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Our House Part Two


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Tammy- what a tease!:lol:lol:lol


Good morning all!


Nothing new to report since last evening (other than the Yankees lost the game- but no biggie- it's only Spring Training games) I like seeing some of the new young guys who play in the Spring and maybe get their chance to shine in the Big Leagues!


Hope you all have a good day- and I'll stop by after work! The Last Saturday I HAVE to work!!!!:clap:clap



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Morning folks



Looks like you have found some new things to keep you busy ,as if you need them ! You get so much done ,its amazing .

I think the granny scrapghan is going to be real pretty when done .




Good news that you may be working the last Saturday you will have to --- and the Cranium people must make lots of games .The ones Cam has are kid's versions, in fact,they are geared towards a little younger age than he is,but he seems to like them .

I know they have them for adult-ages too ,but we arent much for game playing here ,other than the games Cam plays .



Not much new to report here . The new medicine, it's hard to say yet how it's going to work. Yesterday was day one ,and just took the first dose for today. Felt kinda crappy last night,but I'm assuming it is going to take awhile to adjust to dropping the other medicine ,then getting used to this new one. It makes me feel kinda gaggy,but maybe that will ease up soon. I hope,anyhow ...


Well, Cam was up when I got up,and now has Pap in there playing the new game, which is a little like Twister with a twist -- funny to watch Pap playing that. He is about as active as me, which is V E R Y little .... I played it with them last night,but am sitting out this morning .


Not much else exciting here in downtown hillbilly land . Will check in later today .

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart Gracie woke me up at 5, which is when we usually get up...she doesn't know it's Saturday. :lol


Judy ~ Another wonderful afghan! :c9 The colors are really pretty together.


Tam ~ I love your scrap granny squares - the first granny ghan I made (many years ago ;)) was a scrap ghan and my parents still have it. I hope your DH is home by now and resting okay. :hug


Julie ~ That's great that Cam is there! I think it's very cool that he likes broccoli soup...so many kids won't eat broccoli! How are you feeling? I hope the new pill helps. :manyheart


Hi Cheeria! So glad you're feeling better. :yes


And Hi to everyone at the House!


Luke is very busy. ;) We now have plug covers and latches on several cabinets. All I do is turn my back and he's 20 feet away. :lol He is such a happy baby and I love spending time with him. :c9


We were going to do some yard work today, but it's turned pretty cold again - and very windy. So, I think I'll run a few errands and crochet later.

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Good morning, peeps.


Mary, thanks for the compliment on the ghan. And I couldn't do Twister, either!

Luke sounds like such a blessing....:c9


I joined a thread for granny square a day in March. I had started a granny scrap'ghan a bit back.. and didnt get anymore done.. so that thread is going to be my motivation to get it done... so far.... 4 squares done. :yay


I forgot how pretty they can look!... I have so many scraps...sounds like I need to check out that thread:devil

I think I'm going to start a very simple backpack here in a few for David to carry his gameboy/DSI stuff in. Here's to hoping I get it done tonight!!!:hook







I'm sure the backpack is done by now....:lol

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Good morning everyone. Its snowing...:( After it rained all day yesterday, I was hoping for a warmer day.


Nothing much to report here. I did a little crocheting on my doilyghan last night, and the end is in sight. I think about 10 more rounds will finish it. Hopefully it will be at least 36 inches in diameter then.


I don't have much to do in the way of household chores today. (This doesn't mean that everything is perfectly clean and organized, it merely means that what isn't done, doesn't show!) That means I can read, or sew or crochet the day away.

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Hi Mary

The new med is an inhaler .So far, I dont know . I havent noticed much improvement as of yet Makes me feel kinda gaggy so I am hoping that will go away soon .


Cam is a very odd eater for a kid. He loves salad ,doesnt like chocolate very much at all if we get him candy. He never wants chocolate, he usually wants Skittles or something fruit flavored . If I ask him if he wants ice cream or cottage cheese, he wants the cottage cheese ...


Luke I bet is really funny now, because when they find out they can MOVE ,they can cover long distances in a short time . They sure keep you on your toes .


Hi Jude & Cindy

I am currently being dressed like a pirate by Cam. I have on a pirate hat and earring ,and I am supposed to be guarding the gold from Pap, the ninja .


Even though he is getting bigger, he still likes to have your undivided attention .


Guess I'd better get off. I am neglecting my guard duties .

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I took this pic on our snow-free patio table:D

And this blankie is going to the NICU - perfect size to cover the isolettes:)

Another beautiful blanket, Judy! :clap :clap :clap

Leftovers here tonight for dinner. We have chicken alfredo left from last night... tomato soup the night before... breakfast casserole the night before that... and homemade cheesey biscuits to go with any of it.


Hubby had half his chemo this morning......... and he is off to have the other half now. He'll stay and sleep a few hours after treatment because I dont go with him at night. I need to stay home with the boys. He'll get home in the morning and sleep tomorrow all day....... recoop and play the "wait game" for the next 4-6 weeks... until next round of chemo.


I joined a thread for granny square a day in March. I had started a granny scrap'ghan a bit back.. and didnt get anymore done.. so that thread is going to be my motivation to get it done... so far.... 4 squares done. :yay



I think I'm going to start a very simple backpack here in a few for David to carry his gameboy/DSI stuff in. Here's to hoping I get it done tonight!!!:hook







I really like your squares, Tammy. It's going to make a very vibrant afghan.


A new Italian restaurant just opened about a mile from our house and John brought home supper from there for last night. Mine was chicken alfredo. Absolutely yummy. I'm having leftovers for my breakfast.


Hope the new med works, Julie.


I talked to Rosie this morning. They've been having a ball with the grandkids.


John and Mark are off to the hunting lodge to continue getting things ready for turkey hunting season, which starts the end of the month. They're also hoping to get some of the wild pigs, which would mean fresh pork and sausage. Don't know how much they'll get done in the rain, but they're going to try to get quite a bit done.


Hi, to everyone. Hope your day goes well. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Tammy- what a tease!:lol:lol:lol


Good morning all!


Nothing new to report since last evening (other than the Yankees lost the game- but no biggie- it's only Spring Training games) I like seeing some of the new young guys who play in the Spring and maybe get their chance to shine in the Big Leagues!


Hope you all have a good day- and I'll stop by after work! The Last Saturday I HAVE to work!!!!:clap:clap


hehehee..... I know... I'm bad!

Oh..........:yay............ last Saturday! How nice!

Morning folks



Looks like you have found some new things to keep you busy ,as if you need them ! You get so much done ,its amazing .

I think the granny scrapghan is going to be real pretty when done .




Good news that you may be working the last Saturday you will have to --- and the Cranium people must make lots of games .The ones Cam has are kid's versions, in fact,they are geared towards a little younger age than he is,but he seems to like them .

I know they have them for adult-ages too ,but we arent much for game playing here ,other than the games Cam plays .



Not much new to report here . The new medicine, it's hard to say yet how it's going to work. Yesterday was day one ,and just took the first dose for today. Felt kinda crappy last night,but I'm assuming it is going to take awhile to adjust to dropping the other medicine ,then getting used to this new one. It makes me feel kinda gaggy,but maybe that will ease up soon. I hope,anyhow ...


Well, Cam was up when I got up,and now has Pap in there playing the new game, which is a little like Twister with a twist -- funny to watch Pap playing that. He is about as active as me, which is V E R Y little .... I played it with them last night,but am sitting out this morning .


Not much else exciting here in downtown hillbilly land . Will check in later today .

If I dont stay busy with my crafting... I'll go crazy!!! :D

thanks for the compliment! I like the way the granny scrap'ghan is coming along too. I will do one square per day for the CAL then the last day of this month... I will border it. So 30 squares and a border and I'll have a nice afghan for my couch! I like this CAL because I only do one square a day. Its nice since I get so caught up in all my other projects!

Omgoodness............. twister... how fun!!!!!!!! LOL



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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart Gracie woke me up at 5, which is when we usually get up...she doesn't know it's Saturday. :lol


Judy ~ Another wonderful afghan! :c9 The colors are really pretty together.


Tam ~ I love your scrap granny squares - the first granny ghan I made (many years ago ;)) was a scrap ghan and my parents still have it. I hope your DH is home by now and resting okay. :hug


Julie ~ That's great that Cam is there! I think it's very cool that he likes broccoli soup...so many kids won't eat broccoli! How are you feeling? I hope the new pill helps. :manyheart


Hi Cheeria! So glad you're feeling better. :yes


And Hi to everyone at the House!


Luke is very busy. ;) We now have plug covers and latches on several cabinets. All I do is turn my back and he's 20 feet away. :lol He is such a happy baby and I love spending time with him. :c9


We were going to do some yard work today, but it's turned pretty cold again - and very windy. So, I think I'll run a few errands and crochet later.

Thanks hon... I appreciate your compliment!

Oh... wow.. .thats so cool that your folks still have your afghan! I have been having fun with scraps and granny design lately!

Hubby is home... had a good night sleep and is now trying to clean a virus off his laptop. Good thing he's a computer geek! LOL



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Good morning, peeps.


Mary, thanks for the compliment on the ghan. And I couldn't do Twister, either!

Luke sounds like such a blessing....:c9



I'm sure the backpack is done by now....:lol

Oh thankd for the compliment! YES... you should hop over and check out the CAL

hehehehe... .the backpack is coming along great... I'm about done.

had to stop twice last night .... once because Michael's legs were hurting and I needed to calm him down and rub his legs till he fell asleep.


Then again when Hubby came home from treatment ... he needed some "wind down time of chat"

So I decided to put it up for a while and get back on it today. I'm super close though............. :hook

This is the last pic I took.... I'm further along now!




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Good morning everyone. Its snowing...:( After it rained all day yesterday, I was hoping for a warmer day.


Nothing much to report here. I did a little crocheting on my doilyghan last night, and the end is in sight. I think about 10 more rounds will finish it. Hopefully it will be at least 36 inches in diameter then.


I don't have much to do in the way of household chores today. (This doesn't mean that everything is perfectly clean and organized, it merely means that what isn't done, doesn't show!) That means I can read, or sew or crochet the day away.

Good Mornin' back at ya sweetie!

I love your attitude... "what isnt done, doesnt show"

You have a Great day of reading ... relaxing.. sewing and crocheting! :hug

Another beautiful blanket, Judy! :clap :clap :clap


I really like your squares, Tammy. It's going to make a very vibrant afghan.


A new Italian restaurant just opened about a mile from our house and John brought home supper from there for last night. Mine was chicken alfredo. Absolutely yummy. I'm having leftovers for my breakfast.


Hope the new med works, Julie.


I talked to Rosie this morning. They've been having a ball with the grandkids.


John and Mark are off to the hunting lodge to continue getting things ready for turkey hunting season, which starts the end of the month. They're also hoping to get some of the wild pigs, which would mean fresh pork and sausage. Don't know how much they'll get done in the rain, but they're going to try to get quite a bit done.


Hi, to everyone. Hope your day goes well. :hug:manyheart:hug

hey you........ thanks for the compliment!

heheheheee... love leftovers for breakfast!

You have a wonderful day my dear!



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Good morning everyone. Its snowing...:( After it rained all day yesterday, I was hoping for a warmer day.

Hopefully we won't have any more snow till the end of the year - but March, even around here, can surprise you. A little while ago I was actually sitting outside in the sun, reading....and I'm not rubbing it in. Really:)

Nothing much to report here. I did a little crocheting on my doilyghan last night, and the end is in sight. I think about 10 more rounds will finish it. Hopefully it will be at least 36 inches in diameter then.

fingers crossed!

I don't have much to do in the way of household chores today. (This doesn't mean that everything is perfectly clean and organized, it merely means that what isn't done, doesn't show!) That means I can read, or sew or crochet the day away.

Enoy your day off!

Cam is a very odd eater for a kid. He loves salad ,doesnt like chocolate very much at all if we get him candy. He never wants chocolate, he usually wants Skittles or something fruit flavored . If I ask him if he wants ice cream or cottage cheese, he wants the cottage cheese ...

He definitely has different taste buds for a kid.


Hi Jude & Cindy

I am currently being dressed like a pirate by Cam. I have on a pirate hat and earring ,and I am supposed to be guarding the gold from Pap, the ninja .


Even though he is getting bigger, he still likes to have your undivided attention .


Guess I'd better get off. I am neglecting my guard duties .

That's a hoot! You guys are wonderful with him:c9

Another beautiful blanket, Judy! :clap :clap :clap


A new Italian restaurant just opened about a mile from our house and John brought home supper from there for last night. Mine was chicken alfredo. Absolutely yummy. I'm having leftovers for my breakfast.

Oh, anything ALFREDO is wonderful!! Unfortunatley my cholesterol numbers don't respond in the right direct if I eat that:lol


John and Mark are off to the hunting lodge to continue getting things ready for turkey hunting season, which starts the end of the month. They're also hoping to get some of the wild pigs, which would mean fresh pork and sausage. Don't know how much they'll get done in the rain, but they're going to try to get quite a bit done.

I think the guys really go just to get away from the routine...:lol

Oh thankd for the compliment! YES... you should hop over and check out the CAL

Been there...and already posted:D


hehehehe... .the backpack is coming along great... I'm about done.

had to stop twice last night .... once because Michael's legs were hurting and I needed to calm him down and rub his legs till he fell asleep.


Then again when Hubby came home from treatment ... he needed some "wind down time of chat"

So I decided to put it up for a while and get back on it today. I'm super close though............. :hook

This is the last pic I took.... I'm further along now!









Beautiful stitches!!! It looks sturdy...
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Off for a bit....might start the Greek-style turkey stuffing for tomorrows dinner. It's my MIL's recipe and is delish!

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Good afternoon ladies :hi


I totally slept in today :eek I woke up around 9:30 and just staying in bed til almost 11!!! It's was great to not have to rush anywhere and I just pushed my chores to the back of my head :lol So now I have my 2nd load of laundry in and am getting ready for my workout. Today I'm going to play the Michael Jackson dance game for my workout :wink I haven't played in a whiel :think


My sixers won last night :clap:yay Mary's nephew had a good time, but I think he would've had more fun if he had a friend there, but of course we didn't think about that ahead of time. :shrug He fell asleep for a bit at halftime, must've had a hard day in school :think


Thanks to you all for the compliments on the socks and cake, and also for being very encouraging with my move :manyheart:ghug


Judy - You ghan came out beautifully :manyheart It's very vibrant.


Julie - It would be great if we could work out some sort of group meetup :think When I move to Pitt, you and I will be about 2 hours difference? I was never very good at twister. How's your pirating going - ar?


Linda - Glad Kim had a guy to flirt with :lol Keeping John's family in my prayers :hug :hug Good luck coming up with the quilting pattern, sorry I'm no help in that department :hug


Mary1 - You should've reminded Gracie last night that today was going to be saturday :lol Glad to hear that Luke is a happy baby :manyheart Have fun with your yard work today.


Tam - Wow, you've got alot going on!!! I saw that granny thread and decided to bypass it, but now am re-thinking it after seeing your squares :think I do have a lot of scraps for using :think The backpack is coming out great, you might even be done by now. Did dh fight the virus yet?


Cindy - Sorry to hear you're having snow today :( It's time for the next season to come in :yes I'm ready for the spring weather and today's not bad here, but the temp should drop with rain tomorrow. I do have to do my chores today, because it's no longer in hiding here :eek:lol That was my excuse last weekend :wink


Cheeria - So glad to hear your feeling better over there young lady!!! AND that you had a baby free day to rest :yes Even though I KNOW you love them being there, sometimes it's nice to get that free day in there too :think:yes:hug


Joanne - mmmmmm, chinese sounds great!!! I haven't had that in quite a while now :think I hope work goes well today and that you come home to tell us that you have tomorrow off :xfin And of course, you're more than welcome to visit me in Pitt.....I sure hope you will!!!! Anyone is welcome.....well, when I get my own place and not staying with my sister and her bf anyway. :bounce:woo


OK, off to meet MJ in the living room :wink:yay

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Hi all! I crashed and burned yesterday. Worked long and the steroids kicked in and gave me energy burst so I worked in yard a while. Then I was done in totally. Will try to catch up to y'all :lol which is hard to do when you're talkative!


Marisa, I was first born and father wanted a boy. Toni doesn't stand for anything. By the 3rd girl, her name is Penny Annie (which sounds close to penny ante) He finally got his boy on the 4th try.


Julie/Joanne, thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to be an inspiration to someone, although, I'm just me doing what needs to be done and enjoying life and whatever life throws my way. I need to remember the positives. The earth is awakening from a cold, snowy winter and I have daffodils cut and in house. My blood work is getting better, slowly but better and the protein spike is getting less and less. Those are the things I'm thankful for.


Marisa, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the socks!!! Cake is nice too, but I LOVE the socks.


Marlene, sounds like you and hubby are busy with the skirting. Hope those omelets were good this morning!


Also, big prayers and hugs to your son and his family and pray that things settle soon for all involved.


Joanne, sounds like you have a great attitude about the change. Certainly helps if you can accept change as it makes it so much easier and as you said, it's a part of life.


Chemo went as usual but I can't crochet when the IV is in. :sigh It came out last time and they are having trouble with my veins blowing. Guess the veins have decided that they have had enough being pricked and prodded to give up the blood :lol Just was exhausted when I got home from the day and then yesterday overdid it a bit and was to tired to do much but veg.


I also work from home and love it! All my meetings are done through live meeting and phone calls or IM. Like you, it's the way I work best, independently. I love my part-time job. I can't do full-time any longer but this works for me.


Wrennie, :rofl I can just picture you putting it around you and realizing you had done two left sides. Hate when that happens.


Linda, I understand about John's mom. Mine is 86 and been on oxygen full-time for years and is now in late stage congestive heart failure and is considered terminal by medical professionals. So, it could come at any time and my youngest sister is her caregiver, so I know how hard it's going to be on her. Mama has led a long life and has lost all but one sister in the last couple of years, so I'm thinking she really is winding down and getting ready to leave.


Judy, absolutely LOVE your NICU afghan and it's colors. Good job! And no snow on table, how great is that!


Cheeria, so glad to hear you are feeling better!


Tam, it seems the more chemo I get, the more naps I need to take! How is your DH doing?


I can't believe how much you do. But I understand about keeping busy, my crocheting helped me to quit smoking and is helping me through life, like I said, it's my yoga!!!


Well, need to get back to the ghan I'm testing and the teapot cozy that is driving me crazy for my friend. Want to get these two projects completed today. Tomorrow will be sewing another strip to the flannelghan and starting another while watching the races.


Love, hugs and prayers to all! BBL

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Hi all! I crashed and burned yesterday. Worked long and the steroids kicked in and gave me energy burst so I worked in yard a while. Then I was done in totally. Will try to catch up to y'all :lol which is hard to do when you're talkative!


Marisa, I was first born and father wanted a boy. Toni doesn't stand for anything. By the 3rd girl, her name is Penny Annie (which sounds close to penny ante) He finally got his boy on the 4th try.


Julie/Joanne, thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to be an inspiration to someone, although, I'm just me doing what needs to be done and enjoying life and whatever life throws my way. I need to remember the positives. The earth is awakening from a cold, snowy winter and I have daffodils cut and in house. My blood work is getting better, slowly but better and the protein spike is getting less and less. Those are the things I'm thankful for.


Marisa, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the socks!!! Cake is nice too, but I LOVE the socks.


Marlene, sounds like you and hubby are busy with the skirting. Hope those omelets were good this morning!


Also, big prayers and hugs to your son and his family and pray that things settle soon for all involved.


Joanne, sounds like you have a great attitude about the change. Certainly helps if you can accept change as it makes it so much easier and as you said, it's a part of life.


Chemo went as usual but I can't crochet when the IV is in. :sigh It came out last time and they are having trouble with my veins blowing. Guess the veins have decided that they have had enough being pricked and prodded to give up the blood :lol Just was exhausted when I got home from the day and then yesterday overdid it a bit and was to tired to do much but veg.


I also work from home and love it! All my meetings are done through live meeting and phone calls or IM. Like you, it's the way I work best, independently. I love my part-time job. I can't do full-time any longer but this works for me.


Wrennie, :rofl I can just picture you putting it around you and realizing you had done two left sides. Hate when that happens.


Linda, I understand about John's mom. Mine is 86 and been on oxygen full-time for years and is now in late stage congestive heart failure and is considered terminal by medical professionals. So, it could come at any time and my youngest sister is her caregiver, so I know how hard it's going to be on her. Mama has led a long life and has lost all but one sister in the last couple of years, so I'm thinking she really is winding down and getting ready to leave.


Judy, absolutely LOVE your NICU afghan and it's colors. Good job! And no snow on table, how great is that!


Cheeria, so glad to hear you are feeling better!


Tam, it seems the more chemo I get, the more naps I need to take! How is your DH doing?


I can't believe how much you do. But I understand about keeping busy, my crocheting helped me to quit smoking and is helping me through life, like I said, it's my yoga!!!


Well, need to get back to the ghan I'm testing and the teapot cozy that is driving me crazy for my friend. Want to get these two projects completed today. Tomorrow will be sewing another strip to the flannelghan and starting another while watching the races.


Love, hugs and prayers to all! BBL

Oh sweetie.......... I'm so sorry you have to go through this! Please know you are always in my prayers! :hug

Chemo days hubby is tired... but thats pretty much it. After a good night sleep... he's good to go today. Up.. workin' on his computer.......... and he did find the virus and kill it....... :whew I knew he would though!

heheehee... you talk about me being busy......... Look at you missy! testing an afghan and a teapot cozy while working on a flannel'ghan. :D

Good for you though........... keep up the "yoga"

Love ya hon



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Toni, I'm sorry you couldn't crochet during chemo....I hate wasted time like that. Hugs to you, sweetie:manyheart


Marisa, I LOVe vibrant colors....if I lived alone my house would be interesting. At least the guest room is deep red...and my office is Sweet Carrot, which is bright when the sun is shining in:D

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Hello again ladies :hi


I now have my sheets in the wash and will put them right back on the bed when done :D Then I'm done with chores for the day. Upstairs is cleaned and turtles are eating now. I'll clean downstairs tomorrow. Since I cleaned after working out, I got pooped out quickly :lol


Judy - I also like vibrant colors :yes


Toni - Sorry you couldn't crochet during your treatment :hug Did you read a book maybe? Or do some crossword puzzles? (I'm totally addicted to puzzles :blush:lol )


Tam - Did you finish the backpack yet? It won't be long if not :think


Check back in a bit

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Judy - I also like vibrant colors :yes

I was wondering....your choices for wearables are muted...then I see the bright ghans you make....

Now I know why we seem to be in sync:D

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It continues to be a drizzly day here and chilly. :rain Kim's bundled up in her chair under covers and I'm on the bed under a stadium blanket and we both are drinking hot tea. :mug:mug She's watching a movie and I'm rereading a book. I haven't read it in a while so don't know where it's going yet. I finished a short one that I got at the library sale earlier today, too. It's just that kind of a day.

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Hello again ladies :hi


I now have my sheets in the wash and will put them right back on the bed when done :D Then I'm done with chores for the day. Upstairs is cleaned and turtles are eating now. I'll clean downstairs tomorrow. Since I cleaned after working out, I got pooped out quickly :lol


Judy - I also like vibrant colors :yes


Toni - Sorry you couldn't crochet during your treatment :hug Did you read a book maybe? Or do some crossword puzzles? (I'm totally addicted to puzzles :blush:lol )


Tam - Did you finish the backpack yet? It won't be long if not :think


Check back in a bit

heheheeheeee..... yepper............. its done.

was busy doing scans on my laptop so couldnt share pics.... but I will now...................... :hook



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Okay kids................. here we go............

I made this for the boys to carry their gameboys and DSI's and games in.








They love it and are super happy to have a nice bag to carry their games in when we go out.







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Okay kids................. here we go............

I made this for the boys to carry their gameboys and DSI's and games in.








They love it and are super happy to have a nice bag to carry their games in when we go out.







AWESOME!!!!!! :manyheart I love it

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