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Our House Part Two


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Morning peeps!


Cindy, I hope work went well.


Oh, Joanne, the homecoming this morning is going to be such a trip!!!!  The boys weren't allowed in the hospital for a sibling visit?


The sun is shining and it's going to be in the mid 50's to maybe 60 today...and I took a tick off Sparkie's neck yesterday. Welcome to Spring :reyes

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Hi everyone.  I've been doing taxes for part of two days and just have to do a couple more things - but no more for today!  My brain is tired. :lol  


Marlene ~ 71 for breakfast sounds like a good turn out!  How has your weather been?  I hope Baby G and DD are much better by now. :manyheart


Joanne ~ Awww - special times with the boys and the new little guy. :)   We are so blessed to live close to our kids!


Judy ~ Yes, it's been such a warm winter that I'm afraid we'll have more bugs than usual.  And ticks are just gross! Lol


Hi to the rest of our House, too!


I really need to do some cleaning, but I think crocheting is more important. ;)


Have a good afternoon!

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Hi House!!

  I about had a heart attack!  Some kind of glitch must have happened! I clicked on our house thread and was reading all the posts thinking I don' t know ANY of these people but maybe 1 or 2... how could so much have changed in just the 3 days or so since I been here?????    Looked again, and realized I was reading posts from 2011!!!! Logged out, logged back in and this time got right thread!!! 

  I had the most wonderful weekend! DD went to her father's for the weekend and DH and I left Friday at lunch for a "road trip".  We drove to a town 3 hours away and stayed overnight for an equipment auction.. I would have been a little bored, but I took my crochet bag and actually got a hanging dish towel made. I will do a couple of matching dishcloths for a set and give as a gift to one of our customers for a house warming. Saw all kinds of tractors, farm equipment and some equipment was simply amazing at the sheer size of it.. of course, my DH was in Heaven here on earth!!

Morning peeps


Michelle, yes, that's our local yarn store. Joanne visits it sometimes too. Their yarn is to die for! If I were making something special their bamboo silk blend is amazing, as is their chunky baby yarn. I stood there petting lists of the inventory. I have two balls of different weights of yarn I bought from there a year ago - their lower priced stuff - and am waiting to knit something with it - too good to use up crocheting. They are very customer friendly, balling yarn for you, letting crocheters and knitters sit around their cozy work table and get help if needed. 

Judy, that sounds amazing!! I have never been anywhere like that!!! Mostly I just use whatever I can find at Walmart to suit the need with an occasional trip an hour and a half away to the JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby....  I am hoping to start branching out and trying more different kinds of yarns, even though I will have to order it all online.


Off I go to start the day.

Have a good one, my friends.



'Morning, everyone. 


Marlene ~ The booties and car seat blanket both sound adorable!  I'm so glad you're missing out on all that snow...I hope you're having good weather at the coast. :yes   And breakfast sounds delicious!


Michelle ~ Such wonderful news that you had a pain free day yesterday! :manyheart   I think I told you about my good friend who has fibro - she is having more good days than bad lately and I hope it's a continuing trend for both of you.

Thank you!! Actually this is day 5 pain free and I have been on  :c9 I have actually had so much mobility in my back and even though I know it prob is just temporary I'm just praising the Lord for it!! So wonderful not to hurt!! 

Cindy ~ Happy Birthday to your GS!  I know you'll have fun at his party. :)


Hi Judy!


Long night last night - DH finally made an app't with the 'sleep doctor' again and he was there overnight last night.  I took him at 8pm and picked him up at 6:30 this morning.  He had fallen asleep at the dinner table again and has been having long sessions of talking in his sleep...maybe they can figure this out this time.  Needless to say, I've been sleep deprived for a while. :(

Wow, Mary! That must be scary!! Sure pray they find him some help soon!!


Our lives are so exciting. :lol   Have a wonderful day, friends. ♥♥♥♥♥



Here's the baby dress I was making. I used Simply Soft so it's not tiny.

Just darling Judy!!! :)



Good morning house!
My grandson, Charles Nicholas ( my dads name) joined the family yesterday at 12:43 pm. He was 7 lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches. I am going to meet him shortly and then will be watching Ryan and Robbie the rest of the day. Charlie's godfather is my son in law's cousin, Nick, and he was born on Nick's birthday. So godfather and godson share the same birthday! I think that is pretty neat!
Oh Congratulations JoAnn!!!! How exciting and I know you enjoyed spending time with the big brother's..

Hope you all have a great day!!!



Hi Ladies,


Michelle, Glad to hear you were feeling better.  Thank you Marlene!! and I hope you are doing great too!!


Mary, Hope they could found something out with your DH on his sleeping test.


Joanne, Congratulations on your new grandson! I think its unique that him and his godfather share the same birthdays. 


Linda, I hope your back with us soon.


Judy, Cute dress! 


Cindy, When does your vacation start? Happy Birthday to your grandson!


We had 71 people for breakfast. When we were done I went next door to the little club house and finished the puzzle. It was a tough one this time. The shapes were all different. Today are friends called. We went for a ride with them, out to late lunch then stopped by and visited a couple who use to stay in are park. It was a fun day. 

Gene and Sandy made it to there daughters in Michigan. 

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the weekend!

Always so interesting reading your activities!! I bet you really miss this when you go back to your other home...

Also :waving  to Cindy!! Hope you're well!!


Amy- thank you  for reminding everyone about the Crochet Express for National Crochet Month!! Since that is my birthday month and crochet (my favorite hobby) combined--March is special!! :lol  I am looking forward to this!!


Girls, I posted a query in looking for patterns, if some of you have time to check it out maybe some one can point me to what I am looking for...



I also posted 4 different giveaways in the Giveaways section!! So go check them out and enter!! :)


Well I still have dinner/ supper (here in some of the south still) to cook and about 3 more loads of clothes to do.. some of that might wait till tomorrow!!

Anyway, everyone have a nice night!!

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Michelle, I don't remember ever seeing a pattern like the one you're looking for...I hope you can find it!


Well, I only got about 45 minutes or less work done on my granny squares today. My hands have been hurting, though putting the hook away hasn't helped any. I've felt this before, but today is the second day in a row that it's  really been acting up. I don't know if it's just ordinary activity that I do in the morning (cleaning bathrooms this morning, etc) or the crocheting that is the trigger. I'll try and see if I can figure it out.Typing on my laptop isn't too bad. I know I have arthritis. A few years ago DS did  X-rays on my back and showed me how it showed up on the pictures.


After what I went through last Summer, this feels like just a hiccup. I'm just glad I also love to read and that using my computer doesn't make it feel worse. 


Have a good night my friends.

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Michelle, I've never seen a pattern like that either...at least as far as I can remember.


I woke up not feeling well, stuffy nose, headache, cough and fatigue. Despite that I managed to clean bathrooms, vacuum about half the house and do some laundry. I have to teach ACLS tomorrow and I don't want to back out since they are already short an instructor. I guess I will just keep my distance from everyone.


We will be leaving for the Smokies on Thursday so it's time to think about packing. At least all my clothes are clean. It's hard to know what to pack,mince the weather is so varied. I guess things that can be layered will be best. I'll worry about that Wednesday, I guess.


Judy, hope this pain really is just a hiccup and passes soon. I get pain and numbness from prolonged knitting or crocheting too these days. Must be getting old.......


Good night, my friends.

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Hi, my friends.


Cindy, I hope the fatigue lists for you, at least! Feel better, hon.


Woke with pain, but not nearly as bad as last night, but definitely not gone. It's another sunny day from the looks of things!


Have a good day, ladies.

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Morning, everyone. :)


Michelle ~ Such good news that you've been feeling much better! :yes   I had to laugh about reading old posts by accident...I've done the same thing and then usually keep reading to see what was going on then. :lol 


Judy ~ Sending hugs your way. :hug   I hope your hands are better today - arthritis is no fun especially when we are addicted to our hooks and yarn. :no 


Cindy ~ Your trip sounds so nice!  Sending lots of positive thoughts that you feel better so you can enjoy the vacation. :manyheart  Stay safe in that snow!


Linda ~ I hope you're okay - miss you!


Time for me to get showered and dressed.  We're going to vote and run some errands and then I hope to finish those pesky taxes. Lol

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Hi, Mary, Cindy and everyone.


Cindy, you must be so *done* with driving in snow!


My hands are still hurting so I'm giving the hooks a rest today. There are always books to read! Food store was earlier and laundry is done, so it's me time.

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Good afternoon house!


The days and weeks are just so busy that some days I have to remind myself to just sit and breathe.


Joanne-Congratulations on your new grandson!  How exciting for all of you. I bet R & R are just so happy to be big brothers.


Judy-I have quite a bit of wrist pain, crocheting seems to aggravate it more than knitting.  I have been wrapping my wrists, this helps so much,, have you seen those wrist bandages?  I use them as my hands are clear and then I can just put my sleeve over.  I have also been using a herbal balm.  Hope they heal up soon.


Cindy-oh my gosh more snow? I bet you all are ready for Spring.  Sorry to hear that you are not feeling 100%, hopefully it will runs its course and then you will be feeling fab before the weekend.


Marlene-70 people is alot to cook for!  Wow!  I only cook for my small family and feel overwhelmed at times when my sister and her large family visit. I can't imagine.  Do you all have bigger appliances?  Cook ware?


Michelle-your weekend getaway sounded wonderful!  I'm so happy happy happy that you have been pain free for 5 days..woohooo!


Mary-I feel your pain, last week dh did our taxes, having a business sure makes it more complicated.  He was pretty stressed, good thing that only comes around once a year.


I have been busy Spring Cleaning here at the shop, have quite a bit more to go but it is nice to get a head start. Off to have lunch. talk to you all soon.   :ghug

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Well...6 inches of snow on the ground, at least 3 to 5 more inches coming........ Spring...where are you?


Traffic was just awful on my way in this morning. It took me an hour and 20 minutes to drive 12 miles! Coming home was better. The roads were bad, but the traffic was lighter than this morning. My Jeep isn't as good in snow as my old Blazer either. Hopefully some of this snow melts before we leave on Thursday.


I'm feeling a bit better this afternoon, hopefully I will be back to normal tomorrow.

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Hi, LeeAnn...it's not just my wrists, it's every finger. I'll just take it a day at a time and see how it goes. 

We used to have complicated taxes because DH was retired but working from the house part time. We used accountants for that. The last 2 years I used TurboTax.

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Hi Ladies.  DH went to a mini reunion and none of the wives were going - more crochet time for me!


Hi LeeAnn ~ I agree that the days and weeks fly by. :yes   Way to go for starting spring cleaning at your shop!  Are you ready for the Easter rush?


Cindy ~ Wow - that is a long commute!  Of course if we even have 2 inches, everything shuts down. ;)  Keep feeling better. :manyheart


Judy ~ Are you able to take anything for the pain?  I'm so sorry you're going through this. :hug


Tomorrow is a stay at home day.  Thursday and Friday we have appointments and I'm staying with Zach Thursday afternoon.  We haven't seen them in two weeks...way too long.  See you all tomorrow. ♥♥♥

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morning peeps...


Cindy, I hope you're better this AM. Vacation is tomorrow!!


Mary, you definitely need grandson time...and hook time!  And all I can take for pain is Tylenol, which I try to minimize.



i was mulling over why both hands would hurt almost equally....and thought about the new statins i changed to a few weeks ago...i think lipitor may be the culprit. Researched online and looked at side effects and comments and hand pain was talked about.

This morning, before taking the pill, my hands are no where near as bad as the afternoon yesterday! So....I'll be paying close attention today, and with no hooking, to see if the pain cycles up again. It'll be back to crestor for me, then after I call the cardio guy.


I'm way too bored without a hook in my hand to be good company for anyone.....


Have a good day my friends.

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Good morning. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, not a cloud in sight. What a change from yesterday! I feel about the same, no worse for sure. I'm not as tired as I have been so hopefully this is the end of the virus.


I don't have a huge to do list today. One more bathroom to clean and a load of laundry and then packing. The only hard thing about that will be deciding what to take. It's supposed to be around 70 in the Smokies all next week, but it will be about 25 degrees here when we leave. I'm not sure that I want a heavy winter coat floating around the car all week. I probably need to think in terms of layers, as I like to pack light. Andy always packs a lot of stuff, most of which he doesn't wear. We have laundry facilities where we stay, plus I nearly always buy some clothes while we are there.


The hardest thing will be to decide what craft project to take with me! It needs to be smaller, so that rules out an afghan. I currently have four of those in progress, I know I will take Hitchhiker, (knit), but I'd like a crochet project as well. Hmm, might have to start something new!


Have a great day, ladies.

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Good morning House!


Judy-what a relief to find what is making your fingers hurt, ouch!  I love reading too, just never seem to squeeze time in for it.  Do you like reading on a kidle or having a book?  I like reading on my phone, it's just so portable but also have a paperback book most of the time too. 


Cindy-oh my gosh! I am feeling for you, we have had a very mild winter here in Southern CO, not as much snow as the past years.  Your vacation sounds like so much fun!


Mary-your Zach sounds like such a ham.  He is so fortunate to have you close, I cherished the time I spent with my grandma.  I miss her terribly.


Hello to everyone else!


Yesterday after the Spring Clean run, I rewarded myself with a bit of knitting time.  Finally finished a cowl that I had started awhile ago. Here's a pic of me wearing it, soon it will go to it's new home.  My sister fell in love with it, she's one lucky duck as I have made her tons of scarves and cowls.


Back to paperwork.  :ghug


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Judy ~ I feel so bad that I didn't think about the statins. :(   A couple of years ago, I started having severe cramping in both hands and one foot.  Sue told me that more than one of her friends had either severe pain and/or cramping and were taken off statins.  It was a Friday evening when we talked and I stopped taking them right then. Within two days, the symptoms were gone! I called the Dr. on Monday and he put me on a non-statin and it's never happened since.  Oh, I hope you've solved the mystery and that you'll get relief soon. :hug


I was just taking a break from the desk and had to post.  Will come back later. :)

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Cindy, you definitely have to start something new to bring!


LeeAnn, the drape on that cowl is gorgeous.


Mary, don't feel bad about not remembering about the statins...I forget things way too easily, even when they have happened to me! 


I have a call in to the doctor's office. I left a message about my problem and what I wanted to do about the meds. Hopefully I'll get a call before the week is out.

I did take the pill this morning and notice the discomfort level creeping up. I guess it won't hurt me any to stop the pill tomorrow even if I don't have a replacement....  I know I can't stop the blood thinners and aspirin....


It'll be a relief to hook again!

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:whew Taxes are done and ready to mail, DH's files are reorganized and that's enough for today!


Cindy ~ Have a safe and wonderful trip!  I'm so glad you're feeling better today. :yes


Judy ~ Keeping fingers crossed that the pain subsides very soon. :manyheart   We can't have you not being able to crochet or knit!


LeeAnn ~ Your cowl is gorgeous!  The yarn looks so soft and your work is beautiful. 


Have a good evening, everyone.  Time for a little crochet therapy. ;)

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LeeAnn, I forgot to answer your question about books. I have a Nook Tablet, which holds my Nook and Kindle books, and I also read "real" books. Depends on the price and whether or not they're keepers for my book shelves.

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Hope you continue to feel better. Enjoy your vacation! Maybe the weather will be much nicer when you return.


Mary, Yeah for getting your taxes done. The weather here has been really nice. Probably are warmest winter. 


Joanne, I bet the boys are real excited for mom and charlie to be home. 


Michelle, Glad your feeling better and hope you continue to for awhile. I've never seen that rooster afghan.


Judy, Sorry you've been hurting. I hope you have figured out the problem. It reminded me to talk to DD about it. When she took Maya to the doctor in november we found out she has high cholesterol. She is to go back this month to be rechecked. I told her about you and Mary having problems from your medicine. I told her I want to talk to hubby's heart doctor before they put her on any medicine for his opinion. I read up on it and many doctors don't think they should put kids on statins at such a young age. Many kids after they hit puberty things change. And her heritage is know to have high cholesterol, which the doctor did tell DD that. Hubby sees the heart doctor in May. I'm glad were aware of her numbers. Hopefully they have gone down. She's just to picky of an eater. 


LeeAnn, I do miss all this going on down here when we go home. Yeah for getting a jump on spring cleaning. Your cowl is really pretty.


It's been a busy week here. Today we took the valentine's decorations down and put up the st. patrick's up. We had 13 people there doing it. Sometimes we have a few more. It's nice to get it all done in one day. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with the sewing girls. There going to a new to them quilt shop, then JoAnn's, Michael's and out to lunch. Were going to have a fun day!

Friday we are having spaghetti for lunch. Tomorrow starts the Oyster Festival here in town. I think were going to go tomorrow and friday night. Two different couples want us to go with them. Sunday is hubby's birthday. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! 

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morning, peeps!


Cindy must be off on vacation by now. I hope it's a fun time for her.


Marlene, yes, Maya would be too young in my uneducated opinion to go on statins. For a kid, a healthy, active lifestyle and sneaking in good veggies and foods made in healthy ways when possible are the way to go. Some people just have high numbers. My MIL did, and that was WITH states and a good lifestyle. She died from a nerve disease at 84.


Today Mary gets to play with her grandson....I think we'll be seeing a tired grandma later today...lol!


Well, I didn't take my statin this morning and my hands already seem more flexible and less sore. Of course it's only 10 am...lol.  I haven't had the new prescription sent in yet. It's such a huge practice things take time. 


Have a great day my friends.

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Good morning house!


Thank you all for the lovely compliments on the cowl.  I used vintage yarn that Joyce had gifted to me, it's a combination of acrylic, wool and mohair.  I cast on 32 stitches then just knit each row until I used up 2 skeins the knit the ends together.  I was practicing the Continental knitting, thought a scarf would really be easy and a good practice project.  I liked it so much that I am going to make one for myself, hopefully I can get started on it soon.


Judy-so glad that your hands are feeling less sore, I bet you are itching to get back to your hook and yarn.


Marlene-Yikes for Maya!  That is a bit scary to have high cholesterol numbers at such a young age.  What kinds of foods does she like most?  You all are so busy, but it all sounds like so much fun!


Cindy-enjoy your vacation!


Mary-can't wait to hear about your time spent with Zach. 


I rode my bike this morning, trying really hard to loose weight, it's a struggle but I do feel better eating healthier.  It has taken time to get adjusted to it all but slowly I am making progress.


Nothing too exciting going on here, Craft Night is this evening.  I have a granny ripple afghan that I had found this morning that was started a year ago..yikes!  I made a list of all the wips that I found and then a project wish list..what fun!  Still have the second knit sock to finish, the end is so near that I should just push thru and get it done so that I can work on something else..so many projects..so little time.  It is so difficult as I am surrounded by yummy yarn, it's so tempting to start another new project every day.


Have a wonderful day folks! :ghug  :manyheart

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