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Our House Part Two


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Hi all,


Tam- You just keep churning out projects non-stop! I tried the Starbella yarn last year and I didn't like it- when I tried though there were no real patterns for crochet- they were all knit. I've got a skein of it left and may try the pattern you linked too.


Cindy- Enjoy the time at the hotel with the pool!!! I'll bet your GS are having a blast!


My brother is home and has very strict restrictions. It'll be tough for him- he's stocked up on books, movies and will be doing some fly tying (for fishing) He goes back on the 19th and is hoping that some of the restrictions will be lifted then.


Hope you all have a good day!

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Good morning Housemates!


I haven't read post since yesterday morning. I'm having internet problems again. I read post yesterday and answered but by the time I finished posting, it went down and I lost my post. Just wanted you to know if I get MIA. It'll let me stay on FB a little longer so if I have to, I make contact with some of you that are my FB friends.

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Good morning. (I finally made it in before afternoon! :faintDon't faint.) Sweet Pea and I've been for our walk. Somebody crashed into the enclosure around the garbage dumpster last night and looks to have made a royal mess of their vehicle from the looks of the post they hit and all the glass scattered around. I missed it. Not sure when it happened.


I got the flyer for the spring Sewing and Quilt Expo. There are two classes I'd dearly like to take, but not sure of the timing yet. We'll see.


I think I need between 2 and 5 more reeds on the "Lake" quilt on looking at it this morning. Shouldn't take that long to add them.


Hi all,


Tam- You just keep churning out projects non-stop! I tried the Starbella yarn last year and I didn't like it- when I tried though there were no real patterns for crochet- they were all knit. I've got a skein of it left and may try the pattern you linked too.

I haven't tried that particular yarn let me know how you like it.

My brother is home and has very strict restrictions. It'll be tough for him- he's stocked up on books, movies and will be doing some fly tying (for fishing) He goes back on the 19th and is hoping that some of the restrictions will be lifted then.


Hope you all have a good day!

The restrictions are very important the first 3-4 months. They continue for a while after that, but aren't nearly as strict.


Hope you all have a great day. I have Prayer Shawl Group tonight.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning, then stopped by the market on my way to the office from there. Now am waiting for a patient.


I just talked to my mom. SIL and the kids left yesterday to go back to Az. It did not end well!!! They did see them anymore since the Friday after we left to come back to Pitt. At least not until they drove them to the airport. Well, my dad left SIL have it and they both let my brother have it, my sister included. My dad also let him know that I blocked his # so if he tried to contact me, I just don't know and I've decided life is so much better and less stressful that way. Anyhow, their van got repo'd! So that's when the s*** hit the fan. It happened because he couldn't make the payment last week and he didn't think they'd take the van. So, last week it would cost my parents $300 to help with the van payment. This week it's costing my parents and sister $8000 to get it back. And the only reason they are is because he's supposed to start a new job Monday overnights with the Post Office and the buses there don't run all night. So, I'm pretty sure he knows I'm broke and didn't try to get me. But after my parents told him they don't have that much just lying around he texted my sister!!! So she really layed into him with all his shennanigans. And I'll just leave it there, otherwise it will be bad :(


On the upside, I'm close to finishing my Knit the Bridge panel and will make another. I'd like to do up 2 more yet, but we'll see if that's in the cards :think


I skimmed the posts while on the phone with my mom and of course did not retain anything I read :sigh So, I hope I didn't miss anything important. But, I'll go through it again a bit later on after my patients.

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Good morning ladies :hi


I had a Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning, then stopped by the market on my way to the office from there. Now am waiting for a patient.


I just talked to my mom. SIL and the kids left yesterday to go back to Az. It did not end well!!! They did see them anymore since the Friday after we left to come back to Pitt. At least not until they drove them to the airport. Well, my dad left SIL have it and they both let my brother have it, my sister included. My dad also let him know that I blocked his # so if he tried to contact me, I just don't know and I've decided life is so much better and less stressful that way. Anyhow, their van got repo'd! So that's when the s*** hit the fan. It happened because he couldn't make the payment last week and he didn't think they'd take the van. So, last week it would cost my parents $300 to help with the van payment. This week it's costing my parents and sister $8000 to get it back. And the only reason they are is because he's supposed to start a new job Monday overnights with the Post Office and the buses there don't run all night. So, I'm pretty sure he knows I'm broke and didn't try to get me. But after my parents told him they don't have that much just lying around he texted my sister!!! So she really layed into him with all his shennanigans. And I'll just leave it there, otherwise it will be bad :(


On the upside, I'm close to finishing my Knit the Bridge panel and will make another. I'd like to do up 2 more yet, but we'll see if that's in the cards :think


I skimmed the posts while on the phone with my mom and of course did not retain anything I read :sigh So, I hope I didn't miss anything important. But, I'll go through it again a bit later on after my patients.

Oh, WOW!!! It sounds like the chewing out was well deserved but what a way to end their visit. :hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies. :) I can't believe it's already Thursday! I had to go grocery shopping again - decided leek potato soup sounded good and had no leeks, potatoes and a couple of other things. :lol


Linda ~ Have a good time at your prayer shawl group tonight! I'm so glad you're able to go to the craft group, too! :cheer


Valerie ~ Oh No! :( I hope it doesn't take too long to get your internet fixed.


Judy ~ What yarn/colors are you using for the ripple 'ghan? I hope Sparkie improves with the meds. :hug


Marlene ~ Wow! You had a super turn out for the fundraiser! :clap Hopefully, the physical therapy will give you some relief fairly soon. :manyheart


Cindy ~ I'll bet the boys are having a ball! Have a safe trip home tomorrow. :)


Marisa ~ Sending big hugs to you, your sis, and parents. :hug Your brother sounds like mine in so many ways, but thankfully he has no children. I know how upsetting this must be and am so sorry you all are having to deal with it. :hug

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And a crochet update...


I've finished the fishy 'ghan and a scarf started early last fall, and have done about 1/3 of a hdc ribbed scarf. :hook



....and the ripple is dark royal blue, yellow and white. I'm figuring out the color sequence as I go:lol

....and Sparkie just had his third dose of meds. No improvement yet. Maybe by tomorrow morning. At least he doesn't have any urgency to go!


Have a good night my friends.

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Sooooo glad it's TGIF!!!! Finally got one set of year end reports done, now to the next set. Hopefully I can get a lot done today--boss won't be in today.


Haven't got to read much--too tired last night to do anything.


Thanks for the comments on the afghan. I think it will look really sharp. I'm going to do the middle section all in navy and repeat the striped at the other end.


Well, I gotta go!! Have a great Friday!!!

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Hi, everybody!!


Mary - last night I saw the positive results of Sparkie's meds! 80% better:)

I hope you're holding up ok.....:hug


Have to dash....food store run, then cleaning downstairs before our friends stop by just after lunchtime.

Have a good one and will be by later this evening.

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'Morning, all. :manyheart


Linda ~ Great progress on the quilt! I'm glad you had a good time last night. :)


Judy ~ Blue, yellow and white always look great together - they just make me happy. :) That's such good news about Sparkie!:clap Enjoy your visit with friends today.


Sherry ~ I hope you have a good day - the boss being gone should help! :wink


Valerie ~ Keeping fingers crossed that your internet is working again soon! :hug

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Good morning everyone. Still struggling to get myself going earlier in the day. I guess it means that my body still needs a lot of sleep. :sigh But I do get frustrated at the short days it makes for when I sleep 10, 11, and 12 hours at a crack. 9 is my norm but it's been a long time since I've been able to make do with that. :sigh But, again, I still tire far more easily than I would like so I guess it makes sense. Building up my reserves is SUCH a slow process. :sigh I'm impatient, I know. :blush


I had trouble uploading my update picture of the "Lake" quilt last night for some reason, but got it first try this morning. The next step is putting the front, backing, and padding together.




Quick flyby--running behind schedule and just want to say TGIF!!! Catch up later!

:laughroll:laughroll:laughroll Hope you have a good day. :hug

Sooooo glad it's TGIF!!!! Finally got one set of year end reports done, now to the next set. Hopefully I can get a lot done today--boss won't be in today.

You and Joanne. :laughroll:laughroll:laughrollHope the boss being out of the office helps you get more done today. :hug

Haven't got to read much--too tired last night to do anything.


Thanks for the comments on the afghan. I think it will look really sharp. I'm going to do the middle section all in navy and repeat the striped at the other end.

That sounds marvelous. :cheer

Hi, everybody!!


Last night I saw the positive results of Sparkie's meds! 80% better:)

Hooray!!! :clap:clap:clap

Have to dash....food store run, then cleaning downstairs before our friends stop by just after lunchtime.

Have a good one and will be by later this evening.

Have a wonderful day and a great weekend. :manyheart

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I slept in yet again this morning, but then got up and went to the gym. Stopped at Sheetz on my way here for a breakfast sandwich (yep, I know it's lunchtime :lol ) because I didn't feel like throwing anything together and I had a fundraising coupon :D


It's rainy here, I wish I wore my galoshes (sp?) today :eek No patients scheduled for today. Well, I had 1, but she popped in yesterday afternoon in the hopes that I was free and my scheduled people yesterday were in the morning :D


I do have a patient tomorrow morning and then am going shopping with Steph.


Judy - So glad to hear that Sparkies improving so well with the meds :clap Have fun with your friends this afternoon.


Linda - You are really moving along on your lake quilt and it is stunning :manyheart It really does take quite a while to rebuild that energy and endurance :sigh You're doing great, it's hard when you're so used to running all the time....it's the same for my mom :hug


Joanne - TGIF!!! What's on your agenda this weekend?


Sherry - Oh, I was always able to get more work done when the boss wasn't around :yes And now that I am the boss, I can't get away :rofl


Val - Hoping your internet gets fixed soon :hug


Mary and everyone else :hi


I should be in and out throughout the day. I have a few things to do and then I'm going to work on my bridge panel....I only have the outer round left and then to snip all the ends that are dangling about.

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Internet is still slow and tends to freeze up from time to time. It is staying up longer than yesterday. My nephew said something about either the router of my wireless whatever.


Linda - I love your quilt. It is beautiful.


Sherry - Beautiful afghan.


Hope everyone is having a Fabulous Friday!


BB when I can!

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Hey kids.................

just a quick pop in to say :hi HI and share that I posted one of my dishcloth patterns on my blog today if interested. Freebie Friday

I'll let you know when I post another one. :hook

off to get ready to pick up my youngest two and head out to a wrestling meet for Patrick.

Catch ya all later



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Tam, ty for the pattern - I saved it:hook


Linda, I love the quilt!! The reeds are a wonderful touch and the mirror image of the figures and their fishing rods in the "lake" is a great touch!


Val, are you able to get a new wireless router?? We use Lynksys (sp?).


We had a nice visit with our friends today - went to eat at a chinese buffet, and now I'm drinking a lot of water and watching my fingers swell up:lol I do like chinese food, though;)


Have a good night everyone. Off to play with the ripple blanket now

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Judy - Lynksys gets a very week signal over here. So far today, I've been up. My nephew did some things so we'll see. Are your fingers swelling because of the sodium or because you're allergic to Chinese food? Hope your fingers are back to normal soon.


Tam - Thanks for the pattern. I've made one and I love it. I'm getting ready to make another.


Have a good evening everyone!

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