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Our House Part Two


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Hi, Trish and Toni!


Had a good visit with Phyllis and she gave me a big bag os squares from leftover yarn: 7 inch squares....and saltines - all in my fav bright colors:D

Joanne, Phyllis would love to join us one Saturday for meetup - I told her it's such fun meeting other yarn/crochet addicts!:lol


Very nice work:cheer:clap!

The color sequence looks great on the RR --- but do I see a bit of a curl upward on that last row? Was just wondering if you were short a stitch here or there:think

Now Judy, why would you think that?:lol:lol:lol I'll have to go back and check- or could it be the last row isn't done yet? :think I'll go count when I pick it up! And I'm happy to hear Phyllis would like to join us!!! The more the merrier!!!:yes

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Oh my word!!! I am the lucky recipient of Tampa Doll's Tote #61 called Jelly Beans!!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am on:c9 and it looks like there was a reason I didn't head to Boston today!!!! I got home from Babies R Us (after being there almost 3 hrs:eek) So much to look at and see- and oh, so many cute little outfits- kind of overwhelming after awhile!!!


I pulled into the driveway and saw a white box on the stoop- and it was for me!!!! Oh my I am still in shock and awe!!:yay It is really beautiful! and DH even commented on how nice the stitches were (I think that was his kind way of saying that my stitches are too loose:lol)


But anyway, in the spirit of Photo Friday- here's a pic of me with the gorgeous tote (Judy- you'll have to bring yours to the next meet-up and we'll take a pic together)



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I just KNEW it was you and kept waiting and waiting and waiting for you to get home! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Congratulations and welcome to the club!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer Great photo.:hug:hug:hug


Oh my word!!! I am the lucky recipient of Tampa Doll's Tote #61 called Jelly Beans!!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am on:c9 and it looks like there was a reason I didn't head to Boston today!!!! I got home from Babies R Us (after being there almost 3 hrs:eek) So much to look at and see- and oh, so many cute little outfits- kind of overwhelming after awhile!!!


I pulled into the driveway and saw a white box on the stoop- and it was for me!!!! Oh my I am still in shock and awe!!:yay It is really beautiful! and DH even commented on how nice the stitches were (I think that was his kind way of saying that my stitches are too loose:lol)


But anyway, in the spirit of Photo Friday- here's a pic of me with the gorgeous tote (Judy- you'll have to bring yours to the next meet-up and we'll take a pic together)

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Thanks Toni- I'm still on Cloud9- I am beyond excited and am having a hard time unwinding from all this excitement. Getting ready to pack it up to take to Boston with me.


I'm so glad that the weather got in the way and my trip got delayed. The weekend sure has started off on a fine note! And it's April Fools Day on top it!! And I didn't get fooled- I just got surprised!!!!


Ok, I need to calm down and get something to eat- just realized it's already after 7:30!!


Have a good night!

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Oh my word!!! I am the lucky recipient of Tampa Doll's Tote #61 called Jelly Beans!!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am on:c9 and it looks like there was a reason I didn't head to Boston today!!!! I got home from Babies R Us (after being there almost 3 hrs:eek) So much to look at and see- and oh, so many cute little outfits- kind of overwhelming after awhile!!!


I pulled into the driveway and saw a white box on the stoop- and it was for me!!!! Oh my I am still in shock and awe!!:yay It is really beautiful! and DH even commented on how nice the stitches were (I think that was his kind way of saying that my stitches are too loose:lol)


But anyway, in the spirit of Photo Friday- here's a pic of me with the gorgeous tote (Judy- you'll have to bring yours to the next meet-up and we'll take a pic together)


I'll definitely bring mine to next meetup. It's so exciting getting one of Mary Jo's bags. I got mine in december, over a year ago, and it was my birthday month, too.:D


And don't worry about your stitches being loose...you just have to go down a hook size - or two - to compensate:lol:lol:lol


Safe trip to Boston!:manyheart:hug:manyheart

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I know, I still pet mine every time I walk by it. It will take a while to come down off the "high" of receiving one of her totes and not realizing from the first clue it was for YOU!!! I did and was soooo hard not to say anything :devil:rotfl


Thanks Toni- I'm still on Cloud9- I am beyond excited and am having a hard time unwinding from all this excitement. Getting ready to pack it up to take to Boston with me.


I'm so glad that the weather got in the way and my trip got delayed. The weekend sure has started off on a fine note! And it's April Fools Day on top it!! And I didn't get fooled- I just got surprised!!!!


Ok, I need to calm down and get something to eat- just realized it's already after 7:30!!


Have a good night!

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'nite, my friends....sleep tight...and maybe Mary2 can leave on the night light if she pops in;)


I have been neglecting my night time duties..sorry house :lol


Been busy. Spring might actually be here :cheer It's been in the 60s the last few days. Went south day to the lower valley and saw the temp hit 81 :eek


Tomatoes growing in the greenhouse. Lots to do in the barn now that the temps are warmer. Have to get more seeds planted for garden and my flowers :manyheart


Leaving the night light on in the hall. Locked the door. Might have to leave it open and lock the screen door here pretty soon!


Lots of froggies out..hope they don't keep anyone awake!

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Good morning!!! Just logging on before I pack up my laptop and get ready to head to Beantown!!! Thanks for leaving the night light on Mary2- it is still dark out at this very early morning hour! I'll leave it on for the rest of the house and I'll be sure to lock up behind me.


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!

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Since it is Photo Friday and I'm home, I decided to take pics of the Jury Duty Scarf and Dishcloth plus another one I had made. Also a pic of the baby RR in progress

Very nice JoAnn!


Oh my word!!! I am the lucky recipient of Tampa Doll's Tote #61 called Jelly Beans!!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am on:c9



I have been neglecting my night time duties..sorry house :lol


Been busy. Spring might actually be here :cheer It's been in the 60s the last few days. Went south day to the lower valley and saw the temp hit 81 :eek


Tomatoes growing in the greenhouse. Lots to do in the barn now that the temps are warmer. Have to get more seeds planted for garden and my flowers :manyheart


Leaving the night light on in the hall. Locked the door. Might have to leave it open and lock the screen door here pretty soon!


Lots of froggies out..hope they don't keep anyone awake!

Aaaah, I cant wait to hear the peepers and feel 60* temps!


Its cold out, theres ice on the brd bath, but it's ot raining or snowing so thats good for the bridal shower today.


I need to some up with a recipe, there was a recipe card in with the invite. How do you write one out when you add a 'bunch' of this and 'some' of that?:think Maybe I will just put the number of my favorite pizza place on the card!

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Good morning!!! Just logging on before I pack up my laptop and get ready to head to Beantown!!! Thanks for leaving the night light on Mary2- it is still dark out at this very early morning hour! I'll leave it on for the rest of the house and I'll be sure to lock up behind me.


Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!


By now you are well on your way. Can't wait to hear what fun you all have this weekend! Hope the weather cooperates. :yes

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Good morning, peeps!:hug

It's a beautiful sunny Saturday here in the Garden State...and Joanne is almost in Beantown by now.


I have a huge bag of squares AND saltines from Phyllis just waiting to have their ends woven in...which is what I may do today - after sewing in the lining for goddaughter's felted tote. My hands hurt yesterday and still hurt this morning, so other than sewing - and maybe my knitting - I think crocheting will have to wait at least another day.


Trying to convince hubby he needs to go to the Jackson Outlet today:D I hear they have a wonderful Yankee Candle store and a Corning ware store that are to die for:devil


Have a good one, my friends - BBL!

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Morning house!


There is SUN out this morning and clear blue skies! :woo Going to get ready soon for trip to town. Neighbor has agreed we need a morning out :yes I agree.


Have a great day and I'll catch you later!

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Good Morning House............

So sorry I've been missing the last few days.

My mom is in the hospital. I've been busy with her and tending to her house and puppy.

Can we say TIRED!

I tell ya.. if it wasnt for my crocheting and knitting... I would be nuts..... okay.. more nuts!

Okay... this is a short one... I need to catch up on posts and emails... just wanted to pop in.

I'll be back later



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Good morning everyone. Cold and gloomy out today, but thankfully the predicted snow hasn't materialized. NO big plans for today here. A little cleaning and some reading and crafting. Oldest DD, dsil and the boys will be here for dinner.


Joanne, hope you have a wonderful visit with your dd's. Congrats on getting the tote!


Judy, have you talked Phil into the outlet? I love going to those Corning Ware stores. I like Yankee Candle too, but I have enough candles to keep me for several years. Hope your hands feel better soon. How's Sparkie doing?


Wrennie, have fun at the bridal shower. It must be the season for them, I had one last weekend.


Mary2, enjoy your gardening time. Its a little ways yet to gardening weather here.


Toni, have fun out with your neighbor.


Tam, how are things at your house? Oops...just saw your post. Sorry about your mom. Wish I could be there in person to help you a bit.


Julie, do you have Cam this weekend?


To everyone else, good morning, hope you have a great day.

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Wrennie, have fun at the bridal shower. It must be the season for them, I had one last weekend.

It must be. When I was buying her gift, as I was checking out another lady came in and asked for a (different) bridal registry list.

Geesh, last wedding I was at was over 10 years ago.

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Tam, you're experiencing all the stresses of the sandwich generation. I hope your mom is okay and you can get back to your "normal" stresses!!!:hug:hug


Cindy, Phil just had to run down to the in laws old house (it's on the market) with the house keys - the wrong lock was used and the realtor is holding an open house today and has people interested in it...so...45 minutes each way - I'm not too optomistic he'll be up for another drive!

Sparkie is walking fine...though he does seem to have a funny way of putting his leg down. No pain - the baby would let us know all about THAT!:lol I have a recheck scheduled for him on Monday afternoon.

To me: if there's no pain, leave him alone. No running after a ball in the yard for him anymore, if I have anything to say about it....he seems to have forgotten about that after 2 plus weeks of not doing it...I hope so. Walks are good enough for him - and me. Besides...the yard is too small for him to really run without having to make turns, etc....


Enjoy your family time today!:c9

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Good Morning, Ladies. I seem to be way behind lately. :blush


Tam ~ I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is better very soon. :hug


Joanne ~ :yay Congratulations on the new bag! It's beautiful!


We're leaving in a few minutes for Luke's party and will pick up 25 balloons on the way. :D It's a really pretty day, but supposed to be 85*...


Have a great Saturday, everyone. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :hi


Well, my sixers won last night, which clinched them a playoff spot :clap:yay The Phils won yesterday too in the ninth inning :clap:yay Good day for sports in Philly :lol I was up around 8 this morning and took my car for an oil change. Came home and did some exercises with my exercise ball and am getting ready to go do some cardio, but decided to check in first.


Wrennie - Glad to hear you just got a little snow :yay And I cook the same way and just throw stuff in :eek It does make it difficult to share recipes that way.


Joanne - You should be in Boston by now so I hope your trip went well. Glad you had fun with the baby registry and Ryan Adam is a great name. Love the rr, scarf and dishcloths :manyheart CONGRATS on getting the tote!!!! :yay:bounce:woo


Linda - Glad you had some sun yesterday :yes How's your mouth doing?


Judy - Thanks for your kind words on my sweater :hug I also started the scrunchable knit scarf that Cindy shared albeit I only did the first 2 rows just to get it going, but then worked on the sweater. Glad to hear that Phyllis will be joining us at some point :yay Bummer that dh had to drive to the open house, but still :xfin that you get to go to the outlets :wink


Julie - How's your cross stitch coming along?


Kiyo - Oooooo, I'm sooo excited you're going to see Riverdance!!!! I've always wanted to see it live....that and/or Lord of the Dance.....they put me in such a trance and absolutely amazes me with their precision and accuracy :yay


Trish - :yay for bball season, my phillies won yesterday! and :yay for your new patio cushions :D


Toni - I know you're excited for your little day trip into town, have fun :yes Can't wait to see your FG and tea cozy :D


Marlene - Have a safe trip :hug


Cindy - Your day sounds perfect :yes


Mary2 - Thanks for closing up last night :hug


Tam - Hope your mom is doing better :hug Girl, your just not getting a break....many prayers continuing to go out to you and your family :hug


Alright, now that I've written a book, off to do some cardio :yes

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Good Morning, Ladies. I seem to be way behind lately. :blush


Tam ~ I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is better very soon. :hug


Joanne ~ :yay Congratulations on the new bag! It's beautiful!


We're leaving in a few minutes for Luke's party and will pick up 25 balloons on the way. :D It's a really pretty day, but supposed to be 85*...


Have a great Saturday, everyone. :manyheart


Have fun at the party and of course we'll be waiting for some pics of the birthday boy :devil:bday

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Hi I'm in Boston-and the ride up was great- no traffic!! It is sunny, blue skies and about 50 degrees!!! We've had breakfast and now deciding what to do with the afternoon- definitely hitting up the used book store!



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Thanks so much you guys for all the love... support and prayers! You have no idea how much that means to me!


Ken is doing good... numbers are doing well!

Michael has been off the meds for 10 days now and he's doing good! Ken took Michael to baseball practice this morning... they are having a great time!

I have a cousin that just had a pacemaker/defibulater put in a few weeks back. She's doing well.

My mom just went in on Thursday to have surgery to remove a 10lb tumor from one of her ovaries. So healing prayers for her are welcome!

My daughter is still here... she got her tax money yesterday in her account... Ken is going to have another heart to heart with her!!!

Me? I'm pooped!!! I have such a headache! I mean I have lived with headaches most of my life.. but lately... Wow! OUCH!

Okay... need to help little one for a few with homework... we were out late last night to a track meet for Patrick... so today is homework day!



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I have been neglecting my night time duties..sorry house :lol


Been busy. Spring might actually be here :cheer It's been in the 60s the last few days. Went south day to the lower valley and saw the temp hit 81 :eekIsn't it great! Love the weather we're getting here as well!


Tomatoes growing in the greenhouse. Lots to do in the barn now that the temps are warmer. Have to get more seeds planted for garden and my flowers :manyheartHaven't even started thinking about the garden yet!:eek


Leaving the night light on in the hall. Locked the door. Might have to leave it open and lock the screen door here pretty soon!


Lots of froggies out..hope they don't keep anyone awake!


Joanne- Have a safe drive and enjoy your time there! Congrats on the tote also!!!!

Good morning, peeps!:hug

It's a beautiful sunny Saturday here in the Garden State...and Joanne is almost in Beantown by now.


I have a huge bag of squares AND saltines from Phyllis just waiting to have their ends woven in...which is what I may do today - after sewing in the lining for goddaughter's felted tote. My hands hurt yesterday and still hurt this morning, so other than sewing - and maybe my knitting - I think crocheting will have to wait at least another day. Sounds like a busy day for you. I know what you mean about sore hands. Woke up with all my joints hurting and my hands so swollen that I can't get my rings off!:eekNo clue why...


Trying to convince hubby he needs to go to the Jackson Outlet today:D I hear they have a wonderful Yankee Candle store and a Corning ware store that are to die for:devil Good luck!:lol Hope you can convince him!


Have a good one, my friends - BBL!


Morning house!


There is SUN out this morning and clear blue skies! :woo Going to get ready soon for trip to town. Neighbor has agreed we need a morning out :yes I agree.:cheerEnjoy yourself!


Have a great day and I'll catch you later!


Good Morning House............


So sorry I've been missing the last few days.

My mom is in the hospital. I've been busy with her and tending to her house and puppy.

Can we say TIRED!

I tell ya.. if it wasnt for my crocheting and knitting... I would be nuts..... okay.. more nuts!


Okay... this is a short one... I need to catch up on posts and emails... just wanted to pop in.

I'll be back later








Good morning everyone. Cold and gloomy out today, but thankfully the predicted snow hasn't materialized. NO big plans for today here. A little cleaning and some reading and crafting. Oldest DD, dsil and the boys will be here for dinner.Thank goodness for no more snow. Enjoy your family time!:hug



To everyone else, good morning, hope you have a great day.


Hi I'm in Boston-and the ride up was great- no traffic!! It is sunny, blue skies and about 50 degrees!!! We've had breakfast and now deciding what to do with the afternoon- definitely hitting up the used book store!:hugSounds great!




Thanks so much you guys for all the love... support and prayers! You have no idea how much that means to me!




Ken is doing good... numbers are doing well!

Michael has been off the meds for 10 days now and he's doing good! Ken took Michael to baseball practice this morning... they are having a great time!

I have a cousin that just had a pacemaker/defibulater put in a few weeks back. She's doing well.

My mom just went in on Thursday to have surgery to remove a 10lb tumor from one of her ovaries. So healing prayers for her are welcome!

My daughter is still here... she got her tax money yesterday in her account... Ken is going to have another heart to heart with her!!!


Me? I'm pooped!!! I have such a headache! I mean I have lived with headaches most of my life.. but lately... Wow! OUCH!


Okay... need to help little one for a few with homework... we were out late last night to a track meet for Patrick... so today is homework day!





:hug:hug:hugGlad to hear the "boys" are feeling better! Good wishes for your mom. Hope Ken's talk with your daughter works out! Not surprised about the headaches-it's all the stress. You need to take care of yourself sweetie!

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Good Morning!!!!! The weather isn't as nice as it's been the last couple of days, only supposed to be 70. That's ok-at least it's not raining!


Woke up with all my joints stiff and sore and my hands so swollen that I can't get my rings off! Have no idea why either.:think Oh well, maybe a hot shower and some Advil will help.


Going to go visit my dd and grandbaby later today. Maybe work on my doily ghan or one of my other wips! Shall see how the day progresses.


Hope you all have a great day!:hug

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