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Our House Part Two


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Hi all!


Dinner was good yesterday and neighborhood fireworks were really good too. Glad it rained hard before time for them to go off. I'm finally feeling "normal" whatever that definition is. May be able to stop taking the nausea meds tomorrow.


Marisa, glad you got home safe and sound and love the mystery CAL project! As for Apple, I would love a MAC, lot less hassles that a PC. I hate windows and anything that is microsoft but that's the way of the world and have to deal with it. Loved the comment about leaving on the shelf, should have taken them :rofl


Wrennie and Joanne, my AC is set at 78 in the summer and heat at 62-64 in the winter. My dd freezes even with the AC at that temp :lol


Tam, congratulations on your boys! Loved the photos of the mud volleyball. Glad Ken is doing better and continued prayers for his health.


Cindy, everyone deserves a late morning in bed, even us early risers!!!


Linda, good score on the fabric. Our Wally World is going to be remodeling and bring back the fabric dept and more yarn. :yay:clap:cheer


Judy, glad you found someone that can do your hair the way you wanted it done and are happy with.


Everyone else have a great week! BBL

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Greetings from Cheyenne, WY... I recently started crocheting after a 20+year hiatus and was happy to see all the helpful videos on improving techniques. The whole world is at our fingertips!

You're last sentence says it all!:D

Welcome to the House! Is your first name shyann? Or is that just a variation. of it?

Is there a project you're working on right now??


I'm 62 and married to a semi retired hubby. I'm mom to a 36 yo son and 2 spoiled furples (German shepherds: one 5 1/2 and the other 4 months old). I do alot of charity crocheting with an occasional "me" project thrown in...

Have fun and enjoy crochetville!

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Hi everyone. :) I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend! We stayed here except to go out to lunch yesterday...then some play time with Luke at DD's house. He's doing forward rolls...whenever he feels like it.:lol:eek He has a couple of bumps and DD is going nuts trying to make sure he's okay.


I've been gone all morning and will be back later!

Oh, how, fun! Luke has a new trick to drive mommy crazy. He'll have it mastered in no time and then find something new to get bumps and bruises. :lol

·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thanks so much for the love!

Ken is doing good.... no fevers... just waiting for his appointment on the 11th to do a biopsy to see where he really stands.

Saying prayers that the biopsy comes back well. :hug

We had a nice weekend of celebration! One of the local small towns put on a big 4th Celebration... A day filled with activities and fun!

Patrick played in Mud Volleyball......... his team didnt win this year.... but he still had fun!


Oh, my! So much MUD!!!!

Then he had to get all cleaned up for later.... he's in the Marching Band and was in the parade. His little girlfriend K. marched behind the band in the Flag Team.


Looking good.

We took our baby grill and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs... had beans and potato salad... chips ... brownies and rice crispie treats! Played Ladder Golf .. tossed a football around and played catch with a baseball. I did get some crocheting done while watching the boys and visiting with friends.

The firework display was beautiful!

Was a good weekend!



Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time.

Hi all!


Dinner was good yesterday and neighborhood fireworks were really good too. Glad it rained hard before time for them to go off. I'm finally feeling "normal" whatever that definition is. May be able to stop taking the nausea meds tomorrow.

Glad to hear you are doing better.

Linda, good score on the fabric. Our Wally World is going to be remodeling and bring back the fabric dept and more yarn. :yay:clap:cheer


Greetings from Cheyenne, WY... I recently started crocheting after a 20+year hiatus and was happy to see all the helpful videos on improving techniques. The whole world is at our fingertips!

Hi, Shyann! :hi Welcome to the Our House CAL! :welcome We love having people join us. I'm 61 and a caregiver for a lady who has had 3 major strokes. I spend my free time alternating between crochet and quilting.

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Hi, ladies! back from my newest hairdresser....got color and blond highlights:D The girl is 33 and knows what she's doing...


Marisa, Lucy is much better than she has been in her behavior...:)



Off I go...BBL~

I think maybe I should check out your new hairdresser. I'm trying to talk my hairdresser into changing things up a bit- but I think we're both stuck in a rut- I want something where my grey doesn't show so much with the contrast between the color so I can go longer between coloring.

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Hi all,


It was a tough day in Paradise today! The rest of the week is going to be rough- but thank goodness it's a short week.


Marisa- Love the mystery project- it came out great!! And as far as Apple- I love Apple- it's all I use- except for at work! I have a macbook, DH was converted by me and he now has a macbook and we also have an IMac. And we both have IPads, and Iphones. There customer service is wonderful. They are always so helpful!!! Glad that they replaced your mom's screen.


Great score on the yarn- and I love how your Dad thinks!!!


Linda- I had stopped in Walmart the other day and noticed lots more fabric too- but it doesn't seem like they are doing anything with the yarn- Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday!!!


Cindy- Wow- sleeping till 10!!! I'm sure you needed it. Hope you had a good productive day, and also that you had some fun time too!!!


Wrennie- there was some kind of computer glitch with the AC at work today- and it was 80 degrees!!! Thankfully they corrected the problem by noon and the building started to cool down--otherwise, I would have been out of there!! LOL


Toni- Hope you are feeling better today.


Luke sounds so cute Mary- a real boy with bumps and bruises-!!


Tammy- Loved the pics of the boys- especially the "muddy" one!!!! Have fun at the games all week!!!


Welcome Shayannlindy!!!


Last but not least - Happy Birthday Val!!!


Hi to everyone else in the House== I'm going to sign off- hope you all have a good night!!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was crazy today and I ended up being the only doc there :eek My regular guy is covering this week and next for 2 of the other office that their docs need off and the girl that's replacing me was ill today :shrug Next week she'll be covering our 4th office so I'll be alone ALL next week :eek


Cindy - You're right, it's nice knowing that your work is appreciated :yes


Linda - Beautiful fabric :manyheart


Val - :birthday


Mary - How cut of Luke learning a new trick :lol


Tam - Wow, Patrick sure had fun :D He and his gf look cute together too :wink I twirled a flag in band myself....I loved it too :yes


Judy - :yay for the new hairdo and liking the new lady's work. Glad to hear that Lucy is behaving better :hug


Toni - Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today :hug


Shyann - :welcome I'm a 32 year old chiropractor getting ready to move to Pittsburgh to start my own practice. I am not married, nor do I have any children. I do however, have 2 turtles :manyheart

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Hi all,


It was a tough day in Paradise today! The rest of the week is going to be rough- but thank goodness it's a short week.


Marisa- Love the mystery project- it came out great!! And as far as Apple- I love Apple- it's all I use- except for at work! I have a macbook, DH was converted by me and he now has a macbook and we also have an IMac. And we both have IPads, and Iphones. There customer service is wonderful. They are always so helpful!!! Glad that they replaced your mom's screen.


Great score on the yarn- and I love how your Dad thinks!!!


Hi to everyone else in the House== I'm going to sign off- hope you all have a good night!!


Actually Joanne, they gave her a whole new ipad2 and replaced the device!!!

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I had to laugh about your cold/hot story. It's the same here ,Sam's heater button must be stuck on about 80 year round,because he doesnt get as cold in the winter as I do,and in the summer, he can wear shirtsleeves when I am wearing 2 shirts to keep warm in the air conditioning. I like it to be cold ,but I need something to cover up with to keep the rest of me warm .



Sorry you didnt hit the jackpot with yarn sales,but sounds like you at least got fabric for some good deals. Our Walmart keeps changing things around in the craft area too,and have made it a LOT smaller .



Your dad sounds funny --that you guys only left 2 skeins of yarn . I'm glad you found what your friend needed --and the bag is really pretty .



Nothing wrong with getting some extra rest -- you have been under lots of stress lately,and probably very tired .



Hope your poor head is better. I hate them headaches . NOT fun .


Happy Birthday, Val !!!!



Sounds like Luke is learning new tricks -- always fun watching them do that isnt it ?

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Great news about your husband,and the mud volleyball looks fun -- never heard of it before,but I bet kids would love it .


HiYa Jude !!



So glad you are feeling better now !


Welcome Shyann---

Good to have you aboard ! I dont recall ever meeting someone on here from your state . I hear it's beautiful out there .

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Good morning!


Julie- Wow you were up early---or up really late depending on whether you were still up from yesterday or just getting an early start to the day. You must be getting excited for your grand kids and DD to visit. That should be coming shortly, right?


Marisa- Wow- your work day sounds crazy like mine-:eek and having to be the only doc next week? I'm already dreading the rest of this week. There is just too much that I have to do in a limited amount of time. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to train a new employee- that just puts a big ole monkey wrench into everything. I'm ready for another vacation already!!:lol


It's supposed to be hot/humid here today so at least they fixed the glitch with the AC at work!


Cheeria, Judy, Marisa- are we still on for the 16th? Marisa- will Mary come with you?


Off to get another cup of coffee to start this day. And just for the record....I'd much rather be crocheting!!!:hook

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Good morning housemates :coffee


Didn't have the best night's sleep :( Nothing to report here either this morning. I went through some clothes last night and have a pile to take home. Managed to get through all my bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) now have to do the tops. I have to finish that this week to have it done by the weekend so I can take the clothes to my parents and they'll be there the following weekend when my SIL gets in. Apparently she doesn't have many clothes so she'll go through what I'm getting rid of, but I really can't imagine that she's gained that much weight to fit into my clothes :think But, then my mom and aunt will go through them as well :yes And my turtles are going up there this weekend too :yes


Julie - Thanks, I was hoping my color changes would work on the bag since it was a mystery and I didn't know the whole thing at once :yes


Joanne - I'm good for the 16th, I purposely kept it free. As long as something doesn't come up, Mary should be coming with me, but she's not definite yet.


Have a great day everyone :hug

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Morning house! Had a good day yesterday and as we were driving out to go to store, my dd was coming out of the house and motioned me to roll down my window. Did and she said "Mom, don't move the car!!!" So, I got out to see what was going on, and she was under back of car and came out with a teeny tiny kitten :eek Afraid there are more that we haven't found and it must have come from a house somewhere because it's easy to handle. Scared, lonely away from litter mates and driving miss Shasta absolutely crazy that it's in the crate and she can't play with it :lol I'll take it to the animal adoption shelter today on way to vampire.


Greetings from Cheyenne, WY... I recently started crocheting after a 20+year hiatus and was happy to see all the helpful videos on improving techniques. The whole world is at our fingertips!


:welcome to the house! I'm 66 and semi-retired and live in the mountains with my three :dog, One :cat and my youngest dd, for the time being.


Hi all,


It was a tough day in Paradise today! The rest of the week is going to be rough- but thank goodness it's a short week.




Good evening ladies :hi


Work was crazy today and I ended up being the only doc there :eek My regular guy is covering this week and next for 2 of the other office that their docs need off and the girl that's replacing me was ill today :shrug Next week she'll be covering our 4th office so I'll be alone ALL next week :eek


:eekis right! What are they going to do without you???


Mary, they are so much fun when they are learning new things. I can relate and laugh at your dd!

Val, a belated :birthday

Hi Julie! Hi Judy! And Hi everyone else! Have a good day!

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Marissa I love the bright colors for your mystery cal bag!


Wrennie, my dh is also one to keep the A/C turned to a low temperature. No matter what the weather, I always bring a jacket with me when we drive somewhere. In winter its the opposite, he turns the heat on high.

I think she keeps the house cool in winter too. Complains if the heats on too high at work, then my 2 other co-workers come in all winter with long johns on under their work clothes. :lol


Wrennie and Joanne, my AC is set at 78 in the summer and heat at 62-64 in the winter. My dd freezes even with the AC at that temp :lol.

No A/C for me at home. Work is usually 71 for the A/C


Greetings from Cheyenne, WY... I recently started crocheting after a 20+year hiatus and was happy to see all the helpful videos on improving techniques. The whole world is at our fingertips!


Welcome Shyannlindy!


I'm glad its only a 4 day work week, but, we're getting audited tomorrow. Blech. Time to quiz us to death.

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Good morning everyone. Another quiet day on the plans for Kim and I. Not sure what I'm going to tackle today. Guess I'll find out as the day progresses. :lol


Good evening ladies :hi


Work was crazy today and I ended up being the only doc there :eek My regular guy is covering this week and next for 2 of the other office that their docs need off and the girl that's replacing me was ill today :shrug Next week she'll be covering our 4th office so I'll be alone ALL next week :eek

Oh, YIKES!!! :eek I thought that they were going to be weening you out of the practice and others in by now. Sounds like you are being dumped on instead. What will they do when you aren't they to cover things for them at this rate? They are going to miss you BIG TIME!!!

I'm already dreading the rest of this week. There is just too much that I have to do in a limited amount of time. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to train a new employee- that just puts a big ole monkey wrench into everything. I'm ready for another vacation already!!:lol


It's supposed to be hot/humid here today so at least they fixed the glitch with the AC at work!

Oh, lordy! Playing catch up from vacation and training a new employee at the same time. Ouch! Good luck and hope the day goes well. Hoping the new employee is a fast learner. :hug

Morning house! Had a good day yesterday and as we were driving out to go to store, my dd was coming out of the house and motioned me to roll down my window. Did and she said "Mom, don't move the car!!!" So, I got out to see what was going on, and she was under back of car and came out with a teeny tiny kitten :eek Afraid there are more that we haven't found and it must have come from a house somewhere because it's easy to handle. Scared, lonely away from litter mates and driving miss Shasta absolutely crazy that it's in the crate and she can't play with it :lol I'll take it to the animal adoption shelter today on way to vampire.

Poor kitty! :hug Good luck with the vampire.

I'm glad its only a 4 day work week, but, we're getting audited tomorrow. Blech. Time to quiz us to death.

Oh, no! Good luck with the audit. :hug


:birthday:cakeBelated Happy Birthday, Val! :cake:birthday

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hi, ya, peeps!


Cheeria, Judy, Marisa- are we still on for the 16th? Marisa- will Mary come with you?


Off to get another cup of coffee to start this day. And just for the record....I'd much rather be crocheting!!!:hook

16th is good for me so far....


gotta go - chores this afternoon and dentist this afternoon. A filling in my wisdom tooth:(

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Good morning everyone. Its a beautiful day here, but I will be spending a lot of it inside on household chores. After sleeping til 10 yesterday, I had a terrible time sleeping last night, so I'm dragging a bit, but hopefully I will get a lot done despite that.


Joanne, I am also training a new employee at work. I don't mind doing it, but it does slow me down a lot.


Marisa, it sounds like you are being dumped on to me too. Its almost like they don't really believe that you are leaving.


Judy, have "fun" at the dentist!

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. .,,,.,,. .

.//^ ^\\.



(,,,)^(,,,) Good Morning House..............

How is everyone this morning? I'm getting ready to go get a manicure! :yay I'll be back in a few hours to catch up better and visit! its an hour drive there... and hour for the manicure and an hour drive back.... whew.... hope I dont see any fabric/yarn stores on the way.... LOL

Hi, ladies! back from my newest hairdresser....got color and blond highlights:D The girl is 33 and knows what she's doing...oh... Nice! you know... I have never colored my hair.... it bleaches out alot on its own in the summer.... but you can still see all the gray!

Marisa, Lucy is much better than she has been in her behavior...:)

Off I go...BBL~


What great pics, Tam! hehehehe... thanks

Marisa, the bag is great!!


Hi all!


Dinner was good yesterday and neighborhood fireworks were really good too. Glad it rained hard before time for them to go off. I'm finally feeling "normal" whatever that definition is. May be able to stop taking the nausea meds tomorrow. oh honey.... I'm glad you had a good day... and I'm so glad you're feeling better!!! :hug


Marisa, glad you got home safe and sound and love the mystery CAL project! As for Apple, I would love a MAC, lot less hassles that a PC. I hate windows and anything that is microsoft but that's the way of the world and have to deal with it. Loved the comment about leaving on the shelf, should have taken them :rofl


Wrennie and Joanne, my AC is set at 78 in the summer and heat at 62-64 in the winter. My dd freezes even with the AC at that temp :lol


Tam, congratulations on your boys! Loved the photos of the mud volleyball. Glad Ken is doing better and continued prayers for his health. Thanks!!! Patrick loves to play the mud volleyball. His team took championship two years ago. He won HorseShoes too last year. That stinker made 40 from that!


Cindy, everyone deserves a late morning in bed, even us early risers!!!


Linda, good score on the fabric. Our Wally World is going to be remodeling and bring back the fabric dept and more yarn. :yay:clap:cheer


Judy, glad you found someone that can do your hair the way you wanted it done and are happy with.


Everyone else have a great week! BBL


Greetings from Cheyenne, WY... I recently started crocheting after a 20+year hiatus and was happy to see all the helpful videos on improving techniques. :welcome to the fun!!! The whole world is at our fingertips!


Oh, how, fun! Luke has a new trick to drive mommy crazy. He'll have it mastered in no time and then find something new to get bumps and bruises. :lol


Sounds like you guys had a wonderful time.

Yepper!!! :D



Hi, Shyann! :hi Welcome to the Our House CAL! :welcome We love having people join us. I'm 61 and a caregiver for a lady who has had 3 major strokes. I spend my free time alternating between crochet and quilting.


Hi all,


It was a tough day in Paradise today! The rest of the week is going to be rough- but thank goodness it's a short week.


Marisa- Love the mystery project- it came out great!! And as far as Apple- I love Apple- it's all I use- except for at work! I have a macbook, DH was converted by me and he now has a macbook and we also have an IMac. And we both have IPads, and Iphones. There customer service is wonderful. They are always so helpful!!! Glad that they replaced your mom's screen.


Great score on the yarn- and I love how your Dad thinks!!!


Linda- I had stopped in Walmart the other day and noticed lots more fabric too- but it doesn't seem like they are doing anything with the yarn- Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday!!!


Cindy- Wow- sleeping till 10!!! I'm sure you needed it. Hope you had a good productive day, and also that you had some fun time too!!!


Wrennie- there was some kind of computer glitch with the AC at work today- and it was 80 degrees!!! Thankfully they corrected the problem by noon and the building started to cool down--otherwise, I would have been out of there!! LOL


Toni- Hope you are feeling better today.


Luke sounds so cute Mary- a real boy with bumps and bruises-!!


Tammy- Loved the pics of the boys- especially the "muddy" one!!!! Have fun at the games all week!!! :D thanks! Well... got rained out of Michaels game last night. But we do have his double header tonight. :yay


Welcome Shayannlindy!!!


Last but not least - Happy Birthday Val!!!


Hi to everyone else in the House== I'm going to sign off- hope you all have a good night!!






off to get ready to go...

Catch up later



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Good evening ladies :hi


Work was crazy today and I ended up being the only doc there :eek My regular guy is covering this week and next for 2 of the other office that their docs need off and the girl that's replacing me was ill today :shrug Next week she'll be covering our 4th office so I'll be alone ALL next week :eek


Cindy - You're right, it's nice knowing that your work is appreciated :yes


Linda - Beautiful fabric :manyheart


Val - :birthday


Mary - How cut of Luke learning a new trick :lol


Tam - Wow, Patrick sure had fun :D He and his gf look cute together too :wink I twirled a flag in band myself....I loved it too :yes hehehe... yeah... he had fun! Patrick's little girlfriend is a sweet girl... but this momma is keepin' her in check! I have 8 grandbabies.... NO MORE... not till someone is stinkin' married! I told Patrick and his girlfriend.... when he was 5 I was his best friend... now that he's 15... I'm his MOM... when he's 25 I'll be his friend again. :yes yep... I'm mean!


Judy - :yay for the new hairdo and liking the new lady's work. Glad to hear that Lucy is behaving better :hug


Toni - Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today :hug


Shyann - :welcome I'm a 32 year old chiropractor getting ready to move to Pittsburgh to start my own practice. I am not married, nor do I have any children. I do however, have 2 turtles :manyheart



I had to laugh about your cold/hot story. It's the same here ,Sam's heater button must be stuck on about 80 year round,because he doesnt get as cold in the winter as I do,and in the summer, he can wear shirtsleeves when I am wearing 2 shirts to keep warm in the air conditioning. I like it to be cold ,but I need something to cover up with to keep the rest of me warm .



Sorry you didnt hit the jackpot with yarn sales,but sounds like you at least got fabric for some good deals. Our Walmart keeps changing things around in the craft area too,and have made it a LOT smaller .



Your dad sounds funny --that you guys only left 2 skeins of yarn . I'm glad you found what your friend needed --and the bag is really pretty .



Nothing wrong with getting some extra rest -- you have been under lots of stress lately,and probably very tired .



Hope your poor head is better. I hate them headaches . NOT fun .Thanks darlin'!!!! :hug How are you?


Happy Birthday, Val !!!!



Sounds like Luke is learning new tricks -- always fun watching them do that isnt it ?



Great news about your husband,and the mud volleyball looks fun -- never heard of it before,but I bet kids would love it . Thanks!! Oh.. Patrick thinks its great fun! The one time you can get totally muddy on purpose and not be in trouble... LOL


HiYa Jude !!



So glad you are feeling better now !


Welcome Shyann---

Good to have you aboard ! I dont recall ever meeting someone on here from your state . I hear it's beautiful out there .




okay...really leaving this time........LOL



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Good afternoon Sisterhood,


I've been out of pocket for a few days. I've been to Alabama as well as spending time with my sister here in Atlanta.


I'm glad everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend.


Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.


I'm dealing with a blinding headache at the moment so I'll stop back in later when the medicine takes effect.


Have a great day, all!

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Good afternoon Sisterhood,


I've been out of pocket for a few days. I've been to Alabama as well as spending time with my sister here in Atlanta.


I'm glad everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend.


Thanks for all of the birthday wishes. I didnt wish you happy birthday... I'm sorry!!! :cake:bday:cake


I'm dealing with a blinding headache at the moment so I'll stop back in later when the medicine takes effect. oh hon... i'm so sorry... how I understand what you're going through. Do feel better soon!!!! :hug


Have a great day, all!






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Hi, ladies!


Val - I hope you're feeling better:hug


My dentist appointment went much easier than both me and the dentist thought it would. He actually gave me a high 5 when he saw me off:lol

Nitrous oxide made it sooooo easy.


BBL ladies. Want to get the border started for my charity ghan.

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