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Our House Part Two


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That's nice that you are finding some others to help with their quilting,and I bet Kim would love it if you had some of them in,she would be highly entertained with some new people in the house .

Kim loves being around people with things happening.

I bet it is a super big project to make a move that far. We moved several times to other houses on the same streets -- we lived in 3 houses on one street,and 2 houses on another . One time we moved to the house behind us, so we only had to cross the back yards to move . We thought it'd be an easy move, but it was a HUGE one .

I'm glad to hear the updates on Andersonville. That book has been on my TBR pile for many years ,but have never attempted it yet . It sounds very interesting and educational .

It's a very good book. And it will be what I'm using for my 'banned book.' It was banned in the South and in Texas at one time.

Not much new to report here,except Cam is still here -- him and pap were out in the back shooting off rockets today,then I found them a pair of night-vision goggles at a yard sale,so they have been busy fiddling with them. It's pretty entertaining just watching the 2 of them .


I told Cam the goggles will be for our ghost hunt that so far hasnt happened. He promised we will go when the "big cousins" come,which are my girl's kids,coming next month. Not all of them will go,one is too small, one is too scared,but the others probably will .


I guess Cam thinks there will be safety in numbers. I'm just wondering how I can BAMBOOZLE the police chief into allowing that many of us to be in the graveyard after dark . He gave permission for me and Cam last year, but this one will be a bigger production. Cam wants Sam to come and take a film of it so we can watch ourselves on our tv,so it is turning into a pretty big venture ,with camera crew,actors, etc ....

This sounds like it's going to be quite a escapade for sure.


By the way., we had another funny story in the paper today == in the police reports, a woman in the south end ( bad end of town ),woke up and discovered multiple pills laying all over her front yard and immediately called 911 .

She wanted to report that someone was trying to grow Viagra in her front yard .


F~U~N~N~Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:lol


That's it for Hillbilly Village .....

Oh, good grief!

Well, I'm finishing up the surface stitching on the front pocket of the diaper bag, have the lining sides sewn, need to iron down the top and sew it in and WALA! it will be finished! It's been an interesting project to say the least. Finished another towel topper while at the mama's sitting with her so my sister could run errands and have some time out and away. Picked up the Angel Food packages I had ordered and shared with my mama and sister. So, that's been my weekend so far. Just getting the things on my list accomplished.


Got cabbage, carrots and potatoes in the fruit and veggie box I ordered. Hmmmmm...have nice big slice of ham....okay, everything into the crockpot, boiled dinner for supper. Just have to decide whether to make biscuits or cornbread to go with.

Sounds great. We're having spaghetti.

Linda, we've been having house rattling, window shaking boomers here and lots and lots of much needed rain. Just wish the wind and lightening didn't come with it. But, I'm thankful anyway.


Where are you moving? So you will be moving with Kim and John?

Yes, I'm moving with John and Kim. We'll be near Killeen, Texas. About 90 minutes from Mary 1.

Wrennie, the creeks here are running strong. The Big one down the hill behind my house is over it's banks in some areas. Mostly the low farmlands. Sure hope your's behave!

Stay safe.

Hi house mates----


I didn't go to Boston----I spoke with DD last night and she talked me out of it- she said that vacation is supposed to be relaxing and that it would be tiring to drive up to Boston today and back home on Monday and then head to Annapolis/Baltimore for a few days. She said she is definitely coming down here when Ryan is born for a few days and may also be coming for a weekend in July to visit my middle DD and we can get together then.


I actually slept in for the first time in a verrrrry long time. We went to the library today and got a book on tape for the car ride tomorrow-Ice Cold by Tess Gerritson- (a Rizzoli and Isles story) I can't wait for the series to start again in a couple of weeks!!!


We got a great deal on a nice hotel in Annapolis so we are leaving tomorrow morning and coming home on Wednesday. I read a little bit today, watched some of the Yankee game, took a nap and also did some crocheting. A very relaxing day so far. I can't remember the last time I got so much sleep:lol:lol:lol But I do feel rejuvenated and ready for vacation now!!!!

Sounds like a great plan. Enjoy!

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Joanne, enjoy your time away!! You need a rest:yes


Jules, funny you mentioned girls being tall...I have 2 tall nieces. One is about 6 feet tall, the other a smidge smaller (their dad is my 6'5" brother). Then there's my 6 ft tall girl cousin (my uncle's DD on my dad's side)...

my 6'8" brother has a DS, well over 6 feet tall and 2 DDs, both taller than me, but not 6 feet.

Genes are interesting....


Little Miss Lucy went in the neighbor's yard to play with their dog (not sure if I mentioned it earlier) and after 5 minutes she came home and slept for over an hour:lol

I just had her out again and she visited another neighbor and her dog.

Trying to socialize her....:D


'nite everyone....:hug:manyheart

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Yep, I have a girl cousin like that who is probably over 6 ft --never asked her exact height,but she is very tall .

I think lots of gilrs would enjoy the advatages of being tall, if they are into sports or blessed with good looks they can be models.


I am built more along the line of a FRIGIDAIRE ,so sports and modeling have to be put on the back burner for me .

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Hello everyone. Quick check in here. I worked yesterday, and then we went out for dinner with friends who are moving to Florida in a few weeks. Today dh and I went to Shipshewana for the day. We visited a ton of little shops and went out for lunch. I'm pretty much tuckered out now.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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Cindy- sounds like a nice day- I love going in and out of little shops and eating out!! Hoping to do that during the week down in Maryland!!!


Judy- That's cute that you are socializing Lucy!! Have fun with your brother and SIL. It was great seeing both my brothers and SIL's at the babyque a couple of weeks ago!!! Genes are very interesting!! My Mom was 5'6, Dad 5'10 --I'm 5'4,one brother is 5'11 and my other brother is 6'1- his son is 6'6! Both his DD's are about 5'8. My oldest is 5'1 (takes after my Dad's mom who was 4'11), middle DD is 5'5 and youngest is 5'6. Their father was 6'.


Julie- Thanks for the laugh- how you are built like a fridgidaire- so modeling and sports on the back burner!!! Hope you had a fun day with Cam and that the policeman give you permission for your ghost hunting!!!


Linda- The quilting 'bee' sounds like a lot of fun. (and so does your dinner- I love pasta)

That would be so neat if you and Val could meet up a couple of times before you move to TX!!


Val- How's the yarn organizing coming along? Can't wait to see a pic when it's done!


Trish- Enjoy having your DBF home! I was glad to read that your shoulder is coming along---


Time to sign off for the night!!

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(((...Good evening all............. :whew finally getting a chance to sit. We've been super busy all day. This morning after hubby made a nice big breakfast for us all... we went down stairs and finished cleaning the last piece of the basement. :yay.... its all done! So nice down there now!

Baseball game for today was cancelled due to too much rain last night.................boy did it POUR! :(

So we had burgers and dogs on the grill for dinner. Relaxed a while and now we're all enjoying banana splits and more relaxing!

I'm feeling so much better having my house back!!!! The boys are so different............ they play.. they smile... .they enjoy being home! No more hiding in mommy's closet!

Well.... off to catch up on everything............. so good to see you all! :hug



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Top of the Morning,All

( or middle of the night ,depending on where you live )



Sounds like you had a real enjoyable day yesterday . No wonder you got tired, that's a full day of stuff to do !



Have a wonderful vacation . You deserve it because you work hard . As for being built like a Frigidaire : We only have 2 kids in our family -- I was the sturdy built one who was the good kid and studied hard to get good grades .

My sister was the total opposite :

Skinny as a rail(still is ) ,spoiled rotten (still is ),very pretty (still is ) ,and did lousy in school. Not because she wasnt SMART,but because she HATED school ,so showing up was about as much as she was willing to do .


I always tell her she was born with the looks,but I was born with the brains. I used to think brains outlasted looks, but I am beginning to wonder.

The older I get, the dingier I get . She still looks slim,trim and pretty ,but needs to use hairdye , lots of makeup (carries it in a suitcase) and Bondo in spots starting to pucker and sag .


So, I'm not sure which one truly lasts longer ....




Hi Tam

Sounds like yesterday was just about a perfect day ! Glad you have your house back !

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Good morning!

Ended up staying up late watching the US/Mexico Gold Cup and unfortunately the US lost:( I was wide awake which I attribute to sleeping in AND taking a nap yesterday- two things I am not used to!


Tammy- You must be so relieved to have the basement all cleaned out and done!!! Your house is almost back to being your own:clap


Toni- Did you enjoy the car racing last evening? I finished a Granny stripe boutique bag last night- they are so cute. Thanks for the link to it that you posted in the Tote Swap CAL. Just have to add a flower and then when my DD comes over with her sewing machine I'm going to line it. (although, since it is a small little bag, could probably just line it by hand)


Julie- I still say brains outlasts beauty!!! Without our brains it doesn't matter how pretty or slim we are!!


DH has risen- and it's time for me to get packing- the main thing I have to think about is what yarn am I bringing with me? (although there is a Joann's on the same road as the hotel:devil)


Have a good day house mates!

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Good morning friends. Blue skies today. John spent yesterday helping shingle a roof for a friend. He just left to go back again today, although he's only planning on half a day today. We'll see. He could hardly move last night. :lol


Joanne, enjoy your time away!! You need a rest:yes


Jules, funny you mentioned girls being tall...I have 2 tall nieces. One is about 6 feet tall, the other a smidge smaller (their dad is my 6'5" brother). Then there's my 6 ft tall girl cousin (my uncle's DD on my dad's side)...

my 6'8" brother has a DS, well over 6 feet tall and 2 DDs, both taller than me, but not 6 feet.

Genes are interesting....


Little Miss Lucy went in the neighbor's yard to play with their dog (not sure if I mentioned it earlier) and after 5 minutes she came home and slept for over an hour:lol

I just had her out again and she visited another neighbor and her dog.

Trying to socialize her....:D


'nite everyone....:hug:manyheart

Height is interesting my ex is about 5'7" and I'm 5'6", but son was 5'10 1/2" and daughter 5'8".


Good for you for socializing Lucy early. That's funny that she slept for so long after 5 minutes of play.

Hello everyone. Quick check in here. I worked yesterday, and then we went out for dinner with friends who are moving to Florida in a few weeks. Today dh and I went to Shipshewana for the day. We visited a ton of little shops and went out for lunch. I'm pretty much tuckered out now.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Sounds like a wonderful day. The kind that I love.



(((...Good evening all............. :whew finally getting a chance to sit. We've been super busy all day. This morning after hubby made a nice big breakfast for us all... we went down stairs and finished cleaning the last piece of the basement. :yay.... its all done! So nice down there now!

Baseball game for today was cancelled due to too much rain last night.................boy did it POUR! :(

So we had burgers and dogs on the grill for dinner. Relaxed a while and now we're all enjoying banana splits and more relaxing!

I'm feeling so much better having my house back!!!! The boys are so different............ they play.. they smile... .they enjoy being home! No more hiding in mommy's closet!

Well.... off to catch up on everything............. so good to see you all! :hug






Oh, Tammy! :hug I'm so glad that you are getting your home back to normal and that everyone is relaxing and happy in it again. :hug

Good morning!

Ended up staying up late watching the US/Mexico Gold Cup and unfortunately the US lost:( I was wide awake which I attribute to sleeping in AND taking a nap yesterday- two things I am not used to!


DH has risen- and it's time for me to get packing- the main thing I have to think about is what yarn am I bringing with me? (although there is a Joann's on the same road as the hotel:devil)


Have a good day house mates!

Sounds like a stop at Joann's is in order just because it's so handy. :lol


Have a great day everyone. :manyheart

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Good Morning, Ladies. :manyheart I've just read every post since Wednesday evening and love seeing all the activity! I thought things were supposed to slow down as we get older...DH and I are finding that not to be true. :lol Today is a "me" day and other than a trip to the store, I'll be right here hopefully with my hook and yarn. (and the never ending laundry!):yes


Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone! :ghug

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Hi, my friends!


Yup, we all seem busy. Women's work is never-ending!

About Lucy sleeping so much yesterday - I keep having to remind myself she's not even 4 months old yet! She goes and goes and goes...then crashes. There doesn't seem to be much in between for her.

The dog she played with yesterday, an adult, is only a few pounds heavier than her...a Heinz 57, so her looks are interesting:lol


Getting the sheets freshened for the guest room...doing a little at a time....needs dusting...and need to turn over "my" bathroom to DB and SIL...so lots of cleaning to do in there.:P That'll be tomorrow's chore.


Later, gators:hug:manyheart

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Hi just checking in!!


And we did go to JoAnn's and I picked up 2 skeins of RHSS Pink Camo on clearance. I'll be going back by myself sometime before we head home- DH was good about going, but I felt pressured to hurry up even though he didn't say anything!!! There was also a Trader Joe's in the same shopping strip!!! So picked up some healthy snacks!


Hope you all are having a wonderful Sunday!

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Hi, Joanne,

my hubby has been known to come in to Michaels looking for me:lol


The Yankee game was good once their bats woke up.


took little Miss Lucy for a walkl down the street a bit ago. She didn't want to sit on the porch at all, but I made her wait till I told her we could go. we didn't go far. then when we cam eback she and I sat on the grass for a while so she cold look around. I;m so glad we brought her home at this time of year. Hopefully she'll end up being a very socialized girl.


Off for th night!:hug

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Good Afternoon, Friends ~

It has been a bliss-fully, lazy Sunday. Rain started falling a couple of hours ago (Heaven knows, we do not need any more after the 4.5-inches that fell in the middle of the week...), but it is a gentle, soaking kind of rain. Nothing to worry about on the 'severe weather' scale, so we are making the most of it. I did a bit of light housekeeping earlier, baked some goodies for this week's lunches, and then I sat for a long stretch and crocheted the little jacket I need to make to finish this baby gift. I was able to come up with a solution to my problem of, "the yarn that ran out three rounds shy of finishing the project." I used Bernat Baby Coordinates in Sweet Pink for the entire baby romper. The jacket was supposed to be the same, but I decided to make one using the Baby Coordinates Sweet Stripes (exact same pink and then some purple thrown in) skein I had in my stash. After a couple of hours, I am right back to where I was last week, but I can finish up the button placket and the trim in a little while. It will work alright, and the mum-to-be will be none the wiser ;)

I hope everyone of you is having a good day, too!!


Safe travels, Joanne, when you and your DH head off for your vacation. If I were you, I would just plan a trip to the yarn store and buy new supplies to use, while you are in MD :devil Be sure to print the on-line coupon for the week, before you leave.


Cindy ~ your day in Shipshewana sounded relaxing, too. I am sure I probably already told you this, but my family used to camp at the KOA Kampground in Shipshewana, when I was in high school, and we would spend 2 weeks at a time browsing those same streets and stores that you enjoyed. Love that area :manyheart


Tam ~ Sooooo good to hear that your family is doing well. It just brought a smile to my face to hear how content and relaxed you and your boys are in your cleaned and quiet home. :c9


Linda ~ I hope you do get to quilt with a couple of friends at your house in the near-future. I would love to find someone around here that crocheted or knitted, so that we could gab and craft together. How long did John's back and knees hold out on the roofing project, today? Nice of him to help his friend out :yes


Mary ~ Were you able to wrap-up the laundry, quickly, so that you could "play" for a portion of the day? When are Luke's mommy and daddy planning to go away, again, so that you can have your little guy?? Soon, I hope. He sounds to be so happy and wonderful :manyheart At the end of July, I am going to pinch-hit for my friend's daycare provider for a week. Her DD is 17-months, which is just a hint older than Luke. Do you have any tricks up your sleeve or suggestions for me??


Julie ~ Cam is such a wonderful part of your family, and I do so enjoy hearing stories about him. Do you really think you are going to get him out on a ghost hunt this summer? My Kyri would not even be able to sit in the same room with you, if you were discussing such an outing -- she is very easily spooked and would not like going out hunting ghosts in the graveyard. You are such a good sport to encourage Cam's interests and to think up new activities and games on such a regular basis!!


Judy ~ I am enjoying your 'height' conversations. My whole family is average-average. My parents are both 5'7", as am I. My brother managed to hit 6', but he takes after my paternal grandfather, who was 6' tall, too. The women on my DH's side of the family are all 5'11" or taller, and I have always been the "shrimp" in those family photographs :lol We are still trying to guess where Kyri and Annika will fall. They are both on the shorter end of the yardstick among their classmates, but I know they could have a growth spurt any day, now, and shoot-up a few inches. I think they will both end up in the mid-5' range.

Wrennie ~ I did not get to comment earlier, but I love, love, loved your garden pictures that you shared last week. My mum loves to garden, like you, with a lot of native species, grasses and edibles. I envy your green thumbs. Hope our rains are not giving you fits, as I know you do not need any water in the local creeks and rivers. Here's hoping you stay dry.


Toni ~ It is wonderful to read how happy you are to be able to drive, again :hug. Your fingers must always be flying -- whether it is at the keyboard for work, chatting with us, or crocheting, it seems as though you are always so productive. Did 'your drivers' have any luck at the races last night?


Val ~ :hi Did you pick up another WIP to work on this weekend? How is the organizing going for you? Your system sounds super-professional and I will bet it looks beautiful, what with all of those shades of colored yarn nestled so neatly in cubes...You have been working hard at this project.


Kiyo ~ Are you basking in the sunshine at the softball field this weekend? No sunshine for tanning on this end -- it's hiding. Granted, I stay inside and do more chores, when Mr. Sunshine is not calling my name, but I do like being outside in the fresh air with the girls as much as possible. Sorry to hear that work is keeping you hopping. Does Aree make any cool projects at the Boys & Girls Club during the summer? Eons ago, I used to help my grampa teach a woodworking class at the Club in my hometown. I remember making birdfeeders, open-topped toolboxes, recipe card boxes (for mothers' gifts), and, even, little 3-legged stools. I was just curious whether programs like that have been phased-out in this era of technology and TV-games :think


Marisa ~ How was your weekend? I know this is a tad late, but I have to tell you how cute I think your new haircut looks on you :hug It just "fits" your personality. Did you scout any more properties with your realtor? I'll bet you are tired, tonight, after all of your driving, so I hope you can take it easy.


Everyone Else ~ Have a good evening! Catch you, tomorrow :2spin

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hello everyone. It was a very lazy Sunday here. The weather was gorgeous and we spent most of the day outside. Ds was here today, but he has bone back to Detroit and dd is out with friends, so its just dh and me here. We just finished dinner, (it was a little late), and since I have to go to work tomorrow, I will soon be ready to hit the hay.


I started a moebius shawl yesterday. I am not entirely sure yet whether I will like it, but I hope I will, because it matches the fabric I just bought to sew myself a dress. It's a pretty easy pattern, although I am adding the twist differently from the way the pattern directs. My way does both sides at the same time so i won't have to finish one half and then do the other half.


Dusti, I always enjoy Shipshewana. It's different each time you go there, because those little shops come and go. The flea market wasn't open, so I may go again this fall, so I can see if there is anything new there.

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Hey ladies, I'm back in Philly :D


My friend is here and we spent the evening catching up and now she headed up to bed and I just had to check in with you before turning in myself :yes I had a great weekend, but no more leads on offices :( (although, that wasn't in the plans this weekend since this trip was planned back when the baseball schedule came out :lol) I was hoping to squeeze something in, but didn't hear back from anyone in time :sigh


So I apparently had a runaway turtle this weekend!!!! :eek Mary came to water my plants and called me that there was only ONE turtle in the tank!!! I have TWO!!!! So where did he go :think We've decided that one boosted the other while on the basking pad. It was a pretty far drop to the floor though so I"m glad he's ok. She found him under the sofa :lol So, she put him back in the tank and yelled at him :yes for getting out and for making the water dirty with dust! All I could do was laugh and was just waiting for her to tell me she was joking, but she surely was not :sigh Absolutely amazing!!!!


I have a couple more threads to check before I hit the hay and I'm sorry for not doing individuals tonight, but I'm tired and really only skimmed the posts :blush


But Cindy, that's a beautiful shawl....what color are you doing?

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Just a quick hi and good morning before logging on to work. I'll catch up with all the messages later, when I get off.


Did not get on computer or crochet yesterday. Went to church, got groceries, came home and dd was doing yard work :yay, put away groceries and dd got shower and we just vegged taking a nap and watching recorded shows after the race (which was very good). Did have some big boomer storms and learned that my brother got hit by Friday's tornado, again. More trees on his house to clear off. Not sure he's gotten the repairs from damage done from the April one's yet.


Love and Hugs to all!

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Good morning!


Thanks rii. I luv my garden in the summer.


We went to a 1 year olds birthday party yesterday. Martons co-workers grandson. Lots of people, I didn't know anyone, lots of food, I ate too much.It was good tho. Would have been better if I wasn't so tired.


Marton came in yesterday morning and said there was an injured woodpecker help!

I went and got her off the road so the next car wouldnt squish her. But the first did enough damage that she didn't survive. :sigh poor thing.


I took today off since I had to work saturday and was out all day yesterday. Woke up with upper back pain, its lesser now, but I guess gardening will have to be minimal if at all or I wont be able to move tomorrow. Figures, nice sunny day and I'm too sore to get er done :P Guess I'll have to crochet or something :yes

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Good Morning!:hi Just a quick pop in to say hi! It's really early for me to be up and about but woke up when bf went to work and couldn't go back to sleep! So here I sit with a cup of :coffee, trying to figure out what I need to get done today. Need to finish a tote for Tam, it's been kinda slow going because I can only do so much before my shoulder yells at me!:lol


I'll pop back in later. Hope everyone has a great day!:hug:manyheart

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Good morning everyone. We had multiple severe thunderstorm warnings last night and lots of rain in the night. No damage here. Had a relaxing afternoon and evening.


I finished the book I was reading. In looking for a banned book to read for the Combo CAL I came across Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor. It won a Pulitzer prize and based it on 40 years of reading and research on the Civil War. It is fiction but based on truth. It is a huge book but spell-binding. I read it in 10 days. The people in it come across as real people. I chose it in part because one of my great-grandfathers spent time in Andersonville and spoke of eating cockroaches for food while there. (I know. Ugh! But if you are starving you'll eat anything.) It is a book that treats the war and the horrors of war in a very down-to-earth manner. We see its impact on the soldiers of both sides, on the civilians on the edges and in the midst of it, on those with power and those with none, on the cruel and on the gentle. It is a book well worth reading. 5+ stars.


Took little Miss Lucy for a walkl down the street a bit ago. She didn't want to sit on the porch at all, but I made her wait till I told her we could go. we didn't go far. then when we cam eback she and I sat on the grass for a while so she cold look around. I;m so glad we brought her home at this time of year. Hopefully she'll end up being a very socialized girl.


Off for th night!:hug

Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with Miss Lucy.

Good Afternoon, Friends ~

It has been a bliss-fully, lazy Sunday. Rain started falling a couple of hours ago (Heaven knows, we do not need any more after the 4.5-inches that fell in the middle of the week...), but it is a gentle, soaking kind of rain. Nothing to worry about on the 'severe weather' scale, so we are making the most of it. I did a bit of light housekeeping earlier, baked some goodies for this week's lunches, and then I sat for a long stretch and crocheted the little jacket I need to make to finish this baby gift. I was able to come up with a solution to my problem of, "the yarn that ran out three rounds shy of finishing the project." I used Bernat Baby Coordinates in Sweet Pink for the entire baby romper. The jacket was supposed to be the same, but I decided to make one using the Baby Coordinates Sweet Stripes (exact same pink and then some purple thrown in) skein I had in my stash. After a couple of hours, I am right back to where I was last week, but I can finish up the button placket and the trim in a little while. It will work alright, and the mum-to-be will be none the wiser ;)

I hope everyone of you is having a good day, too!!

Be sure to show us pictures. It sounds lovely.

Linda ~ I hope you do get to quilt with a couple of friends at your house in the near-future. I would love to find someone around here that crocheted or knitted, so that we could gab and craft together. How long did John's back and knees hold out on the roofing project, today? Nice of him to help his friend out :yes

They quit at noon, so he was home by 12:30 and I had the rest of the day off. Because it was a short session he wasn't done in by it. :2spin


I started a moebius shawl yesterday. I am not entirely sure yet whether I will like it, but I hope I will, because it matches the fabric I just bought to sew myself a dress. It's a pretty easy pattern, although I am adding the twist differently from the way the pattern directs. My way does both sides at the same time so i won't have to finish one half and then do the other half.

That looks beautiful. I saved the pattern and think I just may try making one for myself. Oh, my! Something for me? :lol :lol :lol

My friend is here and we spent the evening catching up and now she headed up to bed and I just had to check in with you before turning in myself :yes I had a great weekend, but no more leads on offices :( (although, that wasn't in the plans this weekend since this trip was planned back when the baseball schedule came out :lol) I was hoping to squeeze something in, but didn't hear back from anyone in time :sigh

I'm sure that the right place will turn up. Hang in there.

So I apparently had a runaway turtle this weekend!!!! :eek Mary came to water my plants and called me that there was only ONE turtle in the tank!!! I have TWO!!!! So where did he go :think We've decided that one boosted the other while on the basking pad. It was a pretty far drop to the floor though so I"m glad he's ok. She found him under the sofa :lol So, she put him back in the tank and yelled at him :yes for getting out and for making the water dirty with dust! All I could do was laugh and was just waiting for her to tell me she was joking, but she surely was not :sigh Absolutely amazing!!!!


Did have some big boomer storms and learned that my brother got hit by Friday's tornado, again. More trees on his house to clear off. Not sure he's gotten the repairs from damage done from the April one's yet.

Oh, dear! :hug :hug

I took today off since I had to work saturday and was out all day yesterday. Woke up with upper back pain, its lesser now, but I guess gardening will have to be minimal if at all or I wont be able to move tomorrow. Figures, nice sunny day and I'm too sore to get er done :P Guess I'll have to crochet or something :yes

Oh, dear! A day spent crocheting. How awful! :lol :lol :lol Sorry that you are sore.

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Sod being delivered right now, spent all morning getting guest room and bathroom ready for my brother's visit...


Tg I'm feeling better - yesterday was first complete day without pain meds:D


BBL - I hope:lol

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Good morning all,


I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I also didn't get a chance to finish my projects but I did make a big dent in it. It's coming along but I'm making a mess everywhere else in the room. I'm not staying focused. I pull a wip and then I have to crochet a little on this one and a little on that one. lol I'm getting ready to start plugging away again.


Glad everyone had a good weekend. Have a great day!

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Hi ladies

A little late checking in ,but started watching Amazing Race with the families on it ,online,so have been watching it all in one big long clump of shows . Havent gotten to the end yet to see who won it ,and not sure why I missed it when it came on the first time. Those type of shows, if I miss the first one, I dont watch any of them,because I like starting out getting to know the people instead of jumping in on down the road .



That is SO cool that you had a great grandfather that you traced to the civil war. NOT cool that he spent time in Andersonville, that place was horrible at best. You are right, when you get that hungry I bet you'd eat anything .



Have a nice time with your company ,and keep up the good work with Lucy . She will someday be a wonderful laid-back companion for you . Right now she is probably like a toddler,into everything they can get into .



Yea, I understand what you mean about one of your girls being afraid to even talk about ghosts. One of my granddaughters who will be home next month is the same. She is petrified of a LOT of stuff,so I wont be counting her in for the ghosthunt . Cam is funny, he likes scarey stories and movies, but when it comes to walking thru a graveyard at night, I'm not sure how he will do. He SAYS he wants to go, but I'd never make him . It'll be fine if he doesnt want to .

He still remembers some of the wacky things he has done here -- one Easter ,we his his presents all over the house and yard .One, we put in a bag,and hung it by a rope way up in a tree, then propped the ladder up,so he had to climb the ladder to get it . He still reminds me of that .

One year, we made him a treasure map,and I left it in the mailbox,so he found it,and it was a drawn out map of our house and yard,with X's where the treasures were,and it came with a pirate headband,earring, eyepatch ,etc. We try to make things as memorable as we can for him . I want him to have good memories of coming to our house ,even when HE is an old man .



I feel your pain with the bad back -- you forget how old you are til you try to do things like bnding,lifting,etc .. you sure feel it the next day .


Hi Trish

Are you enjoying your summer off work ?



I'm sorry to hear your brother had more storm damage.Them things have been awful this year havent they ?



Your missing turtle story was funny . I was wondering how one would have gotten out .That is a funny picture in your head, thinking about one giving the other a "boost",so he can escape ,like one of the old cop shows when the jail guy breaks out .



I hope your shawl turns out so you like it !



You must be finding lots of projects to keep making you get sidetracked ! You'll get all caught up soon I bet .


Well, guess I should do something useful today --havent gotten much accomplished in the way of work yet today,so need to stand up . That is step one .;)

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