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Our House Part Two


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Good morning, everyone. Another very hot humid day here. This isn't really unusual for us, but it's not usually this hot so many days in a row. Today's list includes laundry, grocery shopping, and a trip to the dentist. My new glasses are ready to pick up as well.


I never did get around to sewing yesterday. I did a bunch of deep cleaning, mostly in our bedroom instead. I just need to get dh to discard some of his old clothes.


Sherry, hopemthenday goes better than expected.


Linda, hope your computer is working smoothly now.


Marlene, that is really neat about that book. It must have been such a pleasant surprise to see that inscription.

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Good morning housemates :hi

A quick check in. I'm heading to my parents house today, so am getting ready. I do have one patient before heading out and he just got here, he's doing his exercises right now. My phone froze up on me so I took the battery out to find the micro sd card missing :think Now, I remember it acting up a bit when I was trying to update the phone a few months ago....so now the question is WHAT did I do with it? The only other option is that someone snuck in while I was with a patient and swiped it from my phone directly, which I find highly unlikely since I have bells on my door that sound like christmas every time it's opened :lol:shrug Oh well....good luck to me :xfin

Hoping you all have a wonderful hump day and I'll try to check in tomorrow :hug


Me again....just adding on to let you know I found the memory card behind the trash can!  It must have slipped out when I took the battery out :whew

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Cindy,in our home DH always gets rid of clothes that are either old or he really doesn't wear....I'm the exact opposite :lol

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'Afternoon, everyone. :)


Sherry ~ Your afghan is great!  We are both so lucky to be having this weather in mid-July! :clap   It rained again about an hour ago and cooled things back down again.  I hope your day isn't too bad. :hug That extra hour in the a.m. will be so nice.


Linda ~ Friday's almost here. :cheer   I know you'll have a wonderful time with family and at the reunion!  Will the same neighbor be taking care of Sweet Pea?


Marisa ~ Safe travels to your parents' house...I hope your mom is doing okay.


Cindy ~ My DH is definitely a pack rat.  He weighs within 5 pounds of what he was when I met him - 42 years ago.  So he thinks he needs to save everything. :lol  I'm glad your trip to Canada went okay. :manyheart


Marlene ~ What a fun surprise to see your great aunt's name in the book!  I hope your weather cools down very soon - you guys aren't supposed to be this hot!


Judy ~ We may be joining you with the mold if this keeps up. :lol   I imagine you're spending lots of time cleaning dog paws. :yes


Hi to Joanne, Valerie and the rest of the House, too. :)


DH and I went to lunch and then to visit our brother-in-law (DH's sister's ex) at rehab.  He had a stroke on the golf course and isn't doing well.  He still has his sense of humor, though. :)   I'm babysitting again tomorrow and then I plan to start working on this house...one room at a time.

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Judy ~ We may be joining you with the mold if this keeps up. :lol   I imagine you're spending lots of time cleaning dog paws. :yes


Glad you got a break from the Texas heat! And given the size of their feet I just bring them in through the side door (laundry room) and by the time they get through the kitchen their paws are dry - then I clean the floor :lol


DH and I went to lunch and then to visit our brother-in-law (DH's sister's ex) at rehab.  He had a stroke on the golf course and isn't doing well.  He still has his sense of humor, though. :)   I'm babysitting again tomorrow and then I plan to start working on this house...one room at a time.

DH met someone at the urologist's office whose sense of humor made DH feel grateful for his own minor (in comparison) health issues! Those people are so easy to be around! I hope BIL improves enough so he can get out of the hospital.


I just finished brushing both dogs. I always do it outside and it's always an aerobic activity! It's been several days since I did it and holy moly...did the fur fly! If I was  a spinner....wow... I collect as much as I can and dispose of it - wouldn't want it to get into the AC or be a nuisance.

It was enough to cover another dog :P


Now I need another shower!


Night everyone :manyheart  :hug

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Hi Ladies,


Sherry, Your GS's afghan is great! I sure hope today was better than you expected. That hour will make a big difference in your day. How does DD like her job?


Marisa, Safe travels to your parents. Glad you found your memory card.


Judy, That's a lot of dog hair.


Cindy, Did you get everything done before you melted?


Linda, Glad your computer is back up and running. I bet DD and DGS are all excited about you coming for a visit. How long will you be staying?


Mary, I hope your BIL continues to improve.


I did a load of laundry and some cleaning. I'm a pack rat so I'm cleaning a bit at a time.

I had hubby bring in another fan as are ac isn't a big one and with this many days of 90's it isn't cooling the house enough when it gets this late.

The library today was everyone was a super hero. They got capes from plastic table cloths, they made two arm bands, they decorated there shield by coloring or adding stickers or both, they played(crawling through a tunnel and jumping over two boxes(buildings). When we left we all got a popsicle.

Today is DS's birthday.

Hope everyone has a nice evening and stay cool!




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Marisa - glad you found your memory card!  Enjoy your trip to your parents.


Linda - enjoy your family reunion.


Judy - That's a lot of fur!!  I'm sure they will feel better without all the extra hair!


Well our cool temps are going away.  it's creeping back up in the high 90's and with all the rain, the humidity is horrible!  We got about 4 inches of rain in the last 2 days--that is welcome.


Yesterday was a very long day.  Today won't be much better.  I'm still trying to figure out the new system in quickbooks (I wasn't allowed to set up the new books as they wanted a CPA to do it) and she did it in a way where I can't access some things on reports.  So I'm having to redo some of it so it will work like they want it.  Ughh.    Maybe today I'll make some headway since I won't be in a staff meeting (another thing I strongly dislike). 


Thanks for the lovely comments on the afghan.  Hopefully I'll feel like working on it tonight!


Hope your day goes well--hugs to all and stay cool!!!

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Good morning. Still hot here but it's supposed to cool down by the weekend. I hope so. We are going to an outdoor gathering on Friday evening, and a little cooler air would be welcome. They do have a pool, but I doubt that any of the women will swim. I suppose some of the men might though.


Nothing much planned for today. I didn't accomplish everything on my list yesterday, so I'll get to that today. For some reason, the visit to the dentist exhausted me, and it was only for a teeth cleaning!

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Hi all,

It's been a very, very busy week at work and it's so HOT/hUMID here!!! DD and SIL and the boys were here Tuesday night, last night I had my hair appointment and tonight didn't get home till 7:15!! But I'm off tomorrow so I can clean and get ready for Ryan's party on Saturday


DD in Boston mailed his present and put in a little gift for me- a package of Oatcakes that I always buy when I go to visit here. I love them- and it was so sweet of her to include a package for me!!


Linda- Have a great trip!


Sherry- Hope your yesterday wasn't too awful. Congrats to your GS on his stripe in karate- I saw the post on FB


Judy- Hope you haven't lost power. So far so good here. I couldn't survive without my central AC!! I chuckled about the amount of dog hair you brushed out of Sparkie and Lucy!


Cindy- I hear you about a visit to the dentist. They exhaust me too- and that reminds me I should schedule my cleaning!


Val- Thinking of you


Marisa- Hope you are having fun with your parents!


Mary- You are lucky to have gotten a break from the heat. I can't wait till it breaks here- it drains the life out of you!


Marlene- The library outings sound like so much fun. I told DD she should look into story time for Ryan at her library.


DH is calling so off I go.


Have a good night!

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Hi, everyone,


I'm tired.  The last two days have been busy, so I've been my feet a lot.  Got the laundry done this morning, but still have to pack my suitcase.  I'm building piles on the bed to sort through.  Mainly planning on things that will be cool with a few pashminas and/or shirts for if it's cool.


I took the electric razor to Sweet Pea last weekend to at least get the  worst of the hair off her body.  I've got quite a bag of it with more to come off her tummy and legs.  I haven't decided if I'm going to try to spin it or just pitch it.  :lol


Thinking of you all.  I'll try to stay in touch at least every other day while gone.  The reunion should be a lot of fun.  It's spread over 2 days this year.  I've decided to edit out the high school reunion as just one thing too many to fit in a short amount of time.  Especially as it would mean time away from the family reunion and the day after I arrive back in Iowa. 


Love you all.  :ghug

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Hi, my friends!


Joanne, sweet of DD to remember you!!


Linda, have a wonderful time at the reunion!


This morning the computer lost power for a nanosecoond at the exact moment I heard an electical transformer blow up somewhere nearby! Yikes!!! Please, powers that be.....one more day to get through of dangerous heat....one more day....


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning. Hot, hot, hot here, but there's rain on the way, and supposedly cooler weather. Our thermometer said 99 yesterday, and it was in the shade at the time.


Judy, hope there are no further electrical issues.


Linda, hope you have a safe and fun trip. Sounds like it will be a busy time.


Joanne, how sweet of your dd to send you a gift, but I bet just knowing she was thinking of you, and remembered what you liked, was even more special. Is Ryan's party at your house?


Marlene, your library stories bring back memories. I used to take my kids to a lot of things at the library. You can't beat free entertainment.


Mary, are you getting caught up?


Sherry, hope you have a good day at work today.


Marisa, enjoy your time with your parents.


Val, hope you are doing well.


Tonight we are going to DD's for dinner. I think that we will leave here early and see if we can get dh some presentable clothes. He is quite attached to his old stuff, but it's pretty shabby. He agrees that he should get just a couple of new things!


Tomorrow we are going to a get together at a friends house. I volunteered to bring fruit, so I need to get that as well. Maybe we can stop on our way home this evening for that and save me going out tomorrow.


I finished DD's shawl, although I did not put fringe on it, and I know she'd like that. I started a second scrap baby blanket with the leftovers from the striped scrap blanket. Any lengths of yarn that are too short to do a stripe row, will get used in it. It will just be a solid granny worked as a sort of spiral. I'm not sure how it will look when finished, but I've learned that even when I don't like a project, someone else will.

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HI all,

Taking a break from the cleaning and laundry. It's nice to have today off, just wish it wasn't so darn hot outside. Luckily, it's nice and cool inside...


Judy- Hope that there are no issues from the transformer going nearby and that you keep your power.


Cindy- Yes, it was special to know that DD thought of me-and that she sent me one of my favorite things. I'm blessed to have such wonderful, caring daughters!  Ryan's party is at my house- DD wanted to have a pool party ---the water is so warm that I think tomorrow morning I"m going to add some water to it from the hose in hopes of cooling it down a bit. Supposed to get storms sometime tomorrow as well...so we may be spending lots of time INSIDE the house---probably will anyway since it's really hot/humid outside. Go in the pool and you are dried off in NO time!!! LOL

Have fun tonight- and  you should be able to get some deals on clothes for DH this time of year!


To the rest of the house----coffee break is over....back to my regularly scheduled programming!


Have a good day!

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Happy Saturday, all. :)


Cindy ~ Looking forward to seeing your scrap 'ghans!  Making a baby size is a great idea.  And no, I'm never caught up anymore. :lol


Joanne ~ Party day!  Have a wonderful time - hopefully the rain will stay away. :yes


Judy ~ Wow, you guys have been hotter than us!  I hope you get a break soon - we're supposed to be back over 100 in a few days.


Linda ~ Thinking of you on your trip - have fun at the reunion this weekend. :manyheart


Marlene ~ I know Maya is having a fun summer at Grandma's. :)   The library activities sound great!


Sherry ~ I hope you got the Quickbooks issues figured out.  Have a relaxing weekend.


Valerie ~ Miss you and hope you're doing well. :yes


I woke up at 4:30 and am just waiting for it to get light out so I can work in the yard for a while.  Have a great morning!

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Good morning


Everything is as ready as it's going to be cleaning wise at my house. I even went and treated myself to a mani/pedi this morning. DD should be getting here shortly to help decorate. I sure hope the weather holds out at least for a bit- although T-storms are definitely in the forecast. We'll just make the best of it since we can't do anything about it anyway!


Mary We are finally going to lose our 100 degree temps after this cold front comes through- supposed to be in the 80's after that which will be a much welcome break!!


Linda- Thinking of you and hoping you have a great time with DD, GS and at the family reunion.


I hope you all have wonderful Saturday!!!

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Hi Ladies,


Linda, Hope your enjoying your family reunion and had a safe trip.


Judy, Hope you didn't lose power.


Joanne, How nice of DD to remember you in Ryan's package. Happy Birthday to Ryan! Hope you have a day for his birthday party.


Cindy, Your scrap baby blanket sounds nice. Can't wait to see it and the shawl. Enjoy your outings.


Sherry, Hope you may some head way with the Quicken Books. Congrats to DGS on his stripe in karate.



Mary, Hope you were able to get outside before it got to hot.


Val, I hope your continuing to feel better! We miss you here!


Yesterday was a busy day. I had my physical and things are good, except I have shrunk 2". I'm going for a bone density test. I have to go back for a tetanus shot. I need to start taking calcium and vitamin D and a baby aspirin. I do have to schedule my mammogram. I lost 5 lbs without even trying to. I was surprised. He was very pleased with my blood work.

We picked Maya's sister up Elaina. She is here for the weekend along with DD and there Dad. We had homemade waffles this morning and probably will tomorrow morning to.

We actually got to shut the ac off this morning. It was cooler outside than inside. It seems so nice.

Hubby picked the motor up for the pontoon and today we will be putting it in the water. It will be so nice to take rides around the lake again.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hi, my friends.


Marlene, I take all those things too - I get bone density tests and have also shrunk! :P And the power has stayed on...so far :D  :lol


Joanne, I think you might get lucky with the weather - it's not supposed to rain till later today. Fingers crossed for you! Give the birthday boy an extra kiss for me.... :manyheart

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Hi all,

What a fun day! The weather held up - and everyone had a blast in the pool!!! It was a great party! My middle DD was here and it was great to see her. She hasn't heard back yet about the teaching position but is going to follow up with them this week. She is slowly but surely settling in to her new place.  She makes the best of things, but I know, as mothers do, that she is still hurting. I was so happy that she came today and got a chance to unwind and relax a bit.


Still waiting for the thunderstorms to start to cool things off.....so now that the party is over, they can come any time! LOL


Will catch up in the morning. Time to go unwind....

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Hi House. ♥♥♥


Joanne ~ The party sounds like a great time. :yes   I'm so glad your middle DD was able to be there and that she is doing okay.


Marlene ~ Oh, I hope your cooler weather continues!  Have fun with DD and family - were you able to spend time on the water?


Judy ~ Yep!  We all are getting shorter. :lol  I was always 5'7" and now I'm 5'5" - now, if the weight would automatically go down, too. :D


What's everyone working on?  I finished the dusty rose scarf and started a v-stitch one in dusty purple. 


Have a good morning, all. :manyheart

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Evening All!!  What a busy weekend we had!  Both GS were in a karate tournament yesterday (first tournament for the littlest one).  they both did great!!  Oldest GS got 2 First place trophies (for breaking and hop fighting), little one got one First Place for Sumo Battle (not as bad as it sounds--it's really fun to watch them), and second place for hop fighting.  We were very proud of both of them.  After the tournament we got to go in White Water Bay (a great swim park) and spent most of the day there.  Needless to say, I'm very, very tired and very sore.  Only did the lazy river but that was enough. 


Littlest GS spent the night, so he went to church with us.  usually it's a battle to get him to go to class but he went right in today.  Then it was promotion day, so he got to go to a new class.  He really liked it. 


Well, sounds like Joanne had a great party for Ryan!!  Glad the t-storms held off.  Glad DD got to be there.


Mary - hope you're doing well.  Sounds like a pretty scarf is off your hook now!


Marlene - Glad you have cooler weather!


I'm still working on "Ginkie" for our Godson.  I'm trying to find out when he goes to college so he can take it with him. 


I still haven't figured out what to do with the QuickBooks problem.  I worked on something else on Friday to give my mind a break! 


Well, I'd better go and get something ready to eat (they always seem to want to eat LOL).  Have a great evening all!!  Hugs to all!

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Hi Ladies,


Sherry, Congratulations to both DGS on there trophy wins. The lazy river sounds like fun.


Joanne, It sounds like Ryan's pool party was a hit. Glad the weather cooperated for it. Glad DD was able to join everyone. It sounds like things are coming along for her. I hope she gets that job.


Mary, Congrats on finishing the scarf! Nope I don't get in or on the water.


Judy, DD's doctor told her she needed to take vitamin D a year or so ago. So I mentioned to her my shrinking and told her should get on it. She is only 5'2" or 5'3" and she said I can't afford to shrink. I told her to expect it, it's normal.


We cooked out yesterday and lunch today. It started getting hot and humid yesterday, but we got a little bit of rain and it cooled right down. It got down to 57 last night. I hope it's moving to the east coast to cool you girls off to.

Hubby and Maya's Dad put the motor on the pontoon and that's about as far as it went. Hubby took the motor off he should be able to hook everything back up. But doesn't remember how the steering went. He shouldn't of done it without me being there. He doesn't have a mechanical mind. I'm going to have to call my brothers for there assistance. Men! I would of wrote things down and probably took a picture of how it looked.

I hope everyone has a nice evening!

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Hi everyone. We've had a quiet day today. Our humidity is way down, so we were able to spend most of the day outside.


Sherry, congrats to your grandsons.


Joanne, glad Ryan's party was so much fun. It's good to hear that your middle dd was there.


I did not sleep well last night ecause of a headache, so I'm going to turn in early tonight. Work tomorrow.

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