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Our House Part Two


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Joanne - glad to hear you made it safely :hug


Tam - glad to hear that Ken, Michael, and your cousin are doing well :yay Hoping your mom's surgery goes well and she has a quick recovery :xfin:hug

Thanks so much!!! :hug

Joanne- Have a safe drive and enjoy your time there! Congrats on the tote also!!!!






:hug:hug:hugGlad to hear the "boys" are feeling better! Good wishes for your mom. Hope Ken's talk with your daughter works out! Not surprised about the headaches-it's all the stress. You need to take care of yourself sweetie!

Thank you... I try.... but doesnt seem like there has ever been enough time for me to really do that!

Good Morning!!!!! The weather isn't as nice as it's been the last couple of days, only supposed to be 70. That's ok-at least it's not raining!


Woke up with all my joints stiff and sore and my hands so swollen that I can't get my rings off! Have no idea why either.:think Oh well, maybe a hot shower and some Advil will help.


Going to go visit my dd and grandbaby later today. Maybe work on my doily ghan or one of my other wips! Shall see how the day progresses.


Hope you all have a great day!:hug

Hey there!

aww... so sorry you woke up stiff and hands swollen... that not a way to start your day!

Oh... cool.. have a good visit!



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Hi group, sorry I've been MIA but I'm taking a navajo weaving class that is consuming my time as well as my thoughts. It look simple to weave navajo style, but the whole process of getting everything right just to weave take time and deep concentration to learn. All is well with me and I'm happy with myself and those around me. I'm sitting here waiting for my friend from college to arrive so we can go out to dinner. I haven't seen her in months for she live 4 hours away in PA. Hope everyone in the group is well and happy. Ta\slk to you all soon for this class was 5 consective Sunday's, which Sunday class number 3 is coming up. Miss you all. Sending Hugs to the group. :hug:hug

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Hi house,

Sitting here watching the Yankee game with DD's and we just finished some delicious Thai food (which we had delivered). My DD's made home made ice cream which should be ready in a little while. We went to Harvard Square today and walked around- went to the used bookstore and we each picked up a book- (and bought House on Pooh Corner for my grandson-to-be) I got a crochet book:hook


We then went to a store that features all handcrafted items and I bought a cute pewter spoon and fork set for Ryan. It's been a fun day and I am now getting ready to hook for a while.


Tammy- I hope that your Mom will be ok and I'm adding her to my prayers. Glad to hear that Ken and Michael are doing well and hopefully your DD will get the message when Ken speaks to her again. Hang in there- and please, try and find time to take care of you:hug


Cheeria- Good to hear from you and I'm so happy that you are enjoying your Navajo weaving class. Have fun with your college friend tonight!


Marlene- Safe travels home!


Judy- Did you get to Jackson outlets today? I love the Yankee candle and the corning ware store - plus a trip to the outlets is never complete without a stop in the Gap Outlet for me.


Marisa- :clap for your Sixers win and the Philly win. Were you working with your pointy sticks today?


Julie- Are you spending time with Cam this weekend?


Mary1- Hope you had a blast at Luke's 1st Birthday Party!!:yes


Toni- Hope you had a great day out in town with your neighbor!


Cindy- You are probably having dinner with your DD, Sil and GS's right about now- enjoy the family time together!


Trish- Hope the swelling in your joints went down and that you had a great time with your grandbaby today!!


Wrennie- How was the bridal shower?


Mary2- Wow- seems like you have a lot to do this time of year-hope you had a good day~


To anyone I may have missed- hope you are well.


Off to finish watching the Yankees and then we are going to watch the Devils hockey game- I'm sure glad that my DD's love sports like I do!!!

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Not very busy in here I see :think


Well, I've been sitting here since after my workout and did my federal and state taxes :clap Yes, I'm a procrastinator :blush Now, I'm hungry, the time totally flew past and I don't know where the day has gone :shrug I haven't done any crafting and am going to turn on college bball, I'm a little late for the first game, but the 2nd is my main concern :lol


I'd chat more, but I'm tired of being in front of the computer now, so I'll be back later

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Well, we never went to the outlets....after the unexpected trip to and from Toms River this morning, PLUS aggravation because the key wouldn't work the first 12 tries....hubby needed to veg.


I had to frog the little bit I knitted on the scarf because someone - who normally NEVER talks - decided to talk while I was knitting:P Started it again and have a good handful of rows done. I like the look of it!


I also crocheted a few squares for the gift I was asked to make.


The Yankees won...but, wow, what a long game!:eek


That's about it for my exciting day.:lol


Have a good night, my friends:hug:manyheart

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Good morning Glories! Another sunny day here in Boston!


Judy- We watched the Yankees win and the Red Sox lose their game:clap. Actually, DD was not happy with the Red Sox score so we switched to watch the UConn/KY game.


Marisa- :yay for finishing your taxes~ and hey, you DO have until April 15th so you are ahead of schedule~:lol Congrats on your Sixers making it to the playoffs~


We are going to go to brunch this morning at a great place right around the corner! Of course, DD's are both still sleeping, so I'm going to make another washcloth while I wait for them to wake up.


Have a fab Sunday!

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Wrennie- How was the bridal shower?


It was OK. The girls had a few 'games' for us. Wedding word scramble, bridal shower bingo, you fill your bingo board with items you think she's going to get then mark them off as she opened them. Then the first to shout bingo (me) gets......well, nothing. The purse game was fun. Each table was a team. Each team got the same list of items to find in your purse, different items had different points. The team with the most point (never found out who had the most) won........ well, nothing.

Then they put Stephanie in front of everyone, asked her a bunch of questions they asked the groom, and for every one she got wrong she was supposed to shove a marshmallow in her mouth. Well with 1 marshmallow she couldn't talk anymore, so they put them aside. The questions weren't too bad, and some of his answers were sweet, some were embarrassing for her. They expected her to shove all the 'put aside' marshmallows in her mouth. She would have choked or puked if she did. A few of us in my area said don't do it if you can't, so she didn't. Now, if someone, who is supposedly my best friend, did that to me at my bridal shower I would have up and kicked their a{well you know}.

They put a ton of effort in the food too (not) pre-packaged veggie tray and jarred dip, pre cut antipasto, 3 kinds of chicken wings, never tried them I don't care for them cold thanks, no dip for the hot ones. These little spiral things, dont even know what they were, tasted like paper.

Her aunt made the cake and it was fabulous. :c9 Strawberries and real whipped cream done short cake style. Mmmmm.


She did get lots of nice things, and she was happy with the day, so thats what really matters! She definitely wont have to buy a new whisk for a real long time!:lol

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Wrennie- I laughed about the effort that was put into the food prep for the shower! I must say though that the CAKE sounds like it was delicious!!!!


Maybe they should have used mini-marshmallows? :lol Seriously, wonder who came up with some of the embarrassing questions? My DD would have NOT been happy had we done that to her at her bridal shower! She doesn't want a Baby shower in the 'traditional' sense- they want a bar-b-que with friends and family (guys and gals) so that's what we are doing!


Have a good day today!

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Morning all! Yesterday was a good day. Today, my sister will pick me up this morning and then we'll get the mama and off to church and then lunch we go. After that, NASCAR is on and I'll be hooking.

Finished one of the three turtles last night and got all but one leg done for another one. Want to get these finished up today. Also, got the 20 hats for military babies washed and ready to ship tomorrow.


Good Morning House............


So sorry I've been missing the last few days.

My mom is in the hospital. I've been busy with her and tending to her house and puppy.

Can we say TIRED!

I tell ya.. if it wasnt for my crocheting and knitting... I would be nuts..... okay.. more nuts!


Okay... this is a short one... I need to catch up on posts and emails... just wanted to pop in.

I'll be back later





Oh, Tam, not what you needed right now. I know the Lord only gives us what we can handle, but sometimes I wish He didn't think I was so strong :hug:hug:hug


Good morning ladies :hi


Well, my sixers won last night, which clinched them a playoff spot :clap:yay The Phils won yesterday too in the ninth inning :clap:yay Good day for sports in Philly :lol


:cheer for your sport's teams! I know how it feels when your favorites win. Mine came in second in the truck races yesterday. Hopefully he'll do better in the cup race today.


Toni - I know you're excited for your little day trip into town, have fun :yes Can't wait to see your FG and tea cozy :D


I'll definitely be sharing photos. :yes



Hi I'm in Boston-and the ride up was great- no traffic!! It is sunny, blue skies and about 50 degrees!!! We've had breakfast and now deciding what to do with the afternoon- definitely hitting up the used book store!


:yay :yayso happy you had a good trip and that you are having sunny weather!!! :yay:yay:hug




Ken is doing good... numbers are doing well!

Michael has been off the meds for 10 days now and he's doing good! Ken took Michael to baseball practice this morning... they are having a great time!

I have a cousin that just had a pacemaker/defibulater put in a few weeks back. She's doing well.

My mom just went in on Thursday to have surgery to remove a 10lb tumor from one of her ovaries. So healing prayers for her are welcome!

My daughter is still here... she got her tax money yesterday in her account... Ken is going to have another heart to heart with her!!!


Me? I'm pooped!!! I have such a headache! I mean I have lived with headaches most of my life.. but lately... Wow! OUCH!


Okay... need to help little one for a few with homework... we were out late last night to a track meet for Patrick... so today is homework day!




:mug You and yours continue in my prayers. Seems you go two steps forward (Ken good blood work and Kenny no meds) and then one step back (your mother) I guess bright side, you gained one step :D:hug:hug:hug.


Woke up with all my joints stiff and sore and my hands so swollen that I can't get my rings off! Have no idea why either.:think Oh well, maybe a hot shower and some Advil will help.

Weather does that to me sometimes. Hope you are feeling better.


Going to go visit my dd and grandbaby later today. Maybe work on my doily ghan or one of my other wips! Shall see how the day progresses.

What a nice visit that will be. grandbabies are soooooo special and cuddly. :D


Hope you all have a great day!:hug


Hi group, sorry I've been MIA but I'm taking a navajo weaving class that is consuming my time as well as my thoughts. It look simple to weave navajo style, but the whole process of getting everything right just to weave take time and deep concentration to learn. All is well with me and I'm happy with myself and those around me. I'm sitting here waiting for my friend from college to arrive so we can go out to dinner. I haven't seen her in months for she live 4 hours away in PA. Hope everyone in the group is well and happy. Ta\slk to you all soon for this class was 5 consective Sunday's, which Sunday class number 3 is coming up. Miss you all. Sending Hugs to the group. :hug:hug


You have more patience than I do. I can't imagine having to do all of that setup just to get to the weaving and then finished product. But, the end work is gorgeous.


Hope you had a great visit with your friend :hug


Hi house,

Sitting here watching the Yankee game with DD's and we just finished some delicious Thai food (which we had delivered). My DD's made home made ice cream which should be ready in a little while. We went to Harvard Square today and walked around- went to the used bookstore and we each picked up a book- (and bought House on Pooh Corner for my grandson-to-be) I got a crochet book:hook


He's not here yet and already gramma spoiled :lol


We then went to a store that features all handcrafted items and I bought a cute pewter spoon and fork set for Ryan. It's been a fun day and I am now getting ready to hook for a while.


See Note above!



Toni- Hope you had a great day out in town with your neighbor! We always enjoy our time out. Even though she does it to help me out, it helps her just as much. Makes her feel needed. She's a severely depressed person. Trying to talk her into picking up hooks and having a day a week we can sit and hook.


To anyone I may have missed- hope you are well.


Off to finish watching the Yankees and then we are going to watch the Devils hockey game- I'm sure glad that my DD's love sports like I do!!! They came by it naturally :lol:hug:hug:hug


Well, we never went to the outlets....after the unexpected trip to and from Toms River this morning, PLUS aggravation because the key wouldn't work the first 12 tries....hubby needed to veg.


Key wouldn't work???? :think Is this one of those deals if the key works, you win a car???


I had to frog the little bit I knitted on the scarf because someone - who normally NEVER talks - decided to talk while I was knitting:P Started it again and have a good handful of rows done. I like the look of it!


Oh, I hate when that happens and I get distracted while hookin and then have to either count every stitch or see that I MUST take it out :angry


I also crocheted a few squares for the gift I was asked to make.


The Yankees won...but, wow, what a long game!:eek


That's about it for my exciting day.:lol


Have a good night, my friends:hug:manyheart


Glad your team won! :hug


To everyone else that I know I missed, have a wonderful day and I'll TTYL! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning, peeps!

Another sunny day:D

Not sure what we're doing today, but we will have to get out for a while:)


Judy- We watched the Yankees win and the Red Sox lose their game:clap. Actually, DD was not happy with the Red Sox score so we switched to watch the UConn/KY game.

That's too funny!:lol

Have a fab Sunday!

You, too, my friend!


Cindy, I hope you had a good visit with your family last night:manyheart


Off to get dressed. CU all later...and I wish everyone a good day.:hug:manyheart

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hi ho, hi ho, it's off to church I go! Our church begins 3 services today. As our usual we will be at the early service. Have a friend to call though and see if she will come.


Worked on a dishcloth last night for the KISS exchange. It came out a lot bigger than the 10.5" it was supposed to be :lol I may try it again going down a hook. I cannot crochet tight with the cotton as it will kill my hand and wrist.


Maybe, just maybe I'll get into the seed house (greenhouse) today and get some flower seeds planted...Or maybe I'll go rollerskating!

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Good evening ladies :hi


I've had a busy day and quite productive :clap And then I just realized that I haven't posted all day even though I've stopped in to read the posts :eek Now I'm going to double check my taxes from yesterday so I can file them :yes


I'm almost finished with the right front panel of my sweater :yay I finally sewed the clothes that needed fixing with my machine that now works :clap:woo


Judy - What did you end up doing today? Sorry you had to take some of the scarf out :hug


Joanne - Glad you're enjoying boston :clap


Wrennie - Sounds like you had a good time overall at the shower, but I must agree that some of those things I would not have been happy with :sigh


Toni - Did you enjoy your day in town...was it yesterday?


Mary2 - Sorry to hear your dishcloth came out bigger than was supposed to.....but it'll still do it's job I'm sure :yes


Cindy - Snow!!!! You seem to never get a break :hug :hug

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Hi all,

Another beautiful Sunny day in Boston! We had a wonderful brunch- and then walked around for a while- it was really a nice day outside. Homemade ice-cream is being made as I sit here and should be done in a few minutes- coffee chip is the flavor of the evening!


Toni- Hope you enjoyed your day watching the races and crocheting.


Cindy- Did you end up with a lot of snow? So glad that the weather turned nice this weekend up here!!


Marisa- WTG on the sweater!!! That's awesome- can't wait to see it all finished! It must be nice to have a functional sewing machine now!


Linda- How was your weekend? Is your jaw feeling "normal" again?


Tammy- Hope your Mom is doing ok! Hugs to you!!!


Judy- Did you watch the Yankee game today? We saw the last few innings and was sad to see that they lost.


Julie- How was your weekend? Hope you are ok


Trish, Mary1, Mary2, Marlene, Cheeria, Val, LeAnna, Sherri, Tab- and any other housemates - hope you had a good weekend!


Ice cream is done!!! Time to go get some!

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Hi group, sorry I've been MIA but I'm taking a navajo weaving class that is consuming my time as well as my thoughts. It look simple to weave navajo style, but the whole process of getting everything right just to weave take time and deep concentration to learn. All is well with me and I'm happy with myself and those around me. I'm sitting here waiting for my friend from college to arrive so we can go out to dinner. I haven't seen her in months for she live 4 hours away in PA. Hope everyone in the group is well and happy. Ta\slk to you all soon for this class was 5 consective Sunday's, which Sunday class number 3 is coming up. Miss you all. Sending Hugs to the group. :hug:hug

I'm so anxious to see your weaving!

Oh... have fun with your friend my dear! :hug eat something yummy for me! :D

Hi house,

Sitting here watching the Yankee game with DD's and we just finished some delicious Thai food (which we had delivered). My DD's made home made ice cream which should be ready in a little while. We went to Harvard Square today and walked around- went to the used bookstore and we each picked up a book- (and bought House on Pooh Corner for my grandson-to-be) I got a crochet book:hook


We then went to a store that features all handcrafted items and I bought a cute pewter spoon and fork set for Ryan. It's been a fun day and I am now getting ready to hook for a while.


Tammy- I hope that your Mom will be ok and I'm adding her to my prayers. Glad to hear that Ken and Michael are doing well and hopefully your DD will get the message when Ken speaks to her again. Hang in there- and please, try and find time to take care of you:hug



To anyone I may have missed- hope you are well.


Off to finish watching the Yankees and then we are going to watch the Devils hockey game- I'm sure glad that my DD's love sports like I do!!!

Thank you so much for your love and prayers! :hug

So far we havent seen her or the children all weekend. Hmmm... is it bad that I'm happy about that?



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Morning all! Yesterday was a good day. Today, my sister will pick me up this morning and then we'll get the mama and off to church and then lunch we go. After that, NASCAR is on and I'll be hooking.


Finished one of the three turtles last night and got all but one leg done for another one. Want to get these finished up today. Also, got the 20 hats for military babies washed and ready to ship tomorrow.

Originally Posted by teakaycee viewpost.gif

Good Morning House............


So sorry I've been missing the last few days.

My mom is in the hospital. I've been busy with her and tending to her house and puppy.

Can we say TIRED!

I tell ya.. if it wasnt for my crocheting and knitting... I would be nuts..... okay.. more nuts!


Okay... this is a short one... I need to catch up on posts and emails... just wanted to pop in.

I'll be back later





Oh, Tam, not what you needed right now. I know the Lord only gives us what we can handle, but sometimes I wish He didn't think I was so strong :hug:hug:hug



Originally Posted by teakaycee viewpost.gif

Ken is doing good... numbers are doing well!

Michael has been off the meds for 10 days now and he's doing good! Ken took Michael to baseball practice this morning... they are having a great time!

I have a cousin that just had a pacemaker/defibulater put in a few weeks back. She's doing well.

My mom just went in on Thursday to have surgery to remove a 10lb tumor from one of her ovaries. So healing prayers for her are welcome!

My daughter is still here... she got her tax money yesterday in her account... Ken is going to have another heart to heart with her!!!


Me? I'm pooped!!! I have such a headache! I mean I have lived with headaches most of my life.. but lately... Wow! OUCH!


Okay... need to help little one for a few with homework... we were out late last night to a track meet for Patrick... so today is homework day!




:mug You and yours continue in my prayers. Seems you go two steps forward (Ken good blood work and Kenny no meds) and then one step back (your mother) I guess bright side, you gained one step :D:hug:hug:hug.



To everyone else that I know I missed, have a wonderful day and I'll TTYL! :hug:hug:hug

Thank you sweetie!!! all you hugs... love and prayers have meant so much to me!

Well... my gained one step could be another step back. Michael has caught a cold. :sigh. This could set him back into a relapse. So any extra prayers for him would be great!


Hi all,

Another beautiful Sunny day in Boston! We had a wonderful brunch- and then walked around for a while- it was really a nice day outside. Homemade ice-cream is being made as I sit here and should be done in a few minutes- coffee chip is the flavor of the evening!


Tammy- Hope your Mom is doing ok! Hugs to you!!!


Ice cream is done!!! Time to go get some!

Thanks hon.............she got to go home today! :whew

she's doing well... hangin' tough and resting!



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coffee pot timer set..even put the ground in :rofl


night light on

big girl panties picked up off the floor :rofl2 in the bathroom


Shades pulled...


Got some of my seeds planted today. Then went rollerskating with my Divorce Care group. Had a great time! Took a bit for the muscles to remember how to skate! 15 years ago we went as a family 2-3 times a week, then ended up working at the rink too! My kids were a bunch of "rink rats". First time around I wasn't sure I was going to make it. 20 minutes later just cruisin' around the rink!


Hope everyone had a blessed day! See you all tomorrow.


Sweet dreams!

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Good Morning, House! I don't think I've ever "opened up" before. ;)


We're under severe storm warnings, so I'm up keeping an eye on that and I sent DH back to bed.


I hope everyone had a good weekend and I will try and go back and read all the posts I've missed. Luke's party was wonderful - lots of friends and family and Luke decided it was the day to stop crawling all together...he walked everywhere!


Weather permitting, I'll be back later. :manyheart

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Howdy all


I 've been in here and there to read posts, but am so far behind at this point, I wont even attempt to catch up .


Didnt have Cam on the weekend -- they went to some big indoor waterpark place to spend the weekend,so he wasnt here .


We had a guy come in to do some measuring ,take notes, etc on several projects needing done on our house ,so as soon as we get his completed workup sheet, we need to go take out a home improvement loan to get it all done .


Not much else new here .. just really sluggish and lazy ...


Hope everyone is doing well . Pouring rain here today but in the 60's so I'll take it !


I'll try to jump back on the wagon and get back in the groove in here .


You all have a great day .

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Good morning ladies :coffee


My bed was sooo comfy and I didn't want to get out of it this morning :sigh Last night I finished the right panel on my sweater :clap:yay I think the sleeves are up next and then I'll block all the pieces after that :think Still have my crochet baby 9 patch blanket going, but that's more of my take with me project since it's squares. I'm on the last square now and will probably finish it at wednesday's sixer game :lol Then I'll have 3 squares left to border and then sew them alo together and border.


Joanne - :drool I love homemade ice cream. I've never made it, but my parents do sometimes :yes


Tam - Glad to hear your mom is home and on the mend :clap Extra prayers for Michael right now hoping his cold doesn't send him into relapse :hug :hug :hug Are YOU remembering to breath over there :think


Mary2 - Glad you had fun rollerskating, It's been a LONG time since I've done that :lol and :yay for getting your seeds planted. I need to clean out my pots from last year and then I'll plant some herbs :bounce thanks for closing up and keeping me from tripping on any UFO's on the bathroom floor, coffee is wonderful :wink


Mary1 - I hope the storms pass you by and if they do hit you, sending you some prayers that there's no damage :hug :hug


Well ladies, I'll be back later on tonight.

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Howdy all


I 've been in here and there to read posts, but am so far behind at this point, I wont even attempt to catch up .


Didnt have Cam on the weekend -- they went to some big indoor waterpark place to spend the weekend,so he wasnt here .


We had a guy come in to do some measuring ,take notes, etc on several projects needing done on our house ,so as soon as we get his completed workup sheet, we need to go take out a home improvement loan to get it all done .


Not much else new here .. just really sluggish and lazy ...


Hope everyone is doing well . Pouring rain here today but in the 60's so I'll take it !


I'll try to jump back on the wagon and get back in the groove in here .


You all have a great day .


Hey there Julie,


I was wondering where you were yesterday :think Hopefully you get your home repairs done at a reasonable rate :xfin I'm sure Cam had fun and will have so many stories for you when you see him next :yes:hug :hug

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Good morning!


It's nice not being the first one to open up the house and to see so many early birds already!


Mary1- That must have been so much fun to see Luke walking all around! Special memories in the making for sure--hope the storms don't do any damage.


Julie- Sure hope that the estimate for the home projects comes in about where you are hoping/expecting them too. I'll bet Cam had a great time at the waterpark and will have lots to talk about next time he comes to your house! Is the nebulizer helping you any?


Tammy- Prayers continuing that Michael's cold doesn't cause him to relapse. Great news that your Mom is now home and I think you really deserved a weekend without your DD and her 3 children at your house! Maybe she was out looking for an apartment?


Marisa- You are really getting alot done with your pointy sticks! That sweater is going to be awesome when you finish it! Hope you have a good day at work today.


Mary2- Wow- rollerskating- I haven't done that in YEARS!!! I did go rollerblading for the first time when I was 40 though and had so much fun! Hope your body isn't too sore today! Thanks for the coffee- I think I'll go pour another cup in a minute- and put on another pot for the next group of Housemates!


Cindy- Did you get a lot of snow? Hopefully not!!! Have a good day at work today


Linda- Hope all is well!!


We'll be heading out around 8;45 this morning. We'll drop DD off at the "T" and then hit the road for NJ- I'm so glad that we had great weather while we were here- it's going to rain here today- and just checked CT & NJ weather and it's cloudy- chance of precip tonight so the ride home should be ok.


Have a good day and I'll see you all later!

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Morning :yawn House! Did NOT want to get up this morning. Expecting severe storms later today, oh, joy, NOT :(

Did finish my turtles and another part of the tea cozy yesterday. :yay


coffee pot timer set..even put the ground in :rofl


Thank you for starting the coffee and even adding the grounds :lol It's much appreciated this morning.


night light on

big girl panties picked up off the floor :rofl2 in the bathroom


Shades pulled...


thank you for making the house safe before you headed to bed :D


Got some of my seeds planted today. Then went rollerskating with my Divorce Care group. Had a great time! Took a bit for the muscles to remember how to skate! 15 years ago we went as a family 2-3 times a week, then ended up working at the rink too! My kids were a bunch of "rink rats". First time around I wasn't sure I was going to make it. 20 minutes later just cruisin' around the rink!


Skating sounds like a lot of fun. Something I used to do too. Seems there are a lot of things I used to do, that I don't any more. :sigh


Hope everyone had a blessed day! See you all tomorrow.


Sweet dreams!


Good Morning, House! I don't think I've ever "opened up" before. ;)


We're under severe storm warnings, so I'm up keeping an eye on that and I sent DH back to bed.


they will be here later today. I sure hope they come during the day and not after dark, but I think that's wishful thinking.


I hope everyone had a good weekend and I will try and go back and read all the posts I've missed. Luke's party was wonderful - lots of friends and family and Luke decided it was the day to stop crawling all together...he walked everywhere!


:yay:yay:yay Way to go Luke! :yay:yay:yay Glad he decided it was walk day when everyone was there. Sounds like good time was had by all.


Weather permitting, I'll be back later. :manyheart


Howdy all


We had a guy come in to do some measuring ,take notes, etc on several projects needing done on our house ,so as soon as we get his completed workup sheet, we need to go take out a home improvement loan to get it all done .


I hear you about taking out loan, I'd have to too with all that I need done, starting with tearing down the deck and rebuilding it!


I'll try to jump back on the wagon and get back in the groove in here .


Please do, we miss your "groove" :hug


You all have a great day .


Good morning ladies :coffee


My bed was sooo comfy and I didn't want to get out of it this morning :sigh Last night I finished the right panel on my sweater :clap:yay I think the sleeves are up next and then I'll block all the pieces after that :think Still have my crochet baby 9 patch blanket going, but that's more of my take with me project since it's squares. I'm on the last square now and will probably finish it at wednesday's sixer game :lol Then I'll have 3 squares left to border and then sew them alo together and border.


:yayYou're making great progress!!!


Well ladies, I'll be back later on tonight.


Good morning!


We'll be heading out around 8;45 this morning. We'll drop DD off at the "T" and then hit the road for NJ- I'm so glad that we had great weather while we were here- it's going to rain here today- and just checked CT & NJ weather and it's cloudy- chance of precip tonight so the ride home should be ok.


Angels sent to watch over you on your journey back home. So happy you had good weather and a great time! :hug


Have a good day and I'll see you all later!



Tam, glad to hear your mom is home and it's not wrong to be glad dd and kids are not home. More prayers that Michael doesn't have a cold and it's something else. With mom home, you're still one step ahead ;)

Well, time for me to log on to work. Y'all have a good day and I'll talk to you after work!:hug:hug:hug:hug everyone!

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Overslept today. Gloomy rainy day out. Makes me tired.


I got really frustrated at my doilyghan, pulled out a couple of rounds to fix mistakes then put it away before I wanted to pull the whole thing out. Good thing the library fair isn't until June! :rofl

Probably go back to my sweater today, or the baske I'm doing, even straight rows back & forth. :yes

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