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Our House Part Two


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Judi good news on sparky. :) :dog


I just talked to my brother he had to put down his 14 year old golden retriever. :( He had a good long life. Pet,pet, bye George :( Pop all the footballs you want now. (giggle)

Awww....your brother has to be so sad. That's a good long life George had...makes it even harder, IMO.

John's home and going to bed early tonight. Take care everyone.:manyheart

Have a good night:hug

Judy, glad that the news about Sparkie is good so far. Hope evrything else is good too.

Thank you....:manyheart

My back is still bugging me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay home from work tomorrow. I really think its just a pulled muscle, because its a constant ache, that gets worse with movement. If I stay home tomorrow, I am off until Monday, which should give it time to heal.

Yup, rest will help, that's for sure...Have a good night:hug:manyheart

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Hi all,

Good news about Sparkie, Judy!!! I was happy to read that bit of news!!!


Linda Have a good night's rest and glad to hear you are taking it easy and taking your pain pills


Cindy- Congrats on having your pattern posted- that's pretty neat. I didn't even know about that site so Mary1- thanks for posting about it!!! It does sound like a good idea to stay home tomorrow and that will give your back a good rest if you don't have to go to work until Monday!


Kiyo- I chuckled about your making the doilies- get busy young lady- LOL


Cheeria- That loom looks awesome and I hope you have fun learning all about making Navajo rugs! I can't wait to see your first project!!! Have a good time at your church conference- we'll miss you Saturday- but you'll be with us in spirit!!!


Marisa- Hope you have fun at the Sixers game tonight!


Julie- I thought they would bring Arthur back on Biggest Loser- but I think you are right- he made some enemies- but he really needs to be there! Maybe he'll surprise us all at the finale!


Wrennie- Sorry to hear about your brother's dog George- Hugs to all!


Mary 2- WOW- 200 bunnies??? WOW!!!!


Toni- Enjoy your evening crocheting the diaper bag- I still haven't eaten dinner- I think I'll make breakfast for dinner after hearing about your eggs!!!


Had a good visit with my DD's MIL and her friend planning the baby shower. One of my co-workers found out that her DD is having a boy- and guess what - same due date as my grandson!


I'm hoping that this yucky weather is the last of "winter" till next year!- had some hail when I was driving home- it was coming down pretty hard and was a little scary- but it didn't last long thank goodness!

Off to get something to eat- and relax for a while. See you in the AM!

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Thanks for the Hi's :)

Wrennie so sorry about your brothers doggie :(:hug

I will try to pop in more often and get to know every one.:) Im just pretty busy right now. works been crazy. and Ill have more to talk about when I learn to crochet :lol

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Hope your back gets better soon! A few days off with some rest is just what it needs.


Marisa, Good luck with your new building search. Hope you had a fun time at the game tonight.


Judy, Glad you got some good news on Sparkie today. Hope the rest of the test are just as good.


Linda, Hope you have a better night of sleeping. Hopefully your mouth will fill better in the morning. Allergies no fun! You and Kim take care of them.


Julie, Glad you have found a project you can work on.


Kiyo, That's a cute hat and felted bag. Aree is precious! More doilies--you go girl!


Joanne, Congrats on maintaining your weight! How neat to have a coworker expecing on the same day as DD and a boy to. Does she crochet? If not you could teach her.


Toni, The diaper bag will be an awesome gift.


Mary2, Sounds like you have been very successful in your breeding before. SD had a bit over 100 a couple of years ago when I was there and we counted them.


Wreenie, Sorry to hear about your brothers dog George.


Cheeria, Can't wait to see your next project.


Chrizty, Hi and Welcome to are group. Visit when you can and come and tell us about yourself. There are some others that do other crafts to and we all like to hear about them.

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Today we had crafts. We only have a few that show up. No one has any new craft to work on so they don't come. I enjoy the friendship and miss it when I go home.

I played cards tonight and got to play with different people. It was a fun night. Hubby watches survivor so he don't play.

Tomorrow there going to decorate bowling balls. They buy those glass stones and glue them on. You have to fill the holes first. After everything dries you sit them out in the yard.

I remember what the doctor gave Maya for her belly. It was zinc.

Friday starts off the Relay for Life here. The park here raises quite a bit of money for it. We will be going to the track and walk some laps with everyone here.

I'll make a pot of coffee for morning. Have a good night and a good thursday!

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Good morning!

Thanks for putting the coffee on Marlene- it's very good! That bowling ball idea sounds really cool to make for a garden decoration! Have fun with it!


Welcome to "our house" Crizty! There are lots of other crafts besides crocheting being done here by some very talented ladies! Stop in when you can- it'll be great to get to know you! I have 3 adult daughters, and my youngest is married to my wonderful son-in-law and they are expecting their first baby (a boy) in August, which is my first grandchild! I work full time- and you'll usually see me posting in the wee hours of the early morn and then again in the evening.


Cindy- Hope your back is doing a little better- are you opting to stay home and continue to rest it?


Tab- How are you my friend? How are the boys and doah? Been thinking about you!


Val- How are you? Did they get you a manager yet so you could cut back some of your hours?


Marisa- Did you have fun at the game? How many more games do you have- season will be winding down soon- and then the playoffs begin- wow- seems to have flown by


Judy-Hope you got some sleep last night- and continued positive thoughts for Sparkie!


Linda- How's your jaw? And I'm so jealous of your spring arrival- we had hail last night and it is generally kind of un springlike out there. At work yesterday, there was one tree that looked like a white dogwood in bloom, but the "blooms" were actually snow- it was so cool the way it looked like a dogwood- wish I would have thought to take a pic!


Sending hugs to all- but I must cut this short and get ready for another day in Paradise!

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Morning ladies


I sure wish we had a few spring days coming this next few ,but it sounds like old man winter is trying to drop in for one more visit. It probably wont be anything major, just maybe a few snowflakes and cold again. We have had some really pretty days lately so I think we may see the light at the end of the tunnel .


Not much new to report here. Life in our town is always pretty doggone boring . Sam has a dinner meeting thing after work so will be home late,so I have the whole day to keep myself occupied . Its ok though, I am used to being here alone a lot .


I ended up ordering another lap quilt kit that is PRE-quilted so it wont need anything done to it once it is done . It's gonna be pretty I think .. it's not a fast project so you dont achieve a lot at a time, but it's ok .something to keep my hands occupied .


Hope you all have a great day .



The decorated bowling balls sounds interesting. I'd like to see a picture of one when it is done.


Will check in later ~~

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Good morning ladies :hi


My sixers won last night :clap Work was busy yesterday and the guy came to fix my sewing machine So now it works :yay I'll have to mend some things this weekend :think

I'm enjoying my coffee (thank you Marlene) and I will start another pot because between me and Joanne...... :blush


Julie - I'm not quite sure what a lap quilt project is, but I'm glad your enjoying working on it and can't wait to see some pics :yes


Wrennie - I hope that snow and ice doesn't linger around too long. My parents got a few inches yesterday, but we just had rain all day.


Linda - Did you finish the scarf? I hope your tooth is feeling better today and that your allergies aren't too awfully bad :hug


Mary1 - Did you have fun babysitting? I know you did :wink


Kiyo - Glad to hear your bf is starting to feel better too and yep, you better get moving on those doilies!!!!


Marlene - Did you win at your card game? How's your rr coming along? I hope you walked and walked at the relay :hug


Mary2 - :eek 100 bunnies!!!! That sure is alot of bunnies, and many more to come after playing madam and breeding :lol


Cheeria - We sure will miss you at the meet up on saturday, but it will come again :hug I can't wait to see your new weaving project come together :bounce


Cindy - Did you take off today to let your back rest up some more? I sure hope you feel better soon :yes Congrats on having your baby blanket featured yesterday :yay


Judy - Glad to hear such a biggie ruled out for Sparkie :clap Now the waiting...... :hug We're here waiting with you :hug


Toni - yummy, eggs!!! One of my favorites :yes It's also rainy and cold here today too.


Joanne - That's awesome that your friend has the same due date for her grandkid :lol Glad to hear the shower planning is going well. I have about 7 more home games this season. I'm still debating on playoff tix, I got a letter in the mail about it, but have to call my sales rep about it.


Chrizty - :welcome Hi there. As the others said, everyone in here does other crafting as well so feel free to enlighten us about your crafting :yes It's ok if you don't have crochet to talk about, and in fact we spend more time talking about other stuff and occassionally crochet gets thrown in there :lol:blush


OK, so I'm not so sure how I feel about this chiro office anymore. We got some feedback through friends of the area/location and I'm starting to second guess now. My sister is still going to check it out on saturday and we'll go from there on it. I'm thinking that this one will not be the one though. I am waiting to recieve info on 2 other offices just outside pitt (via snail mail :eek) so will see what they are about and have to offer. I'm also going to continue looking at empty spaces as well to see what I can find available.


I was planning on getting back to my workout routine after being sick for a week and a half, but as I sit here, I'm still coughing quite a bit and think I might just push it til the weekend to get started back :think We'll see, maybe I'll just go do a slow comfortable pace and not push it at all, better than nothing and a good way to prep to push it on the weekend :think Yep, I think that's what I'll do :yes

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'morning, peeps!

Sparkie had a good night and is comfortable this morning. I still didn't sleep well...have my own physical issues that do that to me now and then, and last night was one of them.

I think this is what happens when we get "older":lol:lol:lol


Marisa, you're right not to push the working out...we don't want you to have a replapse and not be able to get up here for our "weet up"!



Thanks for the Hi's :)

Wrennie so sorry about your brothers doggie :(:hug

I will try to pop in more often and get to know every one.:) Im just pretty busy right now. works been crazy. and Ill have more to talk about when I learn to crochet :lol

Welcome!:hug Crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embrodery, weaving, quilting...you'll find someone here who does any - sometime ALL - of those things! If youwant any help on anything, just shout....:)


I ended up ordering another lap quilt kit that is PRE-quilted so it wont need anything done to it once it is done . It's gonna be pretty I think .. it's not a fast project so you dont achieve a lot at a time, but it's ok .something to keep my hands occupied .

I tried a prestamped lapquilt once....gave up on it though. I changed colors in my bedroom and it was supposed to be a wall hanging:blush

Can you show us a link for it??


Off I go...making sure I don't meet everyone on Sat with my gray showing. 11 AM appointment:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

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Good morning, housemates. The pollen count went from 2,459 yesterday to 3,939 today. This is insane! Needless to say, Kim and I will be staying inside today.


I slept the night through. The socket is sore this morning, but not as bad as yesterday, so I'm on a steady improvement recovery. Was able to eat soft stuff yesterday without too much difficulty, which also helped.


My back is still bugging me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay home from work tomorrow. I really think its just a pulled muscle, because its a constant ache, that gets worse with movement. If I stay home tomorrow, I am off until Monday, which should give it time to heal.

Take care of your back. Have you put a heating pad on it or some Tiger Balm, IcyHot, or some such on it. I find those help when mine is acting up.


Thanks for the Hi's :)

I will try to pop in more often and get to know every one.:) Im just pretty busy right now. works been crazy. and Ill have more to talk about when I learn to crochet :lol

Chrizty, you don't have to crochet to be a member of this group. We all seem to do multiple crafts and love talking about and sharing pictures of all of them. I've got two quilts in process at the moment and just finished a third.


I have been crafting for about 50 years and was taught to crochet by my grandmother and to knit by my mom. I also do counted cross stitch and embroidery. And I've been quilting for about 2 1/2 years now.


I have two children and one grandchild. I'm a caregiver/companion for a lady who has had 3 major strokes. Her name is Kim and you'll hear me talk about her a lot. Her husband's name is John.

Good morning ladies :hi

Work was busy yesterday and the guy came to fix my sewing machine So now it works :yay I'll have to mend some things this weekend :think

OK, so I'm not so sure how I feel about this chiro office anymore. We got some feedback through friends of the area/location and I'm starting to second guess now. My sister is still going to check it out on saturday and we'll go from there on it. I'm thinking that this one will not be the one though. I am waiting to recieve info on 2 other offices just outside pitt (via snail mail :eek) so will see what they are about and have to offer. I'm also going to continue looking at empty spaces as well to see what I can find available.


I was planning on getting back to my workout routine after being sick for a week and a half, but as I sit here, I'm still coughing quite a bit and think I might just push it til the weekend to get started back :think We'll see, maybe I'll just go do a slow comfortable pace and not push it at all, better than nothing and a good way to prep to push it on the weekend :think Yep, I think that's what I'll do :yes

Sorry that this office looks to be a bummer. The right place for you is out there. Just keep looking, I know you'll find it.


Take it easy on the exercise.


Joanne, how fun that you and your co-worker are both expecting grandsons on the same day.

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Well, I decided to do the light and comfortable workout and I feel better that I did something :lol I definitely did not push myself. Have my bfast now and then off to work :sigh


Judy - my grays will be showing since I'm well over due and they won't get done until I go home again since my mom does mine :lol They show pretty nicely against my dark hair, but usually if it falls right, you can only see a couple in the front :devil Hope you feel better :hug


Linda - I hope your allergies don't act up too much today, that's a huge jump in pollen :( Take care of yourself and Kim :hug I'm really thinking I will just start my practice from scratch, but it seems finding the space is the biggest obstacle :lol We'll push through though ;)

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Thanks for the Hi's :)

Wrennie so sorry about your brothers doggie :(:hug

I will try to pop in more often and get to know every one.:) Im just pretty busy right now. works been crazy. and Ill have more to talk about when I learn to crochet :lol



Good morning! Hello! No need to worry about learning to crochet---just jump in! Fun lil groupie we are here! We love to see each others work----I'm not a knitter or a quilter, but I crochet and scrapbook and ......talk a lot!

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Happy Thursday, everyone! Gracie got me up at 3:30, then she and Zoe ran up and down the stairs for a while. :rolleyes They both went back to sleep, but their mom couldn't...going to be a long day. :lol


Chrizty ~ Hi and Welcome! I hope you'll join in when you can. :yes


Linda ~ Oh, that's good news about the tooth feeling better. I have consumed lots of mashed potatoes and gravy because of dental work. :D


Julie ~ Looking forward to pictures! How is Mr. Cam doing? Will you see him this weekend?


Judy ~ Yay for Sparkie doing so well. :manyheart


Joanne ~ I love DD's MIL - and it's wonderful that you like eachother. Sure makes things easier! August will be here before you know it! :c9


Cindy ~ I sure hope your back is better today. :hug


Hi to all of the House!


I plan on being here all day - and hope to squeeze in a little crocheting.:hook

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Thanks for the Hi's :)

Wrennie so sorry about your brothers doggie :(:hug

I will try to pop in more often and get to know every one.:) Im just pretty busy right now. works been crazy. and Ill have more to talk about when I learn to crochet :lol


Hi Chryzty, you don't have to crochet to chat in here. Besides crocheting, I sew, cross stitch, embroider, quilt and knit. (and probably more things that I have forgotten about.....)

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Good morning all. I did end up calling in today, although I feel kind of guilty about it. I called in last night, but I set my alarm for 5:30 in case my back would be all better today. It's definitely improved, but I don't think I could work. When it really bothers me I get out the heating pad, and that seems to improve it quite a bit.


I haven't done much yet this morning. I am in a mood to read, so that's mostly what I've been occupying myself with. I am going to do some laundry this afternoon though.


We are celebrating ,my fil's birthday tonight with a family dinner out, and after dinner dh and I will get groceries.


Its really pretty outside today. Yesterday's ice hasn't melted yet, and it snowed just a tiny bit last night. Today the sun is shining and everything is sparkling.

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Good luck on finding th right office. I think you will know it when you go look through them all and see the street, the office space,etc ,one will just look like what you have been hunting for and you will know it is the right one for you .

Take it easy with the exercise -- maybe you could do a little then rest between times.




Sounds like you have had a rough week . Hope things with the vet tests come back ok and that can be resolved soon, then maybe you will feel better and more able to sleep .




It sounds weird for you to be talking about pollen count this early,and we are back to winter coats again . Just a very light dusting of snow so far. Hope it is over,but I'm not sure .

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Just a quick HI HOUSE! I didn't sleep well, got up WAYYYY to early and logged on to work at 5am.


Now I'm tired but have to get ready for my chemo treatment and getting groceries this afternoon. My sister should be calling me soon saying she's on her way.



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Wow, Linda, like Jules we're back in winter coats today. We had that dangerous hail last night that Joanne mentioned but the roads were ok this AM. Cars and grass were covered, though. With that pollen you definitely need to hibernate today!


I'm a redhead again:lol


This morning I also felted a bag almost identical to mine, for my goddaughter. I added a flap to it and want to check out Michaels for some "French" looking fabric for the lining and a pretty button or frog to keep the flap closed. I have fabric with a fleur-de-lis pattern but was thinking of something less serious looking:lol


I also finished (except for the border) a lapghan. I used a couple of heart squares (12 inch) from Marisa and added some more to the mix. It's only 9 squares big, but is perfect for a lapghan. It won't drag is the person using it is in a wheelchair.


And my neighborhood book club meets tonight. I didn't read the book pick but am looking forward to the laughs....



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Hi there Toni


Hope your day goes well and you dont get too tired with getting up so early and things to get done today !



Hey Jude

Good to know you are all gussied up with your new hairdo ! I always have the same hair . Have never dyed it .My sister used to wanna work on it all the time because she is a cosmetologist. She picked the worst career if she wanted to practice her skills on me !


When she lived here she used to cut all our hair,and once she gave me a PERM,but as soon as she left, I went to the drugstore,bought another one, and combed it through my hair til it was straight again .


I got it straight,but it sounded like walking through dead leaves in the fall when I ran my hand through it !


I guess I'm not a very adventuresome person. Like the same hair,same type clothes and same foods ,never wanna try anything new .

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For those who were asking, here is a link to the lap quilt I am working on . I have ALMOST one of the small stars done .


I'll post some progress when I get it far enough to tell what I am making. I am enjoying it so far and it looks pretty . Hope I can stick with it . No clue what to do with it when done, it is mainly to keep my hands busy . Maybe I'll seal it away in a box I am making for Cam, of all my stuff I want him to have when I go on that last elevator ride.

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Hi there Toni


Hope your day goes well and you dont get too tired with getting up so early and things to get done today !



Hey Jude

Good to know you are all gussied up with your new hairdo ! I always have the same hair . Have never dyed it .My sister used to wanna work on it all the time because she is a cosmetologist. She picked the worst career if she wanted to practice her skills on me !


When she lived here she used to cut all our hair,and once she gave me a PERM,but as soon as she left, I went to the drugstore,bought another one, and combed it through my hair til it was straight again .


I got it straight,but it sounded like walking through dead leaves in the fall when I ran my hand through it !


I guess I'm not a very adventuresome person. Like the same hair,same type clothes and same foods ,never wanna try anything new .



Come on Julie!!!!Hair grows back or out or in your case breaks off. lol----live on the edge!!! :0) hmmmm.......yeah.....kinda like my crazy wild hair.

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