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Our House Part Two


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Good morning, housemates. It's sunny and nice again today. Rosie is going to sit with Kim while I have the tooth pulled. At least it will soon be over. I'm such a chicken about dentists. At least I know that this guy is good. That helps.


Hubby and I got all the skirting around the trailer. Two weeks ago we had a cover put over it. That will protect it from all the heat and or any bad storms they may have. They have to come back as fix it as it isn't straight. So next year when we want to put a deck down it will never be straight and a real pain to try and get it straight. The owner of the park went to the company and told them they had to come and fix it. Problem is they sell the covers and hire people from out of town to put them up so we have to wait until they have another job in are area .

Bummer. At least it will get taken care of.

Things are winding down here in the park. We will be heading home sometime in April. On are way home we will stop and visit with Hubby's sister and her family. They live near Houston.

Maya has been complaining about her stomach hurting and has a lot of gas so DD took her to the doctor friday. They said she has to much acid in her stomach and gave her a prescription for something. I can't remember what it is. DD said Maya cries every morning now when she has to go to daycare, but after she is there for awhile she is okay. She'll be ready to come spend sometime with us. I don't think she is going to spend the whole summer with us this year. So she keeps her spot at daycare.

Poor Maya. :hug :hug :hug

My DS and his family still need everyones prayers.

:hug :hug :hug Prayers coming their way.

Going to lunch tomorrow with all the ladies. The owner here is taking us to lunch for are birthdays. Last week the kitchen fund took us for lunch for all are hard work.

How nice.

We went to a rattle snack race saturday. I didn't find it to interesting. What was interesting was they had a booth and there was a whole bunch of snakes in there and they opened a sleeping bag up partially and layed it down on the ground and a man crawled in it. They put 13 snakes in there with him. When they were done he carefully crawled out.

Eeewwww!! :eek Not my cup of tea. :no

Judy- You'll appreciate this- I was actually mulling over in my mind doing the baby nine patch from Happy Yellow House!:eek I really like it, but not so sure about all those squares and sewing! And how many more would you need to make it regular baby size and not preemie? :ghug

How many you need depends on how big your squares are. At 2" you'd need about 360 squares, at 3" you'd need just 144 squares, and 2 1/2 " is about half way in between. If you whip stitch the squares together the joining really isn't that bad and doesn't take all that long.

About Sparkie

The vet checked him and besides the bad fluid build up she didn't like how unusually large the inner part of his upper thighbone was...and she found an enlarged lymph node on the back of that leg.

We're taking him back in for an xray early Wed AM (he needs to fast so he can be sedated for it) so they can "rule out" a tumor.

And today is a year since Susie went to the Rainbow Bridge:(

I had a rough few hours during the night, to say the least.

tg for my crocheting - it helps distract me.

:hug :hug :hugGood luck with Sparkie. I hope it's nothing too serious. Anniversaries are hard. :hug :hug :hug

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I'm home. Actually been home for about 40 minutes. This one was stubborn and he had to dig out both roots, but he got all of them. Now it's just recuperating. Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon, but that's the only other thing on the calendar for this week, so shouldn't be bad at all.


:hug :hug :hug

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Sorry you are having these scarey tests ,vet visits with Sparkie ,and it is probably worse being at the same time as last year's sad event .

Hope they find that the problem is small,removeable,and everything will be ok .




Glad you got your tooth out ,so no more worries and waiting to get it done . B careful with nuts-- those seem to be bad luck food items for your poor teeth .

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~~Good morning ladies~~ happy snowy, spring, morning!


For all having health issues----my prayers are with you. Sparkie as well!

For all who just need my prayers.........I got ya'!


All is going well here! Just whittling away my days! Hoping the time passes quickly! Wishing the weight on my midsection and bottom section would disappear on it's own but it's not! you know......everyday wishes!

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Hi Ladies. :) I've missed a lot - again. ;) I'm so glad the 'Ville's server wasn't out too long!


Linda ~ Yay for having the oral surgery over with! I hope you don't have too much pain to deal with. :hug Congratulations on all the quilting progress! :clap


Judy ~ Oh, poor Sparkie. :hug Hopefully, the vet can clear this up quickly. :yes


Wrennie ~ So sorry to read about your library. :( What have you been working on?


Joanne ~ Your baby 'ghan turned out so cute. :hook Love the bright colors and pattern.


Julie ~ What are you making with the cotton yarn? I'm glad it's working so far! Yes, it's been so nice to spend time in the yard...when summer hits with 100 + temps, it's not so much fun. :lol


Marlene ~ Hi! You all keep so busy at the coast - it sounds like you have wonderful friends there!


Miss Kiyo ~ Ooh - a cruise sounds so good! Yay for trying the felting...I haven't yet.


And a big HI to those I've missed. :manyheart

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~~My latest projects!~~ The FELTING was awesome!! I loved it!


They are both wonderful, Kiyo! :clap


I'll be finished with a couple of scarves soon! Will you please p.m. me your address? Thanks!

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Hello everyone. Another good day at work today. My back is really bothering me, although I'm not sure what I did to it. Hopefully a lttle rest and some ibuprofen will fix it. i don't have to work tomorrow, but I have to go in for a meeting in the afternoon.


It's snowing and sleeting here. In theory, it's not really cold enough for it to stick, (its in the high 30's), but its coming down so hard that the ground is white.


Marlene, sounds like such a lot going on with your family. Sending good thoughts.


Judy, sending good thoughts for Sparkie. I'm really sorry that the timing is so poor too. I'm sure that emebering Susie and worrying about Sparkie are really making this a hard day for you.:hug:hug


Marisa, glad you got to avoid the deposition.


Linda, glad you got the dentist over with. Hope your recovery is easy, and that you can keep the pain under control.


Kiyo, your projects look great. That felted purse is really nice. And is that Aree? She is beautiful.

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Hi all! I'm late today. Worked late and then took a nap. Went to bed EARLY last night. Pollen = allergies=tiredness to go along with my anemia from my illness. And I wound up working 7.5 hours yesterday instead of the 4 I am supposed to work. They forget I'm part-time and I'm loaded down with orders to be placed.

We did find out my problem with the system, well at least one of them, and was able to reconcile one purchase on my bank statement :woo


About Sparkie

The vet checked him and besides the bad fluid build up she didn't like how unusually large the inner part of his upper thighbone was...and she found an enlarged lymph node on the back of that leg.


:hug :hugand prayers for Sparkie and his mom. I know how worried you must be. Our furples are family!

We're taking him back in for an xray early Wed AM (he needs to fast so he can be sedated for it) so they can "rule out" a tumor.

And today is a year since Susie went to the Rainbow Bridge:(

More :hug:hug:hug this month was a year ago I lost my Ginger so I'm right there with you.

I had a rough few hours during the night, to say the least.

tg for my crocheting - it helps distract me.


I'm home. Actually been home for about 40 minutes. This one was stubborn and he had to dig out both roots, but he got all of them. Now it's just recuperating.

:hug :hug :hug


OUCH, hurts me just reading this. Hope you got some pain killers.


~~My latest projects!~~ The FELTING was awesome!! I loved it!

Very nice!!! I love felting and I'm glad I could steer you in the direction of some affordable yarns. I'm on fixed income as well as my part-time job, so know where to find bargains :lol


Hello everyone. Another good day at work today. My back is really bothering me, although I'm not sure what I did to it. Hopefully a lttle rest and some ibuprofen will fix it. i don't have to work tomorrow, but I have to go in for a meeting in the afternoon.

Oh, hope your back is feeling better by the time you read this. Glad you don't have to work tomorrow!

It's snowing and sleeting here. In theory, it's not really cold enough for it to stick, (its in the high 30's), but its coming down so hard that the ground is white.




Marlene, sounds like such a lot going on with your family. Sending good thoughts.


:hug:hug My hugs to Marlene and prayers too.



To everyone :hug:hug:hugY'all

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Thanks so much for the hugs....I feel each and every one of them:manyheart Fortunately we were busy today, so the day went by okay. And the rymadel for Sparkie's pain worked very well, just like the vet predicted. We're actually having to slow him down when he goes out to the yard. It's nice seeing him virtually pain free.


I'm home. Actually been home for about 40 minutes. This one was stubborn and he had to dig out both roots, but he got all of them. Now it's just recuperating. Kim has a doctor appointment this afternoon, but that's the only other thing on the calendar for this week, so shouldn't be bad at all.


:hug :hug :hug

I'm glad it's done with...but not as much as you are! Take as many pain killers as you need:hug


~~My latest projects!~~ The FELTING was awesome!! I loved it!

Beautiful work! Felting IS lots of fun.:yes


We're off early to bring Sparkie to the vet tomorrow and then a couple of errands, so I won't be on till later on in the day.


Hugs to everyone:hug:manyheart:hug

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Judy, so glad to hear Sparkie is doing better with the meds! It makes me smile knowing you have to slow him down.


Okay, back to crocheting for me. I started a new project (I KNOW the tea cozy is calling my name, I KNOW I need to get the tapesters done, but...) It's a diaper bag and changing pad for my grandson and his fiance. Also, bought a pattern and ordered some #1 cotton from KnitPicks to make a pretty little halter top for the three year old so she won't feel left out when the baby comes. They live in FL, so thought cotton would be the best to make it with.


Pattern was $5.99 at AA, but found the same one on Ravelry for $4.99. A dollar saved...



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~~My latest projects!~~ The FELTING was awesome!! I loved it!

They are both lovely, Kiyo. :clap :clap :clap


Took Kim to the doctor this afternoon to recheck her coumadin (blood thinner) level. Going to try a couple of other things, too, for her drippy nose and hiatal hernia.


My jaw aches a lot more this time around, so I've been using the ice packs on it and taking the pain pills. Going to call it quits ealy tonight.


Take care everyone. :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug


Judy, I'm glad Sparkie's doing better already. :hug :hug :hug

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Hello housemates!!!

I stopped at the book sale again tonight- I just couldn't resist- and picked up a few Debbie Macomber paperbacks for $1.00 each. Then I treated myself to a Starbuck's coffee- came home- had dinner and here I am!


Cindy- Hope the ibuprofen helps your back and glad you are off tomorrow to rest it!


Toni- Tea Cozy is calling-:lol:lol Have fun with the NEW project!!!


Judy- Hugs to you-:hug:hug and hope all works out well for Sparkie- Glad to read that he is pain free with the meds! I'll be thinking special thoughts for you guys tomorrow!:hug


Linda-I was glad to read that the tooth is gone! Hope that Kim's visit to the doctor went well and that you'll get to rest a little tonight- remember pain meds are there to help you feel better! Thanks for doing the math on the # of squares- maybe I'll do 3 inch so I only have to make 144:think.


Kiyo- Aree is a beautiful model- love the hat and the felted purse!!!


Julie- I'll be watching Biggest Loser with you in a few minutes! Can't wait to see who returns to the Ranch.


Marisa- How did the deposition go today? And how are you feeling? One of my co-workers had bronchitis- was on antibiotics last week- still sick - and she had jury duty today- they sent her home since she was coughing too much!


I had my weigh in at WW today- and I maintained my 10 lbs of wt loss on wk #2 I have 4 more weeks to go of maintenance and I get lifetime membership!!! I'm really happy about that! And I'm happy with my weight now. I finally remembered to take my pants to Goodwill with me this morning and I refuse to go back up in size. This is a good weight for me and I feel great!


I met with the Director of my former department where I'll be returning to and we had a good discussion. I still have bittersweet feelings about the project coming to an end- I really liked my co-workers on this team and we'll all be returning to our respective departments. I'm looking forward to having lunch with them all once a month! We'll see each other at work but it will not be same as sitting in the same aisle with them.

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Good evening ladies :hi


The deposition this morning went fairly well :clap My boss thought the opposing atty was going to go a little stray with his questioning, but overall not nearly as bad as we were expecting :no It was about an hour and would've been much less if we didn't have to keep pausing for objections :sigh Between the 2 of them it was like 2 kids fighting over a candy bar :lol I gotta say that's the first time I've seen them act like that in there. But anyways, an hour of my time and a great paycheck later to be put away for my move later :yes I'm feeling much better today too :yes Not 100% yet, but definitely better :yay


My sister is going on saturday to see this office out there, which I'm excited about. I have to make her a little checklist of what to look at :think My boss also gave some pointers for that too. She also questioned some friends of hers that know that area a bit better than she does and it seems they all had good things to say about it :D


Judy - I hope Sparkie's xray goes well tomorrow, keeping him and you in my prayers :yes


Linda - :yay for having the tooth taken care of and it was nice of Rosie to sit with Kim for you :yes


Julie - Hey there young lady, what were you up to today?


Kiyo - Love the hat and little felted bag :manyheart And yes.....best model!!!!!!


Mary1 - Hope you had a good day there :hug


Cindy - Sorry your back is bothering you, rest up tomorrow :yes The coming snow may have a slight play in increasing that pain too :think:(


Toni - They are just working you to the bone over there :hug

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Hello housemates!!!

I stopped at the book sale again tonight- I just couldn't resist- and picked up a few Debbie Macomber paperbacks for $1.00 each. Then I treated myself to a Starbuck's coffee- came home- had dinner and here I am!


Cindy- Hope the ibuprofen helps your back and glad you are off tomorrow to rest it!


Toni- Tea Cozy is calling-:lol:lol Have fun with the NEW project!!!


Judy- Hugs to you-:hug:hug and hope all works out well for Sparkie- Glad to read that he is pain free with the meds! I'll be thinking special thoughts for you guys tomorrow!:hug


Linda-I was glad to read that the tooth is gone! Hope that Kim's visit to the doctor went well and that you'll get to rest a little tonight- remember pain meds are there to help you feel better! Thanks for doing the math on the # of squares- maybe I'll do 3 inch so I only have to make 144:think.


Kiyo- Aree is a beautiful model- love the hat and the felted purse!!!


Julie- I'll be watching Biggest Loser with you in a few minutes! Can't wait to see who returns to the Ranch.


Marisa- How did the deposition go today? And how are you feeling? One of my co-workers had bronchitis- was on antibiotics last week- still sick - and she had jury duty today- they sent her home since she was coughing too much!


I had my weigh in at WW today- and I maintained my 10 lbs of wt loss on wk #2 I have 4 more weeks to go of maintenance and I get lifetime membership!!! I'm really happy about that! And I'm happy with my weight now. I finally remembered to take my pants to Goodwill with me this morning and I refuse to go back up in size. This is a good weight for me and I feel great!


I met with the Director of my former department where I'll be returning to and we had a good discussion. I still have bittersweet feelings about the project coming to an end- I really liked my co-workers on this team and we'll all be returning to our respective departments. I'm looking forward to having lunch with them all once a month! We'll see each other at work but it will not be same as sitting in the same aisle with them.


Oh Joanne, I stopped at Starbucks this morning after my deposition....but boring ol' me just got a plain ol' black coffee :eek:lol I thought of you though :yes


and :yay for maintaining your weight....that's awesome news!!!! I'm also glad that you're happy where you're at and realize you're in a good spot for you. Sometimes I find that people have a hard time recognizing that there is such a thing as losing too much :think:yes

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:yay :yay Joanne :cheer :cheer for maintaing the waight. Such a great accomplishment.


Marisa, glad the deposition is over and you're feeling better. Sure hope the building/office turns out to be "the one"!


Linda, hope when you awaken, your jaw feels much better.


Well, furples are out for last call and morning comes way to early, so I'm logging off and going to get ready to :sleep Y'all take care and I'll see you tomorrow.


Oh, and I got 10 more rows done on the diaper bag before my hands started to hurt, so progress!! It's a bright yellow cotton and the trim will be the color fiesta. Want bright and not sure what gender the baby will be, so it can be used for either.

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Bad time for me to ask you,but since you are a major quilter, I wanted to ask if you had any good ideas for me ...


I got a stamped embroidery lap-sized quilt top to work on .Now mind you,it will be roughly 2034 when I get it done,but was wondering how to go about finishing it once the top is embroidered ?


Any EASY way to do it for someone with no sewing machine,and even less sewing ability ?

Hi Julie.

I belive this is the question my good friend Wrennie told me about.:) sorry if Im to late in answering it, I seen you got good advise, tieing it would work or getting busy-bee-lmt to quilt it for you :D

Alls you need is a hoop if you want to do it by hand. they are cheap at joanns fabrics. If you want to "quilt" it coats transparent nylon would work. so no other colored thread would mix in the embroidering. Its pretty easy to do by hand, just start in the middle and work your way out to the ends.

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checking in to see if the coffee pot was set up. Don't want anyone to miss their morning pick me up!

Curtains closed, chain on the door. 11 o'clock and all is weeeelllll.. (pst that is)


Had a busy day today. I was happy to play "madam" in the bunny barn and get some of the rabbits bred. Still have a list to try and get to tomorrow too. The real work part went good too. Helps that I'm my own boss.


Glad Sparkie is doing well on the med. Though I'm going to check one of my k-9 nutrition lists as it seems there are some warnings they don't always tell you about with some of those meds. Don't remember if that is one.


Joanne...wtg girl!


Tam did I miss that hubby got to go home? praying he is still doing well and getting better day by day

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!


thanks for setting up the coffee pot Mary2!!! It sure is good-and was so nice to wake up to that smell of freshly brewed coffee!!! You may have mentioned, but how many bunnies do you have?


Toni- The diaper bag sure sounds like it will be bright and cheerful looking! I love bright colors too! Hope you have a good day.


Judy- Good luck with Sparkie at the vet today:hug


Cindy- I hope that your back is feeling a little better today- at least you are off work and can rest some more- with a little crafting, maybe?


Julie- How did you like that crazy twist last night-with Jay returning? I was sorry to see Justin leave- he has been a real leader, but I am rooting for Courtney so glad she stayed- she started her journey even before the show- and I'm glad that she'll be with us another week. Anyway, it was a good one!


Tam- How's Ken doing now that he is home? And everyone else? And most importantly how are you doing and holding up? :hug


It is snowing here- CRAZY weather! It's sticking to the grass and bushes, but not the sidewalks or street. I don't think it will last as the temps are supposed to go into high 30's-40. Then colder tonight and about an inch more tomorrow. I WANT MY SPRING BACK!:flower


I'm heading over to my DD's MIL's after work so probably won't be here till later on this evening.


Have a good day everyone!:yay

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Good morning ladies :hi


I put some pork chops in the crockpot last night and it smells just wonderful in here this morning. Just made up some mac n cheese and now I have lunch for work :clap I have a sixers game tonight after work, I think the last home game was before I went out to Pitt :eek So I'm going through withdrawl :lol I sure will miss the games next season since Pitt doesn't have a professional basketball team, do bad I can't afford to start one myself :think


Toni - WTG on the diaper bag :clap


Mary2 - :yay for getting the rabbits bred....that must be interesting :think And thanks a bunch for the coffee :hug


See y'all tomorrow

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Morning all


Well, as is my usual state of affairs lately, I am 872 posts behind and too scatterbrained to respond to all .



Thank you for offering your advice regarding the quilting ! I will gladly use any help or suggestions .

Feel free to drop in and post whenever you want. There are always plenty of people in here to gab with .




Hope today goes ok with Sparkie !




I like the show last night. I guess I'm ok with who they brought back, but kinda wish it wouldve been the really big guy,was his name Arthur ? sorry I am lousy at remembering who everyone is. I know he made some moves that also made him some enemies ,so that may be why he wasnt chosen . I only thought he should have been picked mainly because he still has so much poundage to lose . He seemed like he needed it most .


I think it's neat the way they made tiny teams now,one for each trainer . It was also neat to see Jillians house . WOW,must be nice to be rich .




A big howdy to everyone else . Hope you all have a wonderful day. They are calling for snow here ,which it may be doing now. I just dont want to SEE it so havent looked out the window yet .



And for those asking about the yarn, I have put it aside and am working on my lap quilt project . I think it's a nice change to do something different for a spell .

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Morning, woke to gray skies. PUt my shoes on. Just looked outside, going to change to my boots, its snowing. We're definitely getting accumulation. Every statiuon says a different amount. I hope its not too much.

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Linda- Thanks for doing the math on the # of squares- maybe I'll do 3 inch so I only have to make 144:think.

Not a problem, Joanne. Glad I could give you a ballpark guesstimate.

I had my weigh in at WW today- and I maintained my 10 lbs of wt loss on wk #2 I have 4 more weeks to go of maintenance and I get lifetime membership!!! I'm really happy about that! And I'm happy with my weight now. I finally remembered to take my pants to Goodwill with me this morning and I refuse to go back up in size. This is a good weight for me and I feel great!

Congratulations! :clap :clap :clap

I met with the Director of my former department where I'll be returning to and we had a good discussion. I still have bittersweet feelings about the project coming to an end- I really liked my co-workers on this team and we'll all be returning to our respective departments. I'm looking forward to having lunch with them all once a month! We'll see each other at work but it will not be same as sitting in the same aisle with them.

At least you will still get to see everyone occasionally, but you're right, it's sure not the same as working together. You've all been on this project for a long time.

Hi Julie.

I belive this is the question my good friend Wrennie told me about.:) sorry if Im to late in answering it, I seen you got good advise, tieing it would work or getting busy-bee-lmt to quilt it for you :D

Alls you need is a hoop if you want to do it by hand. they are cheap at joanns fabrics. If you want to "quilt" it coats transparent nylon would work. so no other colored thread would mix in the embroidering. Its pretty easy to do by hand, just start in the middle and work your way out to the ends.

Hi, Chrizty!

checking in to see if the coffee pot was set up. Don't want anyone to miss their morning pick me up!

Curtains closed, chain on the door. 11 o'clock and all is weeeelllll.. (past that is)


Had a busy day today. I was happy to play "madam" in the bunny barn and get some of the rabbits bred. Still have a list to try and get to tomorrow too. The real work part went good too. Helps that I'm my own boss.

Oh, my! A "Madam" no less. :P


It is snowing here- CRAZY weather! It's sticking to the grass and bushes, but not the sidewalks or street. I don't think it will last as the temps are supposed to go into high 30's-40. Then colder tonight and about an inch more tomorrow. I WANT MY SPRING BACK!:flower

Sounds like a typical northern spring. Weird! :lol :lol :lol


I woke up twice in the night, once for more painpills and antihistamines, and once because I thought I heard John call for me. (He didn't, so must have been dreaming. The jaw still hurts, but not as bad as yesterday. I ended up using ice packs on it most of the evening and part of the afternoon. The teath on either side of the space hurt, too, but they warned me they might. It's because it was such a struggle to get the tooth out and they should calm down in a day or two. And yes I am taking my painpills.


Spring is in FULL BLOOM here now. The pollen count has quadrupled in the last two days. And the Ash trees head the list of tree pollens, which is my particular nemesis. A High pollen count is 90+ and an Extremely High pollen count is 1,500+. Our is now at 2,459. No wonder my head is stuffed up and my nose is drippy and I'm sneezing. So is Kim. We will be hybernating here at home today for obvious reasons. :sick:sneeze:tired:sneeze:sick

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