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Our House Part Two


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Good evening ladies,


Work was busy again and it went quick today :clap Planning to watch Idol tonight, but have to watch last nights before I can watch tonights. Not sure what I'll work on :think


Marlene - :yay for your manicure, don't mess it up with the packing.


Toni - Great news :hug


Judy - Glad to hear Phyllis' dh is on the mend :hug Congrats to your Yankees.


Crochetin Mama - :hi and :welcome


Cindy - I'm the same way with gift cards. My sister gave me one for Joann's and I still haven't used it :eek Even though I've spent money there, I want it to be for a project for me :think


Kiyo - I made an inga bag for my sister a while back :yes I have pics on ravelry of it. I lined it and it sure was a bit tricky :yes Can't wait to see your pics


Julie - :xfin that you're toward the 3 day end of the nebulizer being effective :hug


Joanne - You were probably up early because your subconscious knew it was a big day at work for you :yes But now you get a long weekend :clap Have fun and drive safe. And yep, the Penguins are a good team and hockey games sure are fun!!!!! Only problem is that when the team is GOOD, the tickets are more expensive :(


Catch y'all later.....

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Good news! Blood work and protein spike doing good. After next chemo, will stop long enough to get my eyes done and healed and then will start again. Hopefully with me being able to see fully and drive myself! YEEHAWWW!!!! Doing the happy mountain clog dance!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel!!


Y'all have a great night. Catch you after I get off tomorrow. Not working that long and can spend time catching up here and on the Ville.

That's wonderful news, Toni.


Your dinner sounds good. Can I ask what cracklin is ? Is it pork rinds ?

Have used the nebulizer 3 times so far (twice a day ) and not much difference noticed yet. It said on the medicine that it would take anywhere from 3-8 days to begin noticing a difference ,so I am keeping my fingers crossed .

At Captain D's the cracklin's are the big and little bits of batter that come off the fish when it's fried. They fry up seperate and taste delicious. Not particularly good for the diet, but sure tasty.


Good luck with the nebulizer.


Our power went off for about an hour this afternoon. Finally came back on just in time to heat up Kim's supper. Never did hear what was wrong, but glad it's fixed.


Think I'm going to call it quits early tonight. Now that the jaw's feeling better I'm aware of how tired I've gotten. Obviously haven't been sleeping as well as I thought. :lol

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm surprised to be the first in here. I started the right panel of my knit sweater last night while watching Idol. Then headed upstairs and read for a bit. I didn't sleep very well last night so I hope I don't crash in the middle of the day :xfin I have a sixer game tonight too :yes


Linda - I hope you slept well now with your mouth starting to feel a bit better :hug

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Morning..I gotta clean my house(boo hiss) and then I can play..lol...I'm making some crocheted cupcakes for a swap and then some Easter goodies...Hope everyone is having a SUPER day..

Aren't crocheted cupcakes just a tease? Mmmm, looks good! Cant have it! :rofl



Wrennie- :eek No more SNOW!!! Just checked the forecast - Boston is supposed to get 2-4 inches- so I think we'll be heading up tomorrow- We'll make the final decision tomorrow morning and see what it is actually doing out there.

Well our 7-12 inches turned out to be about 1/12 of an inch!:cheer No shoveling! No sweeping off the car! Yaaaaay!


Going to my coworkers bridal shower tomorrow. This should be fun!

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Good morning! And Happy April Fool's Day!!!!


Wow- I slept until 7 AM this morning! I really was tired I suppose! I've got the laundry in- and then have to get the oil changed in my car We have gray overcast skies here and I just checked the weather forecast for parts of CT and Massachusetts- snow 2-4 inches- I'll check in with my daughters in a while- and make a decision then on whether we head up today- or wait until EARLY tomorrow morning.


Marisa- I think I must have gotten some of your sleep!:lol At least tomorrow is Saturday and you can sleep in to make up for last night. Have fun at the game tonight!!!


Wrennie- Glad you only got a dusting of snow- that's the funny thing about this time of year and snow- you never know what your going to get!Have a great time at the bridal shower tomorrow!


To the rest of the house- have a wonderful Friday and I'll check back in a little bit!

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Good morning, housemates. Sunshine today! Yay!


Yay! Wrennie, a dusting of snow instead of a bunch is a wonderful April Fool's Day joke by Old Man Winter.


Joanne, be careful if you're driving in snow. Have a wonderful time.

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Good morning, peeps!


Off to meet Phyllis in a bit...and the rain we started the day with is now wet snowflakes. Oh, well...driven in much worse conditions.


Good morning ladies :coffee


I'm surprised to be the first in here. I started the right panel of my knit sweater last night while watching Idol. Then headed upstairs and read for a bit. I didn't sleep very well last night so I hope I don't crash in the middle of the day :xfin I have a sixer game tonight too :yes

The part of the sweater you showed us was so beautifully done...you have wonderful skill with the hook AND pointy sticks!


Last night I started the knit scrunchable scarf pattern Cindy shared with us. We'll see if it looks halfway decent enough to send to Kiyo when I'm done:lol I'm also going to use stash and crochet some scarves for her.

Good think there's lots of time:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


Hi to Jules, Marlene, Mary 1 and 2, and everyone else...need to get a move on!


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Hi Joanne

Just wanted to wish you a good trip this coming weekend .Hope you have lots of fun !



The cracklins do sound good. I'm not familiar with Captain D's -- may have seen them before,but not sure if it was anyplace up here. Maybe when we went to MyrtleBeach, they may have had them there . They have some good places in the south that we dont have .



The nebulizer,so far I dont notice much difference, but I need to be patient and give it time to kick in . I'm sure hoping it works .




Good luck on the next piece of your knit sweater !




Glad your snow was only a wee little bit. Have fun at the shower and eat some cake for me .

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I just heard from DD and they have about 2 inches of the ugly white stuff on the ground and it is snowing and sleeting with a few more inches expected- and worse a little west of them. So we have decided that we are going to leave early tomorrow morning and not make a 4 1/2 hr trip much longer in yucky driving conditions.

We plan to arrive tomorrow at 10 and then go out for our favorite meal- breakfast!!!


Youngest DD and I are going to head to Babies R Us this afternoon so as not to waste our day off and look through things that she and her DH have decided on and start her registry.


OH, and she and her hubby have picked out the name- Ryan Adam! Adam is my SIL's oldest brother and he is going to be the godfather so they decided that would be his middle name


Judy- Have a nice visit with Phyllis and I'm sure the scarf you are knitting will be awesome!


Julie- Yup- those nebulizers do take some time to kick in- so hoping that it does for you!

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~~hey, hey, heyyyyy~~! Goooood Friday morning! Last night I didn't get pics of my projects taken-I had another headache- this time I am pretty sure it's sinuses Tis the season! It was up the left side of my neck and over my left eye and when I would rub really hard on the back of my neck I could feel it in my eye. lol- It's gone today for the most part but I might take a benadryl or something like that to see if it helps.

I was running around after work last night collecting pie money, I have to go to Salt Lake today and pick up 40 cases of pies!! Ya=hoooO!(that's for the other 5 who sold them as well) Aree and I did by far sell the most, I'm also the only single parent trying to figure out how to get my kid paid for too. WE DID IT!!! That's all that matters.


I didn't tell you all............My Mom bought us tickets for the Sunday show of the Riverdance performance !!!! CAN I TELL YOU---I CAN'T WAIT!!! Aree has NO clue that we are even going, I just told her she had to be home from her dads @ 130 on Sunday and she had to get prettied up. Aree is a clogger, so I thought she would thoroughly enjoy this! I'm sooooo excited to see her reaction as well as Mom's and we enjoy it. (You're probably scratching your head thinking...is this REALLY Kiyo????) lol Yes, I actually have a very broad spectrum of music loves, Josh Groban and Celine Dion happen to be 2 of my most favorite artists, as I love Opera's as well but I prefer the hip hop booming, dancing music the most!

Won't I just look hot with my chubby belly and JULIE"S Belly button diamond.....prancing around! YIKES!!! Thanks Julie for thinking of me though.....Good lookin' out! lol

Hope today is great for everyone--Glad to read that most of you are on the up and ups w/ your health issues. Im praying for yoU!

Loves to you all----If I don't pop in before I leave at noon- everyone have a GREAT weekend- I will try to soak up some sun for the next 2 70 degree days before the snow hits again on Monday!

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Hi Kiyo

Good luck getting all your pies delivered ,and nothing wrong with liking lots of different types of music ! I LOVE Riverdance ,but have never seen it in person. We used to have a CD of it ,which I watched til I wore grooves in it . Such talent those people have !


Hope you guys have a wonderful time !

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Kiyo- Aree is going to be so excited when she finds out Sunday what you've been up to! I have varied tastes in music too- depends on my mood- I love jazz, classical, hip hop, blues, rock, show tunes, opera...I think the only music I don't like is heavy metal. Riverdance should be awesome- and how cool that Aree is a clogger. My cousin's two DD's did Irish clogging when they were younger and loved it. Good luck with the pies today


Julie- Just talked to DD again- and it's still sleeting/snowing in Boston- kind of slippery on the sidewalks she said (she doesn't drive) so I think we made the right decision. So we're on for breakfast tomorrow morning at 10 and will have a fab day I'm sure! Last time I went to Beantown with my middle DD and her BF in January we had to leave a day early because of the white stuff and I made the right call then too. I think I should not plan on treks to Boston in the winter (although of course we are now in Spring)


I think I'll go get an estimate to see how much it will cost to fix my car since I had the incident with the black ice. May as well make it a productive day since I'm home from Paradise-

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Alright folks

1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ? spinach salads


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? baseball


3-What do you like to grill out ? steaks,ribs, vegis


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? Nope, my Irish skin just burns!


5- Do you own a pool ? nope


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?want to start an herb garden and tomatoes


7-How many beaches have you been to before ?too many to count!


8-Least favorite part of summer ? extreme heat


9-Favorite summer flowers ? fuschias

10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?blue


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?both


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . dishcloths


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? love gettin my hands dirty!


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? horses


15 - Favorite county fair food ?

funnel cakes and corn dogs


Aren't crocheted cupcakes just a tease? Mmmm, looks good! Cant have it! :rofl



Well our 7-12 inches turned out to be about 1/12 of an inch!:cheer No shoveling! No sweeping off the car! Yaaaaay! Looks like you got off easy!


Going to my coworkers bridal shower tomorrow. This should be fun!enjoy![/QUOTE]


Good morning! And Happy April Fool's Day!!!!


Wow- I slept until 7 AM this morning! I really was tired I suppose! I've got the laundry in- and then have to get the oil changed in my car We have gray overcast skies here and I just checked the weather forecast for parts of CT and Massachusetts- snow 2-4 inches- I'll check in with my daughters in a while- and make a decision then on whether we head up today- or wait until EARLY tomorrow morning. I slept in too! It is supposed to be in the high 70's today- it has been in the 80's the last couple of days!:cheer


To the rest of the house- have a wonderful Friday and I'll check back in a little bit!

Have a great day!


Good morning, housemates. Sunshine today! Yay!

Loving the sunshine!


Good morning, peeps!


Off to meet Phyllis in a bit...and the rain we started the day with is now wet snowflakes. Oh, well...driven in much worse conditions.Be safe!




Last night I started the knit scrunchable scarf pattern Cindy shared with us. We'll see if it looks halfway decent enough to send to Kiyo when I'm done:lol I'm also going to use stash and crochet some scarves for her.

Good think there's lots of time:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol No pointy sticks for me! The end up being projectiles!!!



I just heard from DD and they have about 2 inches of the ugly white stuff on the ground and it is snowing and sleeting with a few more inches expected- and worse a little west of them. So we have decided that we are going to leave early tomorrow morning and not make a 4 1/2 hr trip much longer in yucky driving conditions.

We plan to arrive tomorrow at 10 and then go out for our favorite meal- breakfast!!!

Sounds like a good choice. Love going out to breakfast.

Youngest DD and I are going to head to Babies R Us this afternoon so as not to waste our day off and look through things that she and her DH have decided on and start her registry. They have the cutest stuff but it can be a pain to find some of it.


OH, and she and her hubby have picked out the name- Ryan Adam! Adam is my SIL's oldest brother and he is going to be the godfather so they decided that would be his middle name

Great name! DD has picked Bailey Paige for a girl and Nikki Bruce for a boy.


~~hey, hey, heyyyyy~~! Goooood Friday morning! Last night I didn't get pics of my projects taken-I had another headache- this time I am pretty sure it's sinuses Tis the season! It was up the left side of my neck and over my left eye and when I would rub really hard on the back of my neck I could feel it in my eye. lol- It's gone today for the most part but I might take a benadryl or something like that to see if it helps. Had to take my allergy meds for the first time yesterday! Hope your head feels better:hug

I was running around after work last night collecting pie money, I have to go to Salt Lake today and pick up 40 cases of pies!! Ya=hoooO!(that's for the other 5 who sold them as well) Aree and I did by far sell the most, I'm also the only single parent trying to figure out how to get my kid paid for too. WE DID IT!!! That's all that matters.


I didn't tell you all............My Mom bought us tickets for the Sunday show of the Riverdance performance !!!! CAN I TELL YOU---I CAN'T WAIT!!! Aree has NO clue that we are even going, I just told her she had to be home from her dads @ 130 on Sunday and she had to get prettied up. Aree is a clogger, so I thought she would thoroughly enjoy this! I'm sooooo excited to see her reaction as well as Mom's and we enjoy it. (You're probably scratching your head thinking...is this REALLY Kiyo????) lol Yes, I actually have a very broad spectrum of music loves, Josh Groban and Celine Dion happen to be 2 of my most favorite artists, as I love Opera's as well but I prefer the hip hop booming, dancing music the most!

Won't I just look hot with my chubby belly and JULIE"S Belly button diamond.....prancing around! YIKES!!! Thanks Julie for thinking of me though.....Good lookin' out! lol

Hope today is great for everyone--Glad to read that most of you are on the up and ups w/ your health issues. Im praying for yoU!

Loves to you all----If I don't pop in before I leave at noon- everyone have a GREAT weekend- I will try to soak up some sun for the next 2 70 degree days before the snow hits again on Monday!

Sounds like you are going to have a great day! Enjoy!

Since it is Photo Friday and I'm home, I decided to take pics of the Jury Duty Scarf and Dishcloth plus another one I had made. Also a pic of the baby RR in progress

Love your pictures!

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Just got off work and am popping in to say hello. Going to go take nap, so will check back in and catch-up later.


Need to upload some photos for picture Friday!

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Good morning Ladies!!!!! It looks to be another beautiful day here! Bought new cushions for my patio furniture yesterday. Need to pick up the umbrella today. Trying to get started on all my spring projects now that the weather has decided to cooperate!:cheer


Julie-Hope the nebulizer treatments kick in soon. I know they halp my dad out immensely!


Baseball season has officially started! Although my Giants lost to the Dodgers last night:angry Beat L.A.!!!!!


Not sure what all I'm going to do today but I'll check in later


Have a fabulous day!:hug

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Hi, Trish and Toni!


Had a good visit with Phyllis and she gave me a big bag os squares from leftover yarn: 7 inch squares....and saltines - all in my fav bright colors:D

Joanne, Phyllis would love to join us one Saturday for meetup - I told her it's such fun meeting other yarn/crochet addicts!:lol

Since it is Photo Friday and I'm home, I decided to take pics of the Jury Duty Scarf and Dishcloth plus another one I had made. Also a pic of the baby RR in progress

Very nice work:cheer:clap!

The color sequence looks great on the RR --- but do I see a bit of a curl upward on that last row? Was just wondering if you were short a stitch here or there:think

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joANNE------LOVE your work & color choices !!! & yes, Aree is a GOOD clogger! It's soooo fun to watch her and she has the loudest feet! They danced on a wood stage one year at a national competition and they took 1st overall and 1st in their group-----it was SOOOOOO cool that it gave me goose bumps!!! They clogged to Michael Jackson's Who's bad last year and she was a doll and did awesome! I will have to find some pics!

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Since it is Photo Friday and I'm home, I decided to take pics of the Jury Duty Scarf and Dishcloth plus another one I had made. Also a pic of the baby RR in progress



Very productive! Nice work.


Sorry that your visit to DD's had to be delayed a bit, but it sounds like you made the right call. I'd avoid the white stuff too!

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Quick flyby here, Dh wants to go out for dinner.


Work was quiet today, although it is quite busy there. This is my last weekend off before I go back to working weekends. At the moment it is every third weekend.


Marlene have a safe trip home.


Judy, hope that scarf works out for you.


Alright...dh is calling....

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So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?

Silver Queen Sweet Corn from my neighbors garden!


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? NASCAR :lol


3-What do you like to grill out ? Steaks, grilled corn & potatoes4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ?


5- Do you own a pool ? NO


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ? Not any longer. When I did, corn, several types squash, tomatoes, beans


7-How many beaches have you been to before ? Florida and Bahamas beaches8-Least favorite part of summer ?


9-Favorite summer flowers ? Lilys


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ? Bright Cotton


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ? No but we were on a farm and it was a LONGGGGGG time ago. We did have galvanized tubs of water we played in though.


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . Socks, hats, purses


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? I love doing yardwork, but have to have help now :sigh


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? Bands


15 - Favorite county fair food ? Funnel Cakes, hands down! :c9

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Okay, here goes my attempt at catching up :lol

Do have to say, there is this bright yellow ball in the sky trying to come out from behind the clouds. Kind of blinding and shines rays of light in the window for the :dog :dog to lay in. Supposed to be really nice tomorrow.

Hope it is nice, I want to go to Lowe's and get a pink/red dogwood. They are BEAUTIFUL and have flowers that look like painted silk. I WANT one!


Razzle Fratz!!!! :angry I have a dry socket, which is why it hurts so much still. He packed it today. Oh, no! Hope by now it's feeling much better!


Happy Hump Day!


I'll be calling youngest DD today and see if two weekends from now she has another 4 day weekend and if it would work for oldest DD, maybe we'll postpone the trip for 2 wks. - that is, if I can switch my days off too. We'll see.:think


Well, darn!


Marisa- Forgot to tell you to tell Mary that I enjoyed meeting her. Have fun at your Sixers game tonight and maybe they'll show up to play tonight! Did you get in any :knit last evening?


Julie- So what did you think of BL? I thought that the Red team made a huge mistake in not choosing to have a trainer for the week, but was very glad that Courtney is still there!


Toni- How did you enjoy NCIS and NCIS LA last night? I was supposed to be going for my "color and cut" tonight, but got a call from the hair salon that my hairdresser is sick so had to postpone the appointment till next Wed evening. So I'll probably watch at least one of them after Paradise today! Hope you are continuing on the upswing!:hug


Both the NCIS' were good and then last night, both Criminal Minds and can we forget CSI :rofl I'm a crime show junkie. :hug


Heres is the doilyghan I started. I'm done with round 17 out of 29. That is one gorgeous ghan!


and so....my paper/stamping crafting come back out! Ohhhh How I love and miss it! Maybe I will whip it out.......anyhow- I am making little thank you cards for all of the pie deliveries that we will deliver. Aree woke up and saw them this morning and loved them. Oh, how nice they are! Good job! :clap


I told Sam I saw a real pretty jar over at Goodwill that looks like an URN you use for people's ashes. I think I'll have the Goodwill version of a send-off since it has cost so much to keep me breathing. I told him one bullet, stick me in the fire pit out back,scoop up the ashes,and WA-LA !!!

End of medical bills and a nice decorative jar that would be a great conversation piece .


Have any of you seen those stories about people who get their ashes compacted somehow ,by this company that can compact them like coal is compacted to make diamonds.

SO, you can actually get your Great Aunt Harriet made into a diamond ring and you can take her with you wherever you go !


I told our girl I was gonna do that,and leave her a ring made out of ME .


Let's just say she wasnt very fond of the idea .


Oh, my! Don't know whether to laugh or not :lolThink I'll laugh, it's the best medicine!


Good Morning Ladies,


I did some packing yesterday and just a little bit today. It's cool here this morning. But it is going to be near 80 so I'm enjoying it. This afternoon I'm going to go get a manicure. I can't cut my own nails with my left hand and I don't like hubbys cut. Maya is going for a follow up to the doctor today. Hope they have an answer to her belly problem. I sure hope they do too. Poor thing.

Have a nice day everyone!


~~hey, hey, heyyyyy~~! Goooood Friday morning! Aree and I did by far sell the most, I'm also the only single parent trying to figure out how to get my kid paid for too. WE DID IT!!! That's all that matters.




I didn't tell you all............My Mom bought us tickets for the Sunday show of the Riverdance performance !!!! CAN I TELL YOU---I CAN'T WAIT!!! Aree has NO clue that we are even going, I just told her she had to be home from her dads @ 130 on Sunday and she had to get prettied up. Aree is a clogger, so I thought she would thoroughly enjoy this! I'm sooooo excited to see her reaction as well as Mom's and we enjoy it. (You're probably scratching your head thinking...is this REALLY Kiyo????) lol Yes, I actually have a very broad spectrum of music loves, Josh Groban and Celine Dion happen to be 2 of my most favorite artists, as I love Opera's as well but I prefer the hip hop booming, dancing music the most!


Oh, how lucky you both are to go see River Dance. I love seeing them on the PBS channel or wherever I can catch them. Clogging is fun...when I was younger :lol


Since it is Photo Friday and I'm home, I decided to take pics of the Jury Duty Scarf and Dishcloth plus another one I had made. Also a pic of the baby RR in progress :manyheart your projects. I need to upload photos from my camera so I can join in on photo Friday :hug


Quick flyby here, Dh wants to go out for dinner.


Lucky, lucky you!


Alright...dh is calling....


Watched the NASCAR stuff today and worked on the flannelghan. Panel #4 of 5 is almost ready to stitch to the ghan. Will start #5 tomorrow. Have to finish the :turtle s and I THINK Sunday after church during races, I'll pick back up the tea cozy that's sitting forlornly KNOWING I've been ignoring her :rofl

To everyone else :hi and have a great evening and wonderful weekend.

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