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Our House Part Two


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Sooooo......can I share something with ya'll!!!

Most of you know that Aree plays comp. fast pitch softball (like her mama) and it costs$450 to play. Thus.....my eyes get huge! How in the world am I going to come up with that kind of fundage? So.........Aree and I sold pies!!!! WE DID IT!!! 85 pies!!!! Her dad even helped, much to my surprise- I pretty much gave him 2 options he either helped to sell or figured out how to get me the money lol. HOLY PIES!!!! 3 weeks we did it!


Next item for business......."OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" I mentioned earlier I needed a name ----I'm collecting hats, scarves, mittens for the homeless shelter---I want to have 400 items minimum by October!!! Mary has donated! I'm in the middle of 4 hats too right now! Sooooo----if you are bored in between all of your projects- I'm looking for some help! :0)

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Tammy, Yay, for treating yourself. Putting the classifieds out sounds like a marvelous idea.


I haven't posted any pictures in a while so here goes. The RR I started yesterday (with Sweet Pea in it), the baby blanket for my niece's soon to be born baby, and Rosie's grandson, Braedon, in the red and purple outfit she made him.


Kim is sleeping through her breathing treatment at the moment and I'm watching 2001: A Space Odessy, which I recorded over the weekend.


Very nice work.

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Sooooo......can I share something with ya'll!!!

Most of you know that Aree plays comp. fast pitch softball (like her mama) and it costs$450 to play. Thus.....my eyes get huge! How in the world am I going to come up with that kind of fundage? So.........Aree and I sold pies!!!! WE DID IT!!! 85 pies!!!! Her dad even helped, much to my surprise- I pretty much gave him 2 options he either helped to sell or figured out how to get me the money lol. HOLY PIES!!!! 3 weeks we did it!


Next item for business......."OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" I mentioned earlier I needed a name ----I'm collecting hats, scarves, mittens for the homeless shelter---I want to have 400 items minimum by October!!! Mary has donated! I'm in the middle of 4 hats too right now! Sooooo----if you are bored in between all of your projects- I'm looking for some help! :0)


WTG with the pie selling.


I ought to be able to squeeze in a few hats and scarves for you. I have a knit scarf going right now.

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Home from work, and now I have two days off. It's another beautiful sunny day, although it's cold. My back isn't too bad today either. I think it will be back to normal by the next time I have to work.


Nothing much to report here. I didn't actually get around to doing any crafting last night. I'm not sure what happened, but before I knew it, it was 9:30, and I hadn't done a thing. So I decided to just go to bed early.


I made black bean and corn chilli in the crockpot for dinner tonight and it smells wonderful. Just waiting for dh to get home so we can eat. Then I'm going to dig out an embroidery project.

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Good morning ladies :hi


Toni - Did you get alot done on your diaper bag while watching ncis?


Why, yes I did! :lol Will be working on it more tonight while watching both the NCIS shows as they are both new episodes. That yellow is really much easier to see in this dull light of 3D days. I have a daylight lamp, but it hurts my eyes. :(


Joanne - I put some more pork chops in the crock, this time with some sauerkraut (homemade by a guy my dad works with) and seasonings right on the meat. I don't usually make pork chops 2 weeks in a row, but the meat just looked amazing at the grocery store so that's what jumped in my cart :lol And yep, sitting and waiting is very tiresome :eek


Oh, I want to come to supper!!!! YUMMY!




I haven't posted any pictures in a while so here goes. The RR I started yesterday (with Sweet Pea in it), the baby blanket for my niece's soon to be born baby, and Rosie's grandson, Braedon, in the red and purple outfit she made him.


Love the RR, love the triple Irish chain quilt, one of my favorite patterns, and Braedon is a doll!



Sooooo......can I share something with ya'll!!!

Most of you know that Aree plays comp. fast pitch softball (like her mama) and it costs$450 to play. Thus.....my eyes get huge! How in the world am I going to come up with that kind of fundage? So.........Aree and I sold pies!!!! WE DID IT!!! 85 pies!!!! Her dad even helped, much to my surprise- I pretty much gave him 2 options he either helped to sell or figured out how to get me the money lol. HOLY PIES!!!! 3 weeks we did it!


:cheer:cheer WAY TO GO!!! Where there's a will, there's a way :cheer:cheer


Next item for business......."OPERATION GIVE WARMTH" I mentioned earlier I needed a name ----I'm collecting hats, scarves, mittens for the homeless shelter---I want to have 400 items minimum by October!!! Mary has donated! I'm in the middle of 4 hats too right now! Sooooo----if you are bored in between all of your projects- I'm looking for some help! :0)


I like the name :) Hoping to get some time to do a few hats for you.



Tam, I am so happy you got away for some ME, ME, ME time! I agree with the newspaper idea, think it's terrific! She probably won't "get it" as she's in denial, but well worth a re-inforcement try!

Nothing new here. Another 3D day and thunderstorms expected over night, AGAIN :(:angry:angry Definitely will interupt my :sleep.

At least I have a nice clean bed and the furples have nice clean beds, although, one will be skinnying under the covers of my bed if there is thunder.

I lead a very boring life :lol Which is fine, I had enough "excitement" in my younger years :hook

BBL, maybe :hug:hug:hug

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Razzle Fratz!!!! :angry I have a dry socket, which is why it hurts so much still. He packed it today. I have to go back tomorrow for them to change the packing, for several more days. :angry I am not a happy camper, but at least there is a reason. He looked at his notes on my chart and it said, "Very difficult extraction!" Not what he usually writes.


Afterwards, Kim and I went to Hobby Lobby and I got the batting for the Challenge Quilt. Will probably do that tomorrow.

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Hello housemates!


Tammy- Yay for getting yourself a manicure!!! Nice to pamper yourself. I used to get my nails done - and had gels for years. About a year and 1/2 ago I figured it was time to give my nails a breather- and am thinking of getting a manicure soon- when I go for my pedicure. I do pamper myself with pedicures spring through fall. The place where I go does an awesome job and I love it!!


Linda- Love, love, love the quilt and of course Braedon is adorable!! Love the way the RR is turning out. How did your appointment go at the dentist?


Marisa- I'm not a fan of saurkraut- but then again, I've never had homemade- but I do love pork chops- We had them on Sunday as a matter of fact! Hope your day went well today!!


Judy- The Restaurant Depot sounds interesting. Glad you were able to pick up some good things there. And yes, I'm close to getting my "black belt" in shopping. I do enjoy it- and hunting down bargains....if I'm in the mood! I do a lot of looking and not buying- because if the price isn't right, it's not going home with me!


Toni- Sorry you still have the DDD weather! It was nice and sunny here, but still on the cool side-and supposed to rain the rest of the week. Just checked weather for Boston and the forecast calls for rain both Fri and Sat but not Sunday- maybe they'll be wrong! Enjoy NCIS and NCIS LA- I love both shows and I DVR them, since I watch Biggest Loser on Tuesday--


Cindy- Glad to hear that your back survived and nice that you now have 2 days off- enjoy your embroidery- and BTW- your dinner sounds YUMMY!!!!!


Mary2- I laughed at your comment about your DH saying you don't have to do your nails for him- Why is that men always think that what we do is to please them? Really??? I do what I do to please ME~


Kiyo- What a great idea on the pies!!! So happy that you were able to sell enough to pay for your daughters comp softball!!!! And I'll be glad to donate a few scarves and a hat or two to your cause!!!


I had WW today and lost another 1.4 lbs~ kind of funny since I'm on maintenance and lost another lb- so a total of 11.2 lbs lost~


Well, friends- hope ALL of you had a wonderful day- and I'm off to figure out dinner.

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Razzle Fratz!!!! :angry I have a dry socket, which is why it hurts so much still. He packed it today. I have to go back tomorrow for them to change the packing, for several more days. :angry I am not a happy camper, but at least there is a reason. He looked at his notes on my chart and it said, "Very difficult extraction!" Not what he usually writes.


Afterwards, Kim and I went to Hobby Lobby and I got the batting for the Challenge Quilt. Will probably do that tomorrow.

OH, Linda, I had dry socket once after having a tooth pulled- it was a worse ache than the actual tooth ache! Glad you treated yourself with a trip to HL and got the batting. :hug:hug

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Linda-----ewwwwww yuck---I wondered if that's what you had? I worked in dentistry and that sounded what it was like, but I didn't want to freak you out. the "CLOVE" packing tastes like hello--- yuck! I hated it. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out all at once and I got dry sockets on both bottoms- OHHHHH MYYYY I thought I was going to die too! I'm sorry! I feel for you!

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cINDY-----I can sprout my wings and be there in a couple hours---will you save me a place for dinner please! yummy!


I'll set a place for you!


Linda, sorry you have been so uncomfortable. Hopefully it will improve now that the problem is identified.

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Thanks, everyone. This is the best my jaw has felt since the dang tooth broke. You're right, Kiyo, the packing does not taste good. Waaaayyyy to much clove.


I fixed macaroni and cheese for supper tonight. Something both Kim and I could eat and enjoy. I added extra cheese and finely diced turkey breast to it. Yummy.

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Home from work, and now I have two days off. It's another beautiful sunny day, although it's cold. My back isn't too bad today either. I think it will be back to normal by the next time I have to work.


Nothing much to report here. I didn't actually get around to doing any crafting last night. I'm not sure what happened, but before I knew it, it was 9:30, and I hadn't done a thing. So I decided to just go to bed early.


I made black bean and corn chilli in the crockpot for dinner tonight and it smells wonderful. Just waiting for dh to get home so we can eat. Then I'm going to dig out an embroidery project.

Oh, that dinner sounds yummy! Not Phil's taste, but definitely mine:yes

Embroidery sounds like a fun craft for a change!

Razzle Fratz!!!! :angry I have a dry socket, which is why it hurts so much still. He packed it today. I have to go back tomorrow for them to change the packing, for several more days. :angry I am not a happy camper, but at least there is a reason. He looked at his notes on my chart and it said, "Very difficult extraction!" Not what he usually writes.


Afterwards, Kim and I went to Hobby Lobby and I got the batting for the Challenge Quilt. Will probably do that tomorrow.

I hope you have a good night:hug

Judy- The Restaurant Depot sounds interesting. Glad you were able to pick up some good things there. That place was like Costco...except more dangerous with all teh forklifts and large handcarts!


I had WW today and lost another 1.4 lbs~ kind of funny since I'm on maintenance and lost another lb- so a total of 11.2 lbs lost~

Awesome WW results!!:clap


Night to everyone: Toni, Shannon, Tabby, Jules, Mary 1 and 2 -- and anyone I missed....:hug:manyheart

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Yep I think every town has at least one unusual person . Very entertaining sometimes. I like studying people.. Very fascinating hobby and low cost !

Hope your weather shapes up. We have actually made out a little better the past couple days than it originally stated .Not warm ,but sunny !




Sounds like you found a fun grocery to shop at . We have one of those huge restaurant supply stores up in akron,which I used to go to sometimes to get reunion decorations, etc,but the neighborhood has gotten so bad. They have had several murders and abductions in the same parking lot area. A Dr was also shot and killed in the same neighborhood. she had an office there,and got out of her car one morning,and BAM ---right between the eyes . Happened to be her husband who was a policeman. BIG stopry at the time .



Sorry your tooth is giving you fits-- hopefully it will begin healing now they have figured it out !

Hope your wet rainy weather shapes up soon !




Glad you got some time away today to get duded up a little. what color did you pick for your fingernails ?


Hidey ho Marisa !




Thats nice you fix up your fingernails too. I have never done that once in my life -- I'm a little too plain and boring .I have the shortest clipped off fingernails,no nail polish...just plain old skin color .




I bet you can really dude yourself up with them hair colorings and fancy fingernails ! I bet you look very stylish !




Thanks for the photos ~~ Everything is so pretty !




Good job selling enough pies to send your girl to play baseball ! That is great. You are one good mom to do that !




Glad you have some days off coming up. Is your back loosening up now ?


Well, I think I will cut the rest of this short -- a big howdy from Hillbilly Village to all that I didnt mention.

I'm really tired today -- went in to have a long visit with the lung guy and he has now ordered a nebulizer machine and new meds ,after doing more testing he says we need to head in a new direction . I'll head anyplace that has AIR


You all have a good night-- gotta get my Biggest Loser show on here soon .



Who are your early predictions for top 3 couples on DWTS ? I think Karate Kid will win the whole thing --

I also love the football player ,and love Kirtie's personality. Dont know if she is good enough to get that far but I like her a lot . Very brave to do that with all the extra poundage ,when so many of the dancers are so small (even the guys look kinda short and skinny )

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Dinner is done- easy peasy pasta with meatballs and a salad. Getting ready to settle in with Biggest Loser and do some hooking- will probably finish scarf I started at Jury Duty and then do a little more on my RR.


Linda- Mac and cheese sounds perfect- nice soft, comfort food!!! :manyheart Glad to hear it's feeling better already!


Judy- It does sound dangerous with all the forklifts around. Glad you got out of there in one piece!:lol

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Julie- I missed DWTS last night!! Totally forgot it was on! But I do like Karate Kid and I love Kirstie !


I hope that the nebulizer will help with your breathing!!! Air is a good thing!


I'll be watching Biggest Loser right along with you! Can't wait to see who the two are that get voted off tonight!

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~~MUST I SAY.... THANK YOU MARY~~~ I received your scarves yesterday! Love them! What stitch did you do the blue/white one in? I appreciate you donating to my goal---I'm trying to come up with a name of my mission.....something fun and creative! So far, I have collected 150 items I think I counted the other day and yours make 152!!! only 248 more to go until October!!

You are welcome! :manyheart Here is the pattern I used for that one - http://www.crochetme.com/media/p/89470.aspx - it goes really fast!

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Razzle Fratz!!!! :angry I have a dry socket, which is why it hurts so much still. He packed it today. I have to go back tomorrow for them to change the packing, for several more days. :angry I am not a happy camper, but at least there is a reason. He looked at his notes on my chart and it said, "Very difficult extraction!" Not what he usually writes.


Afterwards, Kim and I went to Hobby Lobby and I got the batting for the Challenge Quilt. Will probably do that tomorrow.

Oh No! I'm so sorry you have had to go through this...it should get better quickly now. Your quilt and RR are both wonderful and Rosie's grandson is so very cute. :)


Hi to everyone at the House. Today was extra busy and I'm just worn out. :lol Have a good evening!

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Hey ladies :hi


I've been busy and work went quick today. Came home and put together a meatloaf with the ground beef I picked up on sunday so it wouldn't sit, but then I ate the pork chops for dinner and they were wonderful!!!! I've got to learn how to make sauerkraut because it was amazing homemade :yes


Have the DWTS recap on waiting for the results show. I don't usually watch it, but my mom got on all of us ahead of time because of Hines Ward :lol She kept picking on my sisters bf asking if he was going to watch......he's all sports and not much else....anyway he's a good sport and just laughed. Well, didn't they go to the bar last night (remember they live in Pitt and he's a Steeler) and they had it on there!!!!! So my mom keeps yelling at all of us to vote and apparently she's voting all 11 times on about 3 different phones......she's not even a sports fan....I told her she's become a monster :eek Oh well, it's the little things :shrug But, I find it very enjoyable and I think he's really good and I like Kirstie too :yes


kiyo - it was my a guy that works with my dad that made the sauerkraut :drool Awesome job and great idea with the pies :clap:yay I'll start getting some scarves for you in the little spare time I have :yes


Linda - Gorgeous rr and baby blanket....and the super hero is adorable :wink Sorry about your tooth, but at least you now know why :yes:hug What did you get at HL?


Cindy - your chili sounds wonderful......may I ask for the recipe? Pretty please with a cherry on top :bounce Glad your back is doing better :hug


Toni - Of course your welcome for supper any day :D


Joanne - WTG on the weight loss without even trying :clap That's all the walking at Jersey Gardens :wink:lol


Julie - I hope the new direction the lung doc is taking at least works a bit. When will you get the machine?


Tam - Glad you enjoyed your 'me' time :hug


Judy - Sounds like you got just what you were looking for :yes


Mary2 - I used to get my nails done, well I did them myself actually, but I did fiberglass as it was much easier for me to do than the acryllic myself. I kept them at a decent length until about a year into chiro school. When it really started to get hands on and alot was done with tips of the fingers......I was poking and scratching people and decided it was time that I had to give em up :( I do miss them, but now I can't even stand them when they start to grow a bit :lol


Gotta run, the show started although I did hit the pause to finish up my post first :lol

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that's the one I started at Jury Duty and it does go fast and is so pretty!!:hook


My dd has made a lot of scarves from that pattern, for herself and for many of her friends. Its one of her favorites.


Good night everyone.

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HI all,


Getting ready to call it a night and thought I'd stop in and share what my DD just emailed me




Not funny! I sure hope it goes out to sea.


Finished the scarf and worked a little bit on the RR. See you all in the AM!

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Marisa- Yup, must have been all the walking at Jersey Gardens! Although I have been doing more walking and have done my Wii Fit a few times the past week.


So how did Hines Ward do?

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Hi Ladies,


I've been trying to catch up and another day comes along. I didn't take notes so sorry if I miss someone.


Julie, Teen years or preteen years sometimes are not fun. Hope Cam won't be to much trouble. Sometimes they like to test the water. I think you handle it a good way. It helps he lives so close.

I'm glad there finally getting you some air. They should of already done this. We have a lady brings her little tank of air to play cards. Be sure and get one to take shopping with you.


Tam, You showed us some beautiful work again. Glad you have your crocheting to escape to. I would put the classifieds out to. Spring is a good time to move. Usually you can find some deals. Sometimes no deposit or first months rent free on a 13 month lease. Good luck!

Glad you got some me time.


Linda, Beautiful quilt! Rosie has an adorable grandson. Great colors your putting together for an rr. My kids like those colors. There Oakland Raider (football) colors.

Sorry about your tooth. Glad you feel better now.


Mary1, Hope your feeling better now. No fun being that sick.


Toni, Love that purse!


Trish, Beautiful baby and family you have!


Cindy, Glad your back is getting better. Sorry you will have to start working weekends. I never liked working weekends when I had to at the restaurant. It wasn't often I had to, but I looked forward to my weekends off. It's neat you and your DD get to craft together. I wish my DD did a craft. I guess you could call shopping her hobby. Maya's daddy told her one time she needed to learn a hobby and she told him she has one. Shopping!

Those are some adorable booties.


Marisa, Love that purse! Glad your sister has the knowledge to help you out with your new practice. I like sauerkraut. I've never had it with pork chops.


Joanne, Glad you were dismissed from jury duty. Now you can enjoy your last week of work in this dept. I hope you don't that snow storm when your wanting to head to Boston. Congrats on the weight loss this week!


Judy, Glad Sparkie is doing better. Thanks for posting the pic of you, Joanne, Marisa and Mary. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

Your 3 squares are wonderful!


Kiyo, How great of you to brainstorm and come up with an ideal to raise money to pay for your DD's sports. Congratulations! Another memory for her. She is going to grow up and be a strong lady just like her Mama.


Mary2, I went a couple of weeks ago and had a manicure. I use to get my nails done but quite that. My left hand isn't strong enough to cut my nails and I didn't like the way hubby cut them. So I told him until I can cut them myself I will get them done. There due now. There getting a tad to long.


Today we had an appreciation dinner for 60 people. Us cooks, people who work on different committees or who do special projects for the park. It was a nice dinner.

Friday we stayed at the relay for life until 1am. We had several people who stayed all night. Boy was saturday a hard day. Are park raised over 11,000.00. We exceeded are goal of 10,000.

We have been fornuate enough that none of are kids have had to come back home. We do watch Maya which helps DD out a great deal. But we are happy to do it.

Speaking of Maya she went for her testing for Kindergarten tonight. She has to go back to the doctor on thursday for a follow up. Her daycare worker took her with her children to the school carnival saturday. She had a ball. She was so excited when I talked to her. She won a fish there. So Heather went to the store and got her a fish bowl, pink stones (her favorite color is pink) and fish food. Then her fish died so they went and got a new fish. She wanted to know why her fish was stareing at her if it died. Then when they flushed it down the toliet to fishy land she thought that was the coolest thing. Hope she don't try flushing other things down the toliet.

We are packing things up here. There coming friday to hopefully fix the cover over the trailer. So we will be heading out sometime after that.

It is getting late so I will make the coffee and turn the lights off.

Have a nice day tomorrow!

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