotions going through my mind-


9/11/2011 was a day I will never, ever forget---and it was 4 days before my wedding--Justice has finally been done ---


Hopefully, off to get some sleep......hugs to all........:hug:hug

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night house... some great totes there girls! I'm having more fun with this pattern than I think is legally allowed... I'm finally getting something else made..but I DID bring down that variegated yarn...


lights out.


Pray for safety...

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Well Joanne, I hope you did get some sleep and out to work on time this morning :xfin I see it was super late that you were still up and actually almost time to wake up for the new day. You're right, alot of emotions :yes


Mary2 - Keep on having fun with that pattern :yes


Well ladies, back to boscov's tonight and then I think we might be stopping at that diner again :think So, I may or may not be back tonight all depending on what time I get home :think Have a great monday and if I don't see y'all later, then in the AM

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Good morning!


Luckily today I don't have to be in work until 9 since I have to work until 5:30. The supervisors in my dept alternate being the "late person". Since there are 5 of us, we each have a week in a month and one of us doesn't have to work late. My month not to work late is August. So after this week of late days, I won't have to stay late until sometime in June. I really don't like the late hours because I have more traffic getting to work, but since I didn't get to sleep until after 2AM with all the news last night, I'm grateful that I don't have to leave here until 8:15 or so.


Marisa- Have fun at Boscov's and enjoy your dinner at "your" diner!


Mary- Love the tote you made and gave to a friend!


Hope you all have a good Monday.

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Wrennie - I love the cayuga trail, but I guess I'm partial to it because I went to school in Seneca Falls right on the lake :yes I'm soo excited because my wine stash is going down :lol You amaze me with your knowledge of birds :yay

My bro went to Ithaca college and a friends grandma had a summer house right on cayuga lake. Very pretty area.


Wrennie- You sure do know a lot about birds and I am finding it very interesting. I'll have to keep a look out for the rose breasted grosbeaks this summer! I guess I never really paid attention but now that I'm learning about the different birds from you, I think I will be!!

If you want to attract them use black oil sunflower and a flat platform type feeder. Do you get bear in your area?


Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.

:hug So sorry for your loss.


Wrennie ~ I hope your shoulder is much better. :hug I seem to be feeling my age lately with more aches and pains. ;) We love watching and feeding the birds, too. We know for sure we have a Cardinals' nest in our Red Oak and we have Robins everywhere!

Shoulders ok now, it seems.

We had a cardinal nest in an apple tree 2 summers ago..... till the wind storm. I found the nest at the bottom of the hill. :(



Nice totes JoAnne and Marissa!

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Good morning, my friends....


Good night everyone. Work tomorrow.....

I hope you have an easy day - you've been under so much stress worrying about your mom:hug:manyheart:hug

Beautiful Joanne, I love how the colors fell :manyheart


I also finished mine today..........

It looks great!:cheer:clap

I really have to get to sleep- but after the news of the evening- alot of emotions going through my mind-


9/11/2011 was a day I will never, ever forget---and it was 4 days before my wedding--Justice has finally been done ---


Hopefully, off to get some sleep......hugs to all........:hug:hug

I know how the news hit me last night....I was instantly elated....esp that all our guys got out ok...and then the flashbacks of 9/11 started :(

I can only hope and pray this is just the beginning of capturing or (you know what) other terrorists.

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I hope everyone has a good day. Off to pay our quarterly property taxes at Town Hall, etc.




..and the after-action quote from last night's operation in Pakistan:

Geronimo KIA


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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Marisa ~ Beautiful tote bag! I really like the colors together. :clap


night house... some great totes there girls! I'm having more fun with this pattern than I think is legally allowed... I'm finally getting something else made..but I DID bring down that variegated yarn...


lights out.


Pray for safety...

We promise not to let the crochet police know! :wink:D


I was up most of the night watching the hail, winds and rain, listening to the sirens going off...ready to gather everyone up and go to our closet under the stairs. Then I saw the news! Finally!

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Good morning, my friends. Yesterday was a L..O..N..G day of going through more boxes. I spent about 7 hours at it until my joints and muscles just wouldn't take any more. The trash and recycle bins are almost full with all the extra I've added to them. I found some antique toys among other things. And I found the first box of geneology research that I did in the past. The folders were coming apart so put them in new binders and organized the loose documents. This batch will be going to my DD. Also found some of my jewelry from quite a while ago, including an ivory necklace with a beautiful flower as the center. I bought it about 35 years ago.

I do have to get going on the Challenge quilt. As fast as the last month has gone by, this has to get going to make the finish date of the end of the month. There is a lot of quilting to do on it.

Thank you. DH was gone for three weeks, but it, honestly, it passed pretty quickly. I just am not used to making so many trips into town each day :drive. Usually, he drives the girls to school in the morning, and then I pick them up at the end of the day, but as I was the only chauffeur, my car is due for another oil change after this month :lol At 100 miles/day...it does not take too long. It remains to be seen whether DH flies to Japan next month. Now, at least, I know the girls and I will be just fine on our own :yes

Wow! That's a lot of miles a day! And, of course, you and the girls can do it. You did it for a month in Hawaii.

It is hard being away from DH. We only talk every-other day, as he does not have a cell phone, and my plan has such a limited number of minutes for long distance, but we make the most of our calls on the nights we do get to touch-base. He does not sleep well, but, like you, I did not have any trouble this month -- I have been exhausted, so I fall asleep as soon as I even see my pillow at night :lol Hopefully, we will all get back-on-track this weekend. Didn't you say that you are going home to your house this week, too? Your DH will be glad.

Glad he'll be back soon.

The baby blanket that I started for Annika's teacher is slowly coming along. I have a month before school lets out, and at this pace, with the thin, baby yarn, it may just take me that long. I am using TLC Baby in Lovey -- variegated blue, mint green, white and aqua. It is pretty. In fact, I think I am going to go and work a few rows before it it time to serve dinner.

Sounds lovely.

I have had a double batch of Southern BBQ Spaghetti Sauce simmering in the crockpot all day, so we will have some of that served with pasta and golden wheat bread this evening -- easy meal.

Supper sounds yummy. I just may have to make up some spaghetti sauce for Kim and I for supper.

I definitely have some crocheting on the agenda, and DD may be coming over to work on her last paper. She told me yesterday that she got an A+ on the 30 pg paper she did at my house a couple of weekends ago:clap:clap She only has a few more days and then she has completed another semester and is one step closer to her Master's! BBL!

:clap :clap :clap Hooray for DD on her paper! :clap :clap :clap



* :::::::: Good Morning :::::::::::




Poppin' in just to say :hi HEY!

Tomorrow is Patrick's birthday.......... :sigh... I cant believe he will be 15yrs old. My goodness!

We're taking him to Red Lobster for lunch today... then a movie. Tomorrow he will get his birthday gift of a Certificate to purchase a car in July. We want him to get his permit and practice first.. then we will take him car shopping. We're getting him a new iPod touch also. His was stollen this last wrestling season. Gotta love it! :angry

I just cant believe how fast they grow up.... and for him... really grow... he's 6'1" ... sheesh


Okay.. .I have some serious crocheting I need to get moving on.

you all have a GREAT day!:hug





Wow! Hope he has a wonderful birthday. With those gifts how can he not. 6'1"! He is TALL. Where does the height come from?

Hello House...it is a sad post today...my brother in law Richard passed away this morning around 8:00 a.m. Central Time. We are glad he didn't linger long, but of course sad that he left at all. Hub-E will come home next Saturday.


I need to get ready for church, but I'm...well...not sure what I am...maybe a little in shock...


Hug those loved ones of yours that are close by...call those that aren't...

:hug :hug :hug So sorry for your loss. At least he didn't suffer for long. If there is anything I can do, I'm here for you. :hug :hug :hug

My mom is better than I feared but worse than I hoped. Her right side is pretty much paralyzed, although her nurse told me that she should regain some of the function with therapy. On the bright side, she is able to read, speak and swallow. She has a little difficulty finding the right words at times, but it's not too bad.

It's amazing what they can do with stroke victims with PT. :hug :hug :hug Hang in there.

Thanks, Judy- it was a nice day- DD got her work done and I watched the Yankees win while finishing up Stash Buster Tote #4~ She also brought her laundry which is almost done now. We just finished dinner and as soon as her 2nd load of laundry is done drying, she'll be heading home, and I think I should work a little on the RR! (although, I am SO tempted to start another tote!!!)

Here's a pic of my Stash Buster Tote #4- RR SS in Turqua and Peruvian Print.

Beautiful tote, Joanne! :clap :clap :clap What a nice surprise to got to see DD.

We've been in the 80's for days...severe storms came through this a.m. and now we're in the 40's. :eek It's not supposed to freeze, but the 60 mph winds are sure messing with my yard!


I have a big pot of veggie/beef soup on and we'll have that and cornbread tonight. DH is happy as long as there is cornbread. :lol

Wow! Hope there's not too much damage to the yard. And another yummy sounding supper.

I also finished mine today..........

Another beautiful tote! :clap :clap

I was up most of the night watching the hail, winds and rain, listening to the sirens going off...ready to gather everyone up and go to our closet under the stairs. Then I saw the news! Finally!

Yikes! More storms. Hope it didn't do too much damage.


Time to get our day started. Have a good one, everyone. Catch you all later.

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Hi, Linda, it sounds like you're going to have to get going on the Challenge quilt!:eek


Poor Toni...how awful about her church members....:hug:(

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Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I haven't talked to Hub-E yet today, I did try to call, but got voice mail. They have things set for the viewing and the funeral...


Thank you again...

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*Good Morning*Hope you are all having a beautiful Monday morning! Mine has been great!

I'm in shorts, I must say it's still a bit chilly, I have a blanket wrapped around my legs lol. BUT.....I do have flip flops on too! lol




[color="DarkOrange" I do have great news---my friends from Australia got here with flying colors on Thursday evening, I've spent the last few days on and off with them. Have had a WONDERFUL time, we have a big wedding coming up this Sat. so we are all looking forward to getting a little buzz on and enjoying ourselves! Aree and I stayed up there last night a little too late we left at 1030----mind you we are usually in bed by 900! lol we were both sort of dragging this morning.


A bit of sad news..............my honey isn't able to come visit tomorrow....yes....I'm VERY sad!!! But.......nothing I can do about it! He says now not until Memorial Day weekend. I guess I will have to take what I can get! Man......I tell ya'!


Well.......I need to get going----I am catching up on posts one by one....slowly but surely! Loves to you all! Have a great May day!


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Busy day at work today, but nothing out of control. I have tomorrow off.

Work has been quite stressful lately. The changes are really affecting everyone, and we've had a lot of resignations, with the result that we are short staffed, and therefore people are even crankier than they would be otherwise.


I think all the issues with my mom and my mil are getting to me. My mil had heart issues three weeks ago, and it has turned into an on-going problem. In fact DH is out with her right now getting some more tests done. Neither my dad nor my fil are in the best of health either, but at least my dad is trying to do things. My fil just sits around and expects us to jump when ever they want something. You'd think he'd want to come along when mil has these tests done, but he prefers to just sit around doing nothing. He's in the best shape of all of our parents. ( I'm just a little cranky!)


I have been sleeping well, but I'm exhausted. I must be getting too old for all this stress. I think tomorrow is going to be a mental health day for me. DD wants to go shopping, and even though I am not much of a shopper, I think I might go just for the distraction.

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