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Our House Part Two


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I'm still here :hi


I've slept the whole day away off and on. Did no crafting or reading and march madness watched me all day, I didn't see any part of any game :(


Anyhow, I'm waiting for some soup to thaw in the microwave so decided to check in. Other than that i haven't been downstairs any longer than to get a drink and this is only the 3rd time I've emerged from hibernation :lol I'm still not feeling well, but do feel like it's just starting to turn around. I'm going to eat a bit of this soup, then take a full dose of nyquil (I usually only take half :eek ) And call it a night :think


Mary is STILL in the ER and they're admitting her mom, but she didn't get a room yet!!!!! She was on her way there at 5:30 this morning :angry At least she did bring some yarn and magazines with her :whew They are running a series of tests to rule out a minor heart attack and I think they were supposed to do an ultrasound as well :think Like I said I've been in and out myself so I'll have to text her to see if any the tests have been done.


Julie - I think the oblong baby rr could be cute if the ripple pattern was kept along the sides :think And maybe it's the colors but I think it reminds me more of a table runner or a carpet :think:lol


Cindy - Love the baby shoes and doily ghan :manyheart


Kiyo - a couple days is better than no days :devil:yes

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1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? Yes, actually...


sidenote: Tried to make Bailey's Irish Creme fudge yesterday for today and it didn't turn out...however I think it will be a good ice cream topping...Happy St. Patrick Day.


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one : Depends on the saying actually...many no, but a few yeah...one is spilling salt, toss it over one of your shoulders (which, of course I can't remember which shoulder now...have to look up...)


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? Yeah. In fact that's basically how I got to Germany...I mean Hub-E got a job, but we weren't married or engaged yet, but I was only working temp, I was in a position to pick up and move any where...do it again? Not right this minute, but maybe in 10 years or so...I wanna stay home right now.


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ? Something about falling out of heaven...can't remember...


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show). Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion


6- Cartoon character you are most like ? Top Cat


7-How long could you go without your computer ? About a day (which is truly unfortunate, need to work on that...)


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ? yes, I belonged to a few other craft sites in the past, but I keep coming back to C'ville...also am a member of Ravelry...


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ? Any job? Lion tamer


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ? No...closest was the volksmarches in Germany...most I would walk would be the 10 k, which is about 6 miles...


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's . I have a pair of red w/ penquins flannel pajamins and I just love them to death...


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ? Any place in the Middle East or Africa...


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ? I didn't serve except as a "military spouse" being married to Hub-E. My father, and step father and great uncle served in the army; I have a brother who is still serving...cousins too...


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ? Diet Pepsi...


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ? Learn what the word "respect" really means and apply it to your life and how you treat others.


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ? Glinda the Good Witch of the North.


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ? I would actually split it up in half again and send one part to the Red Cross earmarked for Japan and the other part for whatever local charities might need it...on the island here that would be for the food bank and for Vashon Island Pet Protectors...


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ? It's a toss up between Harry S. Truman and Obama...I relate to President Truman because good things came to him late in life as they have with me and I'd like to talk to him about that...Obama...I don't know...maybe just how he manages to get through each day without going out of his mind.


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) . Have to say the corset...especially back in the day...



20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ? Guy Fieri from Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and host of NBC's Minute to Win It...what would I have him make me...hard to say...maybe his take on bbq ribs...




So...been busy crocheting hats...and other things...got a new sewing machine, a Viking Sapphire 875 Quilt machine (even though I don't quilt and have no desire to learn, however, I do work with layers and thick stuff like vinyl and leather...) bought it at the recent Sewing Expo I went to a couple of weeks ago. I named her Viveka Bleu and she really is like the daughter of my late Viking, Kirk Douglas, and my Pfaff that I traded in for Viveka, Margareta Stieff...she has a lot of the same whistles and beels that Kirk had, plus a few goodies that Margareta had and then a lot of stuff that makes her her own person...so to speak. I've only played with her at an orientation class last week and yesterday I mended a shirt for Hub-E...however, I have a bunch of projects I'm planning on doing with her. She's a beauty...


Still rehearsing the Brahams in German. This coming Sunday though, I will be singing the 4th movement from this Requiem in English at the Methodist Church. Then in a couple of weeks after that will be singing the two performances (in German) at the Free Evangelical church...then I'm taking a serious break from singing...have so many other things stacking up on my plate.


Hub-E and I did a Flex 6 game plan with our Seattle Mariners...our first game will be Mother's Day and I cannot wait. We watching a Spring Training game yesterday on tv. We didn't win, but we are so happy that baseball is being played somewhere!


Hope you all are doing good...I'll try not to be so scarce.

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Glad to "see" you again, LeAnna- seems like you've been very , very busy! Enjoy Vieka Bleu!! I'm sure there will be some nice creations made! I'm also glad that baseball is back. I'm hoping to finally get to the new Yankee Stadium this summer for a game- DD's BF knows which trains to take so I"m hoping to catch a game with them- the tix are expensive- so it'll probably be a one time thing! It's actually cheaper to catch a Yankee game up at Fenway against the Red Sox, so I'm hoping that my oldest and I can catch one of the games again this season! We all had a blast last Mother's Day weekend up there!


Marisa- Sleep is probably the best thing for you- I've got March Madness on now- and so far I'm doing pretty good on my bracket- but it is still very early!!!


I'm on the last round of the border on the baby ghan and then I have to weave in ends!


Forgot to mention why I like St Patrick's Day so much- My Dad and Mom met at the NYC St Patrick's Day Parade back in 1951! And my DH and I had our first date on St Patrick's Day in 2000.


Off for the night! See you all in the morning!

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DH just got home and brought me a dozen roses- to celebrate the anniversary of our first date! Sometimes, he really surprises me!!!:manyheart


Happy Anniversary Joanne!

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Cindy- First off, those booties are just too cute!!! And I like your doily'ghan- and i must ask--what mistake???:think I couldn't find it! Have fun planning the shower



Thanks, Joanne, The mistake is there, but it isn't very obvious in the picture.

Congrats on reaching your WW goal.


Shower is all planned and will hopefully turn out as well as we envision.



Cindy - Love the baby shoes and doily ghan :manyheart



Thanks. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Hope Mary's mom has a room now.

I know that when we are busy, patients have to wait a long time for a room to be available. When my FIl was admitted for pneumonia a couple of months ago, they finally tranferred him to another hospital where there was a room available. (same hospital group, just a different campus)

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Hi gang

Last check in for the evening . Sounds pretty quiet in here tonite . We all need to be quiet so we dont wake Marisa,but if she took a full slug of the night time cold meds, she may be snoring like a buzz saw right now,so we could all have a square dance and not wake her .



So good to see you again ! Just drop in as you can . We don't penalize people if they dont heck in every day. If we did, I'd have some mighty hefty fees to pay !

Have fun with your sewing machine ! Show us something pretty you make with it when you get it done !

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Hey everyone...


Yeah, I'll share pics of sewing projects when I get something done...I just feel like I'm dragging a bit (mainly because of the singing...but that's just about done...then of course, something else will take it's place for a time...)

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1- Are you wearing GREEN today ?



2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ?

I think I believe in some things like what goes around comes around ,and we are all punished or rewarded in life at times for things we do or dont do. I also believe that we are supposed to learn from everything that happens. some things are harder to figure out than others though .


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ?

I think it'd be such an adventure to move to a place where you didnt know a soul and start all over again .


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ?

Hey Baby,whats your sign ?



5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . I think when I was little there was one on called Cleo , it was a hound dog of some kind .



6- Cartoon character you are most like ?

Sometimes Popeye,sometimes Bluto .


7-How long could you go without your computer ?

One day is torture . Would depend on where we were. If we were on a vacation, I could go for lots longer .


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ?

I kinda float into Ravelry sometimes,but mainly just to look at patterns .


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ?

Probably a clown --sometimes with a smiley face and sometimes a sad one .



10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ?

Too lazy .



11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's . Flannel ,preferable a striped top and checked pants so it looks funny .



12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ?

Probably Iraq or Iran ...doesnt seem very "visitor friendly " .



13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ?

My dad was in the navy ,Korean War .



14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ?




15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ?

Please try hard to acccept each person for who they are . Our small town just had the 4th suicide of a teen being bullied. Breaks my heart .



16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ?

I could somedays be the bad witch, somedays be the scarecrow .



17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ?

I would give it to our school library. Cam brings books home from there that look like a semi truck hit them .



18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ?

U S Grant . Loved reading about his life, I think he was unfairly judged and had a very interesting life .



19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) .

I think they were called BUSTLES -- those wire things they wore in the back of their skirts to make them poof out .



20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?

Gordon Ramsey --- sausage gravy and biscuits ..... I remember one year he had the new people make their "signature dish" and a guy who owned a diner made gravy and biscuits. Gordon had no clue what it was and hated it. I'd like for him to learn to make it .

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Eveninig House.... wanted to pop in real quick with an update.... I'll have to go through posts later..........

finally home from a long day. so thought I would stop in and update you all.

My son Christopher is finally home after a very long day of heart cath testing and CT scans. They have determined that he has pericarditis .... which is inflammation of tissue surrounding the heart. He is on meds and rest!

Ken had a scope done today... the spots on his lungs are getting bigger and they have to find out what they are .... NOW. We wont know the answers to the tests until tomorrow.

My son Michael is one week away from being in remission from this recent Nephrotic relapse. I'm watching him real close. I cant have him worry about his dad.





okay... I'm exhausted. I'm gonna sit and crochet for a while.

have a great night all.... sleep well.

Thank you all for you love and prayers!

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1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? No


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ?no Name one : n/a


3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? sure!


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ? I've never been picked up lol


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show). Mr Ed


6- Cartoon character you are most like ? no clue


7-How long could you go without your computer ? 24 hours...maybe :lol


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ? no


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ? the little trick poodles


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ? no


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's . bought some fleece mens pj bottoms and a fleece top


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ? Washington DC


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ? no


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ? well I just had to give up my pop...


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ? live life like you DON'T know it all


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ? tin man?


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ? my church, or World Vision


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ?


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) . corset


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ? no clue

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tip toeing through the house checking the doors pulling the blinds. Don't want to wake anyone up. Hope you are all sleeping well, especially the sickies and those with great stresses in life right now.

setting the coffee maker on auto brew (doh!) for the morning. Maybe it won't float horseshoes. Set up a 2nd one for hot water for those who would rather have tea or cocoa


I can open my door and hear the sounds of froggies!!! First ones of the year, even though they are cheating froggies :rofl ..they are in the greenhouse where my koi stay for the winter. Gets nice and warm in there during the day!


F fully

R rely

O on

G God


You might not look at a frog quite the same again :yes

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Good morning!


Mary2- Thanks for setting the coffee on auto-pilot- I awoke to the delicious aroma and have almost finished my first cup. You are right ---I will never look at the word F-R-0-G in the same way again! Hope you have a wonderful day.


Tammy- Thanks for the update- and prayers continuing. I hope that YOU will be able to get a little rest! You can't take care of everyone when you are run down. I also pray that your DD will step up to the plate and get her act together with HER kids!


Marisa- I hope this morning finds you feeling better after a good day of rest, meds, nyquil and more rest!


Cindy- Have a good day at work!


Not much new to report, other than I'm glad it's Friday and that we are going to have warm temps today! Supposed to rain tomorrow with lower temps and then partly sunny on Sunday and rainy the beginning of the week. I guess the April showers will be arriving early! We really don't need more rain- there was lots of flooding in the northern part of the state from the last rains.


Off to get ready- curtains are open even though it is still dark out- but this way, maybe when the next one wakes up- some of the light will be able to shine through the windows!


See you later!

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Hope your day goes well. We'll be here when you get back!:hug




Then I woke up just after 9 and my temp made it to about 103 so I called the doc and went right over. Luckily they had some cancellations this morning :whew so I didn't even have to wait when I got there :clap I have a sinus infection and he gave me an antibiotic which I just got home from filling, had some toast and took the first dose. Decided to drop in to update you before I crawled back into bed. If I wake up feeling better after the meds get a chance to kick in, I'll truck into work later on :think I feel bad knowing that Mary's not there either :eek We'll see how I feel and go from there :yes


I hope you all have a great day, but right now my bed is hollering for me :lol


Feel better!


Luke is much better - the Dr. said it was probably a virus that he is seeing lots of right now. His fever is gone and his appetite is great! :c9


Glad he's better!


Here are those baby shoes I've been babbling about:

very cute!!


Another finish for today, doily style baby blanket. It's my own design, and is about 40 inches in diameter, which is a bit bigger than I intended it to be. Yarn is Caron Pounder in lilac. It will also go to the local pregnancy resource center.


(I'm not exactly getting a lot of cleaning done here...but there's still time.....I think......)




Been awhile since we did another questionnaire,so here goes :


1- Are you wearing GREEN today ? nope(No yesterday too)


2- Are you superstitious, like do you believe any of the old sayings about good luck or bad luck ? Name one :



3-If money and time off from responsibilities wasn't an object , would you be adventuresome enough to close your eyes, point to a state on the map and move there for a year ? No but I'd go around the country meeting my online friends


4- What is the CHEESIEST pickup line you have ever heard ? Let me go call my friend Scott, he had lots of doosies! :lol


5- Name a tv show where an animal is a main character,and what is the animal's name . (Can be a current or past show). Mr Ed


6- Cartoon character you are most like ?:think I dont know


7-How long could you go without your computer ?:eek NO!!


8- Have you ever or are you ,currently a member of another crochet/craft online group ? Sorta. Other forums I go on aren't neccesarily craft related but do have craft/hobby sections


9-If you had to get a job in the circus, which one would you like to do ? None of them


10- Have you ever run (or walked ) a marathon ? heck no!


11- Describe your most comfortable PJ's . sweats and a tshirt


12- A country you have no desire to EVER visit ? Anything in the middle east


13- Did you or any immediate family member ever serve in the military ? My dad did and his dad


14- What is your one vice you could NEVER give up ? Tea


15- If you HAD to give a teenager one piece of advice about life,what would it be ? Don't start drinking, it makes you fat. (really gave that too)


16 -Which character in Wizard of Oz does your personality most resemble ? None of them


17 - If you won the lottery and HAD to give half of it away to a charity,what would you donate it to ? UCSPCA{local spca}


18-If you could meet and talk to any president we've ever had, who would you want to talk to and what would you talk to him about ? uhhhhhh none of them i don't think


19 -What lady's clothing garment looks like it would be VERY uncomfortable ( past or present ) . corsett


20- Which celebrity cook would you like to meet,and what would you like him/her to make for you ?rachel ray, something with zip!


Wrennie- Hope you had a good day at work!

It was ok, me & Stephanie spent lots of time running errands that took us OUTside! it was nice & warm, supposed to be the same today too.


DH just got home and brought me a dozen roses- to celebrate the anniversary of our first date! Sometimes, he really surprises me!!!:manyheart
Awwwwwwwwww! Happy anniversary of your 1st date!


Yeah, I'll share pics of sewing projects when I get something done...I just feel like I'm dragging a bit (mainly because of the singing...but that's just about done...then of course, something else will take it's place for a time...)

Oooh, cant wait!




Going to be warm again today. I actually prep'd dinner on the picnic table yesterday just so I could be out in the sun for a few more minutes! Then back to chilly tomorrow, I'll take all the warm I can get thanks!

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm up and ready for work, just had my bfast sandwich and going to head out a bit early to pick up some dayquil on the way :yes My fever is down :clap but still have quite a bit of congestion going on.


Mary's mom finally got a room last night at 10:30!!!! Amazing! The heart attack was ruled out and the ultrasound came back good as well :yay They will probably send her home later on today with monitoring instructions for her since she already has so much going on :yes


Julie - I didn't hear a thing last night, I don't think anyone even tripped on the big girl panties :think Y'all could've shot off some fireworks and I would've been none the wiser :lol


Joanne - Happy first date anniversary :D


Tam - Remember to take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else :hug :hug Glad to hear that Michael is close to remission and Christopher didn't need a stint....continued prayers to your whole family :ghug


Cindy - Thanks for the hosp input for Mary's mom. They went to that specific hospital because that's where all her mom's stuff is at and I guess they have a great cardiology dept :yes So, apparently they had the room ready, but had to wait for the bed to get there :think


I'll see y'all later

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Yesterday was great...3 hours of uninterrupted crochet time. :hook My sister and I are meeting at our parents' house to take them to lunch for mom's birthday...not looking forward to this because mom always causes some kind of scene with waiters, etc. :( Her Alzheimers is really progressing and they are still refusing to move to assisted living or to have live in help. :rolleyes


Luke walked on his own yesterday! DD went in to get him out of his crib after naptime, set him on the floor and he walked straight across the room to see Lucky, the cat. :lol He's taken a few steps before, but usually decides crawling is faster.


Sorry, I just realized this is all about me. :blush I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Any special plans for the weekend? It sounds like lots of you are finally seeing signs of Spring. :cheer


See you all this afternoon!

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Morning, peeps!


Jules...I think the bassett hound Cleo was on a show called "People's Choice" - I think:think


DH just got home and brought me a dozen roses- to celebrate the anniversary of our first date! Sometimes, he really surprises me!!!:manyheart


HEY! I just noticed I'm close to hitting 1000 posts!

Another chatty Cathy.....you're one of us!:lol

Good Morning, Ladies. :) Yesterday was great...3 hours of uninterrupted crochet time. :hook My sister and I are meeting at our parents' house to take them to lunch for mom's birthday...not looking forward to this because mom always causes some kind of scene with waiters, etc. :( Her Alzheimers is really progressing and they are still refusing to move to assisted living or to have live in help. :rolleyes

I hope it goes well....:hug

Luke walked on his own yesterday! DD went in to get him out of his crib after naptime, set him on the floor and he walked straight across the room to see Lucky, the cat. :lol He's taken a few steps before, but usually decides crawling is faster.

Oh, that had to be a wonderful experience for yoU!!!!


Tam...you're all in my prayers:hug

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Good morning, housemates. It's another beautiful, sunny day here. I picked up some drapes on clearance at WalMart on Sunday to put in the office. Finished hanging them yesterday, but have to move one down a few inches to balance it with the rest and then have to shorten two of them. I'm very pleased with them, as is John. And they make a HUGE difference in the amount of heat that builds up in here. They're really good ones and I got all 5 for about $30, which is about what one of them would cost at full price. :yay


I finally got through to the oral surgeon yesterday. Just kept calling every 5 - 10 minutes until I got through. I have an appointment for an eval on Monday at 4:00. Eating is a royal pain. :eek One good thing is that I should end up losing some weight. :P What a way to do it. :(


Kim's blood was too thin, so we had to skip two doses and she goes back for a recheck on Tuesday. Wish I knew what was causing this. It's worrisome.


John and Mark are going to the hunting lodge again this weekend. It's the final weekend to do prep work before turkey season starts next weekend. And they want to see if they caught any more pigs in the pig trap. The meat from the last batch is also ready to pick up.


Forgot to mention why I like St Patrick's Day so much- My Dad and Mom met at the NYC St Patrick's Day Parade back in 1951! And my DH and I had our first date on St Patrick's Day in 2000.

How very cool!

DH just got home and brought me a dozen roses- to celebrate the anniversary of our first date! Sometimes, he really surprises me!!!:manyheart

WOW!!! Sounds like a real winner.


Eveninig House.... wanted to pop in real quick with an update.... I'll have to go through posts later..........

finally home from a long day. so thought I would stop in and update you all.

My son Christopher is finally home after a very long day of heart cath testing and CT scans. They have determined that he has pericarditis .... which is inflammation of tissue surrounding the heart. He is on meds and rest!

Ken had a scope done today... the spots on his lungs are getting bigger and they have to find out what they are .... NOW. We wont know the answers to the tests until tomorrow.

My son Michael is one week away from being in remission from this recent Nephrotic relapse. I'm watching him real close. I cant have him worry about his dad.


okay... I'm exhausted. I'm gonna sit and crochet for a while.

have a great night all.... sleep well.

Thank you all for you love and prayers!

I'm so glad that things went well for Christopher. Hope they get Ken's problem figured out ASAP. Good news on Michael. Please, remember to take care of yourself, Tammy. Lots of prayers and best wishes headed your way. :hug :hug :hug :hug

setting the coffee maker on auto brew (doh!) for the morning. Maybe it won't float horseshoes. Set up a 2nd one for hot water for those who would rather have tea or cocoa


I can open my door and hear the sounds of froggies!!! First ones of the year, even though they are cheating froggies :rofl ..they are in the greenhouse where my koi stay for the winter. Gets nice and warm in there during the day!


F fully

R rely

O on

G God


You might not look at a frog quite the same again :yes

Thanks for setting up the hot water. I used it to make my hot cocoa. Yummy and a great way to start the day. Also loved the FROG.


Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll catch you all later. :manyheart

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DH just got home and brought me a dozen roses- to celebrate the anniversary of our first date! Sometimes, he really surprises me!!!:manyheart


Awwwww.....what a doll! WAY TO GO DH!!!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Yesterday was great...3 hours of uninterrupted crochet time. :hook My sister and I are meeting at our parents' house to take them to lunch for mom's birthday...not looking forward to this because mom always causes some kind of scene with waiters, etc. :( Her Alzheimers is really progressing and they are still refusing to move to assisted living or to have live in help. :rolleyes


Luke walked on his own yesterday! DD went in to get him out of his crib after naptime, set him on the floor and he walked straight across the room to see Lucky, the cat. :lol He's taken a few steps before, but usually decides crawling is faster.


Sorry, I just realized this is all about me. :blush I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Any special plans for the weekend? It sounds like lots of you are finally seeing signs of Spring. :cheer


See you all this afternoon!



~honey~~ it's ALL good it's all about yoU!!! We like to hear things like that- and You're proud!!!!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :) Yesterday was great...3 hours of uninterrupted crochet time. :hook My sister and I are meeting at our parents' house to take them to lunch for mom's birthday...not looking forward to this because mom always causes some kind of scene with waiters, etc. :( Her Alzheimers is really progressing and they are still refusing to move to assisted living or to have live in help. :rolleyes

Hope this time it all goes well, or at least of good as possible.

Luke walked on his own yesterday! DD went in to get him out of his crib after naptime, set him on the floor and he walked straight across the room to see Lucky, the cat. :lol He's taken a few steps before, but usually decides crawling is faster.

WOW!!!!! Now he can really get into things! :lol

Sorry, I just realized this is all about me. :blush I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Any special plans for the weekend? It sounds like lots of you are finally seeing signs of Spring. :cheer


See you all this afternoon!

I am working on the quilt for my niece's newest baby today. I have decided that the part that I like the least about quilting is making the sandwich of the top, batting, and backing. Putting in all those pins to hold it in place and keeping every thing smooth during the process is just a pain in the (you know where.) Most quilters dislike the quilting, but I don't really mind it and even kind of enjoy seeing the design coming to gether. The designing and piecing the top is the most fun, of course. :lol


Have a good day everyone. :manyheart


Hugs and prayers to Tammy, Marisa, Cheeria, and everyone else who is under the weather. :hug :hug :hug

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Howdy ladies

I am scatterbrained today so will be sure to miss someone ,so sorry in advance .



Hoping ot hear some GOOD news soon ! You are about due for some . You are sure made out of good stuff to keep on keeping on .



Hope they figure out the problem with Kim .



You are in the right place if you like to GAB .



Heyo Kiyo !! How are you ,my young whippersnapper ?




I feel for you -- the word MOM and BIRTHDAY in the same sentence gives me hives . My mom's birthday is literally the worst day of the year ( due to her behavior regarding it ) .

It is the best day because Cam was also born on the same day .

My mother absolutely HATES her birthday . We all know not to SAY anything about it. When they used to live here, I'd buy her a cake, but wouldnt have anything written on it because she would have a conniption fit . I'd try buying her funny cards to make her happier, but they just made her madder. She said I bought them just to pick at her even worse . SO... I went back to the old standard bland birthday cards,but then she complained about them because they said BIRTHDAY on them,so I started sending her OTHER holiday cards on her birthday.It's in MAY,so I'd have to stock up on extra Halloween,Valentines, Easter, whatever ---ANY card that DIDN'T say BIRTHDAY .


No matter what I got her she hated it,she crabbed at me for spending money and buying her stuff . One year long ago, we celebrated her birthday and mothers day together since they were very close together that year. Bought cake,gifts and cards for both,stated THIS IS TO CELEBRATE BOTH DAYS TOGETHER . (Why put all of us through TWO days of misery in 3 days ?

SO, on her actual birthday (2 days AFTER the presents,cake, etc, my dad comes beating our door down because we didnt come out and celebrate her birthday THAT DAY TOO .

Last year, I sent her a big pakage for both holidays --presents, cards ( one was Thinking of You instead of birthday) . She never called to say she got it,so I called a week later asking if it ever arrived. she said, yea, it got here last week, I never even opened it .Why'd you send that JUNK down here, when all I will do is throw it in the trash anyhow ?


SO -- I win for worst daughter of the year this year . She will get NOTHING .


I have the craziest family on Earth . I gotta find some way to sneak a ride on the space shuttle. Maybe someone on another planet will adopt me.

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