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Our House Part Two


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HI all,


We had a good day-but never made it to the outlets!! We went to the Apple store and the tech had never seen a pdf that couldn't be deleted, opened, moved to trash or anything. I thought to myself- oh, no, it will be there on my desktop blocking my DD's pictures forever, But I guess these techy's are there for a reason- He tried a couple of different things and then he was able to get rid of it. Thank goodness!


We then walked around and DH went his way and I went mine- it's better that way- he looks at what he wants, I look at what I want! I got 5 shirts and a sweater at Gap on clearance for a total of 28.00!!! They were all 30% off clearance price- Oh, how I love a bargain :yes and they are either short sleeve or 3/4 sleeve- so perfect for the spring! As I was finishing up- DH called me and said , meet me at Verizon. He had bought me and him a new phone- so we both now have IPhones. (and since he was buying, I wasn't arguing:lol)


Linda- Sounds like you had an awesome time at the Expo and made some very good purchases! That chair sounds great! Enjoy your "girls only" time with Kim!


Wrennie- Glad that your snow is going away! Doesn't it feel great?


Cindy- How frustrating about the doily'ghan!! Maybe in a few days it won't seem as bad


Mary1- I cleaned out most of the flower beds this morning- still have a bit more to do- but now that it'll be light outside for a couple of hours after work, I'll finish up during the week. It felt good to play in the dirt!:lol


Judy- Did anything strike your fancy at Pier 1? I love browsing through there! And good for you for restraining yourself at Michael's. There is a coupon for tonight for Michael's and ACM for % off total purchase and I didn't even print them out! I really, really don't need any yarn. I could open a store in my garage now!:lol


Marisa- Hope you have a safe flight home and can't wait to hear how your trip went.


Cheeria- Did you have some "ME" time today? Hope you are feeling well.


Julie-:hug and hope you are feeling better


Trish- I just shook my head when I read about student. Linda said it well--stupid, stupid, stupid!


Tammy- Hoping that DH and Michael are doing ok!! (and you too:hug)


Mary2- Glad to hear about the bunnies and good luck with preparing for the judging license!!


Dinner is almost done and then finally, I hope to have some :hook time!!

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Good Evening house................


Well......... no coffee date.... no going to the Speech conference... no nothing.... just sitting at home tending to EVERYONE. :(


So much going on with everyone. WOW!

Weather is cold and gloomy here today. So this doesnt help my mood. :( All weekend hubby has had to go in for blood work and platelets.

Michael is eating some cucumbers and drinking his tea like a good boy. I've made him steak bites and chicken so he's getting plenty of protein.

Rest of us are trying not to get sick... so to spread it to hubby.


Well .. I'm keepin' up with the 'granny a day CAL'



still workin' on my pattern for the drawstring bag. Makin' me crazy... I should have it done by now.. but with all the noise and chaos in my house... I cant concentrate.


I have a couple other things I'm working on that I want to write up too. I need a vacation! ALONE!


Okie Dokie kids....

off to tend to laundry............. not even mine... but if I dont tend to it... I cant use my machine for my stuff.




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Tam, don't stress yourself over writing out the pattern...sounds like you need to put something aside so you have a little room for you!:hug:manyheart


Joanne...wow...iPhones!!! When we're due for an upgrage (a long time from now) that's on my wish list.


I restrained myself at Pier 1...I picked up a couple of votive candles (patchouli) and a spoon rest. I'm tired of using saucers for the dirty spoons!

Here it is...and with a cute ladybug on top - a reminder for me, as if I need it, of my friend in Florida who has a thing for ladybugs:D


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Tam, Great job on the squares!

I'm ahead of the pace for the grannies - I want to be done with it and get on to something else already:lol

more hugs for you:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hey ladies :hi


I'm home :D My trip was great and we had alot of fun, relaxing, and shopping :lol Now I'm exhausted and still need to unpack and get some things done around here. But, just wanted to stop by quick to say hello and let you know I made it home safely :hug


I'll catch up better tomorrow.

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Today has been an up and down day so far. Rosie came over and sat with Kim while I went out and got presciptions filled for both Kim and me. I got some drapes on clearance for the office. I've got my fingers crossed that they work. Only spent about $34 for 5 panels so I'm hoping. Then after I got home the keyboard for the computer died, hence couldn't communicate for a while. Finally found a spare so I'm good to go again, although it's a different shape so will take a little getting used to. Then at supper I bit on a nut and broke another tooth! CRAP!!!!! It HURTS!!! More dental bills. Yuck!!!! I've got another one that's temperature sensitive, too. Bummer.


Glad you made it home safe, Marisa.


Tammy, don't sweat the pattern. You've got more than enough on your hands at the moment. :hug :hug


Joanne, sounds like a very successful shopping outing for today. :D


Mary 2, good luck on the judge's certificate. Sounds like it's a long process.

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Cindy, can't you fudge the mistake - or would it be too obvious?





I tried, but I missed three stitches, and my fix seems very obvious to me. I will take another look before I frog it though.


(and I love your new spoon rest!)


Aww, Linda...hope the rest of the week goes better!

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Linda- Oh, that stinks about your tooth!!! Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day for you!:hug


Judy- I love the spoon rest- so colorful and spring like! The lady bug is a really cute touch on it!


Tam- Your squares are looking great! Sorry to hear you are still the one that has to hold everything together.


Marisa- Glad to hear you had a good weekend and thanks for letting us know that you made it home safe and sound.


Cindy- Another day another look sounds like a good idea before hitting the frog pond.


Off to read for a bit and try to catch up on the hour lost!


See you in the AM!

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I dissolved a couple of aspirin right on the tooth and it's now feeling better. Kim's slept a large part of the day so will probably be doing a lot better tomorrow. I'm watching food channel shows and marvelling at all the fantastic stuff they come up with in a very short period of time.


Have a good night, housemates. I'm off for the night.:manyheart

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Had a great Sunday!! Finished a baby blanket and have to just get rid of a few tails and I'll share the pic.


I added pics of the divine hat I made last week. I was pleased how it turned out. I wasn't wild about the colors, but the young girl who got it was thrilled! Model is my DD


pulling the shades on the windows. making sure the pellet stove is full enough for the night. Wouldn't want anyone to get cold!


night light is on in the hallway ....



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Good morning housemates! Here's some :flower to brighten your day. (wish it was a pic of real flowers like Toni posted, but there are none here yet so these will have to do)


Mary2- Love the divine hat with a twist! Your DD is beautiful and looks great in the hat! I'm sure that the recipient loves it!! Thanks for leaving the night light on as it is still dark here with the time change and all! Have a good day- can't wait to see your baby blanket. I'm just about done with mine- tails to weave in and finish up the border. Hoping to finish it during the week after work.


Linda- I'd never have thought to dissolve an aspirin directly on a tooth- glad it worked! It always amazes me the great dishes that cooks are able to "throw together"!!


Julie- Thinking of you and missing you in the house.:hug:hug


To EVERYONE- Wishing you a good Monday, whatever it is that you have planned.


Off to get ready for Paradise. See you later!:ghug

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Good morning, peeps...

Jules...we have an easy chair waiting in the corner of Our House for you. I hope you're feeling more like yourself:hug


Hey ladies :hi


I'm home :D My trip was great and we had alot of fun, relaxing, and shopping :lol Now I'm exhausted and still need to unpack and get some things done around here. But, just wanted to stop by quick to say hello and let you know I made it home safely :hug


I'll catch up better tomorrow.

Glad you made it home safely. You always sound so energetic!:lol

Today has been an up and down day so far. Rosie came over and sat with Kim while I went out and got presciptions filled for both Kim and me. I got some drapes on clearance for the office. I've got my fingers crossed that they work. Only spent about $34 for 5 panels so I'm hoping. Then after I got home the keyboard for the computer died, hence couldn't communicate for a while. Finally found a spare so I'm good to go again, although it's a different shape so will take a little getting used to. Then at supper I bit on a nut and broke another tooth! CRAP!!!!! It HURTS!!! More dental bills. Yuck!!!! I've got another one that's temperature sensitive, too. Bummer.


I'm getting so I;m afraid to eat anything hard!:hug:manyheart

I dissolved a couple of aspirin right on the tooth and it's now feeling better. Kim's slept a large part of the day so will probably be doing a lot better tomorrow. I'm watching food channel shows and marvelling at all the fantastic stuff they come up with in a very short period of time.


Have a good night, housemates. I'm off for the night.:manyheart

I never knew of that remedy!


Had a great Sunday!! Finished a baby blanket and have to just get rid of a few tails and I'll share the pic.


I added pics of the divine hat I made last week. I was pleased how it turned out. I wasn't wild about the colors, but the young girl who got it was thrilled! Model is my DD


pulling the shades on the windows. making sure the pellet stove is full enough for the night. Wouldn't want anyone to get cold!


night light is on in the hallway ....

Very cute hat! And sweet smile on DD.

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Had a great Sunday!! Finished a baby blanket and have to just get rid of a few tails and I'll share the pic.


I added pics of the divine hat I made last week. I was pleased how it turned out. I wasn't wild about the colors, but the young girl who got it was thrilled! Model is my DD


pulling the shades on the windows. making sure the pellet stove is full enough for the night. Wouldn't want anyone to get cold!


night light is on in the hallway ....

Mary 2, that's a lovely hat! So is DD! Lovely that is. :lol


Slept well last night and Kim is much more chipper this morning after her day of rest. We don't have anything going on today, so she gets another day of rest before having to really jump back into the full routine of doctor visits and such later in the week. With luck I can pick up a camera battery when we are out tomorrow, so I can show off some of the things I got at the Sewing Expo.


Hey, Julie, hope this finds you feeling better today. :hug :hug :hug

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**~~Good Morning Girls~~** Hope you all had a good weekend!! I re-cooped. Worked on Sat, came home and did some laundry and did meself some crocheting!!! I'm trying to get pics uploaded from my phone. Started African Flower motifs to make a super good friend of mine a blanket! Along with........my hats, hats, hats and slippers!


My honey made it home safely last Thurs night. I miss him! Kinda liked having him around daily instead of every few monthly! ;0) He will be back for a few days in April and I keep my fingers crossed that June is his moving out to Utah date, still!!!! Our economy sucks out here and jobs are scarce and he doesn't want to come and mooch! I understand that and I am ok with that but I pray it will change soon! Will there's a will there's a way.........


Hope you all had a great weekend---it was beautiful weather here-50's with a cool breeze and then today is rainy! I do have some tulips and lilies are starting to pop up! WOOOO HOOOO!

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!

love you guys! :hug



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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug






Oh, Tam! I'm so sorry. :hug You have so much going on right now. Please know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers. And please keep us updated on your Hubby's condition. :hug

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug





Oh, Tam:(....prayers being said right now......

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug





Oh, no! Prayers headed your way for sure for all of you. :hug :hug :hug

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Hello everyone. I had a great day at work today. Nice and calm for a change. Its beautiful weather here, sunny and clear. (Of course that means I can see the dust in my house very clearly....)


Mary2, love your divine hat. I've had my eye on that pattern, but haven't tried it yet.


Tam, :hug sorry to hear that hubby is ill. Will remember him and all of you in prayer.


Linda, how is the tooth today?


Kiyo, nice to see you again, it seems like its been a while.


Julie, sending you get well thoughts.

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Joanne, nice hubby and IPHONE!!! someday my ship will come in and I'll be able to get all the latest toys, kindle, iphone, ipad, new embroidery machine......:rofl

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Afternoon House............

I'm popping in to ask for prayers. Hubby was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago due to a fever. :sigh

this is NOT what we need!


love you guys! :hug






Oh, TAM! You have my :heart, :hug and many, many prayers! Sending an :angel to watch over all of you.

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Just a quick note. I've had a couple of "unsettled" days where I can't seem to concentrate on anything. That being said, the tea cozy didn't get worked on. Takes to much counting and concentration. Needed some no-brainer crocheting so started sock #2 for one I had just finished. Have another single sock, in another pattern and yarn waiting for it's mate, just in case this hangs around for a while.


I want out of the house. I want to be able to drive myself places again and not have to rush through store. I'm whining and yes, I'll take some cheese and crackers with it :lol


Back to my corner. Later Y'all!

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~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!

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~~HAPPY GIRL OH YES I AM!!!~~ Just picked up my pink felted bag from the post office!! woooo hoooO!! I never win anything!!! So far, I've won 2 things off of the ville and I love it!! Maybe one day I can make something to give away too!


Just a quick note. I've had a couple of "unsettled" days where I can't seem to concentrate on anything. That being said, the tea cozy didn't get worked on. Takes to much counting and concentration. Needed some no-brainer crocheting so started sock #2 for one I had just finished. Have another single sock, in another pattern and yarn waiting for it's mate, just in case this hangs around for a while.


I want out of the house. I want to be able to drive myself places again and not have to rush through store. I'm whining and yes, I'll take some cheese and crackers with it :lol


Back to my corner. Later Y'all!

I know the need to be on your own....

Hubby lieks to drive me to the store, etc, if he doesn't have work - and that's been more days than not, lately.

I've had to go out on my own just to browse without feeling rushed! I even told him I needed to get out and drive myself before I forget how!

:hugto you.

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