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Our House Part Two


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Good Morning, Ladies. :) This will be quick - babysitting again for a couple hours this a.m. - then grocery shopping on the way home.


Linda ~ Our allergies are kicking in, too. :( I hope your mouth feels better soon and that Kim is doing okay. :hug


Judy ~ Hugs to you and Sparkie today! :hug


I hope everyone has a great day! :manyheart

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Hello everyone. Another good day at work today. My back is really bothering me, although I'm not sure what I did to it. Hopefully a lttle rest and some ibuprofen will fix it. i don't have to work tomorrow, but I have to go in for a meeting in the afternoon.


It's snowing and sleeting here. In theory, it's not really cold enough for it to stick, (its in the high 30's), but its coming down so hard that the ground is white.


Marlene, sounds like such a lot going on with your family. Sending good thoughts.


Judy, sending good thoughts for Sparkie. I'm really sorry that the timing is so poor too. I'm sure that emebering Susie and worrying about Sparkie are really making this a hard day for you.:hug:hug


Marisa, glad you got to avoid the deposition.


Linda, glad you got the dentist over with. Hope your recovery is easy, and that you can keep the pain under control.


Kiyo, your projects look great. That felted purse is really nice. And is that Aree? She is beautiful.


She's adorable!!!



**ThAnK YoU!!!**

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Good Morning Ladies,


I'm getting ready to go to crafts this morning. I'll be working on my rr.

I wanted to let Cindy know her Lilac Baby Blanket is being featured at www.dailycrocheter.com today. Congratulations!

I'll check back in later today. Have a good day everyone!

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thanks for setting up the coffee pot Mary2!!! It sure is good-and was so nice to wake up to that smell of freshly brewed coffee!!! You may have mentioned, but how many bunnies do you have?


Numbers can depend a lot on how many baby bunnies are in the barn. I also have a friend's rabbits living in my barn too. I have around 200 :hook

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:cheer GOOD MORNING :cheer


Seems all is well in here this morning- Coffee on.....I took the last of it, put a new pot on! THANK YOU MARY! Allergies........oh how I hate them! Aree is HORRRRRIBLE when it comes to them. Knock on wood it hasn't warmed up enough here just yet for it all to kick up! Soon though, I'm afraid...soon!


Joanne---WTG!!!! I need to start my weight loss PERIOD!! That's awesome!


Linda---yeah for the tooth being gone, BLAH for the aftershocks they leave 'eh? I worked in the dental field and LOVED it! If they would of paid me back then what they do now, I would still be there! :0*( makes me sad to think of it.


Julie.......HEY GIRL! Hope all is holding up for you!


Marissa......glad you're on the up and ups- J just started feeling better last friday--only after 3 weeks of sheer He!!> He was so miserable being sick.


Madam Mary- great job w/ the bunnies! I always wanted a little lop eared bunny, but my dogs would eat it like it was a chicken leg. Maybe not Pixie, she would think she had a new friend. lol


To everyone else-----GOOOOOOD HUMP DAY!!!!

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Numbers can depend a lot on how many baby bunnies are in the barn. I also have a friend's rabbits living in my barn too. I have around 200 :hook

WOW!! :eek That's a lot of bunnies.


Congratulations, Cindy. :clap :clap :clap

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Hi house, thanks for all the happy birthday. This year I did what I wanted to do and it was a great way to spend my birthday. I decided to treat myself to five weeks of on-line classes in learning how to weave navajo style rugs. So my time have been consume with learning how to warp the loom and gathering all the supplies I need from a navajo trading post in Arizona. Besides that I have to read my textbook on How to weave the Navajo Way. :D So yes I am busy, busy but happy to be learning something completely new.


Here are some pictures of my navajo loom and the warp that I have put on it. It took 3 1/2 hours to put the warp on and stablize it. Fun stuff :lol:lol






I know no one in the group is into the same type of fibre arts that I participate in besides knitting and crocheting, but I still want to share my work with you.


This week is meet-up which I can't attend :( for I have a conference to attend for two days (Friday and Saturday) at my church. I know the meet-up group will have fun and that my thoughts will be there with you.


My lil grand darlings are fine and growing and making a complete mess of my home which is normal for little ones. ;) Every evening I have to pull my home back together again which is okay with me.


I didn't have to go to AC Moore to pick up another hook which was missing for suddenly Sunday morning it appear on the floor by my closet and I was really glad to see it for now I can resume crocheting my doily-ghan. :eek


Sorry for not answering any posts but I wrote this post on the fly when the lil darlings were busy but now they are getting into nono's so I got to run now. Hugs:hug:hug

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We had quite a bit of ice last night and as a result our internet wasn;t working until an hour or so ago. Apparently lots of people are without electricity as well.


My back is still bothering me, so I am just relaxing for today. Its better than it was yesterday. I am planning to go to a meeting at work later this afternoon.


Good Morning Ladies,


I'm getting ready to go to crafts this morning. I'll be working on my rr.

I wanted to let Cindy know her Lilac Baby Blanket is being featured at www.dailycrocheter.com today. Congratulations!

I'll check back in later today. Have a good day everyone!


Thanks for letting me know. I never check that site.

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Hi house, thanks for all the happy birthday. This year I did what I wanted to do and it was a great way to spend my birthday. I decided to treat myself to five weeks of on-line classes in learning how to weave navajo style rugs. So my time have been consume with learning how to warp the loom and gathering all the supplies I need from a navajo trading post in Arizona. Besides that I have to read my textbook on How to weave the Navajo Way. :D So yes I am busy, busy but happy to be learning something completely new.


Here are some pictures of my navajo loom and the warp that I have put on it. It took 3 1/2 hours to put the warp on and stablize it. Fun stuff :lol:lol






I know no one in the group is into the same type of fibre arts that I participate in besides knitting and crocheting, but I still want to share my work with you.


I didn't have to go to AC Moore to pick up another hook which was missing for suddenly Sunday morning it appear on the floor by my closet and I was really glad to see it for now I can resume crocheting my doily-ghan. :eek

I'm looking forward to seeing your weaving as it progresses, Cheeria. And hooray for finding your hook. :clap :clap :clap

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Hi, my friends...

I read through everyone's posts...chuckled at the rabbit "madam" reference and was glad to see that Linda is taking the pain pills.

Cindy, congrats on getting that beautiful pattern posted! I hope your back continues to improve.:hug



Sparkie update:

No bone cancer, tg, from what the vet saw on the xrays:)....she sent out some samples for cytology tests, though, so we'll see what happens with that. It'll take a couple of days or more to get that back.


I'm so thankful for your understanding, good thoughts and prayers...I couldn't get through life's trials and uncertainties without my friends:manyheart:hug

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Hi Jude

So glad to hear one piece of good news ! Hoping that the other tests come back clear as well .

Been waiting to hear from you ,but knew you said you'd be gone for quite awhile today .


Hang in there- this waiting is the worst part I think .

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Hope your back improves ,and congrats on your pattern being chosen to be posted elsewhere on the web !



We will be watching to see what kind of magic that weaver makes ! Looks very confusing to me, but maybe once you learn it isnt as hard .



Glad you are on the mend with the sore tooth. Probably in a couple days you wont even notice it anymore .



Hey there Kiyo -you ornery thing . Whatcha up to today ?

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~~JULIE JULIE JULLLLIE~!~~ hey girlie!! Right now.....I'm dancin in my seat to some Usher, Michael Jackson, Boys II Men........ and thinking what a nice day it is outside but I'm stuck indoors! And you my friend??

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OH and I'm thinking I should get a "FEW" of my doiles made for my up and coming "SPECIAL TRIP"!!!! mmmmmm hmmmmmmm!!! Wink wink!!!

you are tooooooo funny!:lol

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Sparkie update:

No bone cancer, tg, from what the vet saw on the xrays:)....she sent out some samples for cytology tests, though, so we'll see what happens with that. It'll take a couple of days or more to get that back.


I'm so thankful for your understanding, good thoughts and prayers...I couldn't get through life's trials and uncertainties without my friends:manyheart:hug

That's great news about Sparkie. Hope the rest of the tests are negative, too. :hug :hug :hug


Kim's been sleeping most of the day, to make up for last night when she didn't really sleep at all. I've been crocheting on a scarf, which is 2/3 done now. Something mindless is what I've needed today. :D

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Judi good news on sparky. :) :dog


I just talked to my brother he had to put down his 14 year old golden retriever. :( He had a good long life. Pet,pet, bye George :( Pop all the footballs you want now. (giggle)


it's snowed all day but hasnt really stuck. The surfaces are getting icy now. Wouldn't want to be on the roads after dark tonight.


:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit200 BUNNIES!!:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit:rabbit :faint

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Hi House :wave Don't know where the day went. Worked, napped, did dishes, took shower, fed furples and here it is 4:30 central already!


Madam Mary that's a lot of bunnies. WOW!


Linda, full bloom here too and boy does it have my eyes dry and itchy. Glad to hear the tooth is doing better and you're taking good meds.


Hiya Julie!!!


Joanne, Wrennie, Cindy, sorry about more snow. We're supposed to get some rain and get colder here. Possible freeze overnight Thursday. That's spring in the south.


:cheer way to go Cindy having your pattern displayed :cheer Hope your back is feeling better.


Cheeria, love your loom work. When you said Navajo Loom all I could think about was a Native American woman sitting outside by her teepee with her loom creating a gorgeous blanket. Nice mind image.


Jude, so happy to hear no cancer found for Sparkie. I'll keep him and you in my prayers that the next tests come back just as good!


Kiyo, Marissa, Marlene and anyone else I missed, hope your day has been a good one and your evening even better.



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It's raining. Not storming, so that's good. Cold front behind the rain. Fixed some scrambled eggs with sausage scrambles for supper. Comfort food and always good when I just don't want anything because my mouth is sore. So that I get my fruit and veggies, drinking a glass of V8 Splash or whatever, that gets a serving of each in every glass *LOL*


Going to log off in a bit and work on the diaper bag.


Y'all have a wonderful evening!

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Judy, glad that the news about Sparkie is good so far. Hope evrything else is good too.


My back is still bugging me. I'm pretty sure I'm going to stay home from work tomorrow. I really think its just a pulled muscle, because its a constant ache, that gets worse with movement. If I stay home tomorrow, I am off until Monday, which should give it time to heal.


In the meantime, I was very lazy today. I read a book and a half today, no crafting or housework done at all.


Good night everyone.

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