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Our House Part Two


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Hi All! Yea!!! It's the weekend!!!! I'm sooo ready for this weekend. Will take my friend to Walmart tomorrow morning and then I will go home and crochet and watch football.


Wore my shawler today and got several nice comments on it. Two ladies tried it one and one said, "Can you make it in red?" She's a very good friend, so I may just try to make her one. Here's the pictures of it. It's nice and warm, just right for the weather today. And it will work just fine in the office if the boss turns on the a/c when its cold outside.


Have a great weekend all!

Oh, Sherry, that is absolutely stunning! :cheer Where did you find the pattern?


Stay safe, everyone in New England. :hug


I've pulled out two baby blankets that were started a long time ago. Located some fabric to use as the backing for them, repaired a missing piece in one, and am about ready to make the top, batting, and backing sandwich. I was basically practicing on some different squares, but think that they are cute. And I've decided to quilting with some of my special thread from the quilt shows. :devil

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morning peeps!


I wrote a long post - and lost it:P


Anywho: we're ready to bail if the wind turns dangerous on Tuesday/Wednesday. Trees in our yard are ginormous:( The nearby supermarket has no trees around it, so it's a good place to ride it out. Today I'll be working off a list I put together so I can pack "go bags" - to include everythong the dogs need. As long as the house isn't damaged we can - and have done - live without power.

We do have friends upstate NY who offered to take all 4 of us in...may not need that, we hope!


Joanne, we're thinking of investing in this...and keeping it charged!




Hi All! Yea!!! It's the weekend!!!! I'm sooo ready for this weekend. Will take my friend to Walmart tomorrow morning and then I will go home and crochet and watch football.


Wore my shawler today and got several nice comments on it. Two ladies tried it one and one said, "Can you make it in red?" She's a very good friend, so I may just try to make her one. Here's the pictures of it. It's nice and warm, just right for the weather today. And it will work just fine in the office if the boss turns on the a/c when its cold outside.


Have a great weekend all!

That is soooooo pretty!


Havea good day everyone.:hug:manyheart

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Good morning housemate!


My sister from Alabama made it in last night. She brought 2 garbage bags full of crochet thread. I am trying to learn to work with thread...tedious!


My GN had a girl scout outing this morning. She should be home around noon. It should bea great weekend!


Praying for all of my East coast sisters. I hope there is no loss of power or life. Hope everyone gets to stay in the comforts of your own homes.


Marlene - safe travels!



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Good morning all.


Judy, those power packs look interesting as an alternative to a generator at least for relatively short outages. Hope you stay safe with no downed trees or lost power.


Wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend. :hug

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Good morning housemate!


My sister from Alabama made it in last night. She brought 2 garbage bags full of crochet thread. I am trying to learn to work with thread...tedious!

make great bookmarks!

My GN had a girl scout outing this morning. She should be home around noon. It should bea great weekend!


Praying for all of my East coast sisters. I hope there is no loss of power or life. Hope everyone gets to stay in the comforts of your own homes.


Marlene - safe travels!



Thanks, Val and Linda - I'm slowly chipping away at my GO list. Tonight I'm making banana nut bread:D

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Hi everyone. I won't try to catch up right now, but I wanted to say hello! We just got back from taking Luke home...he was very excited, but asked if he could come back over "in two minutes." :lol He has no concept of time, and says the same thing several times a day. :lol Baby Z is doing great and is so calm and happy. :c9


I'm thinking about all of you who could be in the path of the storm. :hug


Will check in a little later! :manyheart

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Hello everyone. Had a busy, but pleasant day at work today. Andy asked me if I wanted to go out for our anniversary when I got home, but he has been raking leaves all day, and I worked all day, so we will save going out for a day when we will enjoy it more.


Sherri, your shawler is just beautiful. I had considered buying that pattern at one time, but never did. Too many projects going as it is!


Judy, and Joanne, hope the storm leaves you relatively unscathed. Judy that looks like a good alternative to a generator, at least for short term use.


Mary, glad to hear that dd and Zachary are doing well. I'm sure Luke is happy to be with his parents right now, even though he had lots of fun at Grandma's!

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Hi all,

Went to the grocery store this morning before work- I was there at 6:00AM and got some things to tide us over! The overnight crew was still stocking shelves when i was there! Got to work at 7AM and got home around 3- the time just flew by- amazing how much work can get done when there are no meetings eating up the day! Came home and DH and I secured the outdoors by putting things in the shed /garage as best we could. Halloween decorations are put away-I didn't have alot but it looked festive.


Judy- The power packs look very interesting!! My DD and SIL bought a generator today- SIL's friend called him to let him know that there was one left where another friend works. We'll ride it out without power, like you- as long as there is no damage. We don't have very big trees, but we do have a few in the front yard. Is the supermarket going to be a shelter? You mentioned it had no trees and a good place to ride it out.


I've gotten some things to take in case we have to leave- and of course some yarn is included!! I guess we are as ready as we can be.


Marisa texted me that her class was going to go longer today so that they could get out earlier tomorrow before all the rain etc. So once again, two years in a row, our plans to meet up in October have been cancelled due to Mother Nature!


Cindy- Good idea to go out for your Anniversary when you'll both enjoy it and not be tired from working all day! Enjoy a relaxing evening at home together


Val- Glad that your sis from AL made it- have a blast together.


Mary- Oh, that was funny about Luke wanting to go back in 2 minutes! He must really love all the time he gets to spend with you!!


Linda- Hope you've been enjoying playing with your quilting!


Rain supposed to start tomorrow night- and the big hit from the hurricane- or Frankenstorm since it's a nor'easter and hurricane in one with a full moon on top of it all! --there are mandatory evacuations that have started and tomorrow Atlantic City casinos are all closing at noon or 4- I forget which.

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Joanne, no, it's not a shelter, but we just wanted to go to a safer place if we need to leave our house. No shelter would take us and the dogs anyway - and after seeing pics of Katrina years ago we both agreed that there was no way we would go anywhere and leave them alone! With the sounds of wind and rain buffeting the house - or worse - they would be devastated and so scared and so would we.


THis storm is going to be interesting.:P

At least we have portable chargers for our phones as well as a plug in my car that can charge them, my Nook, etc. And my car has a new battery:)


Going to Michaels tomorrow - early - to get some yarn:D


Off I go - have a good night everyone:hug:manyheart

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:hi Ladies! Just dropping in to say to all of you that's going to be affected by Sandy to stay safe. Listen to the authorities. This has the makings of being a "Perfect Storm". The prediction of the winds being around 70-80 mph isn't all that bad (been in a couple of hurricanes worse than that). But the danger is in the slow movement of the storm. Those winds will be with you for quite awhile. Joining my prayers with the prayers of people all over the world. There is great power in prayer!


p.s. Please check out the link in my siggy for The Butterfly Fund. Thanks!

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Good morning!

Thanks for the well-wishes Jeannie!


We are as prepared as we can be- plenty of water, batteries, go bag packed and at the ready in the event we have to leave. Saw some pics on FB already of the ocean and it's not even high tide and the official storm hasn't even hit yet.



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Hi all! Thanks for the comments on my shawler. I really do like it it is so comfortable. I found it on etsy pattern by Shelle Hendrix Cain. http://Http://shelleden.etsy.com. pattern called for homespun buti don't likeit so i used double strands - one was grey soft red heart and bernant denim sweatshirt.



Please listen to the warnings for the storm. Stay safe and know prayers are being said for all of youin harms way!

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Good evening housemates!


Praying for my East coast sisters. Stay safe!


My sister left earlier and has already made it back to Bama. We had a wonderful weekend and we're looking forward to our long Thanksgiving weekend.


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Spent the evening with Rosie and John. We all ate pizza and Rosie and I then pinned together two baby quilts for me to finish this week. And watched the Food Channel for Halloween Wars and Cupcake Wars. Just got home and it's getting very windy and chilly. Supposed to be in the 30's in the morning the next 3 days.


Everyone in the Northeast stay safe. :hug:hug:hug

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Hi ladies!


Linda, baby quilts sound like such fun projects - enjoy!


The wind howled all night and it's starting to rain a little now. As you can see, I'm up earlier than usual. Made some oatmeal and coffee in case we lose power and have to resort to cold meals later this week. We'll have leftover chili for lunch - and then see what happens.:lol Wind and rain will be coming - and staying - for over 24 hours once it lands. We're still hundreds of miles away from the main part of Frankenstorm.

We'll be living downstairs till this passes....dogs will be happy to have us:lol


I have my yarn, Kindle and Nook...:D


Hello, Val, Cindy, Mary Joanne, Marissa - everyone. Thinking of all of you...


BB when I can.:hug:manyheart

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Good morning-

As Judy said, the winds have kicked up---and my town declared a state of emergency last night- I think mainly for the section of town that is by the bay which has been evacuated. My work is open today (but I'm not going in) I'll work from home as long as I keep power.


Good idea for a nice warm breakfast Judy- I was debating- warm breakfast or eat some yogurt since if the power goes out, the yogurt will spoil....maybe I'll have oatmeal and then 10 AM have yogurt ! LOL


Stay safe!


Will post as I'm able.


As I was typing, my boss called- the office is closed today--TG!


Hugs to you all

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


To everyone in the East - I hope you are all safe and don't have any major storm damage. :hug


We were gone most of yesterday. :( I need to be at DD's by 8:30 - I'll drive she and the two little ones for her check up. Hmm...Grammy in the waiting room with both of them could be interesting. :lol


Better get ready. Take care, friends.

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Hi Ladies,


Prayers being said for all of you living in the east. Please be safe! Your in my thoughts.

Remember you can use your grill for cooking or warming something up. If you lose power and have solar lights you can use them for lights and recharge them in the morning. :hug

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Good morning housemates!


Judy - I know Sparkie is especially happy as Lucy has banned him from upstairs. Sounds like you are as ready as humanly possible and we're adding prayer to the mix. Have as good a day as possible under the circumstances!


Joanne - I'm glad you don't have to go in today. How far are you from Atlantic City. Take care, we'll be checking in from time to time looking for post from you and Judy!


Marisa & Phyllis - I hope all is well with you guys. Marisa, I hope Mom is doing better!


Mary, Sherry, Linda, Marlene, Cindy have a great day!



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Good morning everyone. Prayers for all of you living in Sandy's path.


I worked all weekend, and then last night went to visitation for the mother of a dear friend who died very suddenly last week. The funeral home was about an hour away from here, so that pretty much took up the entire evening. I have today off, work tomorrow and then will be off until mid November. We will be heading to the Smoky mountains at the end of the week, for vacation.


Marlene, that is a good point about the solar lights. I've heard that they can provide quite a bit of light. (Maybe we should buy some!) Luckily we rarely loose power. (knock on wood!)


Judy, did you end up buying one of those battery packs? I'm curious to know how well those work. I showed them to dh, he was sort of skeptical about them. He thinks we should buy a propane generator. We use propane to cook and heat, so we always have it available. And I agree, the dogs will love having their entire "pack" together downstairs!


Joanne, even though you had planned on working at home today, it's probably nice to know that the office is closed. Will you still work, even though the office is not open?


Mary, hopefully Zachary will just nap in his car seat, and you will only have to entertain Luke. Hope dd's check up goes well.


Linda, I have only made one baby quilt in my life, but am thinking about using up some of my fabric on a few little quilts to donate to the pregnancy resource center.


Val, Sherry, Marisa, Phyllis and everyone else, have a great day!

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I am not far from Joanne or Judy, and we are as prepared as we can be. Apples and granola bars, anyone? Loss of power is my biggest concern, but there is not much we can do about that. My candles and nook and kindle are keeping my yarn company. Will check in when I can.

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It was chilly here this morning, but not that bad. I walked Sweet Pea with just a light sweat shirt under my light jacket. Will tackle the baby quilts soon.


Judy, Joanne, and Phyllis, I'm keeping all of you specifically and all those on the northeast coast in general in my prayers. :hug Hoping you don't lose power or trees. Judy the pups will be so happy to have you with them downstairs. Glad the boss saw the light and closed work for you Joanne. Sounds like all three of you are as ready as you can be for whatever comes you way. Will be keeping up with things as much as possible via TV and will check in here for updates from you, too.


Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart

We were gone most of yesterday. :( I need to be at DD's by 8:30 - I'll drive she and the two little ones for her check up. Hmm...Grammy in the waiting room with both of them could be interesting. :lol

Have fun with the little ones, Mary. :lol

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Good morning everyone. Prayers for all of you living in Sandy's path.


I worked all weekend, and then last night went to visitation for the mother of a dear friend who died very suddenly last week. The funeral home was about an hour away from here, so that pretty much took up the entire evening. I have today off, work tomorrow and then will be off until mid November. We will be heading to the Smoky mountains at the end of the week, for vacation. sounds wonderful! You work hard and deserve a break:hug


Marlene, that is a good point about the solar lights. I've heard that they can provide quite a bit of light. (Maybe we should buy some!) Luckily we rarely loose power. (knock on wood!)


Judy, did you end up buying one of those battery packs? I'm curious to know how well those work. I showed them to dh, he was sort of skeptical about them. He thinks we should buy a propane generator. We use propane to cook and heat, so we always have it available. And I agree, the dogs will love having their entire "pack" together downstairs!

Propane does suit yourneeds more. As long as we can plug in a microwave we'd be fine.:lol The time is 2 weeks or so to get delivery on the Duracell product, so we didn't get it. Stores don't have them, I think -:think

Hi Ladies,


Prayers being said for all of you living in the east. Please be safe! Your in my thoughts.

Remember you can use your grill for cooking or warming something up. If you lose power and have solar lights you can use them for lights and recharge them in the morning. :hug

Charcoal grills aren't that efficient for that but the solar lights are a great thought.

Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart


To everyone in the East - I hope you are all safe and don't have any major storm damage. :hug


We were gone most of yesterday. :( I need to be at DD's by 8:30 - I'll drive she and the two little ones for her check up. Hmm...Grammy in the waiting room with both of them could be interesting. :lol


Better get ready. Take care, friends.

Oh, you and 2 little ones...where's a video camera??:lol:lol

I hope it goes well!;)

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Hi Ladies!


Cindy, The tree decorations are a really neat idea. Each one would be unique. Someone is going to be very happy to receive the quilted bag you made. Your very talented! Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 33 years!


Linda, Way to go on finishing the prayer shawl and the baby quilt. The new shawl sounds fuzzy and pretty. Sorry to hear you lost one of your prayer shawl ladies. Hope Carol's foot is on the mend. Hope things all work out for her DD to. It's so good to see you back to yourself again.


Joanne, Glad the wedding turn out perfect. Glad you have a good step-family. Cute story about Ryan getting his coat and wanting to go outside. Kids learn so fast. Glad your work was closed today.


Marisa, Praying your Mom is doing better. I hope they get things under control soon. Glad you were able to go home and be with her.


Mary, DD had to stay four nights also when she had Maya. Those Mama's need that rest and some. What a cute story of when Luke met baby Z.


Sherry, Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 32 years. I hope DD's stones pass quickly. I have a couple of friends who have had them and know through them how painful it is. The knee replacement -I have a friend who had both of her knees done this summer. She is just finishing her pt. She is so glad she had it done. Don't wait to long though. The longer you wait the more they have to repair. That was her problem. She should of had them done a few years ago and she kept putting it off. The shawler is beautiful! I have that pattern and started it and there it sits. Maybe someday I will finish it.


Val, How sweet of your GN wanting to remember your Mom. Next year my Dad would of been 80 and I was thinking we should do the same thing for his birthday. I have a niece who was born on the anniversary of the day he died. It's kind of a bitter/sweet day for my sister. Glad you found a graph for the Lucy pattern.


Phyllis, Stay safe!


Rebookie, Welcome! Come and brag as much as you want. I'll have to check out the gloves your making.


Addicted2patterns, Welcome!


Jeannie, Nice to see you again.


My sister, my niece and I accomplished a lot. We changed two bedrooms around and sorted some other stuff. My sister is depressed and has finally gone to the doctor for some medicine. I don't think she really grieved for her husband and it is hitting her now along with some menopause stuff. She is a mess and I feel really bad that there isn't a lot I can do to fix her, but be there for her. I do know being there for her does help her. She has gone back to work. She's working temporary jobs at a nursing home. Her sons girlfriend got her the job. It's actually her second one through her.

On friday I told DH what the kids were doing in Chicago and he thought it would be fun and wanted to join them. I asked DS if there was room for all of us at his girlfriends and would she be okay with it. He said yes to both. So we went. It was fun! We took a train through town and a cab a couple of times. We went to the aquarium, the sears tower (hubby and I didn't do this we waited for them to do it)(I have a fear of heights and hubbies is different issue with heights) we went to McDonald's and had hot chocolate. We went to the Chicagoween. The kids got a bag with some candy in it, we went on a wagon ride. This was the second time we've been to Chicago, but this time we got to see the city. It was really a lot of fun. Next summer when it's warm we want to go back to the Navy Pier.

On the way home we stopped off at an outlet mall. DD got a new purse and a pair of shoes. I looked but didn't buy anything.

I need to go get some stuff done around here. I'll be back later.


Prayers for you east coast ladies and your families. Please be safe! :hug

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Marlene, sounds like your Chicago trip was a great success. Did you stop in Michigan City at the outlet malls? I haven't been to Chicago for several years, (although I have been to Michigan City for shopping recently), but last year DD and a bunch of her friends took the train from Michigan City to downtown Chicago for Christmas shopping. Amtrak used to have really cheap fares at Christmas time. (I think they paid $12 round trip.) I don't know if they still have such low fares. Of course you had to drive to Michigan City to get those prices.


Dh tells me that Lake Michigan is supposed to have up to 30 foot waves tonight. I don't know if that is a result of Sandy or something else. It's quite windy here at the moment, but I don't think it's blowing hard enough for that. Hopefully no-one gets the bright idea to watch the lake from any of the piers this evening.

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