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Our House Part Two


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HI house!

  Yep! it's me... I know you're wondering "Who's that?" it has been so long... I'm sorry but this fibro is really kicking my tail for the last whole month.. Like today.. got up at 7.00 to get DH off to school.. head hurting all down my neck and spine so I crawled back in bed, couldn't even.... got up at 10:00.. Still hurting but not quite as bad and still in PJ's with nothing done... I live like I'm in my 80's when I am only 51.. Fighting being depressed today and I am not going to get on a pity party I promise.. There has just GOT to be a better way to handle this stuff so I can have a better quality life, and I WILL FIND it!!!

 Anyway I can see it it will take me a few days to catch up on the posts, but CINDY that is a pretty little jumper dress and wow! at your schedule of work!! I remember days when I had that many steps on my pedometer working also.... Would you believe I actually got a little jealous when I ready it?? ;)

JUDY congratulations on your new car!! I think those RAV4's are the cutest things!!!

and happy belated birthday to Mr. MARY ! LOL!! that restaurant looks great... hoping you have a wonderful time.

For everyone else, I hope to catch up on the posts within a couple of days..

Hoping everyone is well and safe after such awful tornado storms last night...

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Hi Michelle. Do hot showers help you at all? It works for me, like yesterday when the bitterly cold, wind driven rain had me hurting all over...even my hands, which were encased in leather gloves were in a bad way. No more fibro thank goodness, but bad arthritis.  I didn't want to come out of the shower,,,

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Hello ladies.


Michelle, hope the pain lets up for you. I'm sure it's very discouraging. Hugs!


We ended up with close to a foot of snow from yesterday's storm. The weather reports said it would last until late afternoon today, but luckily it stopped before daybreak, or there's no telling what we might have gotten. Its been sunny off and on today and the temperature is right around freezing so I think the roads should be pretty good by now.


I had a routine dr appointment today, and the receptionist told me that nearly all the patients had cancelled. I didn't have any trouble getting there, (I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee), but the dr did. He made it though. He said his snowblower had a really hard time with the wet heavy snow, and his street hadn't been plowed. Then I got groceries and bought my youngest son a birthday present. Hardly anyone at the grocery store, which was a nice change. No waiting in line to checkout either.


Hopefully this is the last blast of winter for us.....

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Hello house!


I tried posting yesterday, not sure what happened, it just didn't post.. :reyes


Cindy-wow you all really got hit with snow!  We had a snowstorm this week, make Tuesday's trek in a bit scary but since then it has mostly melted.  So thankful.  I bet it was nice grocery shopping without so many folks.  I like going early in the morning or later in the evening.  You are doing such a good job getting all of your wips done..woohoo!  The booties and dress are adorable.


Michelle-so hope that you find relief soon :hug Have you tried soaking in a hot tub?  We have Natural hot springs here, it works wonderfully.  They are outdoors and just beautiful.


Judy-that is so neat that your LYS accepts donations.  Have you started up your paris ghan?


Marlene-your bunny slippers sound adorable!  How many other projects do you have in front of them?


Hello to anyone else that I may have missed.  I just finished packaging up the 220 soap sets..aka the 660 star soaps..whew!  It was a ton of work..it really was just a bit overwhelming but I kept at it..so glad that it over.  Going to treat myself with the rest of the afternoon off..I will still be here at the shop but am going to just sit and rest.


hope you all have an amazing day.   :ghug

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Hi LeeAnn.


Yup, the Paris ghan was started weeks ago and is only around row 20 or so. Time to sit down and get moving on it. Meanwhile I got a couple of patterns from the LYS for baby dresses like the one they had made up and put on display. I'm nearly done crocheting it. Using Simply Soft in Green and off white. I have no idea what size it will be, but I'll likely donate it and let the nurses figure out that one! It's been such fun to make something cute and girly.

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Hi Ladies,


LeeAnn, I need to make a football for the car seat blanket and sew the straps on it and it's done. I have 2 soles and i top half done for the bunny booties with the ears sewed on and his eyes made. I need to finish his face then sew it together then off to the top half of the second one. It's going in the mail next week. 


Michelle, I hope your fibro calms down soon. 


My brother posted a picture on facebook of him measuring the snow at his place. He had 17". My niece posted the news to say they had 14" and it was still snowing this afternoon. Sure am glad we missed that snow storm. I know are friends stopped early afternoon yesterday they were in Mt. Vernon Illinois roads were bad and lots of people in the ditch. They were headed to Indianapolis if the roads stayed good. They said they were good at that time. 

We are having breakfast tomorrow. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week.  

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Hi House. :)  I hope everyone in the path of storms and snow is safe.  We're having lots of wind, but it's sunny and in the 50's.


Michelle ~ Oh, I'm sorry the fibro has been so much worse lately. :hug   I hope you get some relief before long.  Sending lots of hugs to you! :hug


Cindy ~ That is a lot of snow!  I know you all are used to it, but no way could I drive in that! 


LeeAnn ~ 660 soaps!!!  Congrats on finishing the order - and maybe you can take a "little" break now - you deserve it! 


Linda ~ We miss you.  I hope you are okay and hope you're able to post again soon. :manyheart


Judy ~ Looking forward to seeing the baby dress. :c9  We have a small quilt shop not too far away that accepts donations for Project Linus and several others - it's so nice that they do that.  :yes 


Have a good evening, friends. ♥♥♥

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  Wow!! What a difference a day makes!! NO pain today!! in fact had more mobility in back and legs than I have had in months..didn't go anywhere but caught up some on some housework and even went for a 15 min walk but I was careful not to overdo because I don't want to go backwards.... but thank you all for the warm well wishes!!

Hi Michelle. Do hot showers help you at all? It works for me, like yesterday when the bitterly cold, wind driven rain had me hurting all over...even my hands, which were encased in leather gloves were in a bad way. No more fibro thank goodness, but bad arthritis.  I didn't want to come out of the shower,,,   Even on good days, Judy, I don't do showers much at all.. they will put me down every time!!



Hello ladies.

Michelle, hope the pain lets up for you. I'm sure it's very discouraging. Hugs!  Thank you Cindy!! :manyheart

We ended up with close to a foot of snow from yesterday's storm. The weather reports said it would last until late afternoon today, but luckily it stopped before daybreak, or there's no telling what we might have gotten. Its been sunny off and on today and the temperature is right around freezing so I think the roads should be pretty good by now.

I had a routine dr appointment today, and the receptionist told me that nearly all the patients had cancelled. I didn't have any trouble getting there, (I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee), but the dr did. He made it though. He said his snowblower had a really hard time with the wet heavy snow, and his street hadn't been plowed. Then I got groceries and bought my youngest son a birthday present. Hardly anyone at the grocery store, which was a nice change. No waiting in line to checkout either.

Hopefully this is the last blast of winter for us.....    Glad to know that with all the snow,, sounds like you still had a Very enjoyable day!!!! :)



Hello house!


I tried posting yesterday, not sure what happened, it just didn't post.. :reyes


Cindy-wow you all really got hit with snow!  We had a snowstorm this week, make Tuesday's trek in a bit scary but since then it has mostly melted.  So thankful.  I bet it was nice grocery shopping without so many folks.  I like going early in the morning or later in the evening.  You are doing such a good job getting all of your wips done..woohoo!  The booties and dress are adorable.


Michelle-so hope that you find relief soon :hug Have you tried soaking in a hot tub?  We have Natural hot springs here, it works wonderfully.  They are outdoors and just beautiful.  Hey LeeAnn!! Yes!!! Soaking in a very hot tub bath (wish I had a real hot tub!) is amazing... Relieves the pain temporarily while I am in tub.. and natural hot springs?!?!?   AHHH MAZING!!!! Would sure like to be there!!


Judy-that is so neat that your LYS accepts donations.  Have you started up your paris ghan?


Marlene-your bunny slippers sound adorable!  How many other projects do you have in front of them?


Hello to anyone else that I may have missed.  I just finished packaging up the 220 soap sets..aka the 660 star soaps..whew!  It was a ton of work..it really was just a bit overwhelming but I kept at it..so glad that it over.  Going to treat myself with the rest of the afternoon off..I will still be here at the shop but am going to just sit and rest.

Wow!!! Now that is really putting out some orders!! kudos to you!! :clap 

hope you all have an amazing day.   :ghug



Hi LeeAnn.


Yup, the Paris ghan was started weeks ago and is only around row 20 or so. Time to sit down and get moving on it. Meanwhile I got a couple of patterns from the LYS for baby dresses like the one they had made up and put on display. I'm nearly done crocheting it. Using Simply Soft in Green and off white. I have no idea what size it will be, but I'll likely donate it and let the nurses figure out that one! It's been such fun to make something cute and girly.    Judy so glad you haven't given up on the Paris ghan!!! looking forward to seeing it.....  Dumb question... what is the LYS shop all of you talking about? is it local yarn shop? that must be really wonderful... no local yarn shops for sure here.. there is Walmart in town 20 min away with 1 small aisle of Red Heart mainly. Hobby Lobby, Michael's and JoAnn's is  1 & 1/2 hours away... I would really love to splurge and order from Mary Maxim or Hershnerr's some really NICE yarn and make me something really pretty to wear for the heck of it,, but been having to watch pennies for so long since DH got laid off April... one day though!



Hi Ladies,


LeeAnn, I need to make a football for the car seat blanket and sew the straps on it and it's done. I have 2 soles and i top half done for the bunny booties with the ears sewed on and his eyes made. I need to finish his face then sew it together then off to the top half of the second one. It's going in the mail next week. 


Michelle, I hope your fibro calms down soon.   Thank you!!


My brother posted a picture on facebook of him measuring the snow at his place. He had 17". My niece posted the news to say they had 14" and it was still snowing this afternoon. Sure am glad we missed that snow storm. I know are friends stopped early afternoon yesterday they were in Mt. Vernon Illinois roads were bad and lots of people in the ditch. They were headed to Indianapolis if the roads stayed good. They said they were good at that time.   Marlene, even though I have gotten to actually experience very little snow,, I do NOT miss it!! There is a good reason the good Lord let me be born in the south :lol :lol   I can deal with the heat not the cold, so I am glad you missed it too!!

We are having breakfast tomorrow. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, coffee and orange juice. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week.  

okay ladies, gonna call it a night as it's getting late... trying to take care of myself.... hope everyone else has a good one too!!

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Morning peeps


Michelle, yes, that's our local yarn store. Joanne visits it sometimes too. Their yarn is to die for! If I were making something special their bamboo silk blend is amazing, as is their chunky baby yarn. I stood there petting lists of the inventory. I have two balls of different weights of yarn I bought from there a year ago - their lower priced stuff - and am waiting to knit something with it - too good to use up crocheting. They are very customer friendly, balling yarn for you, letting crocheters and knitters sit around their cozy work table and get help if needed. 


Off I go to start the day.

Have a good one, my friends.

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Good morning. It's snowing very lightly here, but nothing that will add to what we already have. I suppose the snow isn't all bad. Our winter woukd probably be considered to produce drought conditions, as opposed to our usual snowfall of around 100 inches.i don't know how much we've had, but I doubt it's much over 25 or 30 inches. I've only had to drive in snowy conditions twice all winter.


Today is housework and a load of laundry. Tonight we are going to celebrate our youngest grandsons birthday with pizza and cupcakes. Tomorrow and Sunday I have to work.


Judy, our LYS is like that too. Very helpful staff and luscious yarns. It's in an old building with lots of nooks and crannies. Lots of fun to wander around in. They offer individual knitting lessons fir $25 an hour. I've thought if getting them to teach me how to knit in the round using either dpns or circulars. I understand the concept, but I can't completely get it. YouTube videos seem very clear to me, until I actually try to follow along.


Have a great day ladies.

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Cindy, I always go to You Tube for knitting, too. Once I finish the Paris ghan I'll have less of a guilt trip trying to improve my slow poke knitting. As soon as I step away from it for a while I forget almost everything!

Pizza and cupcakes....yummo! And so not on my eating regimen :lol Enjoy being with the birthday boy!

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'Morning, everyone. 


Marlene ~ The booties and car seat blanket both sound adorable!  I'm so glad you're missing out on all that snow...I hope you're having good weather at the coast. :yes   And breakfast sounds delicious!


Michelle ~ Such wonderful news that you had a pain free day yesterday! :manyheart   I think I told you about my good friend who has fibro - she is having more good days than bad lately and I hope it's a continuing trend for both of you.


Cindy ~ Happy Birthday to your GS!  I know you'll have fun at his party. :)


Hi Judy!


Long night last night - DH finally made an app't with the 'sleep doctor' again and he was there overnight last night.  I took him at 8pm and picked him up at 6:30 this morning.  He had fallen asleep at the dinner table again and has been having long sessions of talking in his sleep...maybe they can figure this out this time.  Needless to say, I've been sleep deprived for a while. :(


Our lives are so exciting. :lol   Have a wonderful day, friends. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Mary, it seems that the older we get the less fun times there are. I hope DH gets help....or you may need a separate bedroom. We had to resort to that most of the time. Many issues with Hubby's sleep pattern....

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Hi, everyone! I wanted to give you all a personal invitation to Crochetville's fourth annual blog tour in honor of National Crochet Month. This year's tour features a virtual passenger steam train trip. The Crochet Express will leave the station at 8:00 AM on March 1 to visit 93 crochet designers, 20 yarn companies, and 19 crochet-friendly local yarn stores, plus a daily giveaway. You'll be able to find all the posts on the Crochetville blog.


Part of the fun of a train trip is chatting with your fellow passengers. In the Observation Car, you'll be able to talk about your favorite finds each day and share photos of the projects you're currently working on. All that shopping, talking, and crocheting will keep us hungry, so our Dining Car will feature a daily cocktail hour and special dinner. The drinks and food will sadly have to be virtual, through the sharing of recipe links, as we haven't quite figure out how to send the real stuff through the internet yet.


Chat here on Crochetville: The Crochet Express


Chat in our Facebook group: National Crochet Month



Wherever you prefer to chat, Donna and I hope you will join us to celebrate National Crochet Month. As far as we know, this is the biggest organized event anywhere!




Click the ticket to see it full size for easier reading.

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Good morning house!

My grandson, Charles Nicholas ( my dads name) joined the family yesterday at 12:43 pm. He was 7 lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches. I am going to meet him shortly and then will be watching Ryan and Robbie the rest of the day. Charlie's godfather is my son in law's cousin, Nick, and he was born on Nick's birthday. So godfather and godson share the same birthday! I think that is pretty neat!



Hope you all have a great day!!!

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Hi Ladies,


Michelle, Glad to hear you were feeling better. 


Mary, Hope they could found something out with your DH on his sleeping test.


Joanne, Congratulations on your new grandson! I think its unique that him and his godfather share the same birthdays. 


Linda, I hope your back with us soon.


Judy, Cute dress! 


Cindy, When does your vacation start? Happy Birthday to your grandson!


We had 71 people for breakfast. When we were done I went next door to the little club house and finished the puzzle. It was a tough one this time. The shapes were all different. Today are friends called. We went for a ride with them, out to late lunch then stopped by and visited a couple who use to stay in are park. It was a fun day. 

Gene and Sandy made it to there daughters in Michigan. 

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the weekend!

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Good morning!

It was a great day yesterday. I met Charlie. He is so sweet. And little!! Lol. Forgot how tiny newborns are! Had a great visit with my daughter and Charlie and then spent the rest of the day with the boys. We took them to the store to buy something for their new brother and of course bought them something too. Surprise surprise,they picked out two more Thomas trains for themselves. Ryan told me that they couldn't get Charlie a train because he is too little and we have to find him a baby toy. They picked out a cute little lion toy that can hang from infant seat or car seat. We had pizza for dinner and ice cream for dessert. I drove them home and thankfully they didn't fall asleep in the car. Read bedtime stories and put them to bed and I got home around 11 I'm going back down this morning so sil can go to the hospital. I could have slept over, but I sleep better in my own bed . I've got laundry going and will plan to head down after it is done


The boys are excited that Dd and Charlie are coming home today!!!


Have a great day!

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