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Our House Part Two


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:sun·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Just taking moment to pop in and show off some projects!

This is a tote bag I tested for Sue (aka: turtlelvr)

I'm sending it to a friend... so made a couple goodies to go with. Can cozie and hook holder


This is a creations from my soon to be 11yr old.

A piece of toast Coaster that he crocheted for me. It even has jelly.... :) He said because all I drink is coffee... toast and coffee go good together!


This is a crayon box carrier he made from plastic canvas. I think he did a GREAT job!


Well… need more coffee……… switch over laundry… and get some crocheting done.

psst……………don’t want to say this too loud… but may daughter may be moving this week. Shhhhhhh…. I don’t want to jinx it and she doesn’t leave! I want my house back… the quiet back… the food bill to be normal again… the germs to be controllable …. Oh… the peace. Pray for me! J







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Hello everyone. Its a gorgeous sunny low humidity day here. Work went very well, and now I'm off for the weekend.


I think I might go over to the garden center after dinner and pick up some annuals. DD says she feels like planting flowers. Might as well put her to work if she's willing.


Tam WTG to your creative sun, and Fingers crossed that you get your space back!

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Hi Ladies. I know I disappeared again...Wednesday evening, I had a sudden, very sharp pain and called our doctor. He called back, I went to see him yesterday and he ordered a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for this morning. The diagnosis was a relief - basically "clogged" ducts that will need to be removed surgically. I have never felt pain like this, but it's better today. So, between this and my computer being out earlier in the week, I hope this is it for awhile! :lol There is no one else to keep Luke next week, so will schedule the surgery sometime after that.


Once again, I will try and catch up. :blush It's 100* today, so will be staying in more this weekend. :yes

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~~~*** Mmmmmmm........hiiiiii girlz!!***~~~ how are ya'll doing?


Hi Miss Kiyo! How are you and Aree? I finally mailed the next batch of scarves yesterday a.m. Are you having another crazy busy weekend?

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Mary- Good luck with the surgery- and glad that that is all it is! Must have been scary having that sharp pain though!!! Hope you stay cool in that 100 degree heat!


Kiy0- How are you?


Linda- You must be on cloud 9 now that you are on vacation! Did you get your glasses fixed and haircut?


Judy- That's great that Heidi made it down the stairs today!

And I am enjoying this gorgeous weather! Tomorrow the new AC will be installed so I should be good for the rest of the summer!


Marisa- TGIF!!! You must be singing that!!! It was a long short week for me too and today was crazy busy- I barely stopped all day- but now it's over and it's the weekend!!!


Cindy- Oh, I would definitely be on my way to the garden center if DD is in the mood to plant some flowers!!! Just love it when they want to help!!!


Tammy- Praying that you soon have your house back and don't have to banish yourself to the closet!!! Love all the projects- and your boys sure have your talent!!


Off to figure out dinner- hopefully DH is in the mood for pizza!

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Hey ladies :hi


Very busy day again, but now it's the weekend :whew My other doc was out sick today too :( But my boss sent over the new doc that just started this week and was being trained over at one of the other offices where he's supposed to be staying at. This is the guy that was hired with me leaving. I think he's planning on moving the girl that's over there now to my office, but we're hoping he keeps this new guy there instead. :xfin Anyhow, he's really nice and easy going. Jumped right in and just needs some time to get adjusted to our paperwork and such, then he'll be fine :yes I think he's going to be there with us all next week :think


Now, I still have to go get out of my work uniform and I'll get straight into my pj's :yes Trying to decide if I want to start sorting through anything or just sit and veg. I really do need to get started and I have to take my car for an oil change in the morning and then we're going to a strawberry festival at some point too.


We'll see which spirit moves me :lol


Wrennie - Sorry you've been doing so much running lately, but good way to optimistic :yes


Judy - :yay for Heidi making the steps


Linda - How's the new hairdo? Did you get your glasses fixed?


Kiyo - Hey there missy :hi


Tam - Tote and son's projects are totally awesome!!!!! :yay


Cindy - Glad work went well for you :yes My day was hectic, but still good overall.


Mary - :hug :hug :hug You're right, it could've been much worse :hug :hug :hug


Joanne - :yay for the new AC tomorrow

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Howdy, Miss Kiyo!:hug


Joanne, that's a fast installation for the AC!:clap


Mary 1 - wow what a relief! Glad it wasn't more serious!:yes


Tam, very, very nice bag and accessories - and your son is so talented! :clap


Off I go...have a great night everyone:hug:manyheart

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Back from wal mart. I picked up 2 skeins for rhss for the myestery cal :D I got bright green and pink/fuscia :lol Definitely cheery :yes Then we stopped at McDonald's :eek I can use one hand for the # of times I go there a year, but mom wanted a frappe and had a coupon so we brought my dad one too and I got a fruit smoothie, which was really yummy and a tasty treat :lol We still have to run out to the grocery store to get some things they didn't have at walmart. Mom made an easy cake for dessert...just an angel food cake sliced horizontal and layered with a mix of pineapple and cool whip. Another refreshing goodie that you don't feel so bad eating :lol


Linda - have fun getting nails done and at ihop :drool


Joanne - I think we're all quite predictable if there's any craft store near by :lol:blush


Christi - Welcome!! Enjoy the movie, what are you watching? I think my mom and I are going to the movies later to see Something Borrowed. If not later today then tomorrow. We have a draft house theater here in town that shows movies a few weeks after they're out and it's only $4 to get in and it's a whole restaurant :D So we always pick from what's playing there. Shows are limited though because it's an old theater downtown from back in the day so it's only one BIG screen :yes


Cindy - Hope all is going well with your parents :hug

Cant remember what movie we were watching. Somthing on Lifetime. Oh, it was called Not My Life, about a woman who was drugged and abducted, convinced she had amnesia when really she had a husband, daughter and life elsewhere. kinda creepy!

I hope so too- I'm thinking it needs some freeon. It is turning on and all, just not really cooling too well. We'll find out Tuesday!!!


Have fun at your Grandsons 1st birthday party!!! Wow- seems like yesterday you were telling us he was born!


Sounds like me sometimes- but I have found if I have lots of veggies- or salad it helps keep me from getting hungry- but not always:lol


Tam- Enjoy your breakfast with your aunt and uncle tomorrow!!


Marisa- Sounds like you are having a nice time with your parents. Glad you think you can make it on the 18th! I spoke with Cheeria today and she can too!!!:yay


I ended up doing two rounds on the RR, then started the Granny-go-round Tote, then went out! I remembered that I had $30.00 in Kohl's cash and it was going to expire today:eek So I got a couple of shirts and also a cute baby frame to put on my desk at work. For now, I'll just put a little note that says Coming Soon.... and when he makes his grand appearance into the world, I'll put his pic in it.


A quick show & share..............


A small little tote for a little girl of a friend!



A Stash Buster Tote for my Aunt who is in town this weekend. She's the one that taught me to crochet and knit when I was 7yrs old. :D

This picture is poor in color...........



took it outside and this is better...........








Might feel like that picture is poor in color but beautiful bag! :clap


Oh - almost forgot: this is how the babies play...
I always love seeing pics of your dogs Judy!! Hi :waving


Hi Busy-bee, Tam and Wrennie. Thank you for the welcome :)


Geneology stuff can be fun cant it Busy-bee... oh but time consuming :(


Wrennie... I will try to upload photos of my latest afghan and one of the bassinet purses tomorrow. If I remember what I am doing :think


What is an SBT imanurse?

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:sun·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Afternoon House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Just taking moment to pop in and show off some projects!


This is a tote bag I tested for Sue (aka: turtlelvr)

I'm sending it to a friend... so made a couple goodies to go with. Can cozie and hook holder



This is a creations from my soon to be 11yr old.

A piece of toast Coaster that he crocheted for me. It even has jelly.... :) He said because all I drink is coffee... toast and coffee go good together!



This is a crayon box carrier he made from plastic canvas. I think he did a GREAT job!




Well… need more coffee……… switch over laundry… and get some crocheting done.


psst……………don’t want to say this too loud… but may daughter may be moving this week. Shhhhhhh…. I don’t want to jinx it and she doesn’t leave! I want my house back… the quiet back… the food bill to be normal again… the germs to be controllable …. Oh… the peace. Pray for me! J





Beautiful projects, by both you and son, Tammy. Keeping you all in my prayers. :hug :hug :hug

Hi Ladies. I know I disappeared again...Wednesday evening, I had a sudden, very sharp pain and called our doctor. He called back, I went to see him yesterday and he ordered a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for this morning. The diagnosis was a relief - basically "clogged" ducts that will need to be removed surgically. I have never felt pain like this, but it's better today. So, between this and my computer being out earlier in the week, I hope this is it for awhile! :lol There is no one else to keep Luke next week, so will schedule the surgery sometime after that.


Once again, I will try and catch up. :blush It's 100* today, so will be staying in more this weekend. :yes

Glad it's not too bad a diagnosis, Mary. Good luck with the surgery.


John and Kim finally made it off at 11:45 this morning. The was packed to the gills and they were pulling an empty trailer. They have to repack for the trip over to Panama City Beach, since John's mom and dad will be riding with them and she's also on oxygen 24 hours a day.


I did get my hair cut this afternoon. It's nice and short now. And I got my glasses fixed, too. Went to two used book stores and then on to B&N when I couldn't find what I wanted. Got some of the ones I was looking for and will have to order the rest on-line. It was beastly hot outside. If it stays this hot next week I may not be going out that much. Also went to the grocery store and picked up some things for the coming week that we don't usually keep on hand, like potato chips and frozen yogurt. :lol:D:lol I also found the NesQuick that John swore they didn't have. They did. He just didn't know where to look for it. And neither did the clerk he asked for help. I found it the second place I looked and they had lots of it. :lol:D:lol


I think I'm going to crash early tonight. I took myself to Golden Corral for supper. That was good and I didn't have to cook. I even had a piece of steak.

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What a busy day! Worked late again, took shower, washed dishes, started to answer emails and Ville and my new USB modem came. Tried to get it working and the tech from Verizon couldn't get it to work, so will call my company techs on Monday.


Then, I was asked if I could test a pattern and of course, I said yes. Can't tell about it because if it comes out, will be giving it in a swap :)


Wrennie, glad to see you! I don't think I'd like all that different stuff either, but like you said, it's a job.


Cindy, :woo on finishing the ghan!


Linda, :yay on your vacation starting!


DD home, supper ready, have a great night everyone!!!


Hi to all I missed!

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Mary, glad that the diagnosis was not as serious as it could have been. Hope surgery goes well.


Linda, enjoy your "vacation".


I spent over $100 at the garden center, (that included 50 pounds potting soil and some new flowerpots.) All the flowers are planted. I did 7 big pots, a big pot of herbs, some tomatoes and a lots of annuals. I will need to get another couple of flats of annuals still.

I also did a little more dividing and transplanting. Now I jsut ahve to remeber to water everything.


While I was planting I noticed a hummingbird hovering around the place where I hung a feeder last year. So tomorrow, i will have to hunt up another feeder. Can't be disappointing the little birds.

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Good morning!

Linda- it sounds like you had a nice start to your 'vacation'- getting your glasses fixed, a haircut, a stop at the bookstore and dinner out! Nice!!!! Enjoy your first full day of no work!!!!


Cindy- Wow- you and DD sure were busy with your planting. I'll bet it's beautiful- and how cool to see a hummingbird looking for his 'home' from last year!!


Got some crocheting done last night- not a whole lot, but some is better than none. Today is the day I get my new AC!!! Very excited to know I won't be sweating anymore, although the last few days have been delightful, with no real need for AC! I'll be ready now for the next 'heat wave', though!


Off for a bit- see you all later!

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Good morning. I'm stiff and sore from yesterdays gardening adventures. (I have back issues so this is not unexpected.)


I need to do laundry today and vacuum, but other than that I think it will be a crafty, reading sort of day.


Joanne, I'm glad you are getting your A/C installed today. Even if it's been nice lately, I'm sure that there are more hot humid days ahead.

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Good morning housemates :hi


Getting ready to head out for an oil change, they open at 8 so decided to check in here before I left. I ended up doing nothing last night :eek Well, I went up to change (after I sat messing on the computer for a while) and got the hiccups, so layed down which usually makes them go right away for me. But, last night they were stubborn so while I was laying there I started a sudoku puzzle on my phone and a little over an hour later, the hiccups were long gone and I played multiple games, so then it was around 10 so I decided to just go to bed :lol I do need to start sorting through things today though and later on we're going to a strawberry festival not too far from my house :clap


Christi - an SBT is a stashbuster tote, pattern was written by turtlelvr (sue) and it's a very addicting pattern that works up quickly :yes It's for sale on her ravelry and etsy sites I believe.


Linda - :yay for getting to several book stores, but sorry you didn't find everyting you were looking for :hug Glad you enjoyed your dinner (and your steak :wink) and I know you will enjoy your goodies :lol


Toni - Are you caught up with work yet after being without the internet so long?


Cindy - WTG on all that planting :h5 You and dd sure went to it. Did you pull out a birdfeeder yet? Don't want that little hummingbird to be famished :no


Joanne - you're right, some crocheting is better than none :yes Enjoy your mani/pedi and :woo for getting your AC today.


Alright ladies, I'll be back later.

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Good morning. I'm stiff and sore from yesterdays gardening adventures. (I have back issues so this is not unexpected.)


I need to do laundry today and vacuum, but other than that I think it will be a crafty, reading sort of day.


Joanne, I'm glad you are getting your A/C installed today. Even if it's been nice lately, I'm sure that there are more hot humid days ahead.


Remember to keep doing your exercises too :yes:hug :hug

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'morning, peeps!


Christi - hi, there! You can be sure that as Heidi grows you'll be seeing more pics of the 2 dogs than you really want to:lol

While I was planting I noticed a hummingbird hovering around the place where I hung a feeder last year. So tomorrow, i will have to hunt up another feeder. Can't be disappointing the little birds.

That's funny! I have a similar thing happening here when I let the water level on the bird bath get too low. The birds land on it, look, and fly away. I feel terribly guilty...and run out to fill it!:lol


Not sure what's on the agenda for today...other than the fact that I don't cook dinner on Saturdays...:D


I started a scarf last night...some stash I didn't quite know what to do with (20% washable wool)...Surrybelle pattern, I think it''s called.


Off I go - BBL!

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Hi Ladies. I know I disappeared again...Wednesday evening, I had a sudden, very sharp pain and called our doctor. He called back, I went to see him yesterday and he ordered a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for this morning. The diagnosis was a relief - basically "clogged" ducts that will need to be removed surgically. I have never felt pain like this, but it's better today. So, between this and my computer being out earlier in the week, I hope this is it for awhile! :lol There is no one else to keep Luke next week, so will schedule the surgery sometime after that.


Once again, I will try and catch up. :blush It's 100* today, so will be staying in more this weekend. :yes


:eek Feel better!:hug


While I was planting I noticed a hummingbird hovering around the place where I hung a feeder last year. So tomorrow, i will have to hunt up another feeder. Can't be disappointing the little birds.

They're so smart, remembering where the feeder was the year before!


That's funny! I have a similar thing happening here when I let the water level on the bird bath get too low. The birds land on it, look, and fly away. I feel terribly guilty...and run out to fill it!:lol

I do that too!


I have to get out and finish the last part of the veggie bed today or it'll be too late to bother planting.

Tomato, hot pepper and zucchini seedlings waiting to go.

OK, that was a first. I'm sitting here typing, I hear feet running across the roof overhead, then *BAM* a squirrel hits my window! I don't know if he jumped for the tree and missed or if another squirrel shoved him. Strange to see a squirrel fly by.

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Good morning, housemates. I'm up and I've had my pills. Am I really awake? Not a chance. :lol It took Trouble forever to settle down on my bed last night. And to convince her that I did not want/need either her face or her butt in my face. Sweet Pea woke me up licking my hand. So both dogs have been out and the day is slowly starting. I don't really want to get out in the heat today, so we shall see what I end up doing.


Tomato, hot pepper and zucchini seedlings waiting to go.

OK, that was a first. I'm sitting here typing, I hear feet running across the roof overhead, then *BAM* a squirrel hits my window! I don't know if he jumped for the tree and missed or if another squirrel shoved him. Strange to see a squirrel fly by.

A flying squirrel! :lol :lol :lol


I didn't take notes this morning. Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful Saturday. Love you all. :hug :hug :hug

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Linda, enjoy your "staycation"! Don't forget to try and work on that quilt for the contest!


OK, that was a first. I'm sitting here typing, I hear feet running across the roof overhead, then *BAM* a squirrel hits my window! I don't know if he jumped for the tree and missed or if another squirrel shoved him. Strange to see a squirrel fly by.

What a hoot!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


We are tired of trying to restrain the whirling dervish known as Heidi - when she's outside, at least. She and Sparkie are so attached and they love rolling around in the grass so much ....we... I.. quit hovering and let them play. She eats dirt, etc, at times, but it is what it is...as long as she stays away from stones...and so far she's been okay about that.

Right now they're sleeping off this morning's play session.:)

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That's funny! I have a similar thing happening here when I let the water level on the bird bath get too low. The birds land on it, look, and fly away. I feel terribly guilty...and run out to fill it!:lol




Hmmm, maybe being called a birdbrain isn't such an insult after all!

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Linda, enjoy your "staycation"! Don't forget to try and work on that quilt for the contest!



What a hoot!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


We are tired of trying to restrain the whirling dervish known as Heidi - when she's outside, at least. She and Sparkie are so attached and they love rolling around in the grass so much ....we... I.. quit hovering and let them play. She eats dirt, etc, at times, but it is what it is...as long as she stays away from stones...and so far she's been okay about that.

Right now they're sleeping off this morning's play session.:)

I'm not sure that I'll sew today, but maybe.


Rosie and I went to the local quilt shop and I spent $90 on more fabric. And I just got notified of a local quilt contest in October that I may enter. I've been planning on doing another Double Irish Chain quilt and just picked up the last of the fabric for it this morning. It certainly won't be done in "traditional" colors which could be a plus or a minus, depending on the judges. But it's one I want to make so maybe I'll enter it for the heck of it. I really like that pattern and this one would be for me, so maybe.


There's no end in sight for this beastly hot weather, so I think I'll mostly be staying home and inside for most of my staycation. That's okay, too.

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Hello all!!! I'm happy to say that I now have a brand new furnace and central air!!! They guys did a great job- were very neat- cleaned up everything and even though it's not very hot today- it works great!!!! Enjoyed my mani/pedi=- and decided to do my toes in blue (since the baby shower is next Saturday). Had lunch with a friend and then went to the grocery store and ACMoore to get some yarn/goodies for the tote/purse swap! DH was home supervising the workers so it worked out well.


Marisa- Did you get time today to go through some of your things? How was the strawberry festival?


Judy- I give you credit having a puppy!! To me, they are more work than a baby!!! Glad she was napping for a bit!!!


Cindy- Hope your back feels better after doing your "Doctor ordered" exercises! Did you opt for crafting or reading? Don't forget- I'd love to see pics of your granny stripe!


Linda- I think you should enter the quilt you are going to make for yourself- you have nothing to lose! Did you decide to do any more today on the challenger quilt?


Wrennie- Did you get out to plant your veggies? I love zucchini!!! I picked some up today and am making it tomorrow. DH doesn't like it, but I always make alot- and then I have leftovers!!!


Off to hook for a bit ---that's the plan anyway!

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Joanne, it's funny you mentioned the work involved with having a puppy. That was a big part of the reason Phil was reluctant to get another pup. Heidi is our 8th dog - 7th shepherd and we knew what to expect. The best part is that babyhood is short, passing by in the blink of an eye, as compared to raising a child.

We're so happy with her - tired, but happy. Watching the fun Sparkie has with her is a big part of our joy. Before long she'll be all grown up and serious....


Have a good night, everyone...:hug:manyheart

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Linda, enjoy your "staycation"! Don't forget to try and work on that quilt for the contest!



What a hoot!:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


We are tired of trying to restrain the whirling dervish known as Heidi - when she's outside, at least. She and Sparkie are so attached and they love rolling around in the grass so much ....we... I.. quit hovering and let them play. She eats dirt, etc, at times, but it is what it is...as long as she stays away from stones...and so far she's been okay about that.

Right now they're sleeping off this morning's play session.:)


Makes me think....I saw once on tv about this dog that kept eating stones outside. The owners didn't know about it and after multiple trips to the vet and having surgery, removed an obscene amount of stones (a few cups :eek ) from the dogs stomach. Apparently the grease from the grill was dripping!!!!! I was utterly amazed.


Yes, doctor!!:lol Amazingly, they help a lot.




[quote name='busy-bee-lmt;

2291232]I'm not sure that I'll sew today' date=' but maybe.


Rosie and I went to the local quilt shop and I spent $90 on more fabric. And I just got notified of a local quilt contest in October that I may enter. I've been planning on doing another Double Irish Chain quilt and just picked up the last of the fabric for it this morning. It certainly won't be done in "traditional" colors which could be a plus or a minus, depending on the judges. But it's one I want to make so maybe I'll enter it for the heck of it. I really like that pattern and this one would be for me, so maybe.


There's no end in sight for this beastly hot weather, so I think I'll mostly be staying home and inside for most of my staycation. That's okay, too.[/quote']


Isn't it odd that we rarely keep what we make for ourselves :think Enjoy your quilting.


Hello all!!! I'm happy to say that I now have a brand new furnace and central air!!! They guys did a great job- were very neat- cleaned up everything and even though it's not very hot today- it works great!!!! Enjoyed my mani/pedi=- and decided to do my toes in blue (since the baby shower is next Saturday). Had lunch with a friend and then went to the grocery store and ACMoore to get some yarn/goodies for the tote/purse swap! DH was home supervising the workers so it worked out well.


Marisa- Did you get time today to go through some of your things? How was the strawberry festival?


Off to hook for a bit ---that's the plan anyway!


:yay for the mani/pedi, AC, and lunch out


The strawberry festival was a bust :eek There were NO strawberries and my heart was set on a chunk of strawberry shortcake ever since I saw the sign for the festival :sigh They were grilling some dogs and burgs for sale and had some flea market type tables set up. We walked through and Mary bought a necklace, but that's it. So, we went to a close diner and had lunch. Then went to do some shopping. Her mom needed new shorts so we went over to Fashion Bug and found some, I also got a pair of shoes and a halter top. Ashley Stewart was next door and there was a really cute dress I liked, but they didn't have my size :( Next was walmart where we did really well finding some more capri's for Mary's mom. I got quite a bit too :yes I need some more swiffer dusters, but I found clipboards on clearance for 50 cents, so picked up about 10 of them for the office :yes A couple movies from the $5 bin, bday cards to cover the whole month (we have alot in June), and some eggs. Now I really don't have to hit the grocery store this weekend either :clap:yay


So, I decided that since I really was already set on having some dessert for lunch and missed out, I'm going to head over to cold stone for a tasty treat this evening :think Now, I'm debating on heading to the movies in the morning to see the hangover 2. Hmmmm....decisions, decisions :lol

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